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sql: schema change repeatedly retries with gcttl error #126260

Open itsbilal opened 1 week ago

itsbilal commented 1 week ago

On the drt-chaos test cluster running V24.2.0-ALPHA.00000000-DEV-5AFD790501E946EF306ABE2B592C5798C29C342F, a schema change for ALTER TABLE cct_tpcc.public.order_line DROP COLUMN add_column_op_2902590426 CASCADE has been running nonstop and is being repeatedly retried.

Screenshot 2024-06-26 at 7 56 40 PM

Link to the job

Looking at the logs, we see the job failing with this error. For reference, the gc ttl on this db/table is 4 hours.

job 979031533120225281: running execution encountered retriable error: failed to construct index entries during backfill: batch timestamp 1718847123.942402651,0 must be after replica GC threshold 1719379269.625591541,0
(1) forced error mark
  | ‹"retriable job error"›
Wraps: (2) attached stack trace
  -- stack trace:
  | runtime.goexit
  |     src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1695
Wraps: (3) failed to construct index entries during backfill
Wraps: (4) batch timestamp 1718847123.942402651,0 must be after replica GC threshold 1719379269.625591541,0
Error types: (1) *markers.withMark (2) *withstack.withStack (3) *errutil.withPrefix (4) *kvpb.BatchTimestampBeforeGCError

Jira issue: CRDB-39823

blathers-crl[bot] commented 1 week ago

Hi @itsbilal, please add branch-* labels to identify which branch(es) this C-bug affects.

:owl: Hoot! I am a Blathers, a bot for CockroachDB. My owner is dev-inf.

fqazi commented 1 week ago

We are running into two problems, in this scenario:

1) We always clear the protected timestamp even if a retryable error is hit, see: 2) The readAsOf timestamp does not properly take into account the current time, if a retry happens it will assume GC TTL * 0.8 time has to pass again:

rafiss commented 1 week ago

@Dedej-Bergin I'll assign this to you as a bugfix/improvement that would be nice to land, but it's not highly urgent.