CRDB supports UPSERT which is similar but different than MERGE. UPSERT is built off of INSERT while MERGE focuses on merging/synchronizing tables and provides: conditionality (where clauses) and DELETE support.
MERGE is part of the SQL standard and implemented by dbs like Oracle but not implemented in Postgres.
CREATE TABLE Stock(item_id int UNIQUE, balance int);
INSERT INTO Stock VALUES (10, 2200);
INSERT INTO Stock VALUES (20, 1900);
CREATE TABLE Buy(item_id int, volume int);
INSERT INTO Buy values(10, 1000);
INSERT INTO Buy values(30, 300);
CREATE TABLE Sale(item_id int, volume int);
INSERT INTO Sale VALUES (10, 2200);
INSERT INTO Sale VALUES (20, 1000);
Now attempt to use MERGE:
root@> MERGE INTO Stock USING Buy ON Stock.item_id = Buy.item_id
WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET balance = balance + Buy.volume
invalid syntax: statement ignored: at or near "merge": syntax error
DETAIL: source SQL:
MERGE INTO Stock USING Buy ON Stock.item_id = Buy.item_id
CRDB supports UPSERT which is similar but different than MERGE. UPSERT is built off of INSERT while MERGE focuses on merging/synchronizing tables and provides: conditionality (where clauses) and DELETE support.
MERGE is part of the SQL standard and implemented by dbs like Oracle but not implemented in Postgres.
Edit: PostgreSQL is implementing this in PG 15:
Now attempt to use MERGE:
Jira issue: CRDB-4059