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roachtest: vm_preemption failed #128143

Closed cockroach-teamcity closed 3 months ago

cockroach-teamcity commented 4 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 46c11ab2cf6fa6f6adf7abb99ef72f68e4d538f8:

test allocbench/nodes=7/cpu=8/kv/r=95/access=skew failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16298889-1722577605-11-n8cpu8-0002 (us-east1-c), teamcity-16298889-1722577605-11-n8cpu8-0007 (us-east1-c)

**Other Failures:**
    Error Trace:
    Error:          Received unexpected error:
                    monitor failure: context canceled
                    (1) attached stack trace
                      -- stack trace:
                      | main.(*monitorImpl).WaitE
                      |     main/pkg/cmd/roachtest/monitor.go:142
                      | [...repeated from below...]
                    Wraps: (2) monitor failure
                    Wraps: (3) attached stack trace
                      -- stack trace:
                      | main.(*monitorImpl).wait
                      |     main/pkg/cmd/roachtest/monitor.go:237
                      | main.(*monitorImpl).WaitE
                      |     main/pkg/cmd/roachtest/monitor.go:142
                      | main.(*testRunner).runTest.func2
                      |     main/pkg/cmd/roachtest/test_runner.go:1248
                      | runtime.goexit
                      |     src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1695
                    Wraps: (4) context canceled
                      | EOF [owner=test-eng]
                        └─ Wraps: (5) EOF [owner=test-eng]
                        └─ Wraps: (6) context canceled
                    Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *withstack.withStack (4) *join.joinError (5) registry.ErrorWithOwnership (6) *errors.errorString
    Test:           allocbench/nodes=7/cpu=8/kv/r=95/access=skew
(require.go:1357).NoError: FailNow called
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/allocbench/nodes=7/cpu=8/kv/r=95/access=skew/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/test-eng

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

Jira issue: CRDB-40816

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test import/tpch/nodes=8 failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16405142-1723268847-69-n8cpu4-0008 (us-east1-d), teamcity-16405142-1723268847-69-n8cpu4-0005 (us-east1-d)

**Other Failures:**
(test_runner.go:1277).runTest: test timed out (10h0m0s)
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/import/tpch/nodes=8/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test allocbench/nodes=7/cpu=8/kv/r=50/ops=skew failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16414681-1723355265-10-n8cpu8-0007 (us-east1-d)

**Other Failures:**
    Error Trace:
    Error:          Received unexpected error:
                    monitor failure: context canceled
                    (1) attached stack trace
                      -- stack trace:
                      | main.(*monitorImpl).WaitE
                      |     main/pkg/cmd/roachtest/monitor.go:142
                      | [...repeated from below...]
                    Wraps: (2) monitor failure
                    Wraps: (3) attached stack trace
                      -- stack trace:
                      | main.(*monitorImpl).wait
                      |     main/pkg/cmd/roachtest/monitor.go:237
                      | main.(*monitorImpl).WaitE
                      |     main/pkg/cmd/roachtest/monitor.go:142
                      | main.(*testRunner).runTest.func2
                      |     main/pkg/cmd/roachtest/test_runner.go:1248
                      | runtime.goexit
                      |     src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1695
                    Wraps: (4) context canceled
                      | EOF [owner=test-eng]
                        └─ Wraps: (5) EOF [owner=test-eng]
                        └─ Wraps: (6) context canceled
                    Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *withstack.withStack (4) *join.joinError (5) registry.ErrorWithOwnership (6) *errors.errorString
    Test:           allocbench/nodes=7/cpu=8/kv/r=50/ops=skew
(require.go:1357).NoError: FailNow called
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/allocbench/nodes=7/cpu=8/kv/r=50/ops=skew/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

                      |   |
                      |   | runtime.goexit
                      |   |     src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1695
                      | Wraps: (3) _potential_ SSH flake (``ssh -vvv`` log retained in /artifacts/allocbench/nodes=7/cpu=8/kv/r=0/access=skew/run_1/ssh/ssh_080909.264066323_n8_cockroach-workload-r.log)
                      | Wraps: (4) TRANSIENT_ERROR(ssh_problem)
                      | Wraps: (5) exit status 255
                      | Error types: (1) *hintdetail.withDetail (2) *withstack.withStack (3) *errutil.withPrefix (4) errors.TransientError (5) *exec.ExitError
                                    └─ Wraps: (11) secondary error attachment
                      | _potential_ SSH flake (``ssh -vvv`` log retained in /artifacts/allocbench/nodes=7/cpu=8/kv/r=0/access=skew/run_1/ssh/ssh_080841.693586527_n8_cockroach-workload-r.log): TRANSIENT_ERROR(ssh_problem): exit status 255
                      | (1) Node 8. Command with error:
                      |   | ``````
                      |   | ./cockroach workload run kv --db=bigwrites1 --read-percent=0 --min-block-bytes=32768 --max-block-bytes=32768 --max-rate=550 --zipfian --tolerate-errors --concurrency=512 --duration=30m0s {pgurl:1-7}
                      |   | ``````
                      |   | <no output>
                      | Wraps: (2) attached stack trace
                      |   -- stack trace:
                      |   |*remoteSession).errWithDebug
                      |   |
                      |   |*remoteSession).Run.func1
                      |   |
                      |   | runtime.goexit
                      |   |     src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1695
                      | Wraps: (3) _potential_ SSH flake (``ssh -vvv`` log retained in /artifacts/allocbench/nodes=7/cpu=8/kv/r=0/access=skew/run_1/ssh/ssh_080841.693586527_n8_cockroach-workload-r.log)
                      | Wraps: (4) TRANSIENT_ERROR(ssh_problem)
                      | Wraps: (5) exit status 255
                      | Error types: (1) *hintdetail.withDetail (2) *withstack.withStack (3) *errutil.withPrefix (4) errors.TransientError (5) *exec.ExitError
                                      └─ Wraps: (12) Node 8. Command with error:
                      | ``````
                      | ./cockroach workload run kv --db=bigwrites1 --read-percent=0 --min-block-bytes=32768 --max-block-bytes=32768 --max-rate=550 --zipfian --tolerate-errors --concurrency=512 --duration=30m0s {pgurl:1-7}
                      | ``````
                      | <truncated> ... 21 3944 workload/pgx_helpers.go:240  [-] 4340  error preparing statement. name=kv-2 sql=SELECT k, v FROM kv AS OF SYSTEM TIME follower_read_timestamp() WHERE k IN ($1) ERROR: relation "kv" is offline: importing (SQLSTATE XXUUU)
                      | W240811 07:57:30.761885 3841 workload/pgx_helpers.go:240  [-] 4341  error preparing statement. name=kv-2 sql=SELECT k, v FROM kv AS OF SYSTEM TIME follower_read_timestamp() WHERE k IN ($1) ERROR: relation "kv" is offline: importing (SQLSTATE XXUUU)
                      | W240811 07:57:30.761957 3642 workload/pgx_helpers.go:240  [-] 4342  error preparing statement. name=kv-2 sql=SELECT k, v FROM kv AS OF SYSTEM TIME follower_read_timestamp() WHERE k IN ($1) ERROR: relation "kv" is offline: importing (SQLSTATE XXUUU)
                      | W240811 07:57:30.762037 3876 workload/pgx_helpers.go:240  [-] 4343  error preparing statement. name=kv-2 sql=SELECT k, v FROM kv AS OF SYSTEM TIME follower_read_timestamp() WHERE k IN ($1) ERROR: relation "kv" is offline: importing (SQLSTATE XXUUU)
                      | Connection to closed by remote host.
                                        └─ Wraps: (13) attached stack trace
                      -- stack trace:
                      | runtime.goexit
                      |     src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1695
                                          └─ Wraps: (14) _potential_ SSH flake (``ssh -vvv`` log retained in /artifacts/allocbench/nodes=7/cpu=8/kv/r=0/access=skew/run_1/ssh/ssh_075726.594515423_n8_cockroach-workload-r.log)
                                            └─ Wraps: (15) TRANSIENT_ERROR(ssh_problem)
                                              └─ Wraps: (16) exit status 255
                    Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *withstack.withStack (4) *join.joinError (5) *withstack.withStack (6) *errutil.withPrefix (7) *markers.withMark (8) *withstack.withStack (9) *errutil.withPrefix (10) *secondary.withSecondaryError (11) *secondary.withSecondaryError (12) *hintdetail.withDetail (13) *withstack.withStack (14) *errutil.withPrefix (15) errors.TransientError (16) *exec.ExitError
    Test:           allocbench/nodes=7/cpu=8/kv/r=0/access=skew
(require.go:1357).NoError: FailNow called
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/allocbench/nodes=7/cpu=8/kv/r=0/access=skew/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test failover/chaos/read-write/lease=expiration failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16414681-1723355265-60-n10cpu2-0008 (us-east1-c), teamcity-16414681-1723355265-60-n10cpu2-0006 (us-east1-c)

**Other Failures:**
(failover.go:1774).sleepFor: sleep failed: context canceled
(monitor.go:154).Wait: monitor failure: monitor user task failed: t.Fatal() was called
EOF [owner=test-eng]
(cluster.go:2419).Run: context canceled
(cluster.go:2419).Run: context canceled
(cluster.go:2419).Run: context canceled
(cluster.go:2419).Run: context canceled
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/failover/chaos/read-write/lease=expiration/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test ycsb/E/nodes=3 failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16414681-1723355265-101-n4cpu8-0001 (us-east1-d), teamcity-16414681-1723355265-101-n4cpu8-0004 (us-east1-d)

**Other Failures:**
(cluster.go:2419).Run: context canceled
(monitor.go:154).Wait: monitor failure: monitor user task failed: t.Fatal() was called
EOF [owner=test-eng]
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/ycsb/E/nodes=3/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test import/tpch/nodes=8 failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16414681-1723355265-75-n8cpu4-0006 (us-east1-d), teamcity-16414681-1723355265-75-n8cpu4-0007 (us-east1-d), teamcity-16414681-1723355265-75-n8cpu4-0002 (us-east1-d), teamcity-16414681-1723355265-75-n8cpu4-0001 (us-east1-d), teamcity-16414681-1723355265-75-n8cpu4-0003 (us-east1-d), teamcity-16414681-1723355265-75-n8cpu4-0004 (us-east1-d)

**Other Failures:**
(monitor.go:154).Wait: monitor failure: context canceled
EOF [owner=test-eng]
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/import/tpch/nodes=8/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test cdc/cloud-sink-gcs/rangefeed=true failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16423223-1723441621-31-n4cpu16-0003 (us-east1-b)

**Other Failures:**
(cluster.go:2419).Run: full command output in run_070500.523103643_n4_cockroach-workload-r.log: COMMAND_PROBLEM: exit status 1
(cdc.go:379).Close: error shutting down prometheus/grafana: context canceled
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/cdc/cloud-sink-gcs/rangefeed=true/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test decommissionBench/nodes=4/warehouses=1000/while-down failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16423223-1723441621-53-n5cpu16-0001 (us-east1-c)

**Other Failures:**
(cluster.go:2419).Run: full command output in run_081910.635394147_n1_cockroach-workload-f.log: error persisted after 3 attempts: _potential_ SSH flake (``ssh -vvv`` log retained in /artifacts/decommissionBench/nodes=4/warehouses=1000/while-down/run_1/ssh/ssh_081910.691066034_n1_cockroach-workload-f.log): TRANSIENT_ERROR(ssh_problem): exit status 255
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/decommissionBench/nodes=4/warehouses=1000/while-down/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test cdc/scan/initial/nodes=5/cpu=16/rows=1G/ranges=100k/protocol=mux/format=json/sink=null failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16423223-1723441621-41-n6cpu16-0003 (us-central1-a), teamcity-16423223-1723441621-41-n6cpu16-0004 (us-central1-a)

**Other Failures:**
(monitor.go:154).Wait: monitor failure: context canceled
EOF [owner=test-eng]
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/cdc/scan/initial/nodes=5/cpu=16/rows=1G/ranges=100k/protocol=mux/format=json/sink=null/cpu_arch=arm64/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test failover/non-system/blackhole-recv failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16423223-1723441621-63-n7cpu2-0002 (us-east1-d), teamcity-16423223-1723441621-63-n7cpu2-0006 (us-east1-d), teamcity-16423223-1723441621-63-n7cpu2-0004 (us-east1-d), teamcity-16423223-1723441621-63-n7cpu2-0005 (us-east1-d), teamcity-16423223-1723441621-63-n7cpu2-0001 (us-east1-d), teamcity-16423223-1723441621-63-n7cpu2-0003 (us-east1-d)

**Other Failures:**
(failover.go:1774).sleepFor: sleep failed: context canceled
(monitor.go:154).Wait: monitor failure: monitor user task failed: t.Fatal() was called
EOF [owner=test-eng]
(cluster.go:2419).Run: context canceled
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/failover/non-system/blackhole-recv/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test failover/non-system/blackhole failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16423223-1723441621-62-n7cpu2-0006 (us-east1-d), teamcity-16423223-1723441621-62-n7cpu2-0005 (us-east1-d), teamcity-16423223-1723441621-62-n7cpu2-0003 (us-east1-d), teamcity-16423223-1723441621-62-n7cpu2-0002 (us-east1-d), teamcity-16423223-1723441621-62-n7cpu2-0007 (us-east1-d)

**Other Failures:**
(failover.go:1774).sleepFor: sleep failed: context canceled
(monitor.go:154).Wait: monitor failure: monitor user task failed: t.Fatal() was called
EOF [owner=test-eng]
(cluster.go:2419).Run: context canceled
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/failover/non-system/blackhole/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test decommissionBench/nodes=8/warehouses=3000 failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16423223-1723441621-57-n9cpu16-0006 (us-east1-d), teamcity-16423223-1723441621-57-n9cpu16-0002 (us-east1-d), teamcity-16423223-1723441621-57-n9cpu16-0005 (us-east1-d), teamcity-16423223-1723441621-57-n9cpu16-0003 (us-east1-d), teamcity-16423223-1723441621-57-n9cpu16-0008 (us-east1-d), teamcity-16423223-1723441621-57-n9cpu16-0007 (us-east1-d), teamcity-16423223-1723441621-57-n9cpu16-0001 (us-east1-d)

**Other Failures:**
(decommissionbench.go:727).runDecommissionBench: monitor failure: context canceled
EOF [owner=test-eng]
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/decommissionBench/nodes=8/warehouses=3000/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test import/tpch/nodes=8 failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16423223-1723441621-79-n8cpu4-0001 (us-east1-d), teamcity-16423223-1723441621-79-n8cpu4-0007 (us-east1-d)

**Other Failures:**
(monitor.go:154).Wait: monitor failure: context canceled
EOF [owner=test-eng]
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/import/tpch/nodes=8/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test kv0/enc=false/nodes=3/cpu=32/mt-shared-process failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16423223-1723441621-100-n4cpu32-0001 (us-east1-c)

**Other Failures:**
(cluster.go:2419).Run: context canceled
(monitor.go:154).Wait: monitor failure: monitor user task failed: t.Fatal() was called
EOF [owner=test-eng]
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/kv0/enc=false/nodes=3/cpu=32/mt-shared-process/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test kv95/enc=false/nodes=3/lease=expiration failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16423223-1723441621-108-n4cpu8-0002 (us-east1-c)

**Other Failures:**
(cluster.go:2419).Run: context canceled
(monitor.go:154).Wait: monitor failure: monitor user task failed: t.Fatal() was called
EOF [owner=test-eng]
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/kv95/enc=false/nodes=3/lease=expiration/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test ycsb/D/nodes=3/cpu=32 failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16423223-1723441621-111-n4cpu32-0001 (us-east1-c)

**Other Failures:**
(cluster.go:2305).Start: error persisted after 2 attempts: TRANSIENT_ERROR(ssh_problem): ~ scp -r -C -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ConnectTimeout=10 -i /home/roach/.ssh/id_rsa ubuntu@ /tmp/certs.tar3701531483
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
: exit status 1
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/ycsb/D/nodes=3/cpu=32/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test ycsb/D/nodes=3 failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16423223-1723441621-112-n4cpu8-0004 (us-east1-c)

**Other Failures:**
(cluster.go:2419).Run: full command output in run_112204.181192195_n4_cockroach-workload-r.log: error persisted after 3 attempts: _potential_ SSH flake (``ssh -vvv`` log retained in /artifacts/ycsb/D/nodes=3/run_1/ssh/ssh_112204.208755942_n4_cockroach-workload-r.log): TRANSIENT_ERROR(ssh_problem): exit status 255
(monitor.go:154).Wait: monitor failure: monitor user task failed: t.Fatal() was called
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/ycsb/D/nodes=3/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test sysbench/oltp_update_non_index/nodes=3/cpu=32/conc=256 failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16423223-1723441621-141-n4cpu32-0004 (us-east1-c)

**Other Failures:**
(monitor.go:154).Wait: monitor failure: error persisted after 3 attempts: _potential_ SSH flake (``ssh -vvv`` log retained in /artifacts/sysbench/oltp_update_non_index/nodes=3/cpu=32/conc=256/run_1/ssh/ssh_115611.789278223_n4_sysbench-dbdriverpgs.log): TRANSIENT_ERROR(ssh_problem): exit status 255
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/sysbench/oltp_update_non_index/nodes=3/cpu=32/conc=256/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test sysbench/oltp_write_only/nodes=3/cpu=32/conc=256 failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16423223-1723441621-142-n4cpu32-0003 (us-east1-c), teamcity-16423223-1723441621-142-n4cpu32-0002 (us-east1-c)

**Other Failures:**
(monitor.go:154).Wait: monitor failure: context canceled
EOF [owner=test-eng]
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/sysbench/oltp_write_only/nodes=3/cpu=32/conc=256/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test ycsb/E/nodes=3/cpu=32 failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16423223-1723441621-101-n4cpu32-0004 (us-east1-c)

**Other Failures:**
(cluster.go:2419).Run: full command output in run_120400.971754331_n4_cockroach-workload-r.log: error persisted after 3 attempts: _potential_ SSH flake (``ssh -vvv`` log retained in /artifacts/ycsb/E/nodes=3/cpu=32/run_1/ssh/ssh_120400.996212611_n4_cockroach-workload-r.log): TRANSIENT_ERROR(ssh_problem): exit status 255
(monitor.go:154).Wait: monitor failure: monitor user task failed: t.Fatal() was called
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/ycsb/E/nodes=3/cpu=32/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test tpcc/headroom/n4cpu16 failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16423223-1723441621-143-n4cpu16-0004 (us-east1-c)

**Other Failures:**
(monitor.go:154).Wait: monitor failure: full command output in run_115850.659111753_n4_cockroach-workload-r.log: error persisted after 3 attempts: _potential_ SSH flake (``ssh -vvv`` log retained in /artifacts/tpcc/headroom/n4cpu16/run_1/ssh/ssh_115850.684107321_n4_cockroach-workload-r.log): TRANSIENT_ERROR(ssh_problem): exit status 255
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/tpcc/headroom/n4cpu16/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test ycsb/F/nodes=3/cpu=32/uniform failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16423223-1723441621-154-n4cpu32-0002 (us-east1-c)

**Other Failures:**
(cluster.go:2419).Run: context canceled
(monitor.go:154).Wait: monitor failure: monitor user task failed: t.Fatal() was called
EOF [owner=test-eng]
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/ycsb/F/nodes=3/cpu=32/uniform/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test ycsb/F/nodes=3/cpu=32/isolation-level=read-committed failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16423223-1723441621-156-n4cpu32-0002 (us-east1-c), teamcity-16423223-1723441621-156-n4cpu32-0003 (us-east1-c), teamcity-16423223-1723441621-156-n4cpu32-0001 (us-east1-c)

**Other Failures:**
(cluster.go:2419).Run: context canceled
(monitor.go:154).Wait: monitor failure: monitor user task failed: t.Fatal() was called
EOF [owner=test-eng]
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/ycsb/F/nodes=3/cpu=32/isolation-level=read-committed/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test tpccbench/nodes=3/cpu=16/lease=expiration failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16423223-1723441621-146-n4cpu16-0001 (us-east1-b), teamcity-16423223-1723441621-146-n4cpu16-0003 (us-east1-b), teamcity-16423223-1723441621-146-n4cpu16-0004 (us-east1-b)

**Other Failures:**
(cluster.go:2305).Start: _potential_ SSH flake (``ssh -vvv`` log retained in /artifacts/tpccbench/nodes=3/cpu=16/lease=expiration/run_1/ssh/ssh_134354.880611757_n3_upload-start-script.log): TRANSIENT_ERROR(ssh_problem): exit status 255
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/tpccbench/nodes=3/cpu=16/lease=expiration/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test backup/2TB/n10cpu4 failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16441860-1723528050-19-n10cpu4-0002 (us-central1-a)

**Other Failures:**
(cluster.go:2419).Run: full command output in run_063757.250257763_n1_cockroach-workload-f.log: COMMAND_PROBLEM: exit status 1
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/backup/2TB/n10cpu4/cpu_arch=arm64/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test failover/non-system/pause failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16441860-1723528050-62-n7cpu2-0004 (us-east1-c), teamcity-16441860-1723528050-62-n7cpu2-0006 (us-east1-c)

**Other Failures:**
(failover.go:1774).sleepFor: sleep failed: context canceled
(monitor.go:154).Wait: monitor failure: monitor user task failed: t.Fatal() was called
EOF [owner=test-eng]
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/failover/non-system/pause/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test schemachange/during/tpcc failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16441860-1723528050-53-n5cpu16-0004 (us-east1-b), teamcity-16441860-1723528050-53-n5cpu16-0001 (us-east1-b)

**Other Failures:**
(monitor.go:154).Wait: monitor failure: context canceled
EOF [owner=test-eng]
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/schemachange/during/tpcc/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test failover/chaos/read-write/lease=expiration failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16441860-1723528050-61-n10cpu2-0010 (us-east1-c)

**Other Failures:**
(monitor.go:154).Wait: monitor failure: full command output in run_090443.114963209_n10_cockroach-workload-r.log: error persisted after 3 attempts: _potential_ SSH flake (``ssh -vvv`` log retained in /artifacts/failover/chaos/read-write/lease=expiration/run_1/ssh/ssh_090443.149656410_n10_cockroach-workload-r.log): TRANSIENT_ERROR(ssh_problem): exit status 255
(cluster.go:2419).Run: context canceled
(cluster.go:2419).Run: context canceled
(cluster.go:2419).Run: context canceled
(cluster.go:2419).Run: context canceled
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/failover/chaos/read-write/lease=expiration/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test kv/contention/nodes=4 failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16441860-1723528050-92-n5cpu4-0003 (us-east1-d)

**Other Failures:**
(cluster.go:2419).Run: context canceled
(monitor.go:154).Wait: monitor failure: monitor user task failed: t.Fatal() was called
EOF [owner=test-eng]
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/kv/contention/nodes=4/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test tpccbench/nodes=3/cpu=4/backups=true failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16441860-1723528050-77-n4cpu4-0001 (us-east1-d), teamcity-16441860-1723528050-77-n4cpu4-0003 (us-east1-d)

**Other Failures:**
(cluster.go:2305).Start: _potential_ SSH flake (``ssh -vvv`` log retained in /artifacts/tpccbench/nodes=3/cpu=4/backups=true/run_1/ssh/ssh_111141.667297285_n3_upload-start-script.log): TRANSIENT_ERROR(ssh_problem): exit status 255
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/tpccbench/nodes=3/cpu=4/backups=true/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test import/tpch/nodes=8 failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16441860-1723528050-78-n8cpu4-0001 (us-east1-d), teamcity-16441860-1723528050-78-n8cpu4-0004 (us-east1-d), teamcity-16441860-1723528050-78-n8cpu4-0005 (us-east1-d), teamcity-16441860-1723528050-78-n8cpu4-0002 (us-east1-d)

**Other Failures:**
(monitor.go:154).Wait: monitor failure: context canceled
EOF [owner=test-eng]
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/import/tpch/nodes=8/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test kv50/enc=false/nodes=4/cpu=96/batch=64 failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16441860-1723528050-143-n5cpu96-0001 (us-east1-c)

**Other Failures:**
(cluster.go:2419).Run: context canceled
(monitor.go:154).Wait: monitor failure: monitor user task failed: t.Fatal() was called
EOF [owner=test-eng]
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/kv50/enc=false/nodes=4/cpu=96/batch=64/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test tpccbench/nodes=3/cpu=4/mt-shared-process failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16441860-1723528050-130-n4cpu4-0001 (us-east1-d), teamcity-16441860-1723528050-130-n4cpu4-0002 (us-east1-d)

**Other Failures:**
(cluster.go:2356).Stop: cluster.StopE: one or more parallel execution failure(s): _potential_ SSH flake (``ssh -vvv`` log retained in /artifacts/tpccbench/nodes=3/cpu=4/mt-shared-process/run_1/ssh/ssh_133914.968716171_n2_kill.log): TRANSIENT_ERROR(ssh_problem): exit status 255
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/tpccbench/nodes=3/cpu=4/mt-shared-process/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test tpccbench/nodes=3/cpu=16 failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16441860-1723528050-134-n4cpu16-0001 (us-east1-c), teamcity-16441860-1723528050-134-n4cpu16-0003 (us-east1-c), teamcity-16441860-1723528050-134-n4cpu16-0002 (us-east1-c)

**Other Failures:**
(cluster.go:2305).Start: _potential_ SSH flake (``ssh -vvv`` log retained in /artifacts/tpccbench/nodes=3/cpu=16/run_1/ssh/ssh_134229.194441140_n3_upload-start-script.log): TRANSIENT_ERROR(ssh_problem): exit status 255
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/tpccbench/nodes=3/cpu=16/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test schemachange/indexschemachange/index/tpcc/w=800 failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16441860-1723528050-120-n5cpu16-0002 (us-east1-c), teamcity-16441860-1723528050-120-n5cpu16-0003 (us-east1-c), teamcity-16441860-1723528050-120-n5cpu16-0001 (us-east1-c), teamcity-16441860-1723528050-120-n5cpu16-0005 (us-east1-c)

**Other Failures:**
(monitor.go:154).Wait: monitor failure: full command output in run_120828.214366495_n5_cockroach-workload-r.log: error persisted after 3 attempts: _potential_ SSH flake (``ssh -vvv`` log retained in /artifacts/schemachange/indexschemachange/index/tpcc/w=800/run_1/ssh/ssh_120828.258992935_n5_cockroach-workload-r.log): TRANSIENT_ERROR(ssh_problem): exit status 255
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/schemachange/indexschemachange/index/tpcc/w=800/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test tpccbench/nodes=9/cpu=4/chaos/partition failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16441860-1723528050-133-n10cpu4-0010 (us-east1-c), teamcity-16441860-1723528050-133-n10cpu4-0004 (us-east1-c)

**Other Failures:**
(cluster.go:2305).Start: _potential_ SSH flake (``ssh -vvv`` log retained in /artifacts/tpccbench/nodes=9/cpu=4/chaos/partition/run_1/ssh/ssh_133901.943705535_n4_upload-start-script.log): TRANSIENT_ERROR(ssh_problem): exit status 255
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/tpccbench/nodes=9/cpu=4/chaos/partition/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

                      |   |
                      |   | runtime.goexit
                      |   |     src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1695
                      | Wraps: (3) _potential_ SSH flake (``ssh -vvv`` log retained in /artifacts/allocbench/nodes=7/cpu=8/kv/r=50/ops=skew/run_1/ssh/ssh_074047.496221086_n8_cockroach-workload-r.log)
                      | Wraps: (4) TRANSIENT_ERROR(ssh_problem)
                      | Wraps: (5) exit status 255
                      | Error types: (1) *hintdetail.withDetail (2) *withstack.withStack (3) *errutil.withPrefix (4) errors.TransientError (5) *exec.ExitError
                                    └─ Wraps: (11) secondary error attachment
                      | _potential_ SSH flake (``ssh -vvv`` log retained in /artifacts/allocbench/nodes=7/cpu=8/kv/r=50/ops=skew/run_1/ssh/ssh_074020.741673316_n8_cockroach-workload-r.log): TRANSIENT_ERROR(ssh_problem): exit status 255
                      | (1) Node 8. Command with error:
                      |   | ``````
                      |   | ./cockroach workload run kv --db=bigwrites --read-percent=0 --min-block-bytes=32768 --max-block-bytes=32768 --max-rate=550 --tolerate-errors --concurrency=512 --duration=30m0s {pgurl:1-7}
                      |   | ``````
                      |   | <no output>
                      | Wraps: (2) attached stack trace
                      |   -- stack trace:
                      |   |*remoteSession).errWithDebug
                      |   |
                      |   |*remoteSession).Run.func1
                      |   |
                      |   | runtime.goexit
                      |   |     src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1695
                      | Wraps: (3) _potential_ SSH flake (``ssh -vvv`` log retained in /artifacts/allocbench/nodes=7/cpu=8/kv/r=50/ops=skew/run_1/ssh/ssh_074020.741673316_n8_cockroach-workload-r.log)
                      | Wraps: (4) TRANSIENT_ERROR(ssh_problem)
                      | Wraps: (5) exit status 255
                      | Error types: (1) *hintdetail.withDetail (2) *withstack.withStack (3) *errutil.withPrefix (4) errors.TransientError (5) *exec.ExitError
                                      └─ Wraps: (12) Node 8. Command with error:
                      | ``````
                      | ./cockroach workload run kv --db=bigwrites --read-percent=0 --min-block-bytes=32768 --max-block-bytes=32768 --max-rate=550 --tolerate-errors --concurrency=512 --duration=30m0s {pgurl:1-7}
                      | ``````
                      | <truncated> ...  3841 workload/pgx_helpers.go:240  [-] 7247  error preparing statement. name=kv-2 sql=SELECT k, v FROM kv AS OF SYSTEM TIME follower_read_timestamp() WHERE k IN ($1) ERROR: relation "kv" is offline: importing (SQLSTATE XXUUU)
                      | W240814 07:23:57.177414 3897 workload/pgx_helpers.go:240  [-] 7248  error preparing statement. name=kv-2 sql=SELECT k, v FROM kv AS OF SYSTEM TIME follower_read_timestamp() WHERE k IN ($1) ERROR: relation "kv" is offline: importing (SQLSTATE XXUUU)
                      | W240814 07:23:57.185020 3756 workload/pgx_helpers.go:240  [-] 7249  error preparing statement. name=kv-2 sql=SELECT k, v FROM kv AS OF SYSTEM TIME follower_read_timestamp() WHERE k IN ($1) ERROR: relation "kv" is offline: importing (SQLSTATE XXUUU)
                      | W240814 07:23:57.188423 3920 workload/pgx_helpers.go:240  [-] 7250  error preparing statement. name=kv-2 sql=SELECT k, v FROM kv AS OF SYSTEM TIME follower_read_timestamp() WHERE k IN ($1) ERROR: relation "kv" is offline: importing (SQLSTATE XXUUU)
                      | Connection to closed by remote host.
                                        └─ Wraps: (13) attached stack trace
                      -- stack trace:
                      | runtime.goexit
                      |     src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1695
                                          └─ Wraps: (14) _potential_ SSH flake (``ssh -vvv`` log retained in /artifacts/allocbench/nodes=7/cpu=8/kv/r=50/ops=skew/run_1/ssh/ssh_072353.026023236_n8_cockroach-workload-r.log)
                                            └─ Wraps: (15) TRANSIENT_ERROR(ssh_problem)
                                              └─ Wraps: (16) exit status 255
                    Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *withstack.withStack (4) *join.joinError (5) *withstack.withStack (6) *errutil.withPrefix (7) *markers.withMark (8) *withstack.withStack (9) *errutil.withPrefix (10) *secondary.withSecondaryError (11) *secondary.withSecondaryError (12) *hintdetail.withDetail (13) *withstack.withStack (14) *errutil.withPrefix (15) errors.TransientError (16) *exec.ExitError
    Test:           allocbench/nodes=7/cpu=8/kv/r=50/ops=skew
(require.go:1357).NoError: FailNow called
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/allocbench/nodes=7/cpu=8/kv/r=50/ops=skew/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #128948 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.4-rc] - #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

                      |   |
                      |   | runtime.goexit
                      |   |     src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1695
                      | Wraps: (3) _potential_ SSH flake (``ssh -vvv`` log retained in /artifacts/allocbench/nodes=7/cpu=8/kv/r=95/ops=skew/run_1/ssh/ssh_074053.573752989_n8_cockroach-workload-r.log)
                      | Wraps: (4) TRANSIENT_ERROR(ssh_problem)
                      | Wraps: (5) exit status 255
                      | Error types: (1) *hintdetail.withDetail (2) *withstack.withStack (3) *errutil.withPrefix (4) errors.TransientError (5) *exec.ExitError
                                    └─ Wraps: (11) secondary error attachment
                      | _potential_ SSH flake (``ssh -vvv`` log retained in /artifacts/allocbench/nodes=7/cpu=8/kv/r=95/ops=skew/run_1/ssh/ssh_074021.983742533_n8_cockroach-workload-r.log): TRANSIENT_ERROR(ssh_problem): exit status 255
                      | (1) Node 8. Command with error:
                      |   | ``````
                      |   | ./cockroach workload run kv --db=bigreads --read-percent=75 --min-block-bytes=1024 --max-block-bytes=1024 --max-rate=850 --span-percent=20 --span-limit=10000 --batch=10 --tolerate-errors --concurrency=512 --duration=30m0s {pgurl:1-7}
                      |   | ``````
                      |   | <no output>
                      | Wraps: (2) attached stack trace
                      |   -- stack trace:
                      |   |*remoteSession).errWithDebug
                      |   |
                      |   |*remoteSession).Run.func1
                      |   |
                      |   | runtime.goexit
                      |   |     src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1695
                      | Wraps: (3) _potential_ SSH flake (``ssh -vvv`` log retained in /artifacts/allocbench/nodes=7/cpu=8/kv/r=95/ops=skew/run_1/ssh/ssh_074021.983742533_n8_cockroach-workload-r.log)
                      | Wraps: (4) TRANSIENT_ERROR(ssh_problem)
                      | Wraps: (5) exit status 255
                      | Error types: (1) *hintdetail.withDetail (2) *withstack.withStack (3) *errutil.withPrefix (4) errors.TransientError (5) *exec.ExitError
                                      └─ Wraps: (12) Node 8. Command with error:
                      | ``````
                      | ./cockroach workload run kv --db=bigreads --read-percent=75 --min-block-bytes=1024 --max-block-bytes=1024 --max-rate=850 --span-percent=20 --span-limit=10000 --batch=10 --tolerate-errors --concurrency=512 --duration=30m0s {pgurl:1-7}
                      | ``````
                      | <truncated> ... ) WHERE k IN ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10) ERROR: relation "kv" is offline: importing (SQLSTATE XXUUU)
                      | W240814 07:23:03.349910 4142 workload/pgx_helpers.go:240  [-] 4118  error preparing statement. name=kv-2 sql=SELECT k, v FROM kv AS OF SYSTEM TIME follower_read_timestamp() WHERE k IN ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10) ERROR: relation "kv" is offline: importing (SQLSTATE XXUUU)
                      | W240814 07:23:03.351205 4047 workload/pgx_helpers.go:240  [-] 4119  error preparing statement. name=kv-2 sql=SELECT k, v FROM kv AS OF SYSTEM TIME follower_read_timestamp() WHERE k IN ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10) ERROR: relation "kv" is offline: importing (SQLSTATE XXUUU)
                      | W240814 07:23:03.351274 4157 workload/pgx_helpers.go:240  [-] 4120  error preparing statement. name=kv-2 sql=SELECT k, v FROM kv AS OF SYSTEM TIME follower_read_timestamp() WHERE k IN ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10) ERROR: relation "kv" is offline: importing (SQLSTATE XXUUU)
                      | Connection to closed by remote host.
                                        └─ Wraps: (13) attached stack trace
                      -- stack trace:
                      | runtime.goexit
                      |     src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1695
                                          └─ Wraps: (14) _potential_ SSH flake (``ssh -vvv`` log retained in /artifacts/allocbench/nodes=7/cpu=8/kv/r=95/ops=skew/run_1/ssh/ssh_072259.238652813_n8_cockroach-workload-r.log)
                                            └─ Wraps: (15) TRANSIENT_ERROR(ssh_problem)
                                              └─ Wraps: (16) exit status 255
                    Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *withstack.withStack (4) *join.joinError (5) *withstack.withStack (6) *errutil.withPrefix (7) *markers.withMark (8) *withstack.withStack (9) *errutil.withPrefix (10) *secondary.withSecondaryError (11) *secondary.withSecondaryError (12) *hintdetail.withDetail (13) *withstack.withStack (14) *errutil.withPrefix (15) errors.TransientError (16) *exec.ExitError
    Test:           allocbench/nodes=7/cpu=8/kv/r=95/ops=skew
(require.go:1357).NoError: FailNow called
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/allocbench/nodes=7/cpu=8/kv/r=95/ops=skew/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #128948 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.4-rc] - #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test allocbench/nodes=7/cpu=8/kv/r=95/access=skew failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16460023-1723619632-09-n8cpu8-0004 (us-east1-c), teamcity-16460023-1723619632-09-n8cpu8-0006 (us-east1-c)

**Other Failures:**
(cluster.go:2411).Wipe: one or more parallel execution failure(s): _potential_ SSH flake (``ssh -vvv`` log retained in /artifacts/allocbench/nodes=7/cpu=8/kv/r=95/access=skew/run_1/ssh/ssh_075214.212950743_n4_kill.log): TRANSIENT_ERROR(ssh_problem): exit status 255
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/allocbench/nodes=7/cpu=8/kv/r=95/access=skew/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #128948 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.4-rc] - #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test kv95/enc=true/nodes=1 failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16460023-1723619632-06-n2cpu8-0001 (us-east1-c)

**Other Failures:**
(cluster.go:2419).Run: context canceled
(monitor.go:154).Wait: monitor failure: monitor user task failed: t.Fatal() was called
EOF [owner=test-eng]
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/kv95/enc=true/nodes=1/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #128948 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.4-rc] - #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test admission-control/snapshot-overload-excise failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16460023-1723619632-07-n4cpu4-0003 (us-east1-c), teamcity-16460023-1723619632-07-n4cpu4-0001 (us-east1-c)

**Other Failures:**
(cluster.go:2356).Stop: cluster.StopE: one or more parallel execution failure(s): _potential_ SSH flake (``ssh -vvv`` log retained in /artifacts/admission-control/snapshot-overload-excise/run_1/ssh/ssh_094411.331571239_n3_kill.log): TRANSIENT_ERROR(ssh_problem): exit status 255
(cluster.go:2419).Run: context canceled
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/admission-control/snapshot-overload-excise/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #128948 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.4-rc] - #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test cdc/crdb-chaos failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16460023-1723619632-22-n4cpu16-0003 (us-east1-b), teamcity-16460023-1723619632-22-n4cpu16-0001 (us-east1-b), teamcity-16460023-1723619632-22-n4cpu16-0002 (us-east1-b)

**Other Failures:**
(test_runner.go:1277).runTest: test timed out (3h0m0s)
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/cdc/crdb-chaos/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #128948 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.4-rc] - #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test kv95/enc=true/nodes=3 failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16460023-1723619632-115-n4cpu8-0001 (us-east1-d)

**Other Failures:**
(cluster.go:2419).Run: context canceled
(monitor.go:154).Wait: monitor failure: monitor user task failed: t.Fatal() was called
EOF [owner=test-eng]
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/kv95/enc=true/nodes=3/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #128948 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.4-rc] - #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test ycsb/A/nodes=3/cpu=32 failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16460023-1723619632-97-n4cpu32-0003 (us-east1-c), teamcity-16460023-1723619632-97-n4cpu32-0001 (us-east1-c), teamcity-16460023-1723619632-97-n4cpu32-0002 (us-east1-c)

**Other Failures:**
(cluster.go:2419).Run: context canceled
(monitor.go:154).Wait: monitor failure: monitor user task failed: t.Fatal() was called
EOF [owner=test-eng]
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/ycsb/A/nodes=3/cpu=32/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #128948 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.4-rc] - #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test kv95/enc=false/nodes=3/cpu=96 failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16460023-1723619632-118-n4cpu96-0001 (us-east1-d)

**Other Failures:**
(cluster.go:2419).Run: context canceled
(monitor.go:154).Wait: monitor failure: monitor user task failed: t.Fatal() was called
EOF [owner=test-eng]
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/kv95/enc=false/nodes=3/cpu=96/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #128948 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.4-rc] - #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test sysbench/oltp_delete/nodes=3/cpu=32/conc=256 failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16460023-1723619632-142-n4cpu32-0002 (us-east1-b)

**Other Failures:**
(monitor.go:154).Wait: monitor failure: context canceled
EOF [owner=test-eng]
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/sysbench/oltp_delete/nodes=3/cpu=32/conc=256/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #128948 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.4-rc] - #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test ycsb/D/nodes=3/cpu=32 failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16460023-1723619632-107-n4cpu32-0003 (us-east1-b), teamcity-16460023-1723619632-107-n4cpu32-0001 (us-east1-b), teamcity-16460023-1723619632-107-n4cpu32-0002 (us-east1-b)

**Other Failures:**
(cluster.go:2419).Run: context canceled
(monitor.go:154).Wait: monitor failure: monitor user task failed: t.Fatal() was called
EOF [owner=test-eng]
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/ycsb/D/nodes=3/cpu=32/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #128948 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.4-rc] - #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test scrub/index-only/tpcc/w=100 failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16460023-1723619632-140-n5cpu4-0001 (us-east1-b), teamcity-16460023-1723619632-140-n5cpu4-0004 (us-east1-b)

**Other Failures:**
(scrub.go:91).1: read tcp -> read: connection reset by peer
(monitor.go:154).Wait: monitor failure: context canceled
EOF [owner=test-eng]
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/scrub/index-only/tpcc/w=100/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #128948 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.4-rc] - #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

                      |   |
                      |   | runtime.goexit
                      |   |     src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1695
                      | Wraps: (3) _potential_ SSH flake (``ssh -vvv`` log retained in /artifacts/allocbench/nodes=7/cpu=8/kv/r=50/ops=skew/run_1/ssh/ssh_062020.539604560_n8_cockroach-workload-r.log)
                      | Wraps: (4) TRANSIENT_ERROR(ssh_problem)
                      | Wraps: (5) exit status 255
                      | Error types: (1) *hintdetail.withDetail (2) *withstack.withStack (3) *errutil.withPrefix (4) errors.TransientError (5) *exec.ExitError
                                    └─ Wraps: (11) secondary error attachment
                      | _potential_ SSH flake (``ssh -vvv`` log retained in /artifacts/allocbench/nodes=7/cpu=8/kv/r=50/ops=skew/run_1/ssh/ssh_061953.779101768_n8_cockroach-workload-r.log): TRANSIENT_ERROR(ssh_problem): exit status 255
                      | (1) Node 8. Command with error:
                      |   | ``````
                      |   | ./cockroach workload run kv --db=smallreads --read-percent=95 --min-block-bytes=1 --max-block-bytes=1 --max-rate=16500 --tolerate-errors --concurrency=512 --duration=30m0s {pgurl:1-7}
                      |   | ``````
                      |   | <no output>
                      | Wraps: (2) attached stack trace
                      |   -- stack trace:
                      |   |*remoteSession).errWithDebug
                      |   |
                      |   |*remoteSession).Run.func1
                      |   |
                      |   | runtime.goexit
                      |   |     src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1695
                      | Wraps: (3) _potential_ SSH flake (``ssh -vvv`` log retained in /artifacts/allocbench/nodes=7/cpu=8/kv/r=50/ops=skew/run_1/ssh/ssh_061953.779101768_n8_cockroach-workload-r.log)
                      | Wraps: (4) TRANSIENT_ERROR(ssh_problem)
                      | Wraps: (5) exit status 255
                      | Error types: (1) *hintdetail.withDetail (2) *withstack.withStack (3) *errutil.withPrefix (4) errors.TransientError (5) *exec.ExitError
                                      └─ Wraps: (12) Node 8. Command with error:
                      | ``````
                      | ./cockroach workload run kv --db=smallreads --read-percent=95 --min-block-bytes=1 --max-block-bytes=1 --max-rate=16500 --tolerate-errors --concurrency=512 --duration=30m0s {pgurl:1-7}
                      | ``````
                      | <truncated> ... 0 3753 workload/pgx_helpers.go:240  [-] 4719  error preparing statement. name=kv-2 sql=SELECT k, v FROM kv AS OF SYSTEM TIME follower_read_timestamp() WHERE k IN ($1) ERROR: relation "kv" is offline: importing (SQLSTATE XXUUU)
                      | W240815 05:54:41.339922 4017 workload/pgx_helpers.go:240  [-] 4720  error preparing statement. name=kv-2 sql=SELECT k, v FROM kv AS OF SYSTEM TIME follower_read_timestamp() WHERE k IN ($1) ERROR: relation "kv" is offline: importing (SQLSTATE XXUUU)
                      | W240815 05:54:41.344021 3936 workload/pgx_helpers.go:240  [-] 4721  error preparing statement. name=kv-2 sql=SELECT k, v FROM kv AS OF SYSTEM TIME follower_read_timestamp() WHERE k IN ($1) ERROR: relation "kv" is offline: importing (SQLSTATE XXUUU)
                      | W240815 05:54:41.321835 3846 workload/pgx_helpers.go:240  [-] 4696  error preparing statement. name=kv-2 sql=SELECT k, v FROM kv AS OF SYSTEM TIME follower_read_timestamp() WHERE k IN ($1) ERROR: relation "kv" is offline: importing (SQLSTATE XXUUU)
                      | Connection to closed by remote host.
                                        └─ Wraps: (13) attached stack trace
                      -- stack trace:
                      | runtime.goexit
                      |     src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1695
                                          └─ Wraps: (14) _potential_ SSH flake (``ssh -vvv`` log retained in /artifacts/allocbench/nodes=7/cpu=8/kv/r=50/ops=skew/run_1/ssh/ssh_055437.220474913_n8_cockroach-workload-r.log)
                                            └─ Wraps: (15) TRANSIENT_ERROR(ssh_problem)
                                              └─ Wraps: (16) exit status 255
                    Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *withstack.withStack (4) *join.joinError (5) *withstack.withStack (6) *errutil.withPrefix (7) *markers.withMark (8) *withstack.withStack (9) *errutil.withPrefix (10) *secondary.withSecondaryError (11) *secondary.withSecondaryError (12) *hintdetail.withDetail (13) *withstack.withStack (14) *errutil.withPrefix (15) errors.TransientError (16) *exec.ExitError
    Test:           allocbench/nodes=7/cpu=8/kv/r=50/ops=skew
(require.go:1357).NoError: FailNow called
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/allocbench/nodes=7/cpu=8/kv/r=50/ops=skew/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #128948 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.4-rc] - #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 months ago

roachtest.vm_preemption failed with artifacts on release-24.2.0-rc @ 953d09cce5a01cc0053e138516d80a27454f027c:

test allocbench/nodes=7/cpu=8/kv/r=0/ops=skew failed: VMs preempted during the test run: teamcity-16475370-1723700895-10-n8cpu8-0005 (us-east1-b), teamcity-16475370-1723700895-10-n8cpu8-0004 (us-east1-b)

**Other Failures:**
(cluster.go:2411).Wipe: one or more parallel execution failure(s): _potential_ SSH flake (``ssh -vvv`` log retained in /artifacts/allocbench/nodes=7/cpu=8/kv/r=0/ops=skew/run_1/ssh/ssh_062719.102413926_n4_kill.log): TRANSIENT_ERROR(ssh_problem): exit status 255
test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/allocbench/nodes=7/cpu=8/kv/r=0/ops=skew/run_1


See: roachtest README

See: How To Investigate (internal)

See: Grafana

Same failure on other branches

- #128948 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.4-rc] - #127323 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.3-rc] - #126985 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.2] - #125727 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.2-rc] - #124898 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1.1-rc] - #121348 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-release-24.1] - #118528 roachtest: vm_preemption failed [O-roachtest O-robot T-testeng X-infra-flake branch-master]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!