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Provide a way to attach pdb to static libraries #110

Open Thieum opened 9 years ago

Thieum commented 9 years ago

Pdb for static libraries are different than those to provide with dynamic libraries. In the latest dev version, the pdb set in the symbols is copied with the dll.

Please add a lib-symbols label in the autopkg that allows to provide a pdb for static libraries.

This pdb should be copied next to the lib in the resulting package.

zabulus commented 9 years ago

You can build .lib files with symbols embedded. Set /Z7 compatible flag in C/C++ -> General -> Debug Information Format field

Thieum commented 9 years ago

Another workaround is to copy the pdb at the right place in the nupkg after its creation with autopkg. This way it won't corrupt the msbuild addons. They will only be unzipped at the right place.