coatless / quarto-webr

Community developed Quarto Extension to Embed webR for HTML Documents, RevealJS, Websites, Blogs, and Books.
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How one can remove the webr loading div on the title page? #110

Closed coatless closed 1 year ago

coatless commented 1 year ago

How one can remove the webr loading div on the title page?

Screenshot 2023-11-22 at 22 16 12

The div has no specific element allowing to target it easily using CSS.

  <div class="quarto-title-meta-heading">WebR Status</div>
  <div class="quarto-title-meta-contents">
    <p id="startup" aria-live="assertive">🟢 Ready!</p>

Originally posted by @mcanouil in

Thanks, I missed it from the documentation. Maybe add a note in that section about revealjs to help with the search engine to find this as I believe most user of the revealjs won't want the startup to mess with their title slide layout.

Originally posted by @mcanouil in