coassoftwaresystems / delphi-modbus

Delphi ModbusTCP components
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ReadCoils feedback array #33

Open lotuschang opened 5 years ago

lotuschang commented 5 years ago

I use ReadCoils to get coil message. coil was 1,3,5,7 to be selected,but array feedback was 2,4,6,8 Please refer my code,has something wrong?

  iAmount: Integer;
  i: Integer;
  sLine: String;
  myary :array[0..4096] of boolean;
  iAmount := StrToInt(edtReadAmount.Text);
  if (iAmount > 0) then
    mctPLC.Host := edtIPAddress.Text;
    if  mctPLC.ReadCoils(iAmount,iAmount,myary) then begin
       sLine := 'Register coil(s) read:';
       for i := 0 to (iAmount - 1) do begin
          sLine := sline+ #13#10'     ' +
                 IntToStr(i) +':'+
JensMertelmeyer commented 5 years ago

By default, the BaseRegister of TIdModBusServer is set to 1. What if you set it to zero?

DeveloppeurPascal commented 4 years ago

The error is the first parameter of mctPLC.ReadCoils(iAmount,iAmount,myary)