Closed cockroach-teamcity closed 1 year ago
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@15765c0fa9118885dda0bd2ad1384b8801c412c3:
| "CREATE TYPE public.enum65 AS ENUM ('sfsdsa', 'ds', 'fda', 'a')",
| "DROP TABLE public.table74 CASCADE"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"public.table74\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:09:43.424351",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table4 DROP COLUMN \"col4_11\""
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42P10",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: column \"col4_11\" is referenced by the primary key (SQLSTATE 42P10)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:09:43.606692",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "SELECT 'validating all objects'",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table103 ALTER COLUMN IrrelevantColumnName DROP STORED"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"public.table103\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:09:43.615653",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "CREATE TABLE public.table69 AS SELECT public.table4.col4_6, public.table4.col4_14, public.table4.col4_9, public.table4.col4_12, public.table4.col4_13, public.table4.col4_11, public.table4.col4_8, public.table4.col4_10 FROM public.table4",
| "INSERT INTO public.table69 (col4_6,col4_14,col4_9,col4_12,col4_13,col4_11,col4_8,col4_10) VALUES ('\\x7e2717ae841c080b11':::BYTES,1690057645:::OID,2511334207088185015:::INT8,'11:39:41.051899-01:19:00':::TIMETZ,'22:47:21.322449':::TIME,4160124289:::OID,e'-`T\\x01\\x13':::STRING:::NAME,NULL),('\\x203e7f326fd558b9d6':::BYTES,995563407:::OID,(-767650628765094190):::INT8,'11:30:44.956272+09:58:00':::TIMETZ,'12:04:15.831171':::TIME,2168836600:::OID,e'pO3m%\\x06e':::STRING:::NAME,'2026-03-24 00:48:38.000742':::TIMESTAMP)",
| "CREATE TYPE public.enum120 AS ENUM ('daas', 'sdfdff', 'dasfaf', 's')"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "0A000",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***FAIL; Failed to receive an execution error when errors were expected",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( Related: - #58543 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed [C-test-failure]( [O-roachtest]( [O-robot]( [branch-release-20.1]( [release-blocker]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@339275585b7d30b9ee2d49b0c696b9ddb8d51ad4:
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table45 ALTER COLUMN \"col45_49\" DROP STORED"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42611",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: column \"col45_49\" is not a computed column (SQLSTATE 42611)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:56:37.032695",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table45 ALTER COLUMN \"col45_157\" SET DATA TYPE IrrelevantTypeName"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42703",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: column \"col45_157\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42703)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:56:36.679217",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "CREATE TABLE public.table159 AS SELECT \"IrrelevantColumnName\", public.table67.col32_36, public.table67.col32_34, public.table67.col32_37, public.table67.col32_33, public.table67.col32_34, public.table67.col32_36 FROM schema141.table142, public.table67, public.table67"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42701,42712,42P01",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"schema141.table142\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:56:36.862441",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table45 ALTER COLUMN col45_47 SET DEFAULT 'BOX(0.035212615687205795 -0.9333985617405702,0.23577756186385357 -0.11985241741194685)':::BOX2D",
| "CREATE TYPE schema24.enum156 AS ENUM ('fsfs', 'sfasas', 'fsfdsa', 'fssf', 'fsfa', 'aaaaf')",
| "INSERT INTO public.table45 (col45_46,col45_47,col45_48,col45_49,col45_50,col45_51,col45_52,col45_53,col45_54,col45_55,col45_56,col45_57,col45_58,col45_59,col45_60) VALUES ('768d6983-fd48-4fcc-917a-a49ea8dff45f':::UUID,'BOX(0.02876387069532438 -0.3627596563348069,0.5082495381088702 0.202383150915744)':::BOX2D,'BOX(-0.3821676722501415 -0.6009718163907181,0.1471505427951832 1.1467965383136662)':::BOX2D,(-1.608353212526057698E+31):::DECIMAL,3478113968:::OID,3873589604:::OID,251809387:::OID,'22:37:20.92667-02:58:00':::TIMETZ,'2009-01-16 11:01:15.000842+00:00':::TIMESTAMPTZ,(-1.760059118270874):::FLOAT8,'2030-01-27 11:52:37.000129':::TIMESTAMP,(-421107198):::INT8,(-28108):::INT8,'\\xc085e5':::BYTES,0:::OID)",
| "CREATE TABLE schema24.table160 (col160_161 INTERVAL NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col160_161 ASC), INDEX (col160_161 ASC), UNIQUE (col160_161), UNIQUE (col160_161), UNIQUE (col160_161 ASC), UNIQUE (col160_161), INDEX (col160_161 DESC), UNIQUE (col160_161 ASC), INDEX (col160_161 ASC))"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "0A000",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***FAIL; Failed to receive an execution error when errors were expected",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( Related: - #58543 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed [C-test-failure]( [O-roachtest]( [O-robot]( [branch-release-20.1]( [release-blocker]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@dbc7245c5d8c9f009072353fec261419e573032c:
| "expectedExecErrors": "42611",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: column \"col2_3\" is not a computed column (SQLSTATE 42611)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:57:29.103269",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table2 ALTER COLUMN \"col2_8\" SET NOT NULL",
| "ALTER TABLE schema45.table202 ALTER COLUMN \"IrrelevantColumnName\" DROP DEFAULT"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"schema45.table202\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:57:29.321741",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table2 ALTER COLUMN col2_6 SET DEFAULT '74f5:5ecb:aff5:2b3c:4f59:aa2b:57fc:3c8d':::INET",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table203 ALTER COLUMN IrrelevantColumnName SET DATA TYPE IrrelevantDataType"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"public.table203\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:57:29.226621",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table2 ALTER COLUMN \"col2_13\" DROP DEFAULT",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table2 RENAME COLUMN \"col2_16\" TO \"col2_205\"",
| "CREATE TYPE public.enum206 AS ENUM ('fs')",
| "INSERT INTO public.table2 (col2_3,col2_4,col2_5,col2_6,col2_7,col2_8,col2_9,col2_10,col2_11,col2_12,col2_13,col2_14,col2_15,col2_205,col2_17,col2_18) VALUES ('960f:ff96:7a44:e4c8:26b5:9ac8:d040:97c/121':::INET,NULL,'c08ce718-7728-41d8-9e8f-b1ba5ce0a295':::UUID,'e2fb:d662:d62a:4142:46a4:8df7:a0d6:1861/127':::INET,3.460842067940143018E+23:::DECIMAL,e'\\x16':::STRING,ARRAY[e'\\'':::STRING,'*':::STRING],'10:24:28.425742':::TIME,3.744671298540195722E+37:::DECIMAL,NULL,'1972-12-28':::DATE,3159792794:::OID,4036915812:::OID,795119547:::OID,'1990-07-07':::DATE,(-207167771803610666):::INT8)",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table2 ALTER COLUMN \"col2_18\" DROP NOT NULL"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "0A000",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***FAIL; Failed to receive an execution error when errors were expected",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@aa68427e69113a6b9d0aa1dac8469919c6f95e16:
| "BEGIN",
| "SELECT 'validating all objects'",
| "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.table118 (col118_119 REGCLASS NOT NULL, col118_120 INT8 NOT NULL, col118_121 OID[] NOT NULL, col118_122 TIME NOT NULL, col118_123 INET NOT NULL, col118_124 BYTES NOT NULL, col118_125 TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, col118_126 INT8[] NULL, col118_127 DATE NOT NULL, col118_128 VARCHAR NOT NULL, col118_129 DECIMAL NOT NULL, col118_130 REGPROCEDURE NULL, col118_131 DATE NOT NULL, col118_132 REGCLASS NOT NULL, col118_133 BOX2D NOT NULL, col118_134 INT4 NOT NULL, col118_135 REGTYPE NOT NULL, col118_136 BOX2D NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col118_124 DESC, col118_123 ASC, col118_122 DESC, col118_119 DESC, col118_120 ASC, col118_129 DESC, col118_134, col118_132, col118_136 DESC, col118_135, col118_128 DESC, col118_131 DESC, col118_133 ASC, col118_125 DESC, col118_127 DESC), UNIQUE (col118_136 DESC) STORING (col118_121, col118_126), INDEX (col118_131, col118_120, col118_132, col118_123, col118_129 DESC, col118_133 DESC, col118_124, col118_125 ASC, col118_135 ASC, col118_136 ASC, col118_119 ASC, col118_134 ASC, col118_122, col118_128 DESC, col118_127 DESC) STORING (col118_121, col118_130), FAMILY (col118_133, col118_128), FAMILY (col118_130), FAMILY (col118_123), FAMILY (col118_122), FAMILY (col118_136, col118_131), FAMILY (col118_126), FAMILY (col118_127), FAMILY (col118_125), FAMILY (col118_124), FAMILY (col118_129, col118_135), FAMILY (col118_121), FAMILY (col118_120), FAMILY (col118_134, col118_132, col118_119))",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "TXN RETRY ERROR; ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: TransactionRetryError: retry txn (RETRY_SERIALIZABLE - failed preemptive refresh): \"sql txn\" meta={id=d4625224 key=/Table/SystemConfigSpan/Start pri=0.06638751 epo=0 ts=1610352410.242527350,1 min=1610352410.172740876,0 seq=15} lock=true stat=PENDING rts=1610352410.172740876,0 wto=false max=1610352410.672740876,0 (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitFailure"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:06:49.998354",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "TXN RETRY ERROR; ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: cannot publish new versions for descriptors: [{schemachange 52 1}], old versions still in use (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitFailure"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:06:49.833048",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "CREATE TYPE schema137.enum138 AS ENUM ('fa', 'd', 'asds')"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "3F000",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: cannot create \"schema137.enum138\" because the target database or schema does not exist (SQLSTATE 3F000)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:06:50.44481",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: cannot rollback to savepoint after a transaction restart (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@63fba7f1ab321088619d04aa9a44e61d018016f6:
| "clientTimestamp": "08:08:36.449031",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table96 ADD COLUMN col96_285 \"char\" NULL",
| "DROP SCHEMA \"public\" CASCADE"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "3F000",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: cannot drop schema \"public\" (SQLSTATE 3F000)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:08:36.468997",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table96 RENAME TO public.table96",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:08:37.241921",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE schema66.table289 ALTER COLUMN \"IrrelevantColumnName\" DROP DEFAULT"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"schema66.table289\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:08:36.546506",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "DROP SCHEMA \"schema66\" CASCADE"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: cannot rollback to savepoint after a transaction restart (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( Related: - #58776 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed [C-test-failure]( [O-roachtest]( [O-robot]( [branch-release-20.1]( [release-blocker]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@03797b17417ae34451537f8f76d66ac69dba2d07:
| "ALTER SEQUENCE public.seq20 RENAME TO public.seq41",
| "CREATE TYPE public.enum59 AS ENUM ('aaa')",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "TXN RETRY ERROR; ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: TransactionRetryError: retry txn (RETRY_SERIALIZABLE - failed preemptive refresh): \"sql txn\" meta={id=8316ca4f key=/Table/SystemConfigSpan/Start pri=0.01185797 epo=0 ts=1610525316.757024177,1 min=1610525316.662331561,0 seq=31} lock=true stat=PENDING rts=1610525316.662331561,0 wto=false max=1610525317.162331561,0 (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitFailure"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:08:36.661677",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "SELECT 'validating all objects'",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table70 ALTER COLUMN \"IrrelevantColumnName\" DROP DEFAULT"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"public.table70\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:08:36.757096",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "CREATE TABLE public.table72 (col72_73 VARCHAR NOT NULL, col72_74 REGPROCEDURE NULL, col72_75 REGPROCEDURE NOT NULL, col72_76 REGNAMESPACE NOT NULL, col72_77 UUID NOT NULL, col72_78 CHAR NOT NULL, col72_79 FLOAT8, col72_80 BIT(19) NOT NULL, col72_81 VARCHAR NOT NULL, col72_82 TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL, col72_83 TIMETZ NOT NULL, col72_84 INTERVAL, col72_85 NAME NOT NULL, col72_86 INT4 NULL, col72_87 INT4 NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col72_75 DESC, col72_82 ASC, col72_80 ASC, col72_78, col72_77 ASC, col72_81, col72_85 ASC, col72_73 DESC, col72_83 ASC), INDEX (col72_82 ASC, col72_77 ASC, col72_83 ASC, col72_81 DESC, col72_76, col72_79 DESC) STORING (col72_86), INDEX (col72_77 ASC, col72_86 ASC, col72_80 DESC, col72_84, col72_79 DESC, col72_87, col72_76 ASC, col72_73 DESC, col72_82 DESC, col72_74), INDEX (col72_81, col72_75, col72_80 ASC, col72_82 ASC, col72_74 DESC, col72_73, col72_85, col72_84 ASC, col72_78, col72_86, col72_77 ASC, col72_76 ASC, col72_83 DESC, col72_79 ASC, col72_87 ASC), INDEX (col72_74, col72_80 DESC, col72_76 DESC, col72_86, col72_79) STORING (col72_84, col72_87), INDEX (col72_82 DESC, col72_75, col72_79 ASC, col72_83 DESC, col72_81 ASC, col72_80, col72_77 DESC, col72_74, col72_78 ASC, col72_85 DESC, col72_86 ASC, col72_73 ASC, col72_84, col72_87 ASC, col72_76), INDEX (col72_73 ASC, col72_79, col72_81, col72_80 ASC, col72_78, col72_76 DESC, col72_77 DESC, col72_83, col72_84 ASC, col72_74 ASC, col72_75 DESC, col72_82 ASC, col72_85 DESC, col72_86 ASC, col72_87), INDEX (col72_81 ASC, col72_74 ASC, col72_75 DESC, col72_80, col72_84 ASC, col72_79 DESC, col72_82 ASC, col72_86 ASC, col72_83 ASC, col72_87 ASC, col72_73 DESC, col72_78 ASC, col72_85 ASC, col72_76), INDEX (col72_83 ASC, col72_82, col72_74 DESC, col72_85), UNIQUE (col72_82 DESC, col72_81, col72_73, col72_79 DESC, col72_77 ASC, col72_86 ASC, col72_85 DESC, col72_74, col72_84 DESC, col72_83 DESC, col72_87, col72_75, col72_78, col72_76 DESC))",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table88 ALTER COLUMN IrrelevantColumnName DROP STORED"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"public.table88\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:08:37.048239",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: cannot rollback to savepoint after a transaction restart (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( Related: - #58776 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed [C-test-failure]( [O-roachtest]( [O-robot]( [branch-release-20.1]( [release-blocker]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@f9b44f59d0451dc9efbb771baac3e88540485629:
| "CREATE TABLE public.table107 AS SELECT public.table3.col3_14, public.table3.col3_10, public.table3.col3_4, public.table3.col3_12, public.table3.col3_5, public.table3.col3_7, public.table3.col3_11 FROM public.table3",
| "ALTER TABLE schema108.table109 RENAME COLUMN \"IrrelevantColumnName\" TO \"OtherIrrelevantName\""
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"schema108.table109\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:52:54.368484",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table3 ADD COLUMN col3_102 UUID NOT NULL",
| "DROP SCHEMA \"public\" CASCADE"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "3F000",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: cannot drop schema \"public\" (SQLSTATE 3F000)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:52:54.620938",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table3 ADD COLUMN col3_101 BIT(5)",
| "CREATE TABLE public.table120 AS SELECT public.table3.col3_12, public.table3.col3_4, \"IrrelevantColumnName\" FROM public.table3, public.table110"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"public.table110\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:52:54.360511",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "INSERT INTO public.table3 (col3_4,col3_5,col3_6,col3_7,col3_8,col3_9,col3_10,col3_11,col3_12,col3_13,col3_14) VALUES (e'w\\x0eW(\\x17':::STRING,'00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000':::UUID,'fG:^#A`QS':::STRING:::NAME,12367:::INT8,'2025-06-19 22:20:33.000867+00:00':::TIMESTAMPTZ,'c882:3587:17ec:bd1f:3fe0:47d5:7ef0:7199/126':::INET,2339572909:::OID,1995282781:::OID,(-2748514333956389292):::INT8,e'\\U00002603':::STRING,ARRAY[true,false,true,false,true]),('\"':::STRING,'4f82315c-d8ec-44b5-9015-09e37b9fc120':::UUID,',M!Pzc3':::STRING:::NAME,30502:::INT8,'1983-11-06 14:49:41.000676+00:00':::TIMESTAMPTZ,'270d:4342:7f73:302f:839d:6ba0:7237:a180/75':::INET,190188083:::OID,1846054123:::OID,(-2872322427255388681):::INT8,e'\\U00002603':::STRING,ARRAY[false,false,false]),(';$M,A[':::STRING,'18a550d2-0746-482c-b4ba-a5107382fbc4':::UUID,'u':::STRING:::NAME,(-6819):::INT8,'1980-05-18 23:19:40.000554+00:00':::TIMESTAMPTZ,'':::INET,1828114118:::OID,4252440575:::OID,(-944681437003243155):::INT8,e'\\x10':::STRING,ARRAY[false,false,true,true])",
| "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.table111 (col111_112 INTERVAL NOT NULL, col111_113 NAME NOT NULL, col111_114 INTERVAL NOT NULL, col111_115 CHAR NOT NULL, col111_116 UUID, col111_117 UUID NOT NULL, col111_118 FLOAT8 NULL, col111_119 TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (col111_113 DESC, col111_117 ASC, col111_115 ASC, col111_114), INDEX (col111_119 DESC, col111_114 ASC, col111_118 DESC), INDEX (col111_119 DESC, col111_114 ASC, col111_115, col111_117 DESC, col111_113, col111_118, col111_116 DESC) STORING (col111_112), UNIQUE (col111_114, col111_116, col111_112 DESC))"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "0A000",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***FAIL; Failed to receive an execution error when errors were expected",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( Related: - #58776 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed [C-test-failure]( [O-roachtest]( [O-robot]( [branch-release-20.1]( [release-blocker]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@a786c51627fe66e47b4a4445c67b2a9077ae2a93:
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"public.table219\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:57:22.84728",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS schema23.seq206",
| "SELECT 'validating all objects'",
| "ALTER VIEW schema41.view223 RENAME TO schema41.view224"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"schema41.view223\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| 2.0s 0 48.0 47.5 3.8 285.2 352.3 352.3 opOk
| 2.0s 0 11.0 9.5 352.3 570.4 637.5 637.5 txnCmtErr
| 2.0s 0 5.0 4.5 419.4 1342.2 1342.2 1342.2 txnOk
| 2.0s 0 23.0 25.5 1.1 285.2 352.3 352.3 txnRbk
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:57:22.638938",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "SELECT 'validating all objects'",
| "CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS schema41.seq221",
| "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS schema23.table225 (col225_226 INTERVAL NOT NULL, col225_227 REGPROC, PRIMARY KEY (col225_226), UNIQUE (col225_227 ASC), UNIQUE (col225_226), INDEX (col225_227 ASC, col225_226), UNIQUE (col225_227 ASC, col225_226 DESC), UNIQUE (col225_226), UNIQUE (col225_227), INDEX (col225_226, col225_227 ASC))",
| "CREATE VIEW public.view228 AS SELECT schema23.table225.col225_226, schema23.table225.col225_227, schema23.table225.col225_227, schema23.table225.col225_227, schema23.table225.col225_226 FROM schema23.table225, schema23.table225, schema23.table225"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42701,42712",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: source name \"table225\" specified more than once (missing AS clause) (SQLSTATE 42712)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:57:23.150382",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: cannot rollback to savepoint after a transaction restart (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@7b0ccdda99b81613e70f421c9374483c3feddff3:
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:59:48.442185",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER VIEW public.view262 RENAME TO public.view263"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"public.view262\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:59:48.640529",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER SEQUENCE public.seq266 RENAME TO public.seq267"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"public.seq266\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:59:48.66835",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE schema1.table268 ADD COLUMN IrrelevantColumnName string"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"schema1.table268\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:59:48.805541",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: cannot rollback to savepoint after a transaction restart (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@3d01fda046c609ee5947e2f41c099dae35b206c1:
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "TXN RETRY ERROR; ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: cannot publish new versions for descriptors: [{table61 70 4}], old versions still in use (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitFailure"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:52:19.140818",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table61 ALTER COLUMN \"col61_67\" SET NOT NULL",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "TXN RETRY ERROR; ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: cannot publish new versions for descriptors: [{table61 70 4}], old versions still in use (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitFailure"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:52:19.439072",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS public.seq477 OWNED BY public.table61.col61_67",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table61 DROP CONSTRAINT \"table61_col61_74_col61_67_col61_63_col61_72_col61_65_col61_70_col61_68_col61_66_key\""
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "0A000",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: unimplemented: cannot drop UNIQUE constraint \"table61_col61_74_col61_67_col61_63_col61_72_col61_65_col61_70_col61_68_col61_66_key\" using ALTER TABLE DROP CONSTRAINT, use DROP INDEX CASCADE instead (SQLSTATE 0A000)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:52:19.306997",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "CREATE TYPE public.enum454 AS ENUM ('afassa', 'ddf', 'ss', 'sasaaf')",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table61 RENAME TO public.table480",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table480 ALTER COLUMN \"col61_71\" SET NOT NULL",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table480 ADD CONSTRAINT table480_col61_62_table480_col61_62_fk FOREIGN KEY (col61_62) REFERENCES public.table480 (col61_62) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Received an unexpected execution error: ERROR: there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table table480 (SQLSTATE 23503)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@fbf596c3e17fbb9ec0935b732f4b84469a5399e8:
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: TransactionRetryError: retry txn (RETRY_WRITE_TOO_OLD - WriteTooOld flag converted to WriteTooOldError): \"sql txn\" meta={id=1e7b839c key=/Table/SystemConfigSpan/Start pri=0.00964524 epo=0 ts=1611217485.492698873,2 min=1611217485.292975098,0 seq=6} lock=true stat=PENDING rts=1611217485.292975098,0 wto=false max=1611217485.292975098,0 (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:24:44.846778",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "DROP SCHEMA \"schema82\" CASCADE"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: TransactionRetryError: retry txn (RETRY_WRITE_TOO_OLD - WriteTooOld flag converted to WriteTooOldError): \"sql txn\" meta={id=fba8a7ab key=/Table/SystemConfigSpan/Start pri=0.07356806 epo=0 ts=1611217485.492698873,2 min=1611217484.846700972,0 seq=7} lock=true stat=PENDING rts=1611217484.846700972,0 wto=false max=1611217484.846700972,0 (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:24:45.095208",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "SELECT 'validating all objects'",
| "ALTER INDEX schema222.table360@\"IrrelevantConstraintName\" RENAME TO \"OtherConstraintName\""
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"schema222.table360\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:24:45.015903",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS schema82.table316 (col316_317 STRING, col316_318 DECIMAL NULL, col316_319 INT8 NOT NULL, col316_320 NAME NOT NULL, col316_321 \"char\" NOT NULL, col316_322 BOOL NULL, col316_323 TIME NOT NULL, col316_324 BIT(45) NOT NULL, col316_325 BOX2D NOT NULL, col316_326 REGPROCEDURE NULL, col316_327 REGCLASS NOT NULL, col316_328 REGCLASS NULL, col316_329 INET NULL, col316_330 VARCHAR, col316_331 DECIMAL NOT NULL, col316_332 BOX2D NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col316_327 ASC), INDEX (col316_324 DESC, col316_327 ASC, col316_317 ASC, col316_319 ASC, col316_325 ASC, col316_329 DESC, col316_318 DESC, col316_328, col316_321 DESC, col316_330 DESC, col316_323, col316_326), UNIQUE (col316_331 DESC, col316_317 ASC, col316_322 ASC, col316_323 ASC, col316_330 ASC, col316_329 DESC, col316_319 DESC), UNIQUE (col316_321, col316_324 ASC, col316_330 DESC, col316_331, col316_327) STORING (col316_317, col316_319, col316_323, col316_325, col316_329), UNIQUE (col316_328 ASC, col316_321 DESC, col316_322 DESC, col316_331 ASC, col316_320 ASC, col316_329 ASC, col316_318 ASC, col316_326 ASC), INDEX (col316_329 DESC) STORING (col316_317, col316_318, col316_320, col316_321, col316_322, col316_324, col316_328, col316_330, col316_331, col316_332), FAMILY (col316_321), FAMILY (col316_329), FAMILY (col316_327, col316_330), FAMILY (col316_328, col316_325, col316_318), FAMILY (col316_326), FAMILY (col316_323), FAMILY (col316_324, col316_322, col316_332, col316_317), FAMILY (col316_320, col316_319), FAMILY (col316_331))",
| "ALTER TABLE schema82.table316 DROP COLUMN \"col316_329\"",
| "CREATE TYPE public.enum355 AS ENUM ('fd', 'fsfa', 'da', 'dsass', 'sas')",
| "ALTER TABLE schema82.table316 ADD CONSTRAINT table316_col316_327_table316_col316_327_fk FOREIGN KEY (col316_327) REFERENCES schema82.table316 (col316_327) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE",
| "ALTER TABLE schema82.table316 RENAME TO schema82.table361"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "2BP01",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***FAIL; Failed to receive an execution error when errors were expected",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@baf34b241c9ee27530f0a3a988149bfd7cca3f6d:
| "SELECT 'validating all objects'",
| "CREATE TYPE public.enum33 AS ENUM ('aa', 'dffs', 'sffd', 'addaf', 'aaffda', 'sdda')",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:16:48.840491",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "SELECT 'validating all objects'",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:16:49.046411",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "SELECT 'validating all objects'",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:16:48.843131",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "DROP SCHEMA \"schema5\" CASCADE"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: cannot rollback to savepoint after a transaction restart (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@7a5d3d0f9465c4d6a6f204ac6a672a027cf585a6:
| Wraps: (2) Node 1. Command with error:
| | ```
| | ./workload run schemachange --verbose=1 --tolerate-errors=false --histograms=perf/stats.json --max-ops 10000 --concurrency 20 --txn-log /mnt/data1/cockroach/transactions.json
| | ```
| Wraps: (3) exit status 1
| Error types: (1) errors.Cmd (2) *hintdetail.withDetail (3) *exec.ExitError
| stdout:
| <... some data truncated by circular buffer; go to artifacts for details ...>
| ,
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "TXN RETRY ERROR; ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: cannot publish new versions for descriptors: [{schemachange 52 3}], old versions still in use (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitFailure"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:50:52.593761",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "SELECT 'validating all objects'",
| "SELECT 'validating all objects'",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:50:52.371836",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS schema3.table136 (col136_137 OID NOT NULL, col136_138 \"char\" NOT NULL, col136_139 BIT(41) NOT NULL, col136_140 BOX2D NOT NULL, col136_141 INT4 NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col136_137, col136_139 DESC, col136_138, col136_140 DESC, col136_141), UNIQUE (col136_139, col136_137, col136_138 ASC, col136_140 ASC), INDEX (col136_138, col136_140 ASC, col136_139 DESC, col136_137 DESC), INDEX (col136_140 DESC, col136_139 DESC, col136_138 DESC, col136_137, col136_141 DESC), UNIQUE (col136_140 DESC, col136_139 ASC, col136_137 DESC), UNIQUE (col136_137, col136_139, col136_138 DESC, col136_140, col136_141 DESC), INDEX (col136_139 DESC, col136_137, col136_141 DESC, col136_140 ASC, col136_138 DESC), UNIQUE (col136_138 ASC, col136_140, col136_139, col136_137 DESC, col136_141 ASC), INDEX (col136_138 ASC, col136_139 DESC), FAMILY (col136_141, col136_139), FAMILY (col136_138), FAMILY (col136_140, col136_137))",
| "INSERT INTO schema3.table136 (col136_137,col136_138,col136_139,col136_140,col136_141) VALUES (823707508:::OID,'`':::STRING,B'11001111110000011010100001000011011111101','BOX(0.31867288881600286 -0.46456385988006443,1.1481815706317344 1.2952452047849627)':::BOX2D,(-638997339):::INT8),(582973533:::OID,'7':::STRING,B'01111111111111111111111111111111111111111','BOX(-1.0256642092893298 1.1512435870253386,0.5416180559542839 1.3133771589840526)':::BOX2D,(-765241196):::INT8)",
| "SELECT 'validating all objects'",
| "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS schema3.table158 (col158_159 STRING NOT NULL, col158_160 DECIMAL, col158_161 BIT(49) NOT NULL, col158_162 TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL, col158_163 DECIMAL NOT NULL, col158_164 BIT(41) NOT NULL, col158_165 OID NOT NULL, col158_166 REGPROCEDURE NOT NULL, col158_167 REGNAMESPACE NOT NULL, col158_168 INT2 NOT NULL, col158_169 TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL, col158_170 DECIMAL NOT NULL, col158_171 BOOL NOT NULL, col158_172 VARCHAR NOT NULL, col158_173 TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, col158_174 BIT(24) NOT NULL, col158_175 TIME NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col158_165 ASC, col158_170, col158_161 DESC, col158_172 ASC, col158_159 ASC, col158_166 DESC, col158_173 ASC, col158_162, col158_171 ASC, col158_175 DESC, col158_164 DESC, col158_174 DESC, col158_169, col158_163 DESC, col158_168 DESC), UNIQUE (col158_164 DESC, col158_168, col158_161 ASC, col158_162 ASC, col158_170, col158_173, col158_159 ASC), INDEX (col158_165 DESC, col158_163 DESC, col158_171 ASC, col158_173, col158_162, col158_159, col158_174 ASC, col158_160 ASC, col158_161, col158_166 DESC, col158_168 ASC, col158_164, col158_175 ASC, col158_169, col158_167 DESC, col158_170 DESC, col158_172 ASC), UNIQUE (col158_161 ASC, col158_169, col158_175 ASC, col158_163 ASC, col158_171 DESC, col158_167 DESC, col158_165 ASC, col158_173, col158_168 ASC, col158_160 ASC, col158_166 ASC, col158_172 ASC, col158_170 ASC, col158_174 DESC, col158_159 DESC, col158_162 ASC, col158_164 DESC), UNIQUE (col158_172 DESC, col158_173, col158_167 DESC, col158_162 ASC, col158_163 DESC, col158_164, col158_169 DESC, col158_166, col158_160 DESC, col158_161, col158_165), UNIQUE (col158_168 ASC, col158_164, col158_159, col158_170 ASC, col158_161 ASC) STORING (col158_160, col158_167))"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "0A000",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***FAIL; Failed to receive an execution error when errors were expected",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@0455055fafcef7c028b4af8e4efe242b89e7f8a3:
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:20:00.486785",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "CREATE TYPE schema7.enum175 AS ENUM ('f', 'da', 'fd', 'adfd')",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table196 ALTER COLUMN IrrelevantColumnName SET DEFAULT \"IrrelevantValue\""
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"public.table196\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:19:59.987578",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:20:00.633033",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "CREATE TABLE public.table162 (col162_163 VARCHAR NOT NULL, col162_164 REGNAMESPACE, col162_165 VARCHAR NOT NULL, col162_166 BIT(33) NULL, col162_167 CHAR NOT NULL, col162_168 TIMETZ NOT NULL, col162_169 BOX2D NOT NULL, col162_170 \"char\" NULL, col162_171 DATE, UNIQUE (col162_169 DESC, col162_164 ASC, col162_167 ASC, col162_170, col162_163) STORING (col162_165, col162_168, col162_171))",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table162 RENAME TO public.table174",
| "INSERT INTO public.table174 (col162_163,col162_164,col162_165,col162_166,col162_167,col162_168,col162_169,col162_170,col162_171) VALUES (e'/d\\x10+1FI':::STRING,NULL,e'caP\\'gJ':::STRING,B'101010000011101011011000001101011','F':::STRING,'02:51:29.008592+00:02:00':::TIMETZ,'BOX(0.0013383460577979234 -2.187935319817442,0.020440072980766957 -1.1307950478866005)':::BOX2D,'+':::STRING,'1987-02-20':::DATE),(e'\\x01~G\\x0fF\"\\x17_s':::STRING,4141471057:::OID,e'`M\\\\':::STRING,B'000000000000000000000000000000000','r':::STRING,'21:26:37.334462-06:36:00':::TIMETZ,'BOX(-0.7296567431320327 -1.3273745789569396,1.2940091400218199 0.9876654840899377)':::BOX2D,'*':::STRING,'1974-06-12':::DATE)",
| "CREATE TABLE schema7.table197 AS SELECT public.table174.col162_168, public.table174.col162_163 FROM public.table174"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "0A000",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***FAIL; Failed to receive an execution error when errors were expected",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@48fbbe7313fc70f889fa66c5749914f57ddd5a91:
| "clientTimestamp": "08:13:33.707349",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "SELECT 'validating all objects'",
| "SELECT 'validating all objects'",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:13:33.932523",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER SEQUENCE schema137.seq244 RENAME TO schema137.seq245"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"schema137.seq244\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:13:34.216797",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE schema1.table264 DROP CONSTRAINT IrrelevantConstraintName"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"schema1.table264\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:13:33.72123",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: cannot rollback to savepoint after a transaction restart (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@d86781c07065421f4a4d8bf5d988900ab07fdce5:
| "SELECT 'validating all objects'",
| "CREATE TYPE schema382.enum383 AS ENUM ('ff')"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "3F000",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: cannot create \"schema382.enum383\" because the target database or schema does not exist (SQLSTATE 3F000)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:03:34.030696",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "CREATE TYPE public.enum290 AS ENUM ('ds')",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "TXN RETRY ERROR; ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: TransactionRetryError: retry txn (RETRY_SERIALIZABLE - failed preemptive refresh): \"sql txn\" meta={id=fb32788e key=/Table/SystemConfigSpan/Start pri=0.01857951 epo=0 ts=1611648214.797477811,1 min=1611648214.030647751,0 seq=22} lock=true stat=PENDING rts=1611648214.030647751,0 wto=false max=1611648214.530647751,0 (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitFailure"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:03:34.703828",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "DROP SCHEMA \"public\" CASCADE"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "3F000",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: cannot drop schema \"public\" (SQLSTATE 3F000)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:03:34.072921",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.table329 (col329_330 INET, col329_331 REGNAMESPACE NOT NULL, col329_332 INT4 NULL, col329_333 DECIMAL NULL, col329_334 NAME, col329_335 TIME, col329_336 \"char\" NOT NULL, col329_337 REGPROC NULL, col329_338 TIMESTAMPTZ NULL, col329_339 FLOAT8 NULL, col329_340 \"char\", col329_341 STRING NULL, col329_342 STRING, PRIMARY KEY (col329_331 ASC, col329_336 DESC), INDEX (col329_338 ASC, col329_335, col329_341, col329_339, col329_333, col329_342 DESC, col329_331 DESC, col329_337 DESC, col329_336 DESC, col329_332, col329_340 DESC), UNIQUE (col329_338, col329_333 DESC, col329_335 ASC, col329_332 DESC, col329_341 DESC, col329_339) STORING (col329_342), INDEX (col329_334 DESC, col329_342 ASC, col329_331 DESC, col329_333 ASC, col329_337, col329_340, col329_336 DESC, col329_338 ASC) STORING (col329_332))",
| "INSERT INTO public.table329 (col329_330,col329_331,col329_332,col329_333,col329_334,col329_335,col329_336,col329_337,col329_338,col329_339,col329_340,col329_341,col329_342) VALUES ('447e:480b:4f57:a02:7ada:d1d6:21bb:6fe7/79':::INET,2643186287:::OID,1015914326:::INT8,(-450.572582707252748):::DECIMAL,e'\\b4\\x10z\\\\9-rx':::STRING:::NAME,'17:58:23.574331':::TIME,'+':::STRING,3411511226:::OID,'1983-03-20 02:49:37.00031+00:00':::TIMESTAMPTZ,0.602616919441612:::FLOAT8,'Y':::STRING,NULL,e'\\r+RR\\'':::STRING),('':::INET,4286341078:::OID,66619308:::INT8,2.574361703556523213E+36:::DECIMAL,'p':::STRING:::NAME,'23:41:54.645848':::TIME,'S':::STRING,NULL,'3000-01-01 00:00:00+00:00':::TIMESTAMPTZ,(-1.6498496887444472):::FLOAT8,'!':::STRING,'':::STRING,'':::STRING),(NULL,1493040873:::OID,(-1227522958):::INT8,32842627661360473.34:::DECIMAL,')-':::STRING:::NAME,NULL,'$':::STRING,3784012147:::OID,'294276-12-31 23:59:59.999999+00:00':::TIMESTAMPTZ,(-1.3301424598418166):::FLOAT8,e'\\U00002603':::STRING,e'\\x14\\x0f':::STRING,e'|pVU\\tmz\\x11r':::STRING)",
| "CREATE TABLE public.table387 AS SELECT public.table329.col329_331, public.table329.col329_342, public.table329.col329_341, public.table329.col329_330, public.table329.col329_334, public.table329.col329_335, public.table329.col329_340, public.table329.col329_332, public.table329.col329_339, public.table329.col329_333 FROM public.table329"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "0A000",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***FAIL; Failed to receive an execution error when errors were expected",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@f7c5898f3d552f7ab0751cdd9ffa95cdfd6b8a76:
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: TransactionAbortedError(ABORT_REASON_PUSHER_ABORTED): \"sql txn\" meta={id=b87ffbab key=/Table/SystemConfigSpan/Start pri=0.00704364 epo=0 ts=1611734783.439141702,1 min=1611734783.125744983,0 seq=14} lock=true stat=ABORTED rts=1611734783.125744983,0 wto=false max=1611734783.125744983,0 (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:06:22.519769",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table5 ALTER COLUMN \"col5_8\" SET NOT NULL",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "TXN RETRY ERROR; ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: cannot publish new versions for descriptors: [{table5 57 1}], old versions still in use (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitFailure"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:06:22.519518",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table30 RENAME COLUMN \"col30_32\" TO \"col30_134\"",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table30 RENAME TO public.table147",
| "INSERT INTO public.table147 (col30_31,col30_134,col30_33,col30_98,col30_35) VALUES (1562523567:::OID,'2027-01-19 23:52:34.00012+00:00':::TIMESTAMPTZ,'24:00:00-15:59:00':::TIMETZ,'1973-06-28':::DATE,e'\\U00002603':::STRING),(383267327:::OID,'1999-02-03 16:48:49.000477+00:00':::TIMESTAMPTZ,'15:05:58.474797-09:49:00':::TIMETZ,'1981-08-30':::DATE,e'q)-W\\x03u\\x1fjk':::STRING),(2028612103:::OID,'2015-06-17 10:21:42.000695+00:00':::TIMESTAMPTZ,'12:02:10.3743+05:03:00':::TIMETZ,'1983-05-20':::DATE,e'B@C\\x18':::STRING)",
| "SELECT 'validating all objects'",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "TXN RETRY ERROR; ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: cannot publish new versions for descriptors: [{schemachange 52 2} {table30 66 1}], old versions still in use (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitFailure"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:06:23.505094",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: cannot rollback to savepoint after a transaction restart (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@1a459a81dba35b6a091f0a2954aa33d50f1e5d24:
| "DROP INDEX public.table614@\"IrrelevantIndexName\""
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"public.table614\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:52:37.888326",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS schema531.seq611",
| "ALTER TABLE schema531.table537 DROP CONSTRAINT \"table537_col537_540_col537_546_col537_548_col537_544_col537_542_col537_543_col537_545_col537_547_col537_552_col537_550_col537_551_col537_553_col537_549_key\""
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "0A000",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: unimplemented: cannot drop UNIQUE constraint \"table537_col537_540_col537_546_col537_548_col537_544_col537_542_col537_543_col537_545_col537_547_col537_552_col537_550_col537_551_col537_553_col537_549_key\" using ALTER TABLE DROP CONSTRAINT, use DROP INDEX CASCADE instead (SQLSTATE 0A000)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:52:37.535398",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE schema531.table537 ALTER COLUMN col537_550 SET DEFAULT e'K\\bYay y2':::STRING:::NAME",
| "ALTER TABLE schema531.table537 ALTER COLUMN \"col537_543\" DROP DEFAULT",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "TXN RETRY ERROR; ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: TransactionRetryError: retry txn (RETRY_SERIALIZABLE - failed preemptive refresh): \"sql txn\" meta={id=1b738532 key=/Table/SystemConfigSpan/Start pri=0.00586249 epo=0 ts=1611820358.167274876,1 min=1611820357.535361035,0 seq=19} lock=true stat=PENDING rts=1611820357.535361035,0 wto=false max=1611820358.035361035,0 (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitFailure"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:52:37.588348",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "INSERT INTO schema531.table537 (col537_538,col537_539,col537_540,col537_541,col537_542,col537_543,col537_544,col537_545,col537_546,col537_547,col537_548,col537_549,col537_550,col537_551,col537_552,col537_553) VALUES (ARRAY['\\xe29883':::BYTES],0.7814553037145968:::FLOAT8,370532301:::INT8,'2021-04-19 21:56:49.0008+00:00':::TIMESTAMPTZ,'1985-01-28':::DATE,3.179210478265021981E+24:::DECIMAL,3271621276:::OID,'':::INET,B'111111',932789461:::OID,true,2.020087330357823419E+35:::DECIMAL,'5A':::STRING:::NAME,'03:03:26.132866+06:46:00':::TIMETZ,'\\xf89423ac073ee81e79':::BYTES,'2032-11-27 04:09:46.000466':::TIMESTAMP),(ARRAY['\\x3a0738c98047':::BYTES,'\\x4490924a':::BYTES,'\\x2505ac':::BYTES,'\\xe0e6fdfbf2ae2b67':::BYTES,'\\x00':::BYTES],0.0017492854132109825:::FLOAT8,(-1044688629):::INT8,'-2000-01-01 00:00:00+00:00':::TIMESTAMPTZ,'1984-11-04':::DATE,0.04603057873477704413:::DECIMAL,0:::OID,'49c7:5d6d:9980:9298:3618:c19f:3c9a:df05/91':::INET,B'101100',995533173:::OID,false,8.845259943222751439E+34:::DECIMAL,e'\\U00002603':::STRING,'03:44:37.90539+12:29:00':::TIMETZ,'\\x':::BYTES,'1986-12-02 11:04:33.000369':::TIMESTAMP)",
| "ALTER TABLE schema531.table537 ALTER COLUMN \"col537_552\" SET NOT NULL"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "0A000",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***FAIL; Failed to receive an execution error when errors were expected",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@86c619f768a4d6f4cc80efb5c9479e5fc0fd72c1:
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "TXN RETRY ERROR; ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: TransactionRetryError: retry txn (RETRY_SERIALIZABLE - failed preemptive refresh): \"sql txn\" meta={id=e91872b9 key=/Table/SystemConfigSpan/Start pri=0.00987165 epo=0 ts=1611906678.137857345,2 min=1611906677.851846841,0 seq=20} lock=true stat=PENDING rts=1611906677.851846841,0 wto=false max=1611906678.351846841,0 (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitFailure"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:51:17.993512",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE schema50.table178 ADD COLUMN col178_258 DATE NOT NULL",
| "ALTER TABLE schema50.table178 ADD COLUMN col178_307 TIME NULL",
| "ALTER TABLE schema50.table178 RENAME TO schema50.table308",
| "DROP INDEX schema309.table310@\"IrrelevantIndexName\""
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"schema309.table310\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:51:17.840774",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE schema50.table178 ALTER COLUMN \"col73_76\" DROP DEFAULT",
| "ALTER TABLE schema50.table178 ALTER COLUMN \"col73_75\" DROP DEFAULT",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "TXN RETRY ERROR; ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: cannot publish new versions for descriptors: [{table178 106 1}], old versions still in use (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitFailure"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:51:17.792587",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS index178_281 ON schema50.table178 (col73_76 ASC, col73_75 DESC, col73_78)",
| "INSERT INTO schema50.table178 (col73_78,col73_75,col73_76) VALUES ('':::INET,186477887668816823:::INT8,'\\xaf8b57':::BYTES),('':::INET,(-2717766906407353313):::INT8,'\\x64b72fa5cea3':::BYTES)",
| "ALTER TABLE schema50.table178 ALTER COLUMN \"col73_78\" SET NOT NULL"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "0A000",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***FAIL; Failed to receive an execution error when errors were expected",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@171cc86d6d84c110197485b5d886d77cddc12399:
| "clientTimestamp": "08:05:19.581362",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "SELECT 'validating all objects'",
| "DROP SCHEMA \"public\" CASCADE"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "3F000",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: cannot drop schema \"public\" (SQLSTATE 3F000)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:05:19.849894",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table4 ALTER COLUMN \"col4_103\" DROP NOT NULL"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42703",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: column \"col4_103\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42703)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:05:19.428615",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table4 ALTER COLUMN \"col4_8\" DROP NOT NULL",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table4 RENAME COLUMN \"col4_99\" TO \"col4_100\""
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42703",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: column \"col4_99\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42703)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:05:19.93243",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: cannot rollback to savepoint after a transaction restart (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@e4ac407b14ed315662050f09670707cdf8ad9bfe:
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:47:56.543038",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE schema37.table54 ALTER COLUMN \"col54_68\" SET DATA TYPE public.enum35"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "0A000,42846",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: ALTER COLUMN TYPE from string to enum35 is only supported experimentally (SQLSTATE 0A000)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:47:56.462178",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "CREATE VIEW schema37.view132 AS SELECT schema37.table54.col54_55, schema37.table54.col54_57, schema37.table54.col54_64, schema37.table54.col54_60, schema37.table54.col54_67, schema37.table54.col54_58, schema37.table54.col54_62, schema37.table54.col54_63, schema37.table54.col54_57, schema37.table54.col54_59 FROM schema37.table54, schema37.table54, schema37.table54"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42701,42712",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: source name \"table54\" specified more than once (missing AS clause) (SQLSTATE 42712)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:47:56.701808",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "CREATE TABLE public.table133 AS SELECT schema37.table54.col54_66, schema37.table54.col54_67, schema37.table54.col54_63, schema37.table54.col54_55, schema37.table54.col54_65, schema37.table54.col54_58, schema37.table54.col54_68, schema37.table54.col54_59, schema37.table54.col54_70, schema37.table54.col54_58 FROM schema37.table54, schema37.table54"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42701,42712",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: source name \"table54\" specified more than once (missing AS clause) (SQLSTATE 42712)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:47:56.822025",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: cannot rollback to savepoint after a transaction restart (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@0e6727832d58faf0f900601cd6fa6807e0a2ba75:
| "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS schema61.table150 RESTRICT",
| "CREATE TABLE schema61.table247 AS SELECT schema61.table193.col193_198, schema61.table193.col193_198, schema61.table193.col193_196, schema61.table193.col193_197, schema61.table193.col193_194 FROM schema61.table193, schema61.table193"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42701,42712",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: source name \"table193\" specified more than once (missing AS clause) (SQLSTATE 42712)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:39:30.304489",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE schema61.table150 ADD CONSTRAINT table193_col193_198_table150_col150_157_fk FOREIGN KEY (col150_157) REFERENCES schema61.table193 (col193_198) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: TransactionAbortedError(ABORT_REASON_PUSHER_ABORTED): \"sql txn\" meta={id=279121d1 key=/Table/SystemConfigSpan/Start pri=0.02182741 epo=0 ts=1612251570.770633969,1 min=1612251570.304429831,0 seq=11} lock=true stat=ABORTED rts=1612251570.304429831,0 wto=false max=1612251570.304429831,0 (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:39:30.4858",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "CREATE TYPE schema61.enum233 AS ENUM ('fdsds', 'ddsas', 'sfsaf', 'as', 'sa', 'sf')",
| "ALTER TABLE schema61.table193 RENAME COLUMN \"col193_194\" TO \"col193_239\"",
| "CREATE TYPE schema61.enum248 AS ENUM ('saffa', 'aaffdf')",
| "ALTER TABLE schema61.table193 DROP CONSTRAINT \"primary\"",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "0A000",
| "message": "COMMIT; Successfully got expected commit error",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitFailure"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:39:31.167698",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: cannot rollback to savepoint after a transaction restart (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@4736b8dd2c36b58fffbb0a665690e2c0e719d7c3:
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:05:58.349431",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "DROP SCHEMA \"public\" CASCADE"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "3F000",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: cannot drop schema \"public\" (SQLSTATE 3F000)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:05:58.152974",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table109 ALTER COLUMN IrrelevantColumnName SET DATA TYPE IrrelevantDataType"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"public.table109\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:05:57.920093",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "INSERT INTO public.table2 (col2_3,col2_4,col2_5,col2_6,col2_7,col2_8) VALUES ((-82977498637043528.36):::DECIMAL,16174:::INT8,578116693:::OID,'1997-05-24 09:21:37.000105':::TIMESTAMP,'J':::STRING,e'eDq\\x13':::STRING:::NAME),(3.978820252302889565E+36:::DECIMAL,(-16867):::INT8,3753239430:::OID,'2001-06-08 09:00:07.000438':::TIMESTAMP,'p':::STRING,NULL),(3.029458872392131791E+27:::DECIMAL,1405:::INT8,0:::OID,'1997-04-11 23:22:51.000735':::TIMESTAMP,e'\\'':::STRING,e'\\x1f\\x16l':::STRING:::NAME)",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table2 ALTER COLUMN \"col2_8\" DROP STORED"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "0A000,42611",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: unimplemented: the first schema change statement in a transaction must precede any writes (SQLSTATE 0A000)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:05:58.247834",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table2 ALTER COLUMN \"col2_6\" SET NOT NULL"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Received an unexpected execution error: ERROR: constraint in the middle of being added (SQLSTATE 55000)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@100c09f4f6eb3f5b18a67ec4bbfdfe989e0d6ce2:
| "BEGIN",
| "DROP SCHEMA \"public\" CASCADE"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "3F000",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: cannot drop schema \"public\" (SQLSTATE 3F000)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:56:41.56662",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "CREATE VIEW public.view140 AS SELECT public.table129.col76_77, public.table129.col76_86, public.table129.col76_80, public.table129.col76_78, public.table129.col76_80, public.table129.col76_84, public.table129.col76_77, public.table129.col76_82, public.table129.col76_79, public.table129.col76_78, public.table129.col76_85, public.table129.col76_81, public.table129.col76_83 FROM public.table129, public.table129, public.table129"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42701,42712,42P07",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: source name \"table129\" specified more than once (missing AS clause) (SQLSTATE 42712)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:56:41.665657",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS public.seq185",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table129 DROP COLUMN \"col76_86\""
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "2BP01",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: cannot drop column \"col76_86\" because view \"view140\" depends on it (SQLSTATE 2BP01)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:56:41.482021",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER INDEX public.table129@\"index76_116\" RENAME TO \"index129_192\"",
| "DROP VIEW public.view140 RESTRICT",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table129 ALTER COLUMN \"col76_86\" SET NOT NULL"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Received an unexpected execution error: ERROR: constraint in the middle of being added (SQLSTATE 55000)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@c584f62067a45aa540c26fc9081a83e460bfe37a:
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:56:32.639702",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "DROP SCHEMA \"public\" CASCADE"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "3F000",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: cannot drop schema \"public\" (SQLSTATE 3F000)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:56:32.707134",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS public.table173 RESTRICT",
| "ALTER TABLE schema210.table211 RENAME TO schema210.table212"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "3F000,42P01",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"schema210.table211\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:56:33.00665",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "DROP INDEX public.table204@\"IrrelevantIndexName\""
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"public.table204\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:56:32.713412",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table173 ALTER COLUMN \"col173_174\" DROP NOT NULL"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: cannot rollback to savepoint after a transaction restart (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@81a2c26a104fa8cc7e8b530b837ffb6ff85ddc5a:
The test failed on branch=master, cloud=gce:
test artifacts and logs in: /home/agent/work/.go/src/
cluster.go:2253,schemachange_random_load.go:125,schemachange_random_load.go:80,test_runner.go:767: output in run_071457.292_n1_workload_init_schemachange: /home/agent/work/.go/src/ run teamcity-2650259-1612594948-22-n3cpu4:1 -- ./workload init schemachange returned: exit status 20
(1) attached stack trace
-- stack trace:
| main.(*cluster).RunE
| /home/agent/work/.go/src/
| main.(*cluster).Run
| /home/agent/work/.go/src/
| main.runSchemaChangeRandomLoad
| /home/agent/work/.go/src/
| main.registerRandomLoadBenchSpec.func1
| /home/agent/work/.go/src/
| main.(*testRunner).runTest.func2
| /home/agent/work/.go/src/
| runtime.goexit
| /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1374
Wraps: (2) output in run_071457.292_n1_workload_init_schemachange
Wraps: (3) /home/agent/work/.go/src/ run teamcity-2650259-1612594948-22-n3cpu4:1 -- ./workload init schemachange returned
| stderr:
| ./workload: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.29' not found (required by ./workload)
| Error: COMMAND_PROBLEM: exit status 1
| Wraps: (2) Node 1. Command with error:
| | ```
| | ./workload init schemachange
| | ```
| Wraps: (3) exit status 1
| Error types: (1) errors.Cmd (2) *hintdetail.withDetail (3) *exec.ExitError
| stdout:
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@0e98670c8fcec566937e899fdf77d2a68c702d62:
The test failed on branch=master, cloud=gce:
test artifacts and logs in: /home/agent/work/.go/src/
cluster.go:2253,schemachange_random_load.go:125,schemachange_random_load.go:80,test_runner.go:767: output in run_071108.383_n1_workload_init_schemachange: /home/agent/work/.go/src/ run teamcity-2651620-1612681270-22-n3cpu4:1 -- ./workload init schemachange returned: exit status 20
(1) attached stack trace
-- stack trace:
| main.(*cluster).RunE
| /home/agent/work/.go/src/
| main.(*cluster).Run
| /home/agent/work/.go/src/
| main.runSchemaChangeRandomLoad
| /home/agent/work/.go/src/
| main.registerRandomLoadBenchSpec.func1
| /home/agent/work/.go/src/
| main.(*testRunner).runTest.func2
| /home/agent/work/.go/src/
| runtime.goexit
| /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1374
Wraps: (2) output in run_071108.383_n1_workload_init_schemachange
Wraps: (3) /home/agent/work/.go/src/ run teamcity-2651620-1612681270-22-n3cpu4:1 -- ./workload init schemachange returned
| stderr:
| ./workload: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.29' not found (required by ./workload)
| Error: COMMAND_PROBLEM: exit status 1
| Wraps: (2) Node 1. Command with error:
| | ```
| | ./workload init schemachange
| | ```
| Wraps: (3) exit status 1
| Error types: (1) errors.Cmd (2) *hintdetail.withDetail (3) *exec.ExitError
| stdout:
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@5b33e6dfc47000de831745a851e3bf9e2cf7fd95:
The test failed on branch=master, cloud=gce:
test artifacts and logs in: /home/agent/work/.go/src/
cluster.go:2253,schemachange_random_load.go:125,schemachange_random_load.go:80,test_runner.go:767: output in run_070132.784_n1_workload_init_schemachange: /home/agent/work/.go/src/ run teamcity-2653401-1612767119-22-n3cpu4:1 -- ./workload init schemachange returned: exit status 20
(1) attached stack trace
-- stack trace:
| main.(*cluster).RunE
| /home/agent/work/.go/src/
| main.(*cluster).Run
| /home/agent/work/.go/src/
| main.runSchemaChangeRandomLoad
| /home/agent/work/.go/src/
| main.registerRandomLoadBenchSpec.func1
| /home/agent/work/.go/src/
| main.(*testRunner).runTest.func2
| /home/agent/work/.go/src/
| runtime.goexit
| /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1374
Wraps: (2) output in run_070132.784_n1_workload_init_schemachange
Wraps: (3) /home/agent/work/.go/src/ run teamcity-2653401-1612767119-22-n3cpu4:1 -- ./workload init schemachange returned
| stderr:
| ./workload: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.29' not found (required by ./workload)
| Error: COMMAND_PROBLEM: exit status 1
| Wraps: (2) Node 1. Command with error:
| | ```
| | ./workload init schemachange
| | ```
| Wraps: (3) exit status 1
| Error types: (1) errors.Cmd (2) *hintdetail.withDetail (3) *exec.ExitError
| stdout:
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@7853fd32de8b6dea869f2a2a92dcd7506f4a8998:
The test failed on branch=master, cloud=gce:
test artifacts and logs in: /home/agent/work/.go/src/
cluster.go:2253,schemachange_random_load.go:125,schemachange_random_load.go:80,test_runner.go:767: output in run_071327.866_n1_workload_init_schemachange: /home/agent/work/.go/src/ run teamcity-2657140-1612854228-22-n3cpu4:1 -- ./workload init schemachange returned: exit status 20
(1) attached stack trace
-- stack trace:
| main.(*cluster).RunE
| /home/agent/work/.go/src/
| main.(*cluster).Run
| /home/agent/work/.go/src/
| main.runSchemaChangeRandomLoad
| /home/agent/work/.go/src/
| main.registerRandomLoadBenchSpec.func1
| /home/agent/work/.go/src/
| main.(*testRunner).runTest.func2
| /home/agent/work/.go/src/
| runtime.goexit
| /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1374
Wraps: (2) output in run_071327.866_n1_workload_init_schemachange
Wraps: (3) /home/agent/work/.go/src/ run teamcity-2657140-1612854228-22-n3cpu4:1 -- ./workload init schemachange returned
| stderr:
| ./workload: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.29' not found (required by ./workload)
| Error: COMMAND_PROBLEM: exit status 1
| Wraps: (2) Node 1. Command with error:
| | ```
| | ./workload init schemachange
| | ```
| Wraps: (3) exit status 1
| Error types: (1) errors.Cmd (2) *hintdetail.withDetail (3) *exec.ExitError
| stdout:
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@57de93a997db31d97cd7e23fb866fe0e44f90de2:
| "CREATE TABLE public.table59 AS SELECT public.table59.col59_61, public.table59.col59_62, public.table59.col59_60, public.table59.col59_62, public.table59.col59_61, public.table59.col59_62, public.table59.col59_60 FROM public.table59, public.table59, public.table59"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42701,42712,42P07",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: source name \"table59\" specified more than once (missing AS clause) (SQLSTATE 42712)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:45:28.247772",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS index59_128 ON public.table59 (col59_62, col59_61, col59_60 ASC)",
| "DROP TABLE public.table59"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: TransactionAbortedError(ABORT_REASON_PUSHER_ABORTED): \"sql txn\" meta={id=baf01079 key=/Table/SystemConfigSpan/Start pri=0.00499990 epo=0 ts=1613029528.624941134,1 min=1613029528.247701003,0 seq=20} lock=true stat=ABORTED rts=1613029528.247701003,0 wto=false max=1613029528.747701003,0 (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:45:28.167557",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table59 ALTER COLUMN \"col59_60\" SET NOT NULL",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "TXN RETRY ERROR; ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: TransactionRetryError: retry txn (RETRY_SERIALIZABLE - failed preemptive refresh): \"sql txn\" meta={id=d8a47dee key=/Table/SystemConfigSpan/Start pri=0.01470097 epo=0 ts=1613029528.579357405,1 min=1613029528.167495753,0 seq=11} lock=true stat=PENDING rts=1613029528.167495753,0 wto=false max=1613029528.667495753,0 (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitFailure"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:45:28.1997",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table59 ADD CONSTRAINT table59_col59_60_unique UNIQUE (col59_60)",
| "DROP SCHEMA \"schema47\" CASCADE",
| "INSERT INTO public.table59 (col59_60,col59_61,col59_62) VALUES (3259653204848791160:::INT8,'I':::STRING,'[':::STRING),((-6517532006188283173):::INT8,'8':::STRING,'\"':::STRING),((-3645174464254947091):::INT8,'\"':::STRING,e'\\x1c':::STRING)",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "0A000",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***FAIL; Failed to receive an execution error when errors were expected",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( Related: - #60353 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed [C-test-failure]( [O-roachtest]( [O-robot]( [branch-release-20.1]( [release-blocker]( - #60329 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed [C-test-failure]( [O-roachtest]( [O-robot]( [branch-release-20.2]( [release-blocker]( - #60176 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed [C-test-failure]( [O-roachtest]( [O-robot]( [branch-60149]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@e9e372122a2e3db7090b5705da07128f828e2441:
| "clientTimestamp": "08:22:02.361743",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE schema225.table324 RENAME TO schema225.table325"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"schema225.table324\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:22:02.460448",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "SELECT 'validating all objects'",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table45 ALTER COLUMN \"col45_49\" DROP STORED"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42611",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: column \"col45_49\" is not a computed column (SQLSTATE 42611)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:22:02.28221",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table45 ALTER COLUMN col45_335 SET DEFAULT \"IrrelevantValue\""
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42703",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: column \"col45_335\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42703)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:22:02.543895",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table296 ALTER COLUMN col296_302 SET DEFAULT 1591351520:::OID"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: cannot rollback to savepoint after a transaction restart (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( Related: - #60353 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed [C-test-failure]( [O-roachtest]( [O-robot]( [branch-release-20.1]( [release-blocker]( - #60329 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed [C-test-failure]( [O-roachtest]( [O-robot]( [branch-release-20.2]( [release-blocker]( - #60176 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed [C-test-failure]( [O-roachtest]( [O-robot]( [branch-60149]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@9969862335cf501c1aa67a4aaf018ad5dc8e85e8:
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "TXN RETRY ERROR; ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: TransactionRetryError: retry txn (RETRY_SERIALIZABLE - failed preemptive refresh): \"sql txn\" meta={id=dc8fb009 key=/Table/SystemConfigSpan/Start pri=0.03242781 epo=0 ts=1613290007.170471442,1 min=1613290007.112712181,0 seq=28} lock=true stat=PENDING rts=1613290007.112712181,0 wto=false gul=1613290007.612712181,0 (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitFailure"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:06:47.11078",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index100_125 ON public.table100 (col100_101)",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table100 ALTER COLUMN col100_101 SET DEFAULT 'y':::STRING",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "TXN RETRY ERROR; ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: TransactionRetryError: retry txn (RETRY_SERIALIZABLE - failed preemptive refresh): \"sql txn\" meta={id=ceb490d0 key=/Table/SystemConfigSpan/Start pri=0.00745747 epo=0 ts=1613290007.170471442,1 min=1613290007.110695537,0 seq=19} lock=true stat=PENDING rts=1613290007.110695537,0 wto=false gul=1613290007.610695537,0 (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitFailure"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:06:46.84412",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table100 ALTER COLUMN \"col100_101\" DROP DEFAULT",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "TXN RETRY ERROR; ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: TransactionRetryError: retry txn (RETRY_SERIALIZABLE - failed preemptive refresh): \"sql txn\" meta={id=ed1f4a72 key=/Table/SystemConfigSpan/Start pri=0.04406911 epo=0 ts=1613290007.170471442,1 min=1613290006.844060113,0 seq=11} lock=true stat=PENDING rts=1613290006.844060113,0 wto=false gul=1613290007.344060113,0 (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitFailure"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:06:47.012761",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table100 RENAME TO public.table127",
| "INSERT INTO public.table127 (col100_101) VALUES ('v':::STRING)",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "0A000",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***FAIL; Failed to receive an execution error when errors were expected",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( Related: - #60353 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed [C-test-failure]( [O-roachtest]( [O-robot]( [branch-release-20.1]( [release-blocker]( - #60329 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed [C-test-failure]( [O-roachtest]( [O-robot]( [branch-release-20.2]( [release-blocker]( - #60176 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed [C-test-failure]( [O-roachtest]( [O-robot]( [branch-60149]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@5971ecb9dd1a25c81cd6012d6be1ff922802eae5:
| "ALTER SEQUENCE public.seq167 RENAME TO public.seq168"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"public.seq167\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:11:20.421339",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "CREATE TYPE public.enum160 AS ENUM ('ss', 'afsdds', 'assass', 'sdaaa', 'sfsffa', 'df')",
| "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.table169 (col169_170 FLOAT8 NOT NULL, col169_171 BIT(8) NULL, col169_172 DATE NOT NULL, col169_173 REGPROC NOT NULL, col169_174 INTERVAL NOT NULL, col169_175 INT8, col169_176 OID NOT NULL, col169_177 DATE NOT NULL, col169_178 REGNAMESPACE NOT NULL, col169_179 BIT(15), col169_180 BIT(22), col169_181 REGPROC NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col169_177 ASC, col169_170 ASC, col169_174, col169_173 ASC), UNIQUE (col169_178 DESC, col169_179, col169_171, col169_172 ASC, col169_174 ASC, col169_180, col169_176 ASC, col169_173 DESC, col169_175, col169_181, col169_177 ASC, col169_170), UNIQUE (col169_180 ASC, col169_176 ASC, col169_179 DESC, col169_173 DESC), INDEX (col169_171 ASC, col169_175 DESC, col169_170 DESC) STORING (col169_178, col169_179), UNIQUE (col169_174 DESC, col169_173, col169_179 ASC, col169_181 ASC, col169_178 DESC, col169_172, col169_175, col169_177 ASC, col169_171 ASC, col169_170 DESC, col169_176 DESC, col169_180 ASC), INDEX (col169_178 ASC, col169_173 DESC, col169_170 ASC, col169_172, col169_174 DESC, col169_177 ASC, col169_179) STORING (col169_171, col169_180), FAMILY (col169_174, col169_170, col169_171), FAMILY (col169_177, col169_176), FAMILY (col169_181), FAMILY (col169_173), FAMILY (col169_178), FAMILY (col169_172), FAMILY (col169_175, col169_180), FAMILY (col169_179))",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "TXN RETRY ERROR; ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: TransactionRetryError: retry txn (RETRY_SERIALIZABLE - failed preemptive refresh): \"sql txn\" meta={id=43c98875 key=/Table/SystemConfigSpan/Start pri=0.00447971 epo=0 ts=1613376680.580610366,1 min=1613376680.421259276,0 seq=16} lock=true stat=PENDING rts=1613376680.421259276,0 wto=false gul=1613376680.921259276,0 (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitFailure"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:11:20.04664",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "CREATE TABLE public.table122 (col122_123 BOX2D NOT NULL, col122_124 REGCLASS NOT NULL, col122_125 INTERVAL[] NULL, col122_126 \"char\" NOT NULL, col122_127 INT8 NOT NULL, col122_128 BYTES NOT NULL, col122_129 \"char\" NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col122_123 DESC, col122_126 DESC, col122_128 DESC, col122_127 ASC, col122_129 DESC), UNIQUE (col122_129, col122_128, col122_124 ASC, col122_127 DESC) STORING (col122_125), INDEX (col122_129 DESC, col122_126 DESC, col122_124, col122_127 ASC) STORING (col122_125), UNIQUE (col122_126 ASC, col122_123, col122_128 ASC, col122_127 DESC))",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table122 RENAME COLUMN \"col122_129\" TO \"col122_154\"",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table122 ALTER COLUMN \"col122_127\" SET NOT NULL",
| "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS index122_183 ON public.table122 (col122_127) STORING (col122_128)"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42701",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: index \"index122_183\" already contains column \"col122_128\" (SQLSTATE 42701)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:11:20.917585",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: cannot rollback to savepoint after a transaction restart (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( Related: - #60353 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed [C-test-failure]( [O-roachtest]( [O-robot]( [branch-release-20.1]( [release-blocker]( - #60329 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed [C-test-failure]( [O-roachtest]( [O-robot]( [branch-release-20.2]( [release-blocker]( - #60176 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed [C-test-failure]( [O-roachtest]( [O-robot]( [branch-60149]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@3c223f5f5162103110a790743b687ef2bf952489:
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "CREATE TYPE schema268.enum269 AS ENUM ('dff', 'sfd', 'f', 'asafa')",
| "ALTER TABLE schema95.table123 ADD CONSTRAINT table123_col123_128_unique UNIQUE (col123_128)"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "0A000",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: unimplemented: column col123_128 is of type decimal[] and thus is not indexable (SQLSTATE 0A000)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:01:43.205276",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS schema95.table123 RESTRICT",
| "DROP SCHEMA \"schema170\" CASCADE"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: TransactionAbortedError(ABORT_REASON_PUSHER_ABORTED): \"sql txn\" meta={id=ed0b26d0 key=/Table/SystemConfigSpan/Start pri=0.00441666 epo=0 ts=1613635304.398796810,1 min=1613635303.205182687,0 seq=17} lock=true stat=ABORTED rts=1613635303.205182687,0 wto=false gul=1613635303.705182687,0 (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:01:43.970061",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "DROP TABLE schema95.table234",
| "CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS schema170.seq287 OWNED BY schema95.table123.col123_128"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: TransactionAbortedError(ABORT_REASON_PUSHER_ABORTED): \"sql txn\" meta={id=f5a28f5a key=/Table/SystemConfigSpan/Start pri=0.00393889 epo=0 ts=1613635304.052228373,1 min=1613635303.970000762,0 seq=16} lock=true stat=ABORTED rts=1613635303.970000762,0 wto=false gul=1613635304.470000762,0 (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:01:44.398878",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: cannot rollback to savepoint after a transaction restart (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( Related: - #60653 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed [C-test-failure]( [O-roachtest]( [O-robot]( [branch-60635]( - #60353 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed [C-test-failure]( [O-roachtest]( [O-robot]( [branch-release-20.1]( [release-blocker]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@83e70ce84b740e27e721c3b73c38a4b8b515094a:
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"public.table58\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:57:21.159269",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "CREATE TABLE public.table23 (col23_24 DATE NOT NULL, col23_25 INT8 NOT NULL, col23_26 BOOL NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col23_24), INDEX (col23_26 ASC))",
| "INSERT INTO public.table23 (col23_24,col23_25,col23_26) VALUES ('1983-03-20':::DATE,(-420698358831170577):::INT8,true),('1976-02-17':::DATE,3634421527302641866:::INT8,false)",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table23 ALTER COLUMN \"col23_24\" DROP STORED"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "0A000,42611",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: column \"col23_24\" is not a computed column (SQLSTATE 42611)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:57:21.160354",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "SELECT 'validating all objects'",
| "CREATE TABLE public.table40 (col40_41 INET NOT NULL, col40_42 UUID NOT NULL, col40_43 FLOAT8 NOT NULL, col40_44 REGPROC NOT NULL, col40_45 REGPROCEDURE NULL, col40_46 NAME NOT NULL, col40_47 CHAR NOT NULL, col40_48 NAME NOT NULL, col40_49 REGPROCEDURE NOT NULL, col40_50 INT8 NOT NULL, col40_51 UUID NOT NULL, col40_52 BOOL NOT NULL, col40_53 BOX2D NOT NULL, col40_54 INT2 NOT NULL, col40_55 CHAR NULL, col40_56 FLOAT4, PRIMARY KEY (col40_43 DESC, col40_44, col40_42 ASC, col40_52, col40_48 DESC, col40_41, col40_53, col40_49, col40_51 DESC, col40_50, col40_54 DESC, col40_47 DESC, col40_46 DESC), INDEX (col40_43 DESC, col40_49 ASC, col40_48 DESC, col40_41, col40_50 DESC, col40_54, col40_56 DESC, col40_47 ASC, col40_46 DESC, col40_51), UNIQUE (col40_52 DESC, col40_51 DESC, col40_41 ASC, col40_42, col40_46 DESC, col40_47 ASC, col40_56, col40_49), UNIQUE (col40_47 ASC, col40_45 DESC, col40_55 DESC, col40_51 ASC, col40_49 DESC, col40_50, col40_42 ASC, col40_43 ASC, col40_41 DESC, col40_44, col40_48 DESC, col40_53 ASC, col40_46 DESC, col40_52 ASC), INDEX (col40_46 DESC, col40_47 ASC, col40_54 ASC, col40_49 ASC, col40_56) STORING (col40_45, col40_55), INDEX (col40_55, col40_41, col40_53 ASC, col40_44 ASC, col40_45, col40_47 ASC, col40_51 DESC, col40_54 ASC, col40_56, col40_52 ASC, col40_49 DESC, col40_48 DESC))",
| "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS public.table40 CASCADE",
| "CREATE TYPE public.enum60 AS ENUM ('fdfaa', 'dsf')",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "TXN RETRY ERROR; ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: TransactionRetryError: retry txn (RETRY_SERIALIZABLE - failed preemptive refresh): \"sql txn\" meta={id=188d2d65 key=/Table/SystemConfigSpan/Start pri=0.02290281 epo=0 ts=1613721441.264497932,1 min=1613721441.160265686,0 seq=29} lock=true stat=PENDING rts=1613721441.160265686,0 wto=false gul=1613721441.660265686,0 (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitFailure"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:57:21.161713",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "CREATE TABLE public.table32 (col32_33 BIT(43) NULL, UNIQUE (col32_33 DESC), INDEX (col32_33 DESC), UNIQUE (col32_33 DESC), UNIQUE (col32_33 ASC), UNIQUE (col32_33))",
| "INSERT INTO public.table32 (col32_33) VALUES (B'1000100111101100001001001101101011101110011')",
| "SELECT 'validating all objects'",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table32 ALTER COLUMN \"col32_33\" DROP DEFAULT"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "0A000",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***FAIL; Failed to receive an execution error when errors were expected",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( Related: - #60653 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed [C-test-failure]( [O-roachtest]( [O-robot]( [branch-60635]( - #60353 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed [C-test-failure]( [O-roachtest]( [O-robot]( [branch-release-20.1]( [release-blocker]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@64c4aef909f4382523cd9248341ca9f4448d841a:
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"public.table114\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:17:28.339499",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "SELECT 'validating all objects'",
| "CREATE TYPE public.enum89 AS ENUM ('sss', 'sad')",
| "DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS public.seq93",
| "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.table115 (col115_116 BIT(36) NOT NULL, col115_117 REGNAMESPACE NOT NULL, col115_118 FLOAT4 NOT NULL, col115_119 TIME NOT NULL, col115_120 REGTYPE NOT NULL, col115_121 REGPROCEDURE NOT NULL, col115_122 REGTYPE NOT NULL, col115_123 BIT(22) NOT NULL, col115_124 REGPROC NOT NULL, col115_125 DECIMAL NOT NULL, col115_126 FLOAT8 NOT NULL, col115_127 STRING NOT NULL, col115_128 UUID NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col115_119 DESC, col115_117 DESC, col115_116 DESC, col115_120, col115_118 DESC, col115_128 DESC, col115_127, col115_125, col115_121 DESC, col115_122 DESC, col115_126 ASC, col115_124 DESC, col115_123), INDEX (col115_121 ASC, col115_127 DESC, col115_124 ASC, col115_118 DESC, col115_123, col115_128 ASC, col115_116 DESC), UNIQUE (col115_120 DESC, col115_121, col115_117), INDEX (col115_117 ASC, col115_119 ASC, col115_120, col115_128, col115_118 ASC, col115_126, col115_125 DESC, col115_123 ASC, col115_127 DESC, col115_116 DESC), UNIQUE (col115_117 DESC, col115_122, col115_121 DESC, col115_119 ASC, col115_124 DESC, col115_128, col115_123 DESC, col115_118 DESC), UNIQUE (col115_116 ASC, col115_121 DESC, col115_120 ASC, col115_119, col115_124 DESC), INDEX (col115_126, col115_119 DESC, col115_127 DESC, col115_122 DESC, col115_125 ASC, col115_116 ASC, col115_128 DESC, col115_118 DESC, col115_124, col115_117, col115_123 DESC, col115_120), INDEX (col115_126, col115_123, col115_117 ASC, col115_119 ASC, col115_128 ASC, col115_127 DESC, col115_122 DESC, col115_120))",
| "CREATE TYPE public.enum129 AS ENUM ('sf', 'dfad', 'fsadf', 'fs', 'adf', 'dfddsf')",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "TXN RETRY ERROR; ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: TransactionRetryError: retry txn (RETRY_SERIALIZABLE - failed preemptive refresh): \"sql txn\" meta={id=acd4c0bc key=/Table/SystemConfigSpan/Start pri=0.00930559 epo=0 ts=1613895448.595345217,1 min=1613895448.339446288,0 seq=25} lock=true stat=PENDING rts=1613895448.339446288,0 wto=false gul=1613895448.839446288,0 (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitFailure"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:17:28.69185",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "TXN RETRY ERROR; ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: TransactionRetryError: retry txn (RETRY_SERIALIZABLE - failed preemptive refresh): \"sql txn\" meta={id=ecad8a92 key=/Table/SystemConfigSpan/Start pri=0.01611277 epo=0 ts=1613895448.698515442,1 min=1613895448.691786013,0 seq=8} lock=true stat=PENDING rts=1613895448.691786013,0 wto=false gul=1613895449.191786013,0 (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitFailure"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:17:28.595386",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "DROP SCHEMA \"schema22\" CASCADE",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: cannot rollback to savepoint after a transaction restart (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( Related: - #60653 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed [C-test-failure]( [O-roachtest]( [O-robot]( [branch-60635]( - #60353 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed [C-test-failure]( [O-roachtest]( [O-robot]( [branch-release-20.1]( [release-blocker]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@bf9744bad5a416a4b06907f0f3dd42896f7342f3:
| "INSERT INTO schema61.table232 (col193_194,col193_195,col193_196,col193_197,col193_198,col193_199,col193_200,col193_201,col193_202,col193_203,col193_204,col193_205,col193_206,col193_207,col193_208) VALUES ('66 years 896 days 22:28:17.866194':::INTERVAL,'_':::STRING,'2f47:ed74:cd37:a2f:fe37:5728:1d01:a4ca/88':::INET,'23:47:25.746923':::TIME,e'\\x1f':::STRING,402867354:::OID,1241331344:::INT8,ARRAY['':::INET,'ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff':::INET],'19 years 8 mons 54 days 21:43:53.713397':::INTERVAL,746174163:::OID,B'010110','2016-08-21 01:03:18.000084':::TIMESTAMP,'\\x383c0b7ad408973f':::BYTES,e'\\x00':::STRING,false),(NULL,'n':::STRING,'':::INET,'24:00:00':::TIME,'%':::STRING,2012448173:::OID,NULL,ARRAY['a658:152e:bfbe:c08b:f841:80be:6bae:f2d4/110':::INET],'-82 years -7 mons -345 days -11:45:44.376232':::INTERVAL,2985961177:::OID,B'101001','2016-01-27 07:40:03.000683':::TIMESTAMP,'\\xaccafa99':::BYTES,e'Z\\bk:(z\\x0f\\b':::STRING,false)",
| "ALTER TABLE schema61.table232 ALTER COLUMN \"col193_208\" DROP NOT NULL"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "0A000,42P16",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: unimplemented: the first schema change statement in a transaction must precede any writes (SQLSTATE 0A000)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:11:48.623926",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER SEQUENCE public.seq234 RENAME TO public.seq285",
| "DROP SCHEMA \"public\" CASCADE"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "3F000",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: cannot drop schema \"public\" (SQLSTATE 3F000)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:11:48.652614",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER SEQUENCE public.seq234 RENAME TO public.seq269",
| "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index232_293 ON schema61.table232 (col193_205 DESC, col193_208 DESC, col193_206 DESC, col193_197 DESC, col193_202, col193_198 ASC, col193_196, col193_203 DESC, col193_199, col193_194) STORING (col193_201)"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: TransactionAbortedError(ABORT_REASON_PUSHER_ABORTED): \"sql txn\" meta={id=8be65a0e key=/Table/SystemConfigSpan/Start pri=0.01815096 epo=0 ts=1613981509.691028878,1 min=1613981508.652522826,0 seq=17} lock=true stat=ABORTED rts=1613981508.652522826,0 wto=false gul=1613981509.152522826,0 (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:11:48.262176",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE schema61.table232 ADD CONSTRAINT table232_col193_204_unique UNIQUE (col193_204)",
| "DROP SEQUENCE public.seq234",
| "ALTER TABLE schema61.table232 ALTER COLUMN col193_203 SET DEFAULT 3238395814:::OID"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: cannot rollback to savepoint after a transaction restart (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( Related: - #60653 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed [C-test-failure]( [O-roachtest]( [O-robot]( [branch-60635]( - #60353 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed [C-test-failure]( [O-roachtest]( [O-robot]( [branch-release-20.1]( [release-blocker]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@5cfd7e5553a3072a1490d392390dddf968844215:
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "TXN RETRY ERROR; ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: TransactionRetryError: retry txn (RETRY_SERIALIZABLE - failed preemptive refresh): \"sql txn\" meta={id=311e799d key=/Table/SystemConfigSpan/Start pri=0.01421771 epo=0 ts=1614068242.856720374,2 min=1614068242.856720374,0 seq=30} lock=true stat=PENDING rts=1614068242.856720374,0 wto=false gul=1614068243.356720374,0 (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitFailure"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:17:22.487742",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "SELECT 'validating all objects'",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table1 RENAME TO public.table1",
| "ALTER TABLE schema35.table82 ALTER COLUMN \"col82_91\" DROP DEFAULT"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: TransactionRetryError: retry txn (RETRY_WRITE_TOO_OLD - WriteTooOld flag converted to WriteTooOldError): \"sql txn\" meta={id=c4d03664 key=/Table/SystemConfigSpan/Start pri=0.03377534 epo=0 ts=1614068243.176222417,1 min=1614068242.487673040,0 seq=6} lock=true stat=PENDING rts=1614068242.487673040,0 wto=false gul=1614068242.987673040,0 (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:17:22.195741",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE schema35.table128 ADD CONSTRAINT table128_col1_14_unique UNIQUE (col1_14)",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table1 ALTER COLUMN \"col1_15\" DROP STORED"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42611",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: column \"col1_15\" is not a computed column (SQLSTATE 42611)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:17:22.666694",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "CREATE TYPE schema35.enum159 AS ENUM ('sdds', 'aas', 'f', 'fddss')",
| "INSERT INTO public.table1 (col1_2,col1_3,col1_4,col1_5,col1_6,col1_7,col1_8,col1_9,col1_10,col1_11,col1_12,col1_13,col1_14,col1_15,col1_16,col1_17,col1_18,col1_19,col1_20) VALUES ('09:04:17.337531':::TIME,'V':::STRING,'nd3G':::STRING,'-13 years -4 mons -345 days -24:08:04.775012':::INTERVAL,B'100101110010100000110111011001110010110101','':::STRING,2131252524:::INT8,352281415:::OID,952212880:::INT8,2094061761:::OID,'17:17:18.164125-13:30:00':::TIMETZ,1:::INT8,B'00000',B'011110000011111010100110101010011101001100000','2028-04-25 17:41:18.000586+00:00':::TIMESTAMPTZ,'BOX(1.047325916334282 0.804325551074984,1.3428888359369475 1.4430147196067535)':::BOX2D,'1979-07-15 20:08:52.000347':::TIMESTAMP,1502025750:::OID,'-9 years -11 mons -512 days -02:43:39.999092':::INTERVAL),('05:56:27.038986':::TIME,'R':::STRING,'':::STRING,'-30 years -1 mons -105 days -00:24:23.765661':::INTERVAL,NULL,e'H@.?SyQ\\x0b\\\\':::STRING,(-444701906):::INT8,3680171073:::OID,(-597006413):::INT8,NULL,'23:14:52.65573-01:26:00':::TIMETZ,1749299703:::INT8,B'10001',B'110000001111000010100101111010011101000011100','2013-01-11 00:09:08.000372+00:00':::TIMESTAMPTZ,'BOX(-0.8092309273162741 -1.576856562077827,-0.7926643459437439 0.1938513163053911)':::BOX2D,'1989-01-22 19:08:18.000009':::TIMESTAMP,2884223319:::OID,'51 years 7 mons 893 days 19:53:32.990278':::INTERVAL)",
| "ALTER TABLE schema35.table128 DROP COLUMN \"col1_2\""
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "0A000",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***FAIL; Failed to receive an execution error when errors were expected",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( Related: - #60653 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed [C-test-failure]( [O-roachtest]( [O-robot]( [branch-60635]( - #60353 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed [C-test-failure]( [O-roachtest]( [O-robot]( [branch-release-20.1]( [release-blocker]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@ec011620c7cf299fdbb898db692b36454defc4a2:
| main.runSchemaChangeRandomLoad
| /home/agent/work/.go/src/
| main.registerRandomLoadBenchSpec.func1
| /home/agent/work/.go/src/
| main.(*testRunner).runTest.func2
| /home/agent/work/.go/src/
| runtime.goexit
| /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1374
Wraps: (2) output in run_075006.892_n1_workload_run_schemachange
Wraps: (3) /home/agent/work/.go/src/ run teamcity-2712399-1614149800-22-n3cpu4:1 -- ./workload run schemachange --verbose=1 --tolerate-errors=false --histograms=perf/stats.json --max-ops 10000 --concurrency 20 --txn-log /mnt/data1/cockroach/transactions.json returned
| stderr:
| I210224 07:50:07.610306 1 workload/cli/run.go:358 [-] 1 creating load generator...
| I210224 07:50:07.726068 1 workload/cli/run.go:389 [-] 2 creating load generator... done (took 115.760685ms)
| Error: ***FAIL; Failed to receive an execution error when errors were expected
| Error: COMMAND_PROBLEM: exit status 1
| Wraps: (2) Node 1. Command with error:
| | ```
| | ./workload run schemachange --verbose=1 --tolerate-errors=false --histograms=perf/stats.json --max-ops 10000 --concurrency 20 --txn-log /mnt/data1/cockroach/transactions.json
| | ```
| Wraps: (3) exit status 1
| Error types: (1) errors.Cmd (2) *hintdetail.withDetail (3) *exec.ExitError
| stdout:
| <... some data truncated by circular buffer; go to artifacts for details ...>
| mons 555 days 04:07:34.767691':::INTERVAL,'14 years 11 mons 151 days 01:08:03.176198':::INTERVAL,'-37 years -9 mons -903 days -19:36:55.757017':::INTERVAL,'75 years 10 mons 728 days 17:50:16.411359':::INTERVAL],'1996-09-03 02:34:40.000205+00:00':::TIMESTAMPTZ,2084884662:::OID,'':::STRING:::NAME,e'j\\rVZ{^2\\x04\u003e':::STRING,(-80.1485755833436007):::DECIMAL,'.':::STRING,0.0:::FLOAT8,'81fb4100-4d1d-41f8-814b-833a95c109e9':::UUID,'1 mon 1 day':::INTERVAL,'\\x974f9105':::BYTES,e'\\x02Cc)':::STRING:::NAME,B'10'),(ARRAY[B'11110',B'01111'],1295670754:::OID,2986361788:::OID,ARRAY['-13 years -5 mons -196 days -10:57:06.693552':::INTERVAL,'36 years 11 mons 990 days 00:01:36.382958':::INTERVAL,'43 years 356 days 07:59:49.77752':::INTERVAL],'1979-11-03 10:27:05.000453+00:00':::TIMESTAMPTZ,297094820:::OID,e'\\t':::STRING:::NAME,'\u0026#':::STRING,(-1525844267399.205934):::DECIMAL,'o':::STRING,1.5762720673442279:::FLOAT8,'95fd510f-1360-4d0a-b060-bac5d527106f':::UUID,'35 years 3 mons 577 days 02:48:28.882168':::INTERVAL,'\\xa6b4f53b':::BYTES,e'\u003c\\t%':::STRING:::NAME,B'00')",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "TXN RETRY ERROR; ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: TransactionRetryError: retry txn (RETRY_SERIALIZABLE - failed preemptive refresh): \"sql txn\" meta={id=f3bca82c key=/Table/164/1/5.98177300732011759E+31/\"\"/-0.5199976954313265/0 pri=0.01328476 epo=0 ts=1614153014.166251039,2 min=1614153013.965826989,0 seq=50} lock=true stat=PENDING rts=1614153013.965826989,0 wto=false gul=1614153014.465826989,0 (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitFailure"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:50:13.949265",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "CREATE TABLE public.table482 (col482_483 BOOL NOT NULL, col482_484 INT8 NOT NULL, col482_485 FLOAT4, col482_486 TIMETZ, col482_487 TIMETZ NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col482_483 ASC, col482_484 DESC), FAMILY (col482_486, col482_485, col482_487), FAMILY (col482_483, col482_484))",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table482 RENAME TO public.table500",
| "INSERT INTO public.table427 (col427_428,col427_429,col427_430,col427_431,col427_432,col427_433,col427_434,col427_435,col427_436,col427_437,col427_438,col427_439,col427_440,col427_441,col427_442,col427_443) VALUES (ARRAY[B'00001',B'00100',B'10111',B'10010',B'00001'],1148248740:::OID,2810768836:::OID,ARRAY['26 years 2 mons 918 days 12:00:02.613238':::INTERVAL,'-82 years -10 mons -364 days -00:42:25.403834':::INTERVAL,'36 years 185 days 08:59:22.803058':::INTERVAL],'1984-12-20 12:45:43.000274+00:00':::TIMESTAMPTZ,2965206457:::OID,'':::STRING:::NAME,e'Z\\b\u003e`{jzRY':::STRING,(-2.393920378780055595E+26):::DECIMAL,'g':::STRING,(-0.42982455531479946):::FLOAT8,'00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000':::UUID,NULL,'\\x17':::BYTES,e'na\\x12-':::STRING:::NAME,B'11'),(ARRAY[B'10100',B'00000',B'00000',B'10111',B'10101',B'10111'],3845425333:::OID,568509420:::OID,ARRAY['-59 years -2 mons -422 days -07:39:30.955273':::INTERVAL],'2020-06-24 08:32:00.000171+00:00':::TIMESTAMPTZ,3633880647:::OID,e'\\x04\\x0f!b\\x12\\\\':::STRING:::NAME,e's\\x11\\f^\\x1b4\u003c':::STRING,1:::DECIMAL,e'\\x18':::STRING,1.7976931348623157e+308:::FLOAT8,'e2b3aff6-696c-4462-b122-e58255437e03':::UUID,'69 years 9 mons 169 days 21:59:53.091522':::INTERVAL,'\\x58':::BYTES,e'(%\"#\\x1bI':::STRING:::NAME,B'00'),(ARRAY[B'10100',B'00110'],NULL,97718950:::OID,ARRAY['28 years 2 mons 11 days 19:42:47.250888':::INTERVAL],'1976-03-28 19:03:04.000394+00:00':::TIMESTAMPTZ,4015145552:::OID,e'\\\\bn%\\x13\\r\\x15_k':::STRING:::NAME,'OFk-=:':::STRING,3.68753953494213691E+20:::DECIMAL,NULL,2.025290448437479:::FLOAT8,'a885aa80-3e39-479d-82a3-e25dba219ae7':::UUID,'9 years 4 mons 310 days 15:15:29.872068':::INTERVAL,'\\xba7aa1d41b4420d2':::BYTES,e'(\\x0br\\n':::STRING:::NAME,B'11')",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table500 ALTER COLUMN \"col482_485\" SET NOT NULL"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "0A000",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***FAIL; Failed to receive an execution error when errors were expected",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@c7e088826bc079620dfd3b5ae75d1c15cd9cd16d:
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"public.table176\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:12:13.351379",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "CREATE TYPE public.enum148 AS ENUM ('sas', 'aaf', 'af', 'dfss', 'sfsas')",
| "SELECT 'validating all objects'",
| "SELECT 'validating all objects'",
| "DROP SCHEMA \"public\" CASCADE"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "3F000",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: cannot drop schema \"public\" (SQLSTATE 3F000)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:12:13.008114",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "CREATE TYPE public.enum104 AS ENUM ('aad', 'fass', 'fdaaa', 'dda', 'sd')",
| "CREATE TABLE public.table177 (col177_178 BIT(18) NOT NULL, col177_179 INT4 NOT NULL, col177_180 TIMETZ NOT NULL, col177_181 CHAR NOT NULL, col177_182 CHAR NOT NULL, col177_183 \"char\" NOT NULL, col177_184 UUID NOT NULL, col177_185 FLOAT4 NOT NULL, col177_186 TIMESTAMPTZ NULL, col177_187 BOOL NOT NULL, col177_188 BIT(13) NOT NULL, col177_189 BOX2D, col177_190 FLOAT8 NOT NULL, col177_191 INT8 NOT NULL, col177_192 DECIMAL NOT NULL, col177_193 BIT(9) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col177_178 DESC, col177_192 DESC, col177_191 ASC, col177_190 DESC, col177_188 ASC, col177_180 DESC, col177_182 ASC, col177_181 ASC), UNIQUE (col177_193 ASC, col177_182 DESC, col177_191 ASC, col177_179, col177_184, col177_183 ASC, col177_185, col177_192, col177_187 ASC, col177_178 DESC, col177_180 DESC, col177_186 ASC, col177_190 DESC, col177_181, col177_188 DESC), UNIQUE (col177_178 ASC, col177_185, col177_189, col177_192 DESC, col177_186 ASC) STORING (col177_179, col177_184, col177_193), UNIQUE (col177_186 DESC, col177_179 DESC, col177_190 ASC, col177_184, col177_185 DESC), INDEX (col177_186 ASC, col177_191, col177_187 ASC, col177_180 DESC, col177_182, col177_190, col177_185 ASC, col177_181 DESC, col177_183 ASC, col177_184 ASC, col177_193), INDEX (col177_191 DESC, col177_184 ASC) STORING (col177_187, col177_189, col177_193))",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table177 ALTER COLUMN col177_186 SET DEFAULT '2006-12-10 19:09:38.000899+00:00':::TIMESTAMPTZ",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "TXN RETRY ERROR; ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: TransactionRetryError: retry txn (RETRY_SERIALIZABLE - failed preemptive refresh): \"sql txn\" meta={id=4db75b6f key=/Table/SystemConfigSpan/Start pri=0.00501364 epo=0 ts=1614240733.511128397,1 min=1614240733.008034029,0 seq=22} lock=true stat=PENDING rts=1614240733.008034029,0 wto=false gul=1614240733.508034029,0 (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitFailure"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:12:13.512126",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: cannot rollback to savepoint after a transaction restart (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@6601d827b814d4e85a1081b03bf2562d8ac2a4ab:
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "0A000",
| "message": "COMMIT; Successfully got expected commit error",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitFailure"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:15:06.979645",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "SELECT 'validating all objects'",
| "ALTER TABLE schema427.table611 ALTER COLUMN \"col611_617\" SET NOT NULL",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "TXN RETRY ERROR; ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: TransactionRetryError: retry txn (RETRY_SERIALIZABLE - failed preemptive refresh): \"sql txn\" meta={id=d4117342 key=/Table/SystemConfigSpan/Start pri=0.00690580 epo=0 ts=1614327308.178568070,1 min=1614327306.979571018,0 seq=11} lock=true stat=PENDING rts=1614327306.979571018,0 wto=false gul=1614327307.479571018,0 (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitFailure"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:15:07.041894",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "CREATE VIEW schema427.view669 AS SELECT schema427.table611.col611_614 FROM schema427.table611",
| "CREATE TYPE schema427.enum683 AS ENUM ('ss', 'daaff', 'f', 'sa', 'fdd', 'fsssf')",
| "SELECT 'validating all objects'",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "TXN RETRY ERROR; ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: TransactionRetryError: retry txn (RETRY_SERIALIZABLE - failed preemptive refresh): \"sql txn\" meta={id=0d8bd199 key=/Table/SystemConfigSpan/Start pri=0.00620936 epo=0 ts=1614327308.178568070,1 min=1614327307.041834549,0 seq=22} lock=true stat=PENDING rts=1614327307.041834549,0 wto=false gul=1614327307.541834549,0 (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitFailure"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:15:07.8934",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE schema427.table611 ADD CONSTRAINT table611_col611_613_unique UNIQUE (col611_613)",
| "ALTER TABLE schema427.table611 ADD CONSTRAINT table611_col611_613_table611_col611_613_fk FOREIGN KEY (col611_613) REFERENCES schema427.table611 (col611_613) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Received an unexpected execution error: ERROR: there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table table611 (SQLSTATE 23503)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@9595a158f0233e1c3d86786ec4462dd39c7beb20:
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ERROR: restart transaction: updating mutation job for dropped table: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: WriteTooOldError: write at timestamp 1614412605.621247185,0 too old; wrote at 1614412605.913573745,1: \"sql txn\" meta={id=31a2270c pri=0.01062248 epo=0 ts=1614412605.913573745,1 min=1614412605.621247185,0 seq=0} lock=true stat=PENDING rts=1614412605.621247185,0 wto=false gul=1614412606.121247185,0 (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:56:45.707946",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table4 ADD CONSTRAINT table4_col4_6_unique UNIQUE (col4_6)"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: TransactionRetryError: retry txn (RETRY_WRITE_TOO_OLD - WriteTooOld flag converted to WriteTooOldError): \"sql txn\" meta={id=e40ba5c4 key=/Table/SystemConfigSpan/Start pri=0.00244682 epo=0 ts=1614412605.997682678,1 min=1614412605.707874356,0 seq=6} lock=true stat=PENDING rts=1614412605.707874356,0 wto=false gul=1614412606.207874356,0 (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:56:45.38005",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table4 ALTER COLUMN col4_6 SET DEFAULT e'\\x1f':::STRING"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: TransactionRetryError: retry txn (RETRY_WRITE_TOO_OLD - WriteTooOld flag converted to WriteTooOldError): \"sql txn\" meta={id=59bf7c89 key=/Table/SystemConfigSpan/Start pri=0.00725584 epo=0 ts=1614412606.133469396,1 min=1614412605.379972292,0 seq=6} lock=true stat=PENDING rts=1614412605.379972292,0 wto=false gul=1614412605.879972292,0 (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| _elapsed___errors__ops/sec(inst)___ops/sec(cum)__p50(ms)__p95(ms)__p99(ms)_pMax(ms)
| 1.0s 0 29.8 33.0 14.7 260.0 335.5 335.5 opOk
| 1.0s 0 3.6 4.0 520.1 671.1 671.1 671.1 txnCmtErr
| 1.0s 0 1.8 2.0 192.9 285.2 285.2 285.2 txnOk
| 1.0s 0 20.8 23.0 4.1 67.1 83.9 83.9 txnRbk
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:56:45.749164",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table4 DROP COLUMN \"col4_5\""
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Received an unexpected execution error: ERROR: index \"table4_col4_5_unique\" in the middle of being added, try again later (SQLSTATE 55000)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@7d1324fa42732f482329a524b0166db8dd7365e6:
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"schema76.table197\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:57:33.984403",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "SELECT 'validating all objects'",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table199 ADD COLUMN IrrelevantColumnName string"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"public.table199\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:57:33.959755",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "DROP SCHEMA \"schema76\" CASCADE",
| "CREATE TABLE public.table186 (col186_187 INET NOT NULL, col186_188 VARCHAR NOT NULL, col186_189 REGPROC NOT NULL, col186_190 INT8 NOT NULL, col186_191 BIT NOT NULL, col186_192 REGTYPE NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col186_188, col186_187 ASC, col186_191 ASC, col186_192 ASC, col186_189 ASC, col186_190 DESC))",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table186 ALTER COLUMN \"col186_189\" SET NOT NULL",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table186 ALTER COLUMN \"col186_189\" DROP DEFAULT",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "TXN RETRY ERROR; ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: TransactionRetryError: retry txn (RETRY_SERIALIZABLE - failed preemptive refresh): \"sql txn\" meta={id=57631edc key=/Table/SystemConfigSpan/Start pri=0.00119065 epo=0 ts=1614499054.349603026,1 min=1614499053.959689003,0 seq=36} lock=true stat=PENDING rts=1614499053.959689003,0 wto=false gul=1614499054.459689003,0 (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitFailure"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:57:34.227791",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.table163 (col163_164 TIME NULL, col163_165 REGPROCEDURE NOT NULL, col163_166 FLOAT4 NOT NULL, col163_167 INET NOT NULL, col163_168 CHAR, col163_169 VARCHAR NULL, col163_170 FLOAT4 NOT NULL, col163_171 NAME NOT NULL, col163_172 BIT(34) NOT NULL, col163_173 REGPROC, col163_174 OID, col163_175 FLOAT4 NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col163_166, col163_167, col163_170 DESC, col163_165 ASC, col163_172 DESC, col163_171 ASC), UNIQUE (col163_171, col163_169 DESC), INDEX (col163_171, col163_169 DESC, col163_174 DESC, col163_165, col163_166 ASC, col163_168, col163_170, col163_173, col163_164 ASC, col163_175 DESC, col163_167 DESC, col163_172 ASC))",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table163 RENAME TO public.table193",
| "INSERT INTO public.table193 (col163_164,col163_165,col163_166,col163_167,col163_168,col163_169,col163_170,col163_171,col163_172,col163_173,col163_174,col163_175) VALUES ('11:24:01.963203':::TIME,1567976737:::OID,0.500938355922699:::FLOAT8,'ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff':::INET,'n':::STRING,e'CE\\x15':::STRING,'-Inf':::FLOAT8,'d5':::STRING:::NAME,B'0000000000000000000000000000000000',509566542:::OID,2529985414:::OID,(-0.13345365226268768):::FLOAT8)",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table193 ADD CONSTRAINT table193_col163_165_unique UNIQUE (col163_165)"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "0A000",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***FAIL; Failed to receive an execution error when errors were expected",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@206e8178de9ac124bfde5529d8a9b858734038bb:
| Error types: (1) errors.Cmd (2) *hintdetail.withDetail (3) *exec.ExitError
| stdout:
| <... some data truncated by circular buffer; go to artifacts for details ...>
| ientTimestamp": "08:10:24.439418",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "CREATE TYPE public.enum529 AS ENUM ('fdaf', 'saad', 'ad', 'ffaa', 'fsd')",
| "ALTER SEQUENCE public.seq423 RENAME TO public.seq535",
| "SELECT 'validating all objects'",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "TXN RETRY ERROR; ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: TransactionRetryError: retry txn (RETRY_SERIALIZABLE - failed preemptive refresh): \"sql txn\" meta={id=34a56422 key=/Table/SystemConfigSpan/Start pri=0.06156191 epo=0 ts=1614586224.656243642,1 min=1614586224.439334363,0 seq=21} lock=true stat=PENDING rts=1614586224.439334363,0 wto=false gul=1614586224.939334363,0 (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitFailure"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:10:24.229557",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "DROP SEQUENCE public.seq530",
| "DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS public.seq423",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "TXN RETRY ERROR; ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: TransactionRetryError: retry txn (RETRY_SERIALIZABLE - failed preemptive refresh): \"sql txn\" meta={id=90588a09 key=/Table/SystemConfigSpan/Start pri=0.05645500 epo=0 ts=1614586224.656243642,1 min=1614586224.229502832,0 seq=32} lock=true stat=PENDING rts=1614586224.229502832,0 wto=false gul=1614586224.729502832,0 (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitFailure"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:10:24.479496",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "CREATE TABLE public.table511 (col511_512 REGPROCEDURE, col511_513 VARCHAR NOT NULL, col511_514 BOX2D NOT NULL, col511_515 BIT(21) NOT NULL, col511_516 INT2, col511_517 BOOL, col511_518 BOOL NOT NULL, col511_519 STRING NOT NULL, col511_520 OID, col511_521 UUID NOT NULL, col511_522 REGCLASS NOT NULL, col511_523 TIME NOT NULL, col511_524 TIME NOT NULL, col511_525 TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL, col511_526 REGTYPE NOT NULL, col511_527 TIME NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col511_526, col511_524 DESC, col511_525, col511_521 DESC, col511_523, col511_514 DESC, col511_513 ASC, col511_518 DESC, col511_515 ASC, col511_522, col511_519 DESC), INDEX (col511_515 ASC, col511_512 DESC, col511_518 DESC, col511_517 DESC, col511_513 DESC, col511_523 DESC, col511_522 ASC) STORING (col511_520), INDEX (col511_525, col511_517 ASC, col511_515, col511_518 ASC, col511_524 ASC, col511_526, col511_527, col511_520, col511_522 DESC, col511_516 DESC, col511_512 DESC, col511_523 DESC, col511_521, col511_514 ASC), UNIQUE (col511_517 ASC, col511_516, col511_521, col511_526 ASC, col511_522 ASC, col511_523, col511_527 DESC, col511_515 DESC, col511_519), UNIQUE (col511_527 ASC, col511_516 ASC, col511_519 DESC, col511_524), FAMILY (col511_514), FAMILY (col511_526), FAMILY (col511_518), FAMILY (col511_527, col511_513), FAMILY (col511_523), FAMILY (col511_519), FAMILY (col511_524, col511_522, col511_517), FAMILY (col511_515, col511_512), FAMILY (col511_521), FAMILY (col511_520), FAMILY (col511_525), FAMILY (col511_516))",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table511 ADD CONSTRAINT table511_col511_516_unique UNIQUE (col511_516)",
| "INSERT INTO public.table511 (col511_512,col511_513,col511_514,col511_515,col511_516,col511_517,col511_518,col511_519,col511_520,col511_521,col511_522,col511_523,col511_524,col511_525,col511_526,col511_527) VALUES (NULL,'':::STRING,'BOX(-0.7079893062186571 -0.3517904434925858,0.7075961623360127 0.3778485015992408)':::BOX2D,B'010101001011110010011',1965:::INT8,false,false,e'\\t3':::STRING,NULL,'3b1dda87-fbd3-4a94-a77a-a4430f42eaa6':::UUID,2010063006:::OID,'11:11:46.843892':::TIME,'03:40:15.417905':::TIME,'1982-12-30 15:18:48.000741+00:00':::TIMESTAMPTZ,1710153342:::OID,'16:30:02.075213':::TIME)",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table511 ALTER COLUMN col511_517 SET DEFAULT true"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "0A000",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***FAIL; Failed to receive an execution error when errors were expected",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@9ba48738bc511ad6954682cab41e23b8492facd8:
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"schema189.seq698\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:51:12.229767",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "SELECT 'validating all objects'",
| "SELECT 'validating all objects'",
| "SELECT 'validating all objects'",
| "SELECT 'validating all objects'",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:51:12.038768",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "SELECT 'validating all objects'",
| "CREATE TABLE schema189.table691 (col691_692 BIT(18) NOT NULL, col691_693 REGPROC NOT NULL, col691_694 INT2 NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col691_693 DESC, col691_692, col691_694 DESC), INDEX (col691_693 ASC, col691_692 ASC, col691_694 ASC), INDEX (col691_694 DESC, col691_693 DESC, col691_692 DESC), UNIQUE (col691_694 DESC), UNIQUE (col691_692 ASC), UNIQUE (col691_693, col691_692 DESC), INDEX (col691_693))",
| "ALTER TABLE schema189.table691 RENAME TO schema189.table695",
| "SELECT 'validating all objects'",
| "ALTER TABLE schema189.table695 ALTER COLUMN \"col691_693\" SET DATA TYPE public.enum516"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "0A000,42846",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: cannot convert REGPROC to public.enum516 (SQLSTATE 42846)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:51:12.362305",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: cannot rollback to savepoint after a transaction restart (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@6de4313ec216161c79fe725fcc31fc87ef1804ea:
| "ALTER TABLE public.table100 ALTER COLUMN IrrelevantColumnName SET DEFAULT \"IrrelevantValue\""
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"public.table100\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:51:03.518116",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table8 ALTER COLUMN \"col8_13\" DROP DEFAULT",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "TXN RETRY ERROR; ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: TransactionRetryError: retry txn (RETRY_SERIALIZABLE - failed preemptive refresh): \"sql txn\" meta={id=3b69c06a key=/Table/SystemConfigSpan/Start pri=0.01731766 epo=0 ts=1614757863.768579096,1 min=1614757863.518043167,0 seq=11} lock=true stat=PENDING rts=1614757863.518043167,0 wto=false gul=1614757864.018043167,0 (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitFailure"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:51:03.477237",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "CREATE TYPE public.enum57 AS ENUM ('aas', 'dsssaf', 'afds', 'fs', 'asdff', 'dfsd')",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table8 ADD CONSTRAINT table8_col8_13_table8_col8_13_fk FOREIGN KEY (col8_13) REFERENCES public.table8 (col8_13) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "TXN RETRY ERROR; ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: TransactionRetryError: retry txn (RETRY_SERIALIZABLE - failed preemptive refresh): \"sql txn\" meta={id=7405cce2 key=/Table/SystemConfigSpan/Start pri=0.02182261 epo=0 ts=1614757863.768579096,1 min=1614757863.477181028,0 seq=20} lock=true stat=PENDING rts=1614757863.477181028,0 wto=false gul=1614757863.977181028,0 (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitFailure"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "07:51:03.473339",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "CREATE TYPE public.enum59 AS ENUM ('sssads', 'sfsfsf', 'dddfs', 'saas', 'sssaad')",
| "INSERT INTO public.table8 (col8_9,col8_60,col8_11,col8_12,col8_13,col8_14,col8_15,col8_16,col8_17,col8_18,col8_19,col8_20,col8_21,col8_22,col8_38) VALUES (0.5467573404312134:::FLOAT8,'1979-04-03':::DATE,'':::STRING,B'11100001010010000010100000','BOX(-0.17262885371826242 -0.29604834970989846,0.38346267669927186 0.8241870871359378)':::BOX2D,3588461194:::OID,1897577382:::OID,NULL,'19:10:15.55268-12:16:00':::TIMETZ,'\"':::STRING,3871986673:::OID,NULL,NULL,e's\\x1f':::STRING,NULL),((-0.293660432100296):::FLOAT8,'1993-10-24':::DATE,e'\\r|':::STRING,B'00000000011001110010010100','BOX(0.019318920751432933 -2.1638090627024225,1.8252486168874635 -0.672022309697508)':::BOX2D,NULL,904672600:::OID,770198988:::OID,'21:47:04.955088+11:46:00':::TIMETZ,e'\\U00002603':::STRING,2789201703:::OID,'Y':::STRING,(-0.25482120583480583):::FLOAT8,e'\\x10\u0026iD.tK':::STRING,(-27800):::INT8)",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table8 ALTER COLUMN \"col8_60\" SET NOT NULL"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "0A000",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***FAIL; Failed to receive an execution error when errors were expected",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@b703e663da8ededaee2e28fc39a24e3880ae54cf:
| "clientTimestamp": "08:03:17.856421",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table25 ALTER COLUMN \"col25_33\" SET NOT NULL"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: TransactionRetryError: retry txn (RETRY_WRITE_TOO_OLD - WriteTooOld flag converted to WriteTooOldError): \"sql txn\" meta={id=a5f43896 key=/Table/SystemConfigSpan/Start pri=0.01080027 epo=0 ts=1614931398.823516722,1 min=1614931397.856343042,0 seq=6} lock=true stat=PENDING rts=1614931397.856343042,0 wto=false gul=1614931398.356343042,0 (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:03:18.082252",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table25 RENAME COLUMN \"col25_31\" TO \"col25_77\""
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: TransactionRetryError: retry txn (RETRY_WRITE_TOO_OLD - WriteTooOld flag converted to WriteTooOldError): \"sql txn\" meta={id=488a857a key=/Table/SystemConfigSpan/Start pri=0.00825571 epo=0 ts=1614931398.823516722,1 min=1614931398.082201958,0 seq=6} lock=true stat=PENDING rts=1614931398.082201958,0 wto=false gul=1614931398.582201958,0 (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:03:17.778624",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "SELECT 'validating all objects'",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "TXN RETRY ERROR; ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: TransactionRetryError: retry txn (RETRY_SERIALIZABLE - failed preemptive refresh): \"sql txn\" meta={id=ecdfa0cc key=/Table/SystemConfigSpan/Start pri=0.03412100 epo=0 ts=1614931398.823516722,1 min=1614931397.778544263,0 seq=13} lock=true stat=PENDING rts=1614931397.778544263,0 wto=false gul=1614931398.278544263,0 (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitFailure"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:03:18.793147",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table25 RENAME TO public.table95"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: cannot rollback to savepoint after a transaction restart (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@15a185606d5e80b47d9fdd0ed4f54cfe29c527c6:
| Error: ***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Received an unexpected execution error: ERROR: cannot write directly to computed column "col52_69" (SQLSTATE 55000)
| Error: COMMAND_PROBLEM: exit status 1
| Wraps: (2) Node 1. Command with error:
| | ```
| | ./workload run schemachange --verbose=1 --tolerate-errors=false --histograms=perf/stats.json --max-ops 10000 --concurrency 20 --txn-log /mnt/data1/cockroach/transactions.json
| | ```
| Wraps: (3) exit status 1
| Error types: (1) errors.Cmd (2) *hintdetail.withDetail (3) *exec.ExitError
| stdout:
| <... some data truncated by circular buffer; go to artifacts for details ...>
| ASC, col112_126 DESC, col112_127 DESC, col112_122 DESC, col112_123), INDEX (col112_115 ASC, col112_117 DESC, col112_120 DESC, col112_122, col112_114 ASC, col112_125, col112_123 ASC, col112_116 DESC) STORING (col112_113, col112_119), UNIQUE (col112_121 ASC, col112_122 ASC) STORING (col112_113, col112_125, col112_126, col112_127), INDEX (col112_127 ASC, col112_126, col112_122 ASC, col112_116 DESC, col112_119 DESC, col112_117, col112_113, col112_120 ASC), UNIQUE (col112_121, col112_125 ASC, col112_117 ASC, col112_123 DESC, col112_115 ASC, col112_113 DESC, col112_118 ASC) STORING (col112_126), UNIQUE (col112_113 DESC, col112_116, col112_120 DESC, col112_126 ASC, col112_122 ASC) STORING (col112_125), INDEX (col112_126 ASC, col112_127) STORING (col112_125), FAMILY (col112_114, col112_113, col112_119, col112_115), FAMILY (col112_127, col112_121), FAMILY (col112_120), FAMILY (col112_116, col112_126, col112_124, col112_123, col112_118, col112_125, col112_122, col112_117))",
| "SELECT 'validating all objects'",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "TXN RETRY ERROR; ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: TransactionRetryError: retry txn (RETRY_SERIALIZABLE - failed preemptive refresh): \"sql txn\" meta={id=c89fa7ef key=/Table/SystemConfigSpan/Start pri=0.00674683 epo=0 ts=1615019629.169803071,1 min=1615019629.054944849,0 seq=16} lock=true stat=PENDING rts=1615019629.054944849,0 wto=false gul=1615019629.554944849,0 (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitFailure"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:33:49.054546",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "CREATE TYPE public.enum100 AS ENUM ('d', 'dfdsds', 's', 'dd')",
| "CREATE TABLE public.table133 AS SELECT \"IrrelevantColumnName\" FROM public.table132"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"public.table132\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:33:49.053905",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "CREATE TABLE public.table52 (col52_53 BOX2D NOT NULL, col52_54 CHAR NOT NULL, col52_55 OID NOT NULL, col52_56 INT4 NOT NULL, col52_57 REGTYPE NOT NULL, col52_58 DATE NOT NULL, col52_59 FLOAT8 NOT NULL, col52_60 TIMETZ NOT NULL, col52_61 OID NOT NULL, col52_62 CHAR NOT NULL, col52_63 REGNAMESPACE NOT NULL, col52_64 INTERVAL NOT NULL, col52_65 DECIMAL NOT NULL, col52_66 REGNAMESPACE NOT NULL, col52_67 STRING NOT NULL, col52_68 REGPROC, PRIMARY KEY (col52_59 ASC, col52_67, col52_53 ASC, col52_61 ASC, col52_56 ASC, col52_64, col52_66 DESC, col52_55 ASC, col52_57, col52_58, col52_63 DESC, col52_54 ASC, col52_60 DESC, col52_62 DESC, col52_65 ASC), col52_69 STRING NOT NULL AS (lower(CAST(col52_61 AS STRING))) VIRTUAL, col52_70 STRING NOT NULL AS (lower(CAST(col52_68 AS STRING))) STORED, col52_71 STRING NULL AS (lower(CAST(col52_64 AS STRING))) VIRTUAL, INDEX (col52_62 ASC, col52_63 DESC, col52_65, col52_70, col52_68, col52_61 DESC, col52_57 DESC, col52_56 ASC))",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table52 RENAME TO public.table94",
| "INSERT INTO public.table94 (col52_53,col52_54,col52_55,col52_56,col52_57,col52_58,col52_59,col52_60,col52_61,col52_62,col52_63,col52_64,col52_65,col52_66,col52_67,col52_68,col52_69,col52_70,col52_71) VALUES ('BOX(0.3409680067432146 0.35150087650309114,0.5028552010161893 0.5193702688312645)':::BOX2D,e'\\x1e':::STRING,677276454:::OID,(-128):::INT8,639749036:::OID,'1984-03-01':::DATE,(-0.4289550315712565):::FLOAT8,'08:18:33.33275+11:25:00':::TIMETZ,2064035772:::OID,'c':::STRING,3274808148:::OID,'62 years 5 mons 937 days 03:17:04.811355':::INTERVAL,3.466410652113627728E+24:::DECIMAL,1138162016:::OID,e'4\\x1eq(jc':::STRING,3062819999:::OID,'RQ?':::STRING,e'K\\x1f':::STRING,'%+f':::STRING)"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Received an unexpected execution error: ERROR: cannot write directly to computed column \"col52_69\" (SQLSTATE 55000)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@a69e6549a71f5a0e83eb13509001f4d7351050fb:
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:06:45.943213",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "SELECT 'validating all objects'",
| "ALTER SEQUENCE public.seq67 RENAME TO public.seq70",
| "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.table71 (col71_72 TIMETZ NULL, col71_73 TIME NULL, col71_74 TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, col71_75 NAME NOT NULL, col71_76 TIMETZ, PRIMARY KEY (col71_75), col71_77 STRING NOT NULL AS (lower(CAST(col71_74 AS STRING))) STORED, col71_78 STRING NOT NULL AS (lower(CAST(col71_72 AS STRING))) VIRTUAL, col71_79 STRING NOT NULL AS (lower(CAST(col71_76 AS STRING))) STORED, col71_80 STRING NULL AS (lower(col71_75)) VIRTUAL, INDEX (col71_72, col71_77 ASC, col71_78 DESC, col71_74 DESC, col71_79 DESC, col71_76 DESC, col71_73 ASC, col71_80, col71_75 ASC), UNIQUE (col71_74 DESC, col71_79 ASC, col71_77 ASC, col71_73 DESC, col71_72, col71_76 ASC, col71_80 ASC), UNIQUE (col71_79, col71_75, col71_73 DESC, col71_78, col71_76, col71_77 ASC, col71_74 ASC, col71_80, col71_72 DESC), INDEX (col71_74 DESC))",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "TXN RETRY ERROR; ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: TransactionRetryError: retry txn (RETRY_SERIALIZABLE - failed preemptive refresh): \"sql txn\" meta={id=9781f7d1 key=/Table/SystemConfigSpan/Start pri=0.04098513 epo=0 ts=1615104405.944270649,1 min=1615104405.943141640,0 seq=24} lock=true stat=PENDING rts=1615104405.943141640,0 wto=false gul=1615104406.443141640,0 (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusCommitFailure"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:06:45.942615",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.table7 (col7_8 BIT(21) NOT NULL, col7_9 OID NULL, col7_10 INTERVAL NOT NULL, col7_11 TIME NOT NULL, col7_12 TIMETZ, col7_13 TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL, col7_14 STRING AS (lower(CAST(col7_12 AS STRING))) VIRTUAL, col7_15 STRING AS (lower(CAST(col7_9 AS STRING))) STORED, col7_16 STRING AS (lower(CAST(col7_8 AS STRING))) VIRTUAL, col7_17 STRING AS (lower(CAST(col7_9 AS STRING))) STORED, col7_18 STRING AS (lower(CAST(col7_12 AS STRING))) STORED, INDEX (col7_16 DESC, col7_13 DESC, col7_15 DESC, col7_17 DESC, col7_12, col7_14 DESC, col7_18 ASC, col7_10, col7_8 ASC, col7_9 ASC), INDEX (col7_9 DESC, col7_15 DESC), INDEX (col7_9, col7_15 ASC, col7_16 ASC, col7_17, col7_18 DESC, col7_11 DESC, col7_14), INDEX (col7_9 DESC, col7_14 DESC, col7_15 ASC, col7_8 DESC), UNIQUE (col7_11 DESC, col7_15, col7_9, col7_16 DESC, col7_13 ASC, col7_14, col7_18 DESC, col7_8, col7_17, col7_10 ASC, col7_12 ASC), UNIQUE (col7_11 ASC, col7_10) STORING (col7_12, col7_15, col7_17), INDEX (col7_11 ASC, col7_15 ASC, col7_10 DESC, col7_14 ASC, col7_13, col7_18 DESC, col7_17 DESC, col7_16 DESC, col7_9) STORING (col7_8), UNIQUE (col7_8 DESC, col7_12, col7_13, col7_15 DESC, col7_14, col7_17 ASC, col7_10) STORING (col7_9, col7_18), FAMILY (col7_10), FAMILY (col7_15), FAMILY (col7_17, col7_18), FAMILY (col7_8), FAMILY (col7_11, col7_13, col7_9), FAMILY (col7_12))",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table7 DROP COLUMN \"col7_10\"",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table7 ALTER COLUMN \"col7_9\" DROP STORED"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42611",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: column \"col7_9\" is not a computed column (SQLSTATE 42611)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "08:06:46.008385",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: ERROR: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: cannot rollback to savepoint after a transaction restart (SQLSTATE 40001)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@4b98115dfda02a9498f566958bd915c45ec7e449:
| /home/agent/work/.go/src/
| main.registerRandomLoadBenchSpec.func1
| /home/agent/work/.go/src/
| main.(*testRunner).runTest.func2
| /home/agent/work/.go/src/
| runtime.goexit
| /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1374
Wraps: (2) output in run_175316.296_n1_workload_run_schemachange
Wraps: (3) /home/agent/work/.go/src/ run teamcity-2771389-1615568102-23-n3cpu4:1 -- ./workload run schemachange --verbose=1 --tolerate-errors=false --histograms=perf/stats.json --max-ops 10000 --concurrency 20 --txn-log /mnt/data1/cockroach/transactions.json returned
| stderr:
| I210312 17:53:17.012572 1 workload/cli/run.go:361 [-] 1 creating load generator...
| I210312 17:53:17.124194 1 workload/cli/run.go:392 [-] 2 creating load generator... done (took 111.621025ms)
| Error: ***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Received an unexpected execution error: ERROR: cannot write directly to computed column "col4_14" (SQLSTATE 55000)
| Error: COMMAND_PROBLEM: exit status 1
| Wraps: (2) Node 1. Command with error:
| | ```
| | ./workload run schemachange --verbose=1 --tolerate-errors=false --histograms=perf/stats.json --max-ops 10000 --concurrency 20 --txn-log /mnt/data1/cockroach/transactions.json
| | ```
| Wraps: (3) exit status 1
| Error types: (1) errors.Cmd (2) *hintdetail.withDetail (3) *exec.ExitError
| stdout:
| <... some data truncated by circular buffer; go to artifacts for details ...>
| LL, col30_47 TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL, col30_48 BOX2D NULL, col30_49 INT4 AS (col30_32 + col30_46) VIRTUAL, UNIQUE (col30_45, col30_43, col30_34 DESC, col30_48 DESC, col30_36, col30_31 DESC, col30_33 ASC, col30_46 ASC, col30_42 ASC, col30_41 ASC, col30_40 ASC, col30_35, col30_32 DESC, col30_49, col30_38 ASC, col30_47 DESC, col30_39, col30_37 DESC, col30_44 ASC), UNIQUE (col30_33, col30_34, col30_32 DESC, col30_40, col30_31 ASC) STORING (col30_38, col30_41, col30_43, col30_45, col30_46, col30_47), INDEX (col30_46 ASC, col30_38 DESC, col30_33 ASC, col30_47, col30_35, col30_41) STORING (col30_32, col30_36, col30_39, col30_40, col30_43, col30_44, col30_45, col30_48), INDEX (col30_45 ASC, col30_42, col30_47 ASC, col30_31) STORING (col30_33, col30_34, col30_35, col30_36, col30_37, col30_38, col30_39, col30_40, col30_41, col30_44), INDEX (col30_40, col30_49 ASC, col30_37 DESC, col30_45 DESC, col30_35 DESC, col30_44 ASC, col30_46, col30_32 DESC, col30_33 DESC, col30_48 DESC, col30_36 ASC, col30_38 ASC, col30_47 ASC, col30_31 ASC, col30_42 DESC, col30_43, col30_34 ASC, col30_39))",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table30 ALTER COLUMN \"col30_48\" DROP STORED"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "42611",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: column \"col30_48\" is not a computed column (SQLSTATE 42611)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
| {
| "workerId": 0,
| "clientTimestamp": "17:53:17.126436",
| "ops": [
| "BEGIN",
| "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.table4 (col4_5 VARCHAR NULL, col4_6 TIME, col4_7 OID NOT NULL, col4_8 STRING NOT NULL, col4_9 STRING, col4_10 CHAR NOT NULL, col4_11 OID, col4_12 REGNAMESPACE NOT NULL, col4_13 VARCHAR NOT NULL, col4_14 STRING AS (lower(col4_13)) STORED, col4_15 STRING NOT NULL AS (lower(col4_10)) STORED, col4_16 STRING NULL AS (lower(col4_13)) STORED, col4_17 STRING NULL AS (lower(col4_9)) VIRTUAL, col4_18 STRING NULL AS (lower(CAST(col4_7 AS STRING))) STORED, col4_19 STRING AS (lower(CAST(col4_7 AS STRING))) VIRTUAL, col4_20 STRING NULL AS (lower(CAST(col4_12 AS STRING))) STORED, col4_21 STRING AS (lower(CAST(col4_7 AS STRING))) STORED, UNIQUE (col4_19 DESC, col4_11, col4_14 ASC, col4_17, col4_9 DESC, col4_13, col4_10, col4_5 ASC, col4_8 ASC, col4_7 ASC, col4_15 DESC, col4_18) STORING (col4_12), INDEX (col4_11 DESC, col4_21 ASC, col4_17 ASC, col4_18 ASC, col4_14 DESC, col4_13 ASC), UNIQUE (col4_21 ASC, col4_17 ASC, col4_15 DESC, col4_8 ASC, col4_18 ASC, col4_20, col4_11 DESC, col4_19 DESC, col4_5, col4_14 ASC, col4_6, col4_16, col4_7, col4_9, col4_12 ASC, col4_13 DESC, col4_10 DESC), UNIQUE (col4_17 DESC, col4_21, col4_12 DESC, col4_7 ASC, col4_18 DESC, col4_5 ASC, col4_19, col4_11 DESC, col4_10 ASC) STORING (col4_6, col4_9, col4_13), INDEX (col4_18), INDEX (col4_17 ASC, col4_13 ASC, col4_11 ASC, col4_9 DESC, col4_12 DESC, col4_5 DESC, col4_14), FAMILY (col4_21, col4_8, col4_6, col4_13), FAMILY (col4_15), FAMILY (col4_5), FAMILY (col4_20), FAMILY (col4_11), FAMILY (col4_12, col4_7, col4_14), FAMILY (col4_9), FAMILY (col4_16), FAMILY (col4_10, col4_18))",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table4 ADD CONSTRAINT table4_col4_15_unique UNIQUE (col4_15)",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table4 ADD CONSTRAINT table4_col4_12_unique UNIQUE (col4_12)",
| "ALTER TABLE public.table4 ALTER COLUMN \"col4_7\" DROP DEFAULT",
| "INSERT INTO public.table4 (col4_5,col4_6,col4_7,col4_8,col4_9,col4_10,col4_11,col4_12,col4_13,col4_14,col4_15,col4_16,col4_17,col4_18,col4_19,col4_20,col4_21) VALUES (e'\\x17a\\x04Kv\\x11k':::STRING,'14:03:21.905114':::TIME,0:::OID,'MQ,D':::STRING,e'\\x06%\\t6z\\x17':::STRING,'1':::STRING,357656905:::OID,612496001:::OID,e'|\\x05\u003e{t\\x1e-C':::STRING,'u':::STRING,e'gL\\x1d[':::STRING,e'\\bn,\\f\\x14':::STRING,'~h)^NR':::STRING,e'|Y\\x1e\\x12':::STRING,e'\\n`G+\\x10\\x01_':::STRING,e'\\x00':::STRING,'b':::STRING)"
| ],
| "expectedExecErrors": "",
| "expectedCommitErrors": "",
| "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Received an unexpected execution error: ERROR: cannot write directly to computed column \"col4_14\" (SQLSTATE 55000)",
| "txStatus": "TxStatusRollbackSuccess"
| }
Wraps: (4) exit status 20
Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *main.withCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( Related: - #61688 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed [C-test-failure]( [O-roachtest]( [O-robot]( [branch-release-21.1]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
(jayshrivastava) resolved by, but there still some different errors left to solve in the comments
(roachtest).scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20 failed on master@e25ee7ad4bcdeda49f40eb52c24d2d1b1aa67a86:
Artifacts: [/scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=10000/conc=20]( [See this test on roachdash]( powered by [pkg/cmd/internal/issues](
Jira issue: CRDB-2965