cocacola-lab / MineLand

Simulating Large-Scale Multi-Agent Interactions with Limited Multimodal Senses and Physical Needs
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How can I run Alex in any server? #23

Closed jbarrerobuch closed 6 days ago

jbarrerobuch commented 1 week ago

I can run Alex in simulation, brain os working and receiving critics. Now I'd like to run it in my own server (lan game). I successfully ran the example script connect to any server.

So now I need a merge of both example scripts.

I'm trying to modify the connect to any server script to add just 1 bot and use the method in a loop.

I'm having difficulties adding the bots to the server. If I reset the environment with agents_count = 0 it fails with some key error. I assume it's not meant to reset without agents. I was trying to use Mineland.add_agent() to add the agent as it does in the example to connect at any server.

Also I don't see where the instances of Alex are stored when they are agents in the server. How can I access to method of each one?


YXHXianYu commented 1 week ago

We implemented a similar demo before and it's possible.

If I reset the environment with agents_count = 0 it fails with some key error. I assume it's not meant to reset without agents.

Yes, it's true. MineLand needs to load some data from server through at least 1 agent.

I was trying to use Mineland.add_agent() to add the agent as it does in the example to connect at any server.

It's possible. But this function isn't stable all the time. Use it carefully. (maybe it has some bugs)

Also I don't see where the instances of Alex are stored when they are agents in the server. How can I access to method of each one?

The instances of Alex are stored in python side. In another word, alex can run without MineLand or Minecraft (although you need to provide some information (observation and etc.))

In fact, MineLand provide a gym-like API. You can refer to: So, MineLand and Agent should be indepentent.

We implemented a similar demo before. Because of the copyright, I cannot show the whole code. But I can show parts of it. The following is an example that combines MineLand and another agent (not Alex, but similar):

import sys

import mineland
import math
import time

from xbot import XBot

# class is convient
class Main:
    def __init__(
            is_enable_use_last_action_as_trigger = False):
        self.mland = mineland.MineLand(
            agents_config=[{'name': 'TheListener'}],

        self.agents = {}             # key: username, value: Agent
        self.bot_id = {}             # key: username, value: bot_id
        self.bot_id_to_username = {} # key: bot_id, value: username
        self.bot_name = {}           # key: username, value: bot_name
        self.bot_cnt = 1
        self.idle_timer = {}         # key: username, value: idle_timer (a float)
        self.idle_timer_max = 4

        self.is_enable_use_last_action_as_trigger = is_enable_use_last_action_as_trigger
        if self.is_enable_use_last_action_as_trigger:
            self.bot_last_response = {}

        self.bot_name_prefix = 'XBot'

    def action_follow_and_lookat(self, username: str):
        assert username in self.agents, "No such username"

        return '''some prompt'''

    def generate_an_agent(self, username: str):
        assert username not in self.agents, "Duplicated username"

        self.bot_name[username] = f'XBot{self.bot_cnt}'
        self.agents[username] = XBot(self.bot_name[username], username)
        self.bot_id[username] = self.bot_cnt
        self.bot_id_to_username[self.bot_cnt] = username
        self.idle_timer[username] = 0
        self.bot_cnt += 1

        if self.is_enable_use_last_action_as_trigger:
            self.bot_last_response[username] = {'type': 'idle'}

        self.mland.add_an_agent({'name': self.bot_name[username]})

    def disconnect_an_agent(self, username: str):
        if username not in self.agents:


        del self.agents[username]
        del self.bot_id_to_username[self.bot_id[username]]
        del self.bot_id[username]
        del self.bot_name[username]
        del self.idle_timer[username]
        # be careful, we would not release the bot_cnt

        if self.is_enable_use_last_action_as_trigger:
            del self.bot_last_response[username]

    def agent_control(self, events):
        for event in events:
            if event is None:

            if event['type'] == 'playerJoined' and event['player_name'] != 'TheListener' and event['player_name'].startswith(self.bot_name_prefix) == False:
            elif event['type'] == 'playerLeft' and event['player_name'] != 'TheListener' and event['player_name'].startswith(self.bot_name_prefix) == False:

    def code_check(self, code_info):
        string = ''
        for code_info_p in code_info:
            if code_info_p is None or code_info_p['code_error'] is None or code_info_p['code_error'] == 'None':
            string += str(code_info_p) + '; '
        if string != '':

    def is_agent_stop(self, obs):
        if math.fabs(obs['location_stats']['vel'][0]) >= 0.02:
            return False
        if math.fabs(obs['location_stats']['vel'][2]) >= 0.02:
            return False
        return True

    def append_obs_to_input(self, dict, obs, code_info, events):
        dict['obs'] = obs
        dict['code_info'] = code_info
        dict['event'] = events
        return dict

    def collect_triggers(self, username, obs, code_info, events):
        res = []

        for event in events:
            if event['type'] == 'chat' and event['username'] == username:
                    'type': 'chat',
                    'message': event['only_message'],
            elif event['type'] == 'entityHurt' and event['entity_type'] == 'self':
                    'type': 'agent_hurt',
            elif event['type'] == 'entityHurt' and event['entity_type'] == 'player' and event['entity_name'] == username:
                    'type': 'user_hurt',
            elif event['type'] == 'entitySpawn' and event['entity_type'] == 'hostile':
                    'type': 'entity_spawn',
                    'entity_name': event['entity_name'],

        if code_info['code_error'] is None or code_info['code_error'] == 'None':
                'type': 'code_error',
                'error': code_info['code_error'],

        for r in res:
            r = self.append_obs_to_input(r, obs, code_info, events)

        return res

    # Entry for this class
    def run(self):

        obs = self.mland.reset()
        assert self.bot_cnt == len(obs)

        # Initialize
        act = mineland.Action.no_op(self.bot_cnt)
        obs, code_info, event, _, _ = self.mland.step(act)

        # use ctrl+c to break

            # When a player connect to the server, generate a new agent that is only responds to the player
            # When a player disconnect to the server, disconnect the corresponding agent

            # self.code_check(code_info)

            # Default actions
            act = mineland.Action.no_op(self.bot_cnt)

            # Collect the triggers, and add them to each XBot (collect the triggers from the player's chat message)
            for [username, agent] in self.agents.items():
                idx = self.bot_id[username]
                if idx >= len(obs) or obs[idx] is None:

                results = self.collect_triggers(username, obs[idx], code_info[idx], event[idx])

                for result in results:
                    print(username + "'s bot appending:", result['type'])

                if self.is_enable_use_last_action_as_trigger:
                    if self.bot_last_response[username]['type'] == 'code' \
                            and self.bot_last_response[username]['code'] != 'await setIdle(bot);' \
                            and code_info[idx].is_ready: # check whether the last code is completed

                            'type': 'last_code_feedback',
                            'code': self.bot_last_response[username]['code'],
                        }, obs[idx], code_info[idx], event[idx]))
                        self.bot_last_response[username] = {'type': 'idle'}

            # Collect the output of each XBot, and add them to the act
            for [username, agent] in self.agents.items():
                idx = self.bot_id[username]
                if idx >= len(obs) or obs[idx] is None:

                response = agent.get_from_output()

                if response is None:
                print("Response:", response)

                if response['type'] == 'chat':
                    response['message'] = response['message'].replace("'", "\\'")
                    act[idx] = mineland.Action(mineland.Action.NEW, "'" + response['message'] + "')")
                elif response['type'] == 'code':
                    act[idx] = mineland.Action(mineland.Action.NEW, response['code'])
                elif response['type'] == 'idle':
                    act[idx] = mineland.Action(mineland.Action.RESUME, '')
                    assert False, "Unknown response type"

                if self.is_enable_use_last_action_as_trigger:
                    self.bot_last_response[username] = response

            # When a bot is idle, let it follow and look at the target player.
            for [username, agent] in self.agents.items():
                # prevent deadlock sometimes which will show global error : TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'position')

                idx = self.bot_id[username]
                if idx >= len(obs) or obs[idx] is None:

                # print("vel:", obs[idx]['location_stats']['vel'])

                if code_info[idx].is_ready and act[idx].type == mineland.Action.RESUME and self.is_agent_stop(obs[idx]):
                    if self.idle_timer[username] > 0:
                        self.idle_timer[username] -= 1
                    if self.idle_timer[username] == 0:
                        act[idx] = mineland.Action(mineland.Action.NEW, self.action_follow_and_lookat(username))
                    self.idle_timer[username] = self.idle_timer_max

            # step (step execution will last for 200ms, by default)
            obs, code_info, event, _, _ = self.mland.step(act)

    def debug(self):
        obs = self.mland.reset()
        assert self.bot_cnt == len(obs)

        # Initialize
        act = mineland.Action.no_op(self.bot_cnt)
        obs, code_info, event, _, _ = self.mland.step(act)

        # use ctrl+c to break

            act = mineland.Action.no_op(self.bot_cnt)

            string = ''
            tmp = input()
            while tmp != '':
                string += tmp + '\n'
                tmp = input()

            act[0] = mineland.Action(mineland.Action.NEW, string)

            obs, code_info, event, _, _ = self.mland.step(act)

    def add_skill(infos, path = None):
        agent = XBot('SkillAgent', 'SkillAgent')
        if path is not None:
            agent.action_agent.skill_agent.ckpt_dir = path
        for info in infos:
                "program_name": info["program_name"],
                "program_code": info["program_code"],
                "program_arguments": info["program_arguments"],


In the code, act represents the action that agents will do. response is the raw action of agent. response = agent.get_from_output() gets the action of agent.

If you dont use gym before, I recommend to run a simple demo of gymnasium. The design goal of MineLand is similar to gymnasium.

YXHXianYu commented 6 days ago

How can I access to method of each one?

Like I don't understand what it your question. In

for i in range(5000):
    if i > 0 and i % 10 == 0:
        print("task_info: ", task_info)
    actions = []
    if i == 0:
        # skip the first step which includes respawn events and other initializations
        actions = mineland.Action.no_op(agents_count)
        # run agents
        for idx, agent in enumerate(agents):
            action =[idx], code_info[idx], done, task_info, verbose=True)

    obs, code_info, event, done, task_info = mland.step(action=actions)

You can call action =[idx], code_info[idx], done, task_info, verbose=True) to access for only 1 agent (the idx-th agent)

jbarrerobuch commented 6 days ago

Ok I see. thanks a lot for your answer and sharing the code of you demo :) I'll go through it.

What I'm trying to do is this:

I use as base the example ""

# This script is a simple example of how to connect to any server.
# It will connect to a server running on localhost:25565 and add an agent every 30 steps.
# The script will run for 305 steps and then close the environment.

import mineland
from mineland.alex import Alex

# Make the environment
mland = mineland.MineLand(
    server_host='localhost', # You can change this to your server IP
    server_port=50270,       # You can change this to your server port
    agents_count = 1,
    agents_config = {
        'personality': 'None',             # Alex configuration
        'llm_model_name': 'gpt-4o-mini',
        'vlm_model_name': 'gpt-4o-mini',
        'name': 'MineflayerBot0',
        'temperature': 0.1

#Here I create the instance of Alex with the same config passed to the Mineland
# initialize agent like in server

agents = []
alex = Alex(personality='None',             # Alex configuration

# Reset the environment
obs = mland.reset()
num_of_agents = len(obs)
agents_name = [obs[i]['name'] for i in range(num_of_agents)]

# Here I include a modified code from "" to infinite loop.

i = 0
while True:

    if i > 0 and i % 10 == 0:
        print("task_info: ", task_info)
    actions = []
    if i == 0:
        # skip the first step which includes respawn events and other initializations
        actions = mineland.Action.no_op(num_of_agents=num_of_agents)
        # run agents
        for idx, agent in enumerate(agents):
            action =[idx], code_info[idx], done, task_info, verbose=True)

    obs, code_info, event, done, task_info = mland.step(action=actions)
    i += 1

Sying that Alex instances are stored in python, this line has made a lot more sense: action =[idx], code_info[idx], done, task_info, verbose=True)

The problem I had, was that key error, I mentioned before. I thought it was caused by creating Mineland with agent_count = 0 but now created it like with value 1 and I had the same error. Now I just realized that the problem was That Mineland is expecting a list of dict and I was passing just the Dictionary.

So, Having this fixed. I just made Alex to connect to my LAN game. And a second after, it got online the program crashed

Exception has occurred: ConnectionError       (note: full exception trace is shown but execution is paused at: <module>)
('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(10054, 'An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host', None, 10054, None))
ConnectionResetError: [WinError 10054] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

urllib3.exceptions.ProtocolError: ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(10054, 'An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host', None, 10054, None)

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

  File "...\MineLand_cocacola-lab\mineland\sim\", line 65, in reset
    res =
  File "....\MineLand_cocacola-lab\mineland\sim\", line 147, in reset
    obs = self.bridge.reset()
  File "...\MineLand_cocacola-lab\scripts\", line 35, in <module> (Current frame)
    obs = mland.reset()
requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(10054, 'An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host', None, 10054, None)

This is a weird error, it happened the first time I ran and when I ran it again it was fixed. This time happened the same, the second time. This error wasn't triggered.

Therefore, finally I made Alex to be connected to my game. I could see it walking around collecting logs. I have to say that it is quite slow on thinking and it gets killed all the time by mobs 🤣. I tried to help with a shelter, I talked to Alex but didn't answered and didn't interrupted the process.

I changed the mode argument from Alex.critic_agent() to "manual" as I'm running out of credit in GPT. I understand that the gym-like API is actually for training and creating memories, etc right?

BTW, changing to "manual" mode, it still requires an open AI API key, which doesn't make much sense. I added this sniped in the class CriticAgent to avoid it:

class CriticAgent():
    Critic Agent
    Generate a critique for the last short-term plan.
    There are two modes: "auto" for LLM/VLM critique generation and "manual" for manual critique generation.
    Return the critique to the brain.
    def __init__(self, 
                 FAILED_TIMES_LIMIT = 2, 
                 mode = 'auto',
                 model_name = 'gpt-4-vision-preview',
                 max_tokens = 256,
                 temperature = 0,
                 save_path = "./save",
                 vision = True,):
        self.plan_failed_count = 0
        self.mode = mode = vision

  #modifed from here
        assert self.mode in ['auto', 'manual']
        if self.mode == 'auto':
            model = ChatOpenAI(
            parser = JsonOutputParser(pydantic_object=CriticInfo)
            self.chain = model | parser

            model = None
   # End of modification

        self.save_path = save_path

is Alex being killed all the time because it just started learning and has no memory? I think I'll open another question about learning process and training, because this question is already answered. I'll check the code you shared and the gym-like API.


YXHXianYu commented 6 days ago

The problem I had, was that key error, I mentioned before. I thought it was caused by creating Mineland with agent_count = 0 but now created it like with value 1 and I had the same error. Now I just realized that the problem was That Mineland is expecting a list of dict and I was passing just the Dictionary.

Yes, the agents_config should contain the basic information about the agent in Minecraft, such as name, rather than alex. In another word, agents_config has nothing to do with Alex.

Exception has occurred: ConnectionError (note: full exception trace is shown but execution is paused at: )

It's my first time to see this error occurs in mland.reset() & bridge.reset(). I don't know what cause this error.

And in fact, when running lots of agents (>=5) and every agent do lots of code (infinite loop) simutaneously, agents (mineflayer) may disconnect to the server. This bug is known but we don't know how to deal with. (maybe because of the bandwidth limitation) (This error is from mineflayer)

I have to say that it is quite slow on thinking and it gets killed all the time by mobs.

It's true. Because Alex need to at least 30sec or more to reflect.

In another demo, we implement a more hard-coded agent to make agent more faster response time. (for example, when agent is hit, execute a hard-coded code to fight back and dont need agent to regenerate all code. Of course, we let agent to choose whether to fight back or run. )

is Alex being killed all the time because it just started learning and has no memory?

In fact, Alex has no skill library. Alex's memory library stores more social information (such as communication history, etc)

another question about learning process and training

welcome! But Alex agent is developed by another member of MineLand team and he has been busy recently. So he may not response quickly. I only similar to MineLand Simulator and a bit of Alex.