cockpit-project / cockpit-machines

Cockpit UI for virtual machines
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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test: openssh 9.8 by default disabled DSA key generation #1707

Closed jelly closed 6 days ago

jelly commented 6 days ago

By default DSA key support is now not enabled during compilation, Arch did not re-enable DSA support so can't create the keys anymore.

RHEL 8.10 can create ecdsa keys, so switching from DSA to ECDSA should work in all other supported test distributions.

This is required for

jelly commented 6 days ago

Sure! I don't know about ecdsa, but probably we should move to ed25519 next? Anyway, this is good for now. Thanks!

Yeah, that crossed my mind, but maybe that is too modern for RHEL-8? (In Cockpit we still use ECDSA FYI).

Oh, 8.10 supports ed25519, should have checked that I suppose.

jelly commented 6 days ago
m.execute("ln -s /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.libvirtd /etc/apparmor.d/disable/usr.sbin.libvirtd")

Unrelated failure in debian-testing.