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crosscluster/logical: support replicating table with composite type in pk #133572

Open msbutler opened 1 month ago

msbutler commented 1 month ago

Examples of Composite Types: Decimals, Collated Strings

Technical Justification: Decoding a primary key with a composite type requires reading the current value. When the rangefeed sends over a delete, however, we do not see the current value. While we could rely on the prev value sent over the rangefeed, we currently have no way to handle phantom deletes (i.e. a delete on a key with no previous value) There are also complications around column families, but let’s ignore that for now, as we disallow replicating tables with column families.

Jira issue: CRDB-43692

blathers-crl[bot] commented 1 month ago

cc @cockroachdb/disaster-recovery