coapp / coapp.powershell

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Symbols package not downloaded from #44

Open willyd opened 10 years ago

willyd commented 10 years ago


I tried to upload a simple native package to nuget and the symbols package to symbolsource and then install the package and debug it. But I can't since the symbols are not downloaded from symbol source as if the symbols weren't there but they I checked the repository on symbol source and I confirm. I a bit new to all this stuff so I attached my .autopkg file in case there is something wrong in there.

As anyone succeeded in publishing native package built with coapp symbols to symbol source?

        id = mylib_gdumont;
        version :;
        title: My Package;
        authors: Guillaume Dumont;      
        licenseUrl: "";
        projectUrl: "";     
        iconUrl: ""        
        summary:Stupid Package. ;

        /* if you need to span several lines you can prefix a string with 
         an @ symbol (exactly like c# does). */

         description: @"This is

        releaseNotes: "Initial version.";
        copyright: Copyright 2013;
        tags: { native, CoApp };

        nestedInclude: {
            #destination = ${d_include}\mylib;

        source: { src\* };

         ("x64", "v110", "release,debug") => {
                        [${0},${1},${2}] {
                                lib:     { .\build\${0}\${1}\${2}\*.lib };
                                bin:     { .\build\${0}\${1}\${2}\*.dll };
                                symbols: { .\build\${0}\${1}\${2}\*.pdb };
fearthecowboy commented 10 years ago

We still haven't got support working.

The next version of the tools will not generate a separate symbols package, they're going along with the binaries in an overlay package.

willyd commented 10 years ago

Ok thanks. I look forward to test this new version when it's out.

fearthecowboy commented 10 years ago

You can try a preview release of it, from a elevated powershell prompt:

PS > update-coapptools -development -killpowershell

If you run into any problems with this one, you'll have to uninstall it from add/remove programs and install the one off the page.


willyd commented 10 years ago

Cool. How is the "source code code" part of the symbols package handled by this overlay package? Any documentation on this?

fearthecowboy commented 10 years ago

I haven't had time to write up the docs or release notes yet. The quick & dirty : instead of having one package with one redist package, if the size of the package is bigger than about ~10mb the packager will now split it up into a 'main' package and a bunch of overlays (one per pivot configuration combo), and then when the consuming developer builds with the package it automatically downloads the overlay required at build time.

Source Code, always ends up in the base package (since it's common, and usually not too terribly big anyway).

The overlay packages just contain the pivot-specific files, and don't have separate .targets and .props files, that's all managed from the main package.

There is also a cmdlet that lets you upload the main package to a repo, and will automatically pick up all the overlays and upload them too (and then mark them unlisted) so all you see is the main package.

willyd commented 10 years ago

I tried the development version. It seems that the package include directory was not added to the project additional include directories by the .props or .targets of the package. Also, shoundn't the pdb files be copied alongside the dll in the output folder of the consuming project? Should I file in another issue for any of this? Or maybe I can fork the project and submit a PR, but this depends on how easy it is to build the coapp powershell project?

Also with this setup how will the debugger know that it should look into the src folder for the source files? I guess I will have to manually point the debugger to this folder, but you must have thought of a more automated way, maybe something along the lines of source indexing?

fearthecowboy commented 10 years ago

File a bug on it.

I haven't pushed all the latest changes, I'll try to do that sometime today, but I'm super rushed.

The lastest code I have, I've juggled the whole project structure so that it should build after a clean clone.