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roachtest: lease-preferences/full-first-preference-down failed #107862

Closed cockroach-teamcity closed 1 year ago

cockroach-teamcity commented 1 year ago failed with artifacts on master @ f295bd861a3a427652b19c2254d2401ebb4a3c8e:

(test_runner.go:1075).runTest: test timed out (30m0s)
    Error Trace:
    Error:          Received unexpected error:
                    context canceled
    Test:           lease-preferences/full-first-preference-down
(require.go:1360).NoError: FailNow called
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/lease-preferences/full-first-preference-down/run_1

Parameters: ROACHTEST_arch=amd64 , ROACHTEST_cloud=gce , ROACHTEST_cpu=4 , ROACHTEST_encrypted=false , ROACHTEST_ssd=0


See: [roachtest README]( See: [How To Investigate \(internal\)]( See: [Grafana](

/cc @cockroachdb/kv-triage

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

Jira issue: CRDB-30228

kvoli commented 1 year ago

Test timed out with 1 violating lease:

10:33:47 lease_preferences.go:390: 1038.63s: violating(true) duration=1038.63s: [n3: 0, n4: 0, n5: 1] less-preferred(true) duration=1038.63s: [n3: 473, n4: 527, n5: 0]
10:33:47 lease_preferences.go:405: not yet meeting requirements will check again in 10s
10:33:47 test_impl.go:349: test failure #1: full stack retained in failure_1.log: (test_runner.go:1075).runTest: test timed out (30m0s)

I'll take a look at this today.

kvoli commented 1 year ago

Surprisingly, the lease doesn't get picked up as violating once it arrives on n5. For every other violating lease, which doesn't transfer away immediately:

I230730 10:16:25.168234 78081 13@kv/kvserver/replicate_queue.go:758 ⋮ [T1,n5,replicate,s5,r414/1:‹/Table/106/1/-{80071…-79886…}›] 5447  error processing replica: can't transfer r414 lease violating preferences, no suitable target

The first log line for the r702 with a violating lease occurs once the down region is considered dead:

I230730 10:22:41.257593 104986 13@kv/kvserver/replicate_queue.go:758 ⋮ [T1,n5,replicate,s5,r702/4:‹/Table/106/1/-9{20494…-18651…}›] 11678  error processing replica: ‹0 of 3 live stores are able to take a new replica for the range (3 already have a voter, 0 already have a non-voter); likely not enough nodes in cluster›

I'm going to check the lease history below to see if it lines up with stopping n1/n2.

    "span": {
      "start_key": "/Table/106/1/-9204943721096824208",
      "end_key": "/Table/106/1/-9186515405338872608"
    "raft_state": {
      "replica_id": 4,
      "hard_state": {
        "term": 9,
        "vote": 4,
        "commit": 61
      "lead": 4,
      "state": "StateLeader",
      "applied": 61,
      "progress": {
        "2": {
          "match": 61,
          "next": 62,
          "state": "StateReplicate"
        "4": {
          "match": 61,
          "next": 62,
          "state": "StateReplicate"
        "6": {
          "next": 55,
          "state": "StateProbe",
          "paused": true
        "7": {
          "next": 55,
          "state": "StateProbe",
          "paused": true
        "8": {
          "match": 61,
          "next": 62,
          "state": "StateReplicate"
    "state": {
      "state": {
        "raft_applied_index": 61,
        "lease_applied_index": 37,
        "desc": {
          "range_id": 702,
          "start_key": "8omAgEF4dJ6PunA=",
          "end_key": "8omAgILw6T0fdOA=",
          "internal_replicas": [
              "node_id": 2,
              "store_id": 2,
              "replica_id": 6,
              "type": 0
              "node_id": 3,
              "store_id": 3,
              "replica_id": 2,
              "type": 0
              "node_id": 5,
              "store_id": 5,
              "replica_id": 4,
              "type": 0
              "node_id": 1,
              "store_id": 1,
              "replica_id": 7,
              "type": 0
              "node_id": 4,
              "store_id": 4,
              "replica_id": 8,
              "type": 0
          "next_replica_id": 9,
          "generation": 32,
          "sticky_bit": {
            "wall_time": 9223372036854775807,
            "logical": 2147483647
        "lease": {
          "start": {
            "wall_time_human": "10:16:24.701",
            "wall_time": 1690712184701227255
          "replica": {
            "node_id": 5,
            "store_id": 5,
            "replica_id": 4,
            "type": 0
          "proposed_ts": {
            "wall_time": 1690712184707952378
          "epoch": 1,
          "sequence": 6,
          "acquisition_type": 2
        "truncated_state": {
          "index": 10,
          "term": 5
        "gc_threshold": {},
        "stats": {
          "contains_estimates": 0,
          "last_update_nanos": 1690711634878422403,
          "intent_age": 0,
          "gc_bytes_age": 0,
          "live_bytes": 0,
          "live_count": 0,
          "key_bytes": 0,
          "key_count": 0,
          "val_bytes": 0,
          "val_count": 0,
          "intent_bytes": 0,
          "intent_count": 0,
          "separated_intent_count": 0,
          "range_key_count": 0,
          "range_key_bytes": 0,
          "range_val_count": 0,
          "range_val_bytes": 0,
          "sys_bytes": 2000,
          "sys_count": 8,
          "abort_span_bytes": 0
        "version": {
          "major": 23,
          "minor": 1,
          "patch": 0,
          "internal": 16
        "raft_closed_timestamp": {
          "wall_time": 1690713254188626489
        "raft_applied_index_term": 9,
        "gc_hint": {
          "latest_range_delete_timestamp": {}
      "last_index": 61,
      "num_dropped": 7,
      "raft_log_size": 18267,
      "raft_log_size_trusted": true,
      "approximate_proposal_quota": 8388608,
      "proposal_quota_base_index": 61,
      "range_max_bytes": 536870912,
      "active_closed_timestamp": {
        "wall_time": 1690713264087321153
      "tenant_id": 1,
      "closed_timestamp_sidetransport_info": {
        "replica_closed": {
          "wall_time": 1690713264087321153
        "replica_lai": 37,
        "central_closed": {}
    "source_node_id": 5,
    "source_store_id": 5,
    "lease_history": [
        "start": {
          "wall_time_human": "10:04:37.713",
          "wall_time": 1690711477713795632
        "replica": {
          "node_id": 2,
          "store_id": 2,
          "replica_id": 6,
          "type": 2
        "proposed_ts": {
          "wall_time": 1690711477790866994
        "epoch": 1,
        "sequence": 3,
        "acquisition_type": 2
        "start": {
          "wall_time_human": "10:15:45.744",
          "wall_time": 1690712145744202269
        "expiration": {
          "wall_time": 1690712151744064898
        "replica": {
          "node_id": 1,
          "store_id": 1,
          "replica_id": 7,
          "type": 0
        "proposed_ts": {
          "wall_time": 1690712145744064898
        "sequence": 4,
        "acquisition_type": 1
        "start": {
          "wall_time_human": "10:15:45.744",
          "wall_time": 1690712145744202269
        "replica": {
          "node_id": 1,
          "store_id": 1,
          "replica_id": 7,
          "type": 0
        "proposed_ts": {
          "wall_time": 1690712145745634543
        "epoch": 1,
        "sequence": 5,
        "acquisition_type": 2
        "start": {
          "wall_time_human": "10:16:24.701",
          "wall_time": 1690712184701227255
        "replica": {
          "node_id": 5,
          "store_id": 5,
          "replica_id": 4,
          "type": 0
        "proposed_ts": {
          "wall_time": 1690712184701227255
        "epoch": 1,
        "sequence": 6,
        "acquisition_type": 2
        "start": {
          "wall_time_human": "10:16:24.701",
          "wall_time": 1690712184701227255
        "replica": {
          "node_id": 5,
          "store_id": 5,
          "replica_id": 4,
          "type": 0
        "proposed_ts": {
          "wall_time": 1690712184707952378
        "epoch": 1,
        "sequence": 6,
        "acquisition_type": 2
    "problems": {
      "underreplicated": true
    "stats": {
      "queries_per_second": 0.005583400253163264,
      "writes_per_second": 0.005583400251001841,
      "requests_per_second": 0.007444533668307271,
      "write_bytes_per_second": 0.6662857632756795,
      "cpu_time_per_second": 3182.9959820788063
    "lease_status": {
      "lease": {
        "start": {
          "wall_time_human": "10:16:24.701",
          "wall_time": 1690712184701227255
        "replica": {
          "node_id": 5,
          "store_id": 5,
          "replica_id": 4,
          "type": 0
        "proposed_ts": {
          "wall_time": 1690712184707952378
        "epoch": 1,
        "sequence": 6,
        "acquisition_type": 2
      "now": {
        "wall_time": 1690713267096521435
      "request_time": {
        "wall_time": 1690713267096521435
      "state": 1,
      "liveness": {
        "node_id": 5,
        "epoch": 1,
        "expiration": {
          "wall_time": 1690713271495982948,
          "logical": 0
      "min_valid_observed_timestamp": {
        "wall_time": 1690712184701227255
    "quiescent": true,
    "top_k_locks_by_wait_queue_waiters": null,
    "locality": {
      "tiers": [
          "key": "region",
          "value": "fake-region"
          "key": "zone",
          "value": "fake-zone"
          "key": "dc",
          "value": "3"
    "is_leaseholder": true,
    "lease_valid": true
kvoli commented 1 year ago

The replica certainly did not go to purgatory, as it should have:


It also doesn't seem like it even got eagerly enqueued into the replicate queue, which it should have here:

Because we don't see any log lines referencing the replica until much later.

kvoli commented 1 year ago

I got a repro. Some lease acquisitions after stopping 2 nodes didn't hit:

Which is surprising, but it means that they weren't considered violating on acquisition.

erikgrinaker commented 1 year ago

Slow span config propagation?

kvoli commented 1 year ago

Slow span config propagation?

That's what I suspected, however I didn't bump logging enough to be certain.

I bumped logging further and am stressing now for another hit.

kvoli commented 1 year ago

Seems more likely that the lease was invalid when hitting the check. Enqueuing the replica on unknown (invalid lease or not leaseholder) would resolve this case.

Once a span config update arrives, the replica should be queued into the replicate queue. It's possible the async maybe add limit prevented this from occurring but thats far fetched.

erikgrinaker commented 1 year ago

Right, that's possible -- we should log a warning in that case:

kvoli commented 1 year ago

Yup looks like it was due to invalid lease causing the preference status to be unknown. This is from a repro, on a range which got its lease stuck:

I230801 13:31:23.484127 480 kv/kvserver/replica_proposal.go:526 ⋮ [T1,n5,s5,r150/3:‹/Table/106/1/-4{65734…-47470…}›,raft] 1193  acquired_lease=repl=(n5,s5):3 seq=10 start=1690896681.752762586,0 epo=1 pro=1690896681.752762586,0 preferences=[{[‹+dc=1›]} {[‹+dc=2›]}] lease_preference_status=‹unknown›