Open marexx opened 1 month ago
Hi. You need to have 2 configurations, one for each file and set priorities to that the second file is handled after the first one. Also, you need to disable "insert" and "delete" operations in the second configuration, because all it should do is update existing records with the title field.
yes, i thought, this is, what i did with the above config. But how do i make sure that the title is set in the correct entry?
Ah yes, I see the two configurations now. It was hard to read, because the code was not formatted. From what I see, it looks ok, but without seeing the whole configuration (i.e. including columns) and without knowing how the data is structured in each of the files, it is impossible to say what is going wrong.
defined('TYPO3') or die();
// Add the external information to the ctrl section
$GLOBALS['TCA']['tx_arzneimittelsuche_domain_model_arzneimittel']['external']['general'] = [
0 => [
'connector' => 'csv',
'parameters' => [
'filename' => 'fileadmin/user_upload/arzneimittelsuche/import_small.csv',
//'filename' => 'fileadmin/Kundenstamm1.csv',
'delimiter' => ";",
'text_qualifier' => '"',
'skip_rows' => 1,
'encoding' => 'latin1'
'customSteps' => [
'class' => \Securvita\Arzneimittelsuche\Step\FilterWebsiteProducts::class,
'position' => 'after:' . \Cobweb\ExternalImport\Step\ReadDataStep::class
'enforcePid' => true,
'data' => 'array',
'referenceUid' => 'pzn',
'priority' => 10,
//'clearCache' => 5,28,29,
'pid' => 534,
'group' => 'arzneimittelsuche',
'description' => 'Importiere Medikamente'
1 => [
'connector' => 'csv',
'parameters' => [
'filename' => 'fileadmin/user_upload/arzneimittelsuche/import_name.csv',
'delimiter' => ";",
'text_qualifier' => '"',
'skip_rows' => 1,
'encoding' => 'latin1'
'enforcePid' => true,
'data' => 'array',
'referenceUid' => 'atccodewho',
'priority' => 20,
//'clearCache' => 5,28,29,
'pid' => 534,
'group' => 'arzneimittelsuche',
'disabledOperations' => 'insert,delete',
'description' => 'Importiere Medikamentennamen'
$GLOBALS['TCA']['tx_arzneimittelsuche_domain_model_arzneimittel']['columns']['atccodewho']['external'] = [
0 => [
'field' => 'ATCCodeADV',
$GLOBALS['TCA']['tx_arzneimittelsuche_domain_model_arzneimittel']['columns']['pzn']['external'] = [
0 => [
'field' => 'PZN',
$GLOBALS['TCA']['tx_arzneimittelsuche_domain_model_arzneimittel']['columns']['title']['external'] = [
1 => [
'field' => 'Bezeichnung',
the import_name.csv looks like this:
A;;Alimentäres System und Stoffwechsel
import_small.csv has more columns but as you see i import just a few. Thats already working. i'm just missing the step to add the title
Much clearer now, thanks.
What you are missing is importing the "AtcCode" in the second configuration. The field designated in the "referenceUid" property must be imported, otherwise it is not available to be matched.
thanx, that was the solution.!!
One more Question, the complete file has about 100MB, is it possible, to loop over this file, to split the import steps?
No, this is not possible. It has been sometimes requested in the past, but it is a huge conceptual change.
HI, I need to import 2 different CSVs in 1 Table. My setting is to import it, in 2 different Steps.
Step1: From the FILE1 I import 2 Values Field1 and Field2
Step2: In FILE2 i have 2 Values Field1 and title
No i need to import the title from File2 to the entry with the value of Field1 (is unique).