cobisja / tad-php

PHP Library for ZK Time & Attendance Devices
MIT License
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socket_recv() a échoué; raison: Resource temporarily unavailable #52

Open not-mounam opened 6 years ago

not-mounam commented 6 years ago

I am working with a F18

this is the code I use:

`require 'vendor/autoload.php';

require 'tad/lib/TADFactory.php'; require 'tad/lib/TAD.php'; require 'tad/lib/TADResponse.php'; require 'tad/lib/Providers/TADSoap.php'; require 'tad/lib/Providers/TADZKLib.php'; require 'tad/lib/Exceptions/ConnectionError.php'; require 'tad/lib/Exceptions/FilterArgumentError.php'; require 'tad/lib/Exceptions/UnrecognizedArgument.php'; require 'tad/lib/Exceptions/UnrecognizedCommand.php';

use TADPHP\TADFactory; use TADPHP\TAD; echo "i m here"; $options = [ 'ip' => '',
'udp_port' => 4370,

$tad_factory = new TADFactory($options);

$tad = $tad_factory->get_instance(); $logs = $tad->is_alive(); var_dump($logs);die();


this is what I get:

èüit's okey socket_createokey socket_set_option cnx okeysocket_recv() a échoué; raison: Resource temporarily unavailable

send2dawood commented 6 years ago

It means your device is not connected to internet