coala / meta

A repository for non-code activities, such as engagement initiatives, and other meta issues
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Request coala become an OpenHub organisation #89

Closed jayvdb closed 6 years ago

jayvdb commented 7 years ago provides good basic analytics for within a project, but more importantly it offers something other project analytics tools can't (easily) : information about our developers in other codebases.

An OpenHub organisation can include many projects, which means we can split the coala project (which include all repos) into many distinct projects, allowing better visiblity of who is contributing where. Also a cool feature of orgs is that you can see where the coala developers are also contributing outside of coala, and which people from other orgs are heavily contributing to coala.

The process for creating an org is opaque. There is a thread in somewhere which outlined it as roughly "If enough people list your org as an affiliation in their profile, the org will be automatically created" but then the same thread has people requesting manual creation of the org, and orgs being created manually that way by openhub staff as recently as a few months ago.

Before asking:

  1. [x] coala should become a real world organisation
  2. [x] Current GSoC students should list coala as their primary affiliation
  3. [x] Current GSoC mentors should list coala as their primary affiliation, unless they have a more relevant affiliation
  4. [x] Previous GSoC students and mentors should list coala as their primary affiliation, unless ..
  5. [x] Maintainers should list coala as their primary affiliation, unless they have a different primary affiliation
jayvdb commented 7 years ago

There is a thread in somewhere

Found it:

A very detailed response from OpenHub explaining how to apply:

I can create the organization once you do three things... First, let me know the type of organization we have here: Commercial, Education, Government or Non-Profit? Second, can you point me to somewhere on your site where you discuss your open-source philosophy, or better, "Why Open Source for o2r?" Third, please select three projects from your GitHub repository that best showcase your open-source efforts. It should be something that is mostly (but not exclusively) your organization's original creation and has actual source code rather than docs and specifications. I will add these projects to Open Hub, presuming they aren't on here already, and then claim them for the organization.

jayvdb commented 6 years ago

I have initiated a request at

jayvdb commented 6 years ago

This was done. Lots of cleanup required to re-organise the repos into separate projects.

jayvdb commented 6 years ago

Progress on cleanup is slow. Closing. No doubt gsoc projects this year will prompt further tidy up