coapp-packages / zlib

CoApp package for zlib
7 stars 5 forks source link

NuGet support for MSVC 2013 #7

Closed ghost closed 9 years ago

ghost commented 10 years ago

The package does install and compile, but does neither link nor copy the Dlls. As fas as I understand, the corresponding targets are simply missing.

I plan to use the package in a pratical exercise for a lecture I will be giving at my university. So I would really appreciate if you could fix that.

aggieben commented 10 years ago

I also am unable to build using this nuget package:

Error 17 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol gzdopen referenced in function "public: virtual int cdecl comp_io_buf::open_file(char const ,bool,int)" (?open_file@comp_io_buf@@UEAAHPEBD_NH@Z) C:\Users\Benjamin\src\vowpal_wabbit\vowpalwabbit\vw_static.lib(parser.obj) libvw Error 18 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol gzread referenced in function "public: virtual unsigned int64 cdecl comp_io_buf::read_file(int,void ,unsigned int64)" (?read_file@comp_io_buf@@UEAA_KHPEAX_K@Z) C:\Users\Benjamin\src\vowpal_wabbit\vowpalwabbit\vw_static.lib(parser.obj) libvw Error 19 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol gzwrite referenced in function "public: virtual unsigned int64 cdecl comp_io_buf::write_file(int,void const ,unsigned int64)" (?write_file@comp_io_buf@@UEAA_KHPEBX_K@Z) C:\Users\Benjamin\src\vowpal_wabbit\vowpalwabbit\vw_static.lib(parser.obj) libvw Error 20 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol gzclose referenced in function "public: virtual bool __cdecl comp_io_buf::close_file(void)" (?close_file@comp_io_buf@@UEAA_NXZ) C:\Users\Benjamin\src\vowpal_wabbit\vowpalwabbit\vw_static.lib(parser.obj) libvw Error 21 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol gzopen referenced in function "public: virtual int cdecl comp_io_buf::open_file(char const ,bool,int)" (?open_file@comp_io_buf@@UEAAHPEBD_NH@Z) C:\Users\Benjamin\src\vowpal_wabbit\vowpalwabbit\vw_static.lib(parser.obj) libvw Error 22 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol gzseek referenced in function "public: virtual void __cdecl comp_io_buf::reset_file(int)" (?reset_file@comp_io_buf@@UEAAXH@Z) C:\Users\Benjamin\src\vowpal_wabbit\vowpalwabbit\vw_static.lib(parser.obj) libvw Error 23 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "struct Searn::searn_task MulticlassTask::task" (?task@MulticlassTask@@3Usearn_task@Searn@@A) C:\Users\Benjamin\src\vowpal_wabbit\vowpalwabbit\vw_static.lib(searn.obj) libvw Error 24 error LNK1120: 7 unresolved externals C:\Users\Benjamin\src\vowpal_wabbit\vowpalwabbit\dll\x64\Debug\libvw.dll libvw

I tried re-installing the package to make sure files were copied correctly and that project files were updated with the import expressions, but it didn't change anything. Is there something else that must be done to make the package work? I'd rather not have to set paths and such; that kind of defeats the purpose of nuget.

ghost commented 9 years ago

Seams msvc v120 targets have been added. Thanks!