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compose: TestComposeCompare failed #67791

Closed cockroach-teamcity closed 2 years ago

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ 5fd1dda1cde0a91643d39209c6458dcefcbfc180:

        test_1        |         compare_test.go:188: SELECT
        test_1        |                 *
        test_1        |             FROM
        test_1        |                 (
        test_1        |                     SELECT
        test_1        |                         tab_319517.col1_4 AS col_496993,
        test_1        |                         tab_319518.col3_13 AS col_496994,
        test_1        |                         NULL AS col_496995,
        test_1        |                         tab_319521.col2_0 AS col_496996,
        test_1        |                         tab_319518.tableoid AS col_496997,
        test_1        |                         ARRAY[14924:::INT8,6093:::INT8,3097:::INT8,(-30703):::INT8] AS col_496998
        test_1        |                     FROM
        test_1        |                         postgres.public.table1@[0] AS tab_319517,
        test_1        |                         postgres.public.table3@table3_col3_4_col3_2_col3_13_col3_8_idx AS tab_319518
        test_1        |                         JOIN postgres.public.table4@table4_col4_6_col4_2_key AS tab_319519
        test_1        |                             JOIN postgres.public.table2@table2_col2_3_col2_2_key AS tab_319520
        test_1        |                                 JOIN postgres.public.table2@[0] AS tab_319521 ON (tab_319520.col2_3) = (tab_319521.tableoid)
        test_1        |                                 JOIN postgres.public.table3@[0] AS tab_319522 ON (tab_319520.col2_2) = (tab_319522.tableoid) ON
        test_1        |                                     (tab_319519.tableoid) = (tab_319520.col2_2)
        test_1        |                                     AND (tab_319519.col4_4) = (tab_319520.col2_4)
        test_1        |                                     AND (tab_319519.col4_1) = (tab_319522.col3_3)
        test_1        |                             JOIN postgres.public.table2 AS tab_319523
        test_1        |                                 JOIN postgres.public.table1 AS tab_319524 ON (tab_319523.col2_3) = (tab_319524.col1_3) ON
        test_1        |                                     (tab_319522.col3_12) = (tab_319524.col1_3)
        test_1        |                                     AND (tab_319521.col2_3) = (tab_319524.col1_3)
        test_1        |                                     AND (tab_319520.col2_3) = (tab_319523.col2_3)
        test_1        |                                     AND (tab_319521.col2_2) = (tab_319524.col1_3) ON (tab_319518.col3_13) = (tab_319522.col3_6)
        test_1        |                     ORDER BY
        test_1        |                         tab_319517.crdb_internal_mvcc_timestamp
        test_1        |                 )
        test_1        |                     AS tab_319525
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 col_496993 NULLS FIRST,
        test_1        |                 col_496994 NULLS FIRST,
        test_1        |                 col_496995 NULLS FIRST,
        test_1        |                 col_496996 NULLS FIRST,
        test_1        |                 col_496997 NULLS FIRST,
        test_1        |                 col_496998 NULLS FIRST
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:189: cockroach2: ping: context deadline exceeded
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_test_1 exited with code 1
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:49: exit status 1

To reproduce, try: ```bash make stressrace TESTS=TestComposeCompare PKG=./pkg/compose TESTTIMEOUT=5m STRESSFLAGS='-timeout 5m' 2>&1 ```

Internal log

``` mjibson marked as alumn{us/a}; resolving to rafiss instead ```

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-experience rafiss

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

Jira issue: CRDB-8721

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ f0e2aa6abbbbf3318ea20e7dbcbe40819a809b83:

        test_1        |                         tab_198823.col1_1 AS col_350666,
        test_1        |                         tab_198819.col1_14 AS col_350667
        test_1        |                     FROM
        test_1        |                         postgres.public.table1@[0] AS tab_198815,
        test_1        |                         postgres.public.table1@[0] AS tab_198816
        test_1        |                         JOIN postgres.public.table1@[0] AS tab_198817
        test_1        |                             JOIN postgres.public.table1@[0] AS tab_198818
        test_1        |                                 JOIN postgres.public.table1@[0] AS tab_198819
        test_1        |                                     JOIN postgres.public.table1@[0] AS tab_198820
        test_1        |                                         JOIN postgres.public.table1@[0] AS tab_198821 ON
        test_1        |                                                 (tab_198820.col1_11) = (tab_198821.col1_11) ON
        test_1        |                                             (tab_198819.col1_2) = (tab_198820.col1_2)
        test_1        |                                     JOIN postgres.public.table1@[0] AS tab_198822 ON (tab_198820.col1_0) = (tab_198822.col1_0) ON
        test_1        |                                         (tab_198818.col1_8) = (tab_198821.col1_8)
        test_1        |                                         AND (tab_198818.col1_6) = (tab_198822.col1_15)
        test_1        |                                         AND (tab_198818.col1_14) = (tab_198821.col1_15)
        test_1        |                                         AND (tab_198818.col1_6) = (tab_198820.col1_0)
        test_1        |                                         AND (tab_198818.col1_0) = (tab_198820.col1_0)
        test_1        |                                         AND (tab_198818.col1_5) = (tab_198822.col1_9) ON
        test_1        |                                     (tab_198817.col1_6) = (tab_198818.col1_6) ON
        test_1        |                                 (tab_198816.col1_6) = (tab_198820.col1_0) AND (tab_198816.col1_0) = (tab_198817.col1_14),
        test_1        |                         postgres.public.table1@[0] AS tab_198823
        test_1        |                 )
        test_1        |                     AS tab_198824
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 col_350664 NULLS FIRST, col_350665 NULLS FIRST, col_350666 NULLS FIRST, col_350667 NULLS FIRST
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:189: cockroach1: ping: context deadline exceeded
        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/postgres (1.52s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:125: starting test: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:132: initializing connection: cockroach1
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:132: initializing connection: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:149: CREATE TABLE table1 (col1_0 REGCLASS NOT NULL, col1_1 INT4 NOT NULL, col1_2 DECIMAL NOT NULL, col1_3 VARCHAR, col1_4 REGPROCEDURE NOT NULL, col1_5 JSONB NOT NULL, col1_6 TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, col1_7 "char" NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col1_2, col1_7, col1_0, col1_6, col1_1, col1_4), col1_8 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col1_6 IS NULL THEN e'\x1b\x03e\x10'::TEXT ELSE e'\x1c'::TEXT END) STORED, col1_9 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col1_6 IS NULL THEN NULL ELSE ''::TEXT END) STORED, col1_10 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col1_6 IS NULL THEN NULL ELSE e'\x00'::TEXT END) STORED, col1_11 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col1_0 IS NULL THEN e'R6Bvg\x19'::TEXT ELSE NULL END) STORED, col1_12 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col1_7)) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table1 (col1_3, col1_8 DESC, col1_1, col1_10 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table1 (col1_1 DESC, col1_9 DESC, col1_3, col1_10 DESC, col1_2 ASC, col1_11 ASC, col1_8 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_0 AS ENUM ('x', 'xcogl', 'gsrzhc', 'gmw', 'eaoem');
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_1 AS ENUM ('eb', 'zjgs', 'ttab', 'el', 'nld', 'ishpey');
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_2 AS ENUM ('i', 'tng', 'hcv', 'edxkp');
        test_1        |             
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:150: postgres: exec: ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0x00 (SQLSTATE 22021)
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_test_1 exited with code 1
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:49: exit status 1

To reproduce, try: ```bash make stressrace TESTS=TestComposeCompare PKG=./pkg/compose TESTTIMEOUT=5m STRESSFLAGS='-timeout 5m' 2>&1 ```

Same failure on other branches

- #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

Internal log

``` mjibson marked as alumn{us/a}; resolving to rafiss instead ```

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-experience rafiss

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ 5e46fd88b11007ddaf0b5350ed28d11b0c3bfdaf:

        test_1        |             +               Int:    s"21435588526911310",
        test_1        |             -               Exp:    -20,
        test_1        |             +               Exp:    -16,
        test_1        |                             Status: 2,
        test_1        |                         },
        test_1        |                     },
        test_1        |                     Dimensions: {{Length: 1, LowerBound: 1}},
        test_1        |                     Status:     2,
        test_1        |                 },
        test_1        |                 int16(1),
        test_1        |               }))
        test_1        |             cockroach1:
        test_1        |             SELECT
        test_1        |                 *
        test_1        |             FROM
        test_1        |                 (
        test_1        |                     SELECT
        test_1        |                             AS col_283706,
        test_1        |                         1:::INT8::INT2 AS col_283707
        test_1        |                 )
        test_1        |                     AS tab_153847
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 col_283706 NULLS FIRST, col_283707 NULLS FIRST;
        test_1        |             
        test_1        |             postgres:
        test_1        |             SELECT
        test_1        |                 *
        test_1        |             FROM
        test_1        |                 (
        test_1        |                     SELECT
        test_1        |                             AS col_283706,
        test_1        |                         1::INT8::INT2 AS col_283707
        test_1        |                 )
        test_1        |                     AS tab_153847
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 col_283706 NULLS FIRST, col_283707 NULLS FIRST;
        test_1        |             
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_test_1 exited with code 1
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:49: exit status 1

To reproduce, try: ```bash make stressrace TESTS=TestComposeCompare PKG=./pkg/compose TESTTIMEOUT=5m STRESSFLAGS='-timeout 5m' 2>&1 ```

Same failure on other branches

- #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

Internal log

``` mjibson marked as alumn{us/a}; resolving to rafiss instead ```

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-experience rafiss

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ b02d22f9b3d30a0288ad1d8464dd6f2d82c08f0d:

        test_1        |                     AS tab_305251
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 col_509135 NULLS FIRST,
        test_1        |                 col_509136 NULLS FIRST,
        test_1        |                 col_509137 NULLS FIRST,
        test_1        |                 col_509138 NULLS FIRST,
        test_1        |                 col_509139 NULLS FIRST,
        test_1        |                 col_509140 NULLS FIRST,
        test_1        |                 col_509141 NULLS FIRST,
        test_1        |                 col_509142 NULLS FIRST,
        test_1        |                 col_509143 NULLS FIRST,
        test_1        |                 col_509144 NULLS FIRST,
        test_1        |                 col_509145 NULLS FIRST,
        test_1        |                 col_509146 NULLS FIRST,
        test_1        |                 col_509147 NULLS FIRST,
        test_1        |                 col_509148 NULLS FIRST,
        test_1        |                 col_509149 NULLS FIRST,
        test_1        |                 col_509150 NULLS FIRST,
        test_1        |                 col_509151 NULLS FIRST,
        test_1        |                 col_509152 NULLS FIRST,
        test_1        |                 col_509153 NULLS FIRST,
        test_1        |                 col_509154 NULLS FIRST,
        test_1        |                 col_509155 NULLS FIRST,
        test_1        |                 col_509156 NULLS FIRST,
        test_1        |                 col_509157 NULLS FIRST,
        test_1        |                 col_509158 NULLS FIRST,
        test_1        |                 col_509159 NULLS FIRST,
        test_1        |                 col_509160 NULLS FIRST,
        test_1        |                 col_509161 NULLS FIRST,
        test_1        |                 col_509162 NULLS FIRST,
        test_1        |                 col_509163 NULLS FIRST,
        test_1        |                 col_509164 NULLS FIRST,
        test_1        |                 col_509165 NULLS FIRST,
        test_1        |                 col_509166 NULLS FIRST,
        test_1        |                 col_509167 NULLS FIRST,
        test_1        |                 col_509168 NULLS FIRST,
        test_1        |                 col_509169 NULLS FIRST,
        test_1        |                 col_509170 NULLS FIRST
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:189: cockroach1: ping: context deadline exceeded
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_test_1 exited with code 1
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:49: exit status 1

To reproduce, try: ```bash make stressrace TESTS=TestComposeCompare PKG=./pkg/compose TESTTIMEOUT=5m STRESSFLAGS='-timeout 5m' 2>&1 ```

Same failure on other branches

- #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

Internal log

``` mjibson marked as alumn{us/a}; resolving to rafiss instead ```

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-experience rafiss

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ 8009ac6bb63f455a18bb1139d505bdd9930816b7:

        test_1        |                     Elements: []pgtype.Numeric{
        test_1        |                         {
        test_1        |             -               Int:    s"73890560989306502272",
        test_1        |             +               Int:    s"73890560989306502",
        test_1        |             -               Exp:    -19,
        test_1        |             +               Exp:    -16,
        test_1        |                             Status: 2,
        test_1        |                         },
        test_1        |                     },
        test_1        |                     Dimensions: {{Length: 1, LowerBound: 1}},
        test_1        |                     Status:     2,
        test_1        |                 },
        test_1        |               }))
        test_1        |             postgres:
        test_1        |             SELECT
        test_1        |                 *
        test_1        |             FROM
        test_1        |                 (
        test_1        |                     SELECT
        test_1        |                         (NULL::DECIMAL[]::DECIMAL[] || exp(2::DECIMAL::DECIMAL::DECIMAL)::DECIMAL::DECIMAL)::DECIMAL[]
        test_1        |                             AS col_296637
        test_1        |                 )
        test_1        |                     AS tab_156706
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 col_296637 NULLS FIRST;
        test_1        |             
        test_1        |             cockroach1:
        test_1        |             SELECT
        test_1        |                 *
        test_1        |             FROM
        test_1        |                 (
        test_1        |                     SELECT
        test_1        |                         (NULL::DECIMAL[]::DECIMAL[] || exp(2:::DECIMAL::DECIMAL::DECIMAL)::DECIMAL::DECIMAL)::DECIMAL[]
        test_1        |                             AS col_296637
        test_1        |                 )
        test_1        |                     AS tab_156706
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 col_296637 NULLS FIRST;
        test_1        |             
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_test_1 exited with code 1
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:49: exit status 1

To reproduce, try: ```bash make stressrace TESTS=TestComposeCompare PKG=./pkg/compose TESTTIMEOUT=5m STRESSFLAGS='-timeout 5m' 2>&1 ```

Same failure on other branches

- #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

Internal log

``` mjibson marked as alumn{us/a}; resolving to rafiss instead ```

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-experience rafiss

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ 701b177d8f4b81d8654dfb4090a2cd3cf82e63a7:

        test_1        |                     Elements: []pgtype.Numeric{
        test_1        |                         {
        test_1        |             -               Int:    s"1",
        test_1        |             +               Int:    s"1000000000000000",
        test_1        |             -               Exp:    0,
        test_1        |             +               Exp:    -15,
        test_1        |                             Status: 2,
        test_1        |                         },
        test_1        |                     },
        test_1        |                     Dimensions: {{Length: 1, LowerBound: 1}},
        test_1        |                     Status:     2,
        test_1        |                 },
        test_1        |               }))
        test_1        |             cockroach1:
        test_1        |             SELECT
        test_1        |                 *
        test_1        |             FROM
        test_1        |                 (
        test_1        |                     SELECT
        test_1        |                         (NULL::DECIMAL[]::DECIMAL[] || (NULL::DECIMAL[]::DECIMAL[] || sqrt(1:::DECIMAL::DECIMAL::DECIMAL)::DECIMAL::DECIMAL)::DECIMAL[]::DECIMAL[])::DECIMAL[]
        test_1        |                             AS col_387957
        test_1        |                 )
        test_1        |                     AS tab_213242
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 col_387957 NULLS FIRST;
        test_1        |             
        test_1        |             postgres:
        test_1        |             SELECT
        test_1        |                 *
        test_1        |             FROM
        test_1        |                 (
        test_1        |                     SELECT
        test_1        |                         (NULL::DECIMAL[]::DECIMAL[] || (NULL::DECIMAL[]::DECIMAL[] || sqrt(1::DECIMAL::DECIMAL::DECIMAL)::DECIMAL::DECIMAL)::DECIMAL[]::DECIMAL[])::DECIMAL[]
        test_1        |                             AS col_387957
        test_1        |                 )
        test_1        |                     AS tab_213242
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 col_387957 NULLS FIRST;
        test_1        |             
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_test_1 exited with code 1
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:49: exit status 1

To reproduce, try: ```bash make stressrace TESTS=TestComposeCompare PKG=./pkg/compose TESTTIMEOUT=5m STRESSFLAGS='-timeout 5m' 2>&1 ```

Same failure on other branches

- #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

Internal log

``` mjibson marked as alumn{us/a}; resolving to rafiss instead ```

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-experience rafiss

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ 1c46e1cd4e5be986bf9d13799bb7e13ddc896ed2:

        postgres_1    | 2021-08-03 05:21:02.694 UTC [106] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE table1 (col1_0 TEXT NOT NULL, col1_1 BYTEA NOT NULL, col1_2 TIMETZ NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col1_0, col1_2, col1_1), col1_3 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col1_0)) STORED);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table1 (col1_3, col1_1 ASC, col1_0);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE INDEX ON table1 (col1_0 ASC, col1_3, col1_1 ASC, col1_2 ASC);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE INDEX ON table1 (col1_0 ASC);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE INDEX ON table1 (col1_0 DESC, col1_3 ASC, col1_1 DESC, col1_2 ASC);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table1 (col1_1, col1_3 DESC);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE INDEX ON table1 (col1_2, col1_3 DESC);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TABLE table2 (col2_0 FLOAT8 NOT NULL, col2_1 BIT(5) NULL, col2_2 "char", col2_3 FLOAT4 NULL, col2_4 TEXT NULL, col2_5 GEOMETRY NULL, col2_6 INET NULL, col2_7 FLOAT8 NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col2_0 + 1.7976931348623157e+308::FLOAT8) STORED, col2_8 FLOAT4 NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col2_3 + col2_0) STORED, col2_9 FLOAT4 NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col2_3 + col2_0) STORED, col2_10 FLOAT8 NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col2_0 + col2_3) STORED, col2_11 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col2_4)) STORED);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TABLE table3 (col3_0 TEXT NOT NULL, col3_1 NAME NULL, col3_2 REGTYPE, col3_3 GEOGRAPHY, col3_4 GEOGRAPHY NULL, col3_5 OID NOT NULL, col3_6 INTERVAL NOT NULL, col3_7 FLOAT4, col3_8 GEOMETRY, col3_9 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col3_5 IS NULL THEN e'\x00'::TEXT ELSE e'\U00002603'::TEXT END) STORED, col3_10 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col3_1)) STORED, col3_11 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col3_1)) STORED);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE INDEX ON table3 (col3_9 DESC, col3_2 DESC, col3_6) INCLUDE (col3_1, col3_3, col3_4, col3_5, col3_7, col3_8);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TYPE rand_typ_0 AS ENUM ('ppeall', 'qz', 'ryqly');
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TYPE rand_typ_1 AS ENUM ('e', 'jep');
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TYPE rand_typ_2 AS ENUM ('k');
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TYPE rand_typ_3 AS ENUM ('lwrsnh', 'al', 'hrpw', 'qkvp');
        postgres_1    |     
        test_1        | --- FAIL: TestCompare (607.10s)
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:116: Checking connection to: postgres
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:116: Checking connection to: cockroach1
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:116: Checking connection to: cockroach2
        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/postgres (2.67s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:125: starting test: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:132: initializing connection: cockroach1
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:132: initializing connection: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:149: CREATE TABLE table1 (col1_0 TEXT NOT NULL, col1_1 BYTEA NOT NULL, col1_2 TIMETZ NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col1_0, col1_2, col1_1), col1_3 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col1_0)) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table1 (col1_3, col1_1 ASC, col1_0);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table1 (col1_0 ASC, col1_3, col1_1 ASC, col1_2 ASC);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table1 (col1_0 ASC);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table1 (col1_0 DESC, col1_3 ASC, col1_1 DESC, col1_2 ASC);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table1 (col1_1, col1_3 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table1 (col1_2, col1_3 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table2 (col2_0 FLOAT8 NOT NULL, col2_1 BIT(5) NULL, col2_2 "char", col2_3 FLOAT4 NULL, col2_4 TEXT NULL, col2_5 GEOMETRY NULL, col2_6 INET NULL, col2_7 FLOAT8 NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col2_0 + 1.7976931348623157e+308::FLOAT8) STORED, col2_8 FLOAT4 NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col2_3 + col2_0) STORED, col2_9 FLOAT4 NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col2_3 + col2_0) STORED, col2_10 FLOAT8 NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col2_0 + col2_3) STORED, col2_11 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col2_4)) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table3 (col3_0 TEXT NOT NULL, col3_1 NAME NULL, col3_2 REGTYPE, col3_3 GEOGRAPHY, col3_4 GEOGRAPHY NULL, col3_5 OID NOT NULL, col3_6 INTERVAL NOT NULL, col3_7 FLOAT4, col3_8 GEOMETRY, col3_9 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col3_5 IS NULL THEN e'\x00'::TEXT ELSE e'\U00002603'::TEXT END) STORED, col3_10 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col3_1)) STORED, col3_11 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col3_1)) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table3 (col3_9 DESC, col3_2 DESC, col3_6) INCLUDE (col3_1, col3_3, col3_4, col3_5, col3_7, col3_8);
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_0 AS ENUM ('ppeall', 'qz', 'ryqly');
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_1 AS ENUM ('e', 'jep');
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_2 AS ENUM ('k');
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_3 AS ENUM ('lwrsnh', 'al', 'hrpw', 'qkvp');
        test_1        |             
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:150: postgres: exec: ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0x00 (SQLSTATE 22021)
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_test_1 exited with code 1
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:49: exit status 1

To reproduce, try: ```bash make stressrace TESTS=TestComposeCompare PKG=./pkg/compose TESTTIMEOUT=5m STRESSFLAGS='-timeout 5m' 2>&1 ```

Same failure on other branches

- #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

Internal log

``` mjibson marked as alumn{us/a}; resolving to rafiss instead ```

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-experience rafiss

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ 50ef2fc205baa65c5a740c2d614fe1de279367e9:

        test_1        |                     Elements: []pgtype.Numeric{
        test_1        |                         {
        test_1        |             -               Int:    s"95424250943932487459",
        test_1        |             +               Int:    s"9542425094393249",
        test_1        |             -               Exp:    -20,
        test_1        |             +               Exp:    -16,
        test_1        |                             Status: 2,
        test_1        |                         },
        test_1        |                     },
        test_1        |                     Dimensions: {{Length: 1, LowerBound: 1}},
        test_1        |                     Status:     2,
        test_1        |                 },
        test_1        |               }))
        test_1        |             cockroach1:
        test_1        |             SELECT
        test_1        |                 *
        test_1        |             FROM
        test_1        |                 (
        test_1        |                     SELECT
        test_1        |                         (log(9:::DECIMAL::DECIMAL::DECIMAL)::DECIMAL::DECIMAL || NULL::DECIMAL[]::DECIMAL[])::DECIMAL[]
        test_1        |                             AS col_159814
        test_1        |                 )
        test_1        |                     AS tab_162792
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 col_159814 NULLS FIRST;
        test_1        |             
        test_1        |             postgres:
        test_1        |             SELECT
        test_1        |                 *
        test_1        |             FROM
        test_1        |                 (
        test_1        |                     SELECT
        test_1        |                         (log(9::DECIMAL::DECIMAL::DECIMAL)::DECIMAL::DECIMAL || NULL::DECIMAL[]::DECIMAL[])::DECIMAL[]
        test_1        |                             AS col_159814
        test_1        |                 )
        test_1        |                     AS tab_162792
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 col_159814 NULLS FIRST;
        test_1        |             
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_test_1 exited with code 1
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:49: exit status 1

To reproduce, try: ```bash make stressrace TESTS=TestComposeCompare PKG=./pkg/compose TESTTIMEOUT=5m STRESSFLAGS='-timeout 5m' 2>&1 ```

Same failure on other branches

- #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

Internal log

``` mjibson marked as alumn{us/a}; resolving to rafiss instead ```

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-experience rafiss

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ cab185ff71f0924953d987fe6ffd14efdd32a3a0:

        test_1        | --- FAIL: TestCompare (3.12s)
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:116: Checking connection to: postgres
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:116: Checking connection to: cockroach1
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:116: Checking connection to: cockroach2
        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/postgres (0.00s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:125: starting test: postgres
        test_1        | panic: geos: no locations to init GEOS [recovered]
        test_1        |     panic: geos: no locations to init GEOS
        test_1        | 
        test_1        | goroutine 24 [running]:
        test_1        | testing.tRunner.func1.2(0x1f97240, 0xc000bc7740)
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1143 +0x332
        test_1        | testing.tRunner.func1(0xc0004c6a80)
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1146 +0x4b6
        test_1        | panic(0x1f97240, 0xc000bc7740)
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:965 +0x1b9
        test_1        |, 0x3138b58, 0xc000bf7c20, 0x3138b58, 0xc000bf7c20, 0x6)
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x5d3
        test_1        |, 0x3fdff20, 0x3fdff20, 0xd50b044e21570b1, 0xc000100000, 0xd00000000000000)
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x146
        test_1        |
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x9d
        test_1        |, 0xc000bb1e00, 0x4, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0xbe6
        test_1        |, 0xc000bf60f0, 0xc000bb1e00, 0x4, 0x4, 0x0, 0xc00020a780, 0xe0, 0x0)
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x4e
        test_1        |, 0x2129ca8, 0x5, 0x4, 0xc000c07a40, 0x3, 0x3, 0xe0, 0x4436d7, 0x8)
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x224
        test_1        |, 0x4, 0x3, 0x0)
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x19e
        test_1        |, 0x4394f8, 0x30)
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x4f
        test_1        |, 0xb8e46160daed7f78, 0x11)
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x44
        test_1        |
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x113
        test_1        | testing.tRunner(0xc0004c6a80, 0xc000bf6090)
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1193 +0xef
        test_1        | created by testing.(*T).Run
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1238 +0x2b3
        compare_test_1 exited with code 2
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:49: exit status 2

To reproduce, try: ```bash make stressrace TESTS=TestComposeCompare PKG=./pkg/compose TESTTIMEOUT=5m STRESSFLAGS='-timeout 5m' 2>&1 ```

Same failure on other branches

- #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

Internal log

``` mjibson marked as alumn{us/a}; resolving to rafiss instead ```

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-experience rafiss

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ 90809c048d05f923a67ce9b89597b2779fc73e32:

        postgres_1    |     ORDER BY
        postgres_1    |         col_536576 NULLS FIRST,
        postgres_1    |         col_536577 NULLS FIRST,
        postgres_1    |         col_536578 NULLS FIRST,
        postgres_1    |         col_536579 NULLS FIRST,
        postgres_1    |         col_536580 NULLS FIRST,
        postgres_1    |         col_536581 NULLS FIRST
        test_1        | --- FAIL: TestCompare (945.18s)
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:116: Checking connection to: postgres
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:116: Checking connection to: cockroach1
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:116: Checking connection to: cockroach2
        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/postgres (341.02s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:125: starting test: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:132: initializing connection: cockroach1
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:132: initializing connection: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:179: compare cockroach1 to postgres:
        test_1        |             unexpected diff:
        test_1        |               []interface{}(Inverse(func1, []interface{}{
        test_1        |             -   string("0.0349207694917477F"),
        test_1        |             +   string("0.03492076949174774F"),
        test_1        |               }))
        test_1        |             cockroach1:
        test_1        |             SELECT
        test_1        |                 *
        test_1        |             FROM
        test_1        |                 (SELECT (tand(2.0:::FLOAT8::FLOAT8::FLOAT8)::FLOAT8::FLOAT8 || 'F':::STRING::STRING::STRING)::STRING AS col_536817)
        test_1        |                     AS tab_357603
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 col_536817 NULLS FIRST;
        test_1        |             
        test_1        |             postgres:
        test_1        |             SELECT
        test_1        |                 *
        test_1        |             FROM
        test_1        |                 (SELECT (tand(2.0::FLOAT8::FLOAT8::FLOAT8)::FLOAT8::FLOAT8 || 'F'::TEXT::TEXT::TEXT)::TEXT AS col_536817)
        test_1        |                     AS tab_357603
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 col_536817 NULLS FIRST;
        test_1        |             
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_test_1 exited with code 1
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:49: exit status 1

To reproduce, try: ```bash make stressrace TESTS=TestComposeCompare PKG=./pkg/compose TESTTIMEOUT=5m STRESSFLAGS='-timeout 5m' 2>&1 ```

Same failure on other branches

- #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

Internal log

``` mjibson marked as alumn{us/a}; resolving to rafiss instead ```

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-experience rafiss

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ e723a85739a2e1b514f5de3221a2177a3a37d0e6:

        test_1        |     compare_test.go:116: Checking connection to: cockroach1
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:116: Checking connection to: cockroach2
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:116: Checking connection to: postgres
        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/postgres (83.69s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:125: starting test: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:132: initializing connection: cockroach1
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:132: initializing connection: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:179: compare postgres to cockroach1:
        test_1        |             unexpected diff:
        test_1        |               []interface{}(Inverse(func1, []interface{}{
        test_1        |             -   string("A2000-01-01 01:00:04+00"),
        test_1        |             +   string("A2000-01-01 01:00:04+00:00"),
        test_1        |               }))
        test_1        |             cockroach1:
        test_1        |             SELECT
        test_1        |                 *
        test_1        |             FROM
        test_1        |                 (
        test_1        |                     SELECT
        test_1        |                         ('A':::STRING::STRING::STRING || ('2000-01-01 01:00:00+00:00':::TIMESTAMPTZ::TIMESTAMPTZ::TIMESTAMPTZ + '00:00:04':::INTERVAL::INTERVAL::INTERVAL)::TIMESTAMPTZ::TIMESTAMPTZ)::STRING
        test_1        |                             AS col_121814
        test_1        |                 )
        test_1        |                     AS tab_76423
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 col_121814 NULLS FIRST;
        test_1        |             
        test_1        |             postgres:
        test_1        |             SELECT
        test_1        |                 *
        test_1        |             FROM
        test_1        |                 (
        test_1        |                     SELECT
        test_1        |                         ('A'::TEXT::TEXT::TEXT || ('2000-01-01 01:00:00+00:00'::TIMESTAMPTZ::TIMESTAMPTZ::TIMESTAMPTZ + '00:00:04'::INTERVAL::INTERVAL::INTERVAL)::TIMESTAMPTZ::TIMESTAMPTZ)::TEXT
        test_1        |                             AS col_121814
        test_1        |                 )
        test_1        |                     AS tab_76423
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 col_121814 NULLS FIRST;
        test_1        |             
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_test_1 exited with code 1
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:49: exit status 1

To reproduce, try: ```bash make stressrace TESTS=TestComposeCompare PKG=./pkg/compose TESTTIMEOUT=5m STRESSFLAGS='-timeout 5m' 2>&1 ```

Same failure on other branches

- #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

Internal log

``` mjibson marked as alumn{us/a}; resolving to rafiss instead ```

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-experience rafiss

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ ee3efd6b1e24a3e1676778f5028fa0a35266f683:

        postgres_1    |     CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table3 (col3_4, col3_1 ASC, col3_3 DESC, col3_0 DESC);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE INDEX ON table3 (col3_1 ASC, col3_2 DESC, col3_3 ASC, col3_4 ASC);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table3 (col3_0 DESC, col3_4 ASC, col3_2);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TABLE table4 (col4_0 BIT(31) NOT NULL, col4_1 BYTEA, col4_2 BOX2D NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col4_0), col4_3 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col4_2 AS TEXT))) STORED);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table4 (col4_3 ASC, col4_1);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE INDEX ON table4 (col4_1, col4_0 ASC);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TYPE rand_typ_0 AS ENUM ('jgiyp', 'dcc');
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TYPE rand_typ_1 AS ENUM ('somtp');
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TYPE rand_typ_2 AS ENUM ('mk');
        postgres_1    |     
        test_1        | --- FAIL: TestCompare (607.70s)
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:116: Checking connection to: cockroach1
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:116: Checking connection to: cockroach2
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:116: Checking connection to: postgres
        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/postgres (4.75s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:125: starting test: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:132: initializing connection: cockroach1
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:132: initializing connection: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:149: CREATE TABLE table1 (col1_0 FLOAT8 NOT NULL, col1_1 REGPROCEDURE, col1_2 "char" NOT NULL, col1_3 OID NULL, col1_4 "char", col1_5 TEXT, col1_6 GEOMETRY, col1_7 BIT(17), col1_8 TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col1_1 IS NULL THEN e'\x00'::TEXT ELSE '6T'::TEXT END) STORED, col1_9 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col1_2)) STORED, col1_10 TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col1_5)) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table1 (col1_10 ASC) INCLUDE (col1_0, col1_2, col1_4, col1_5, col1_7, col1_9);
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table2 (col2_0 INET[] NOT NULL, col2_1 "char" NOT NULL, col2_2 TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL, col2_3 REGPROC, col2_4 TIMETZ, col2_5 OID NOT NULL, col2_6 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col2_0 IS NULL THEN 't'::TEXT ELSE '[*r^*H'::TEXT END) STORED, col2_7 TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col2_3 IS NULL THEN e'\U00002603'::TEXT ELSE '"'::TEXT END) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 (col2_4 ASC, col2_5 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table2 (col2_5 ASC, col2_7) INCLUDE (col2_0, col2_1, col2_3, col2_4);
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table3 (col3_0 TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL, col3_1 INT2 NOT NULL, col3_2 BYTEA NOT NULL, col3_3 NAME NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col3_3, col3_1, col3_0, col3_2), col3_4 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col3_2 IS NULL THEN ''::TEXT ELSE e'l\x1a\x15\x10S\x16\x1a'::TEXT END) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table3 (col3_3, col3_4 DESC, col3_0 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table3 (col3_2, col3_1 ASC, col3_4, col3_0 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table3 (col3_0 DESC, col3_3 DESC) INCLUDE (col3_4);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table3 (col3_2 ASC, col3_3);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table3 (col3_4, col3_1 ASC, col3_3 DESC, col3_0 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table3 (col3_1 ASC, col3_2 DESC, col3_3 ASC, col3_4 ASC);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table3 (col3_0 DESC, col3_4 ASC, col3_2);
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table4 (col4_0 BIT(31) NOT NULL, col4_1 BYTEA, col4_2 BOX2D NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col4_0), col4_3 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col4_2 AS TEXT))) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table4 (col4_3 ASC, col4_1);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table4 (col4_1, col4_0 ASC);
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_0 AS ENUM ('jgiyp', 'dcc');
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_1 AS ENUM ('somtp');
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_2 AS ENUM ('mk');
        test_1        |             
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:150: postgres: exec: ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0x00 (SQLSTATE 22021)
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_test_1 exited with code 1
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:49: exit status 1

To reproduce, try: ```bash make stressrace TESTS=TestComposeCompare PKG=./pkg/compose TESTTIMEOUT=5m STRESSFLAGS='-timeout 5m' 2>&1 ```

Same failure on other branches

- #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

Internal log

``` mjibson marked as alumn{us/a}; resolving to rafiss instead ```

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-experience rafiss

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ dd82053908203cf6d77c36c06a8280831bb93d57:

        postgres_1    | 
        postgres_1    | 2021-08-17 05:20:07.784 UTC [1] LOG:  starting PostgreSQL 13.4 (Debian 13.4-1.pgdg100+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 8.3.0-6) 8.3.0, 64-bit
        postgres_1    | 2021-08-17 05:20:07.785 UTC [1] LOG:  listening on IPv4 address "", port 5432
        postgres_1    | 2021-08-17 05:20:07.785 UTC [1] LOG:  listening on IPv6 address "::", port 5432
        postgres_1    | 2021-08-17 05:20:07.788 UTC [1] LOG:  listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"
        postgres_1    | 2021-08-17 05:20:07.792 UTC [95] LOG:  database system was shut down at 2021-08-17 05:20:07 UTC
        postgres_1    | 2021-08-17 05:20:07.796 UTC [1] LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
        test_1        | --- FAIL: TestCompare (603.70s)
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:116: Checking connection to: postgres
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:116: Checking connection to: cockroach1
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:116: Checking connection to: cockroach2
        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/postgres (0.01s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:125: starting test: postgres
        test_1        | panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference [recovered]
        test_1        |     panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
        test_1        | [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x0 pc=0x19cd610]
        test_1        | 
        test_1        | goroutine 1240316 [running]:
        test_1        | testing.tRunner.func1.2(0x1eeb5a0, 0x4043df0)
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1143 +0x332
        test_1        | testing.tRunner.func1(0xc000c9cc00)
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1146 +0x4b6
        test_1        | panic(0x1eeb5a0, 0x4043df0)
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:965 +0x1b9
        test_1        |*T).Family(...)
        test_1        |     /go/src/
        test_1        |, 0xc0001d1680, 0x14, 0x14, 0x10, 0xc0005e2ad0, 0xc000341200, 0xc000300000)
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x9d0
        test_1        |, 0xc000792a50, 0xc0001d1680, 0x14, 0x14, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x1f03720)
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x4e
        test_1        |, 0xc0001d1680, 0x14, 0x14, 0xc0005e2ad0, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, ...)
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0xad
        test_1        |, 0xc00036c000, 0x7a79, 0xc000763450, 0x1, 0x1, 0x308f6e0, 0xc000b964c0, 0xc0000cfbe0)
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x2e5
        test_1        |
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x147
        test_1        | testing.tRunner(0xc000c9cc00, 0xc0007929c0)
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1193 +0xef
        test_1        | created by testing.(*T).Run
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1238 +0x2b3
        compare_test_1 exited with code 2
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:49: exit status 2

To reproduce, try: ```bash make stressrace TESTS=TestComposeCompare PKG=./pkg/compose TESTTIMEOUT=5m STRESSFLAGS='-timeout 5m' 2>&1 ```

Same failure on other branches

- #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

Internal log

``` mjibson marked as alumn{us/a}; resolving to rafiss instead ```

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-experience rafiss

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ 2b8b0f64c63a376784926667f5fbffa4c4fcc60b:

        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 col_864 NULLS FIRST;
        test_1        |             
        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/mutators (464.25s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:126: starting test: mutators
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: cockroach1
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: cockroach2
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:193: SELECT
        test_1        |                 *
        test_1        |             FROM
        test_1        |                 (
        test_1        |                     SELECT
        test_1        |                         (tab_280862.crdb_internal_mvcc_timestamp::DECIMAL * tab_280858.crdb_internal_mvcc_timestamp::DECIMAL)::DECIMAL
        test_1        |                             AS col_424670,
        test_1        |                         tab_280861.col2_15 AS col_424671
        test_1        |                     FROM
        test_1        |                         postgres.public.table1@[0] AS tab_280856,
        test_1        |                         postgres.public.table2@[0] AS tab_280857
        test_1        |                         JOIN postgres.public.table3@[0] AS tab_280858
        test_1        |                             JOIN postgres.public.table1@[0] AS tab_280859
        test_1        |                                 JOIN postgres.public.table1@[0] AS tab_280860 ON (tab_280859.col1_6) = (tab_280860.col1_1) ON
        test_1        |                                     (tab_280858.tableoid) = (tab_280859.col1_3) AND (tab_280858.col3_0) = (tab_280859.col1_2)
        test_1        |                             JOIN postgres.public.table2@[0] AS tab_280861 ON
        test_1        |                                     (tab_280860.col1_0) = (tab_280861.col2_8)
        test_1        |                                     AND (tab_280860.col1_0) = (tab_280861.col2_4)
        test_1        |                                     AND (tab_280859.tableoid) = (tab_280861.col2_10)
        test_1        |                             JOIN postgres.public.table3@[0] AS tab_280862 ON
        test_1        |                                     (tab_280861.col2_10) = (tab_280862.tableoid)
        test_1        |                                     AND (tab_280860.crdb_internal_mvcc_timestamp) = (tab_280862.crdb_internal_mvcc_timestamp)
        test_1        |                             JOIN postgres.public.table3@[0] AS tab_280863 ON
        test_1        |                                     (tab_280860.col1_2) = (tab_280863.col3_0)
        test_1        |                                     AND (tab_280859.tableoid) = (tab_280863.tableoid)
        test_1        |                                     AND (tab_280859.col1_3) = (tab_280863.col3_0) ON
        test_1        |                                 (tab_280857.col2_4) = (tab_280858.col3_0) AND (tab_280857.tableoid) = (tab_280861.col2_3)
        test_1        |                 )
        test_1        |                     AS tab_280864
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 col_424670 NULLS FIRST, col_424671 NULLS FIRST
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:194: cockroach1: ping: conn closed
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_test_1 exited with code 1
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:50: exit status 1

See also: [How To Investigate a Go Test Failure \(internal\)](

Same failure on other branches

- #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ 260b7930e717c76bc421ae3f34e9a939fc896b50:

        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: cockroach1
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:184: compare cockroach1 to postgres: unexpected diff:
        test_1        |               []interface{}(Inverse(func1, []interface{}{
        test_1        |                 pgtype.Numeric{
        test_1        |             -       Int:    s"36",
        test_1        |             +       Int:    s"360000000000000000",
        test_1        |             -       Exp:    0,
        test_1        |             +       Exp:    -16,
        test_1        |                     Status: 2,
        test_1        |                     NaN:    false,
        test_1        |                 },
        test_1        |               }))
        test_1        |             cockroach1:
        test_1        |             SELECT
        test_1        |                 *
        test_1        |             FROM
        test_1        |                 (
        test_1        |                     SELECT
        test_1        |                             AS col_6030
        test_1        |                 )
        test_1        |                     AS tab_3269
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 col_6030 NULLS FIRST;
        test_1        |             
        test_1        |             postgres:
        test_1        |             SELECT
        test_1        |                 *
        test_1        |             FROM
        test_1        |                 (
        test_1        |                     SELECT
        test_1        |                             AS col_6030
        test_1        |                 )
        test_1        |                     AS tab_3269
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 col_6030 NULLS FIRST;
        test_1        |             
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_test_1 exited with code 1
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:50: exit status 1

See also: [How To Investigate a Go Test Failure \(internal\)](

Same failure on other branches

- #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ 506d129f5f187134c35e2f71860490e044fde989:

        test_1        |               []interface{}(Inverse(func1, []interface{}{
        test_1        |                 pgtype.Numeric{
        test_1        |             -       Int:    s"1690000000000000000",
        test_1        |             +       Int:    s"169",
        test_1        |             -       Exp:    -16,
        test_1        |             +       Exp:    0,
        test_1        |                     Status: 2,
        test_1        |                     NaN:    false,
        test_1        |                 },
        test_1        |                 nil,
        test_1        |               }))
        test_1        |             cockroach1:
        test_1        |             SELECT
        test_1        |                 *
        test_1        |             FROM
        test_1        |                 (
        test_1        |                     SELECT
        test_1        |                         ((9:::INT8::INT8::INT8 | 5:::INT8::INT8::INT8)::INT8::INT8 ^ 2:::DECIMAL::DECIMAL::DECIMAL)::DECIMAL
        test_1        |                             AS col_58379,
        test_1        |                         NULL::TIMETZ AS col_58380
        test_1        |                 )
        test_1        |                     AS tab_30004
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 col_58379 NULLS FIRST, col_58380 NULLS FIRST;
        test_1        |             
        test_1        |             postgres:
        test_1        |             SELECT
        test_1        |                 *
        test_1        |             FROM
        test_1        |                 (
        test_1        |                     SELECT
        test_1        |                         ((9::INT8::INT8::INT8 | 5::INT8::INT8::INT8)::INT8::INT8 ^ 2::DECIMAL::DECIMAL::DECIMAL)::DECIMAL
        test_1        |                             AS col_58379,
        test_1        |                         NULL::TIMETZ AS col_58380
        test_1        |                 )
        test_1        |                     AS tab_30004
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 col_58379 NULLS FIRST, col_58380 NULLS FIRST;
        test_1        |             
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_test_1 exited with code 1
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:50: exit status 1

See also: [How To Investigate a Go Test Failure \(internal\)](

Same failure on other branches

- #73421 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.2] - #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ 8b696d17241b2eb2d333e23750cf6fdc433897d8:

        postgres_1    | 2021-12-05 06:14:51.458 UTC [1] LOG:  listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"
        postgres_1    | 2021-12-05 06:14:51.463 UTC [69] LOG:  database system was shut down at 2021-12-05 06:14:51 UTC
        postgres_1    | 2021-12-05 06:14:51.468 UTC [1] LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
        postgres_1    | 2021-12-05 06:14:54.717 UTC [79] ERROR:  functions in index expression must be marked IMMUTABLE
        postgres_1    | 2021-12-05 06:14:54.717 UTC [79] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE table1 (col1_0 INTERVAL NOT NULL, col1_1 INTERVAL NOT NULL, col1_2 BOOL NOT NULL, col1_3 REGCLASS NOT NULL, col1_4 VARCHAR NOT NULL, col1_5 TEXT NOT NULL, col1_6 INET, col1_7 TIME NOT NULL, col1_8 BIT(35) NULL, col1_9 GEOMETRY NOT NULL, col1_10 BOX2D NOT NULL, col1_11 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col1_1 AS TEXT))) STORED, col1_12 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col1_4)) STORED, col1_13 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col1_5)) STORED, col1_14 TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col1_6 AS TEXT))) STORED, col1_15 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col1_10 AS TEXT))) STORED);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE INDEX ON table1 (lower(CAST(col1_9 AS TEXT)) DESC, col1_8, col1_7 ASC, col1_4, lower(CAST(col1_6 AS TEXT)) ASC, col1_3 ASC, col1_5 ASC, col1_12 ASC, col1_14 DESC);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table1 (col1_0, col1_8 ASC, col1_15, col1_1 DESC, col1_4 ASC, col1_2 DESC, col1_7, col1_5 ASC, lower(CAST(col1_7 AS TEXT)), col1_13, col1_12 DESC);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table1 (col1_3, col1_6 ASC, col1_15 ASC, col1_2, lower(CAST(col1_2 AS TEXT)) DESC, col1_0, col1_4 DESC, col1_11 DESC, col1_1, col1_12, col1_8 ASC, col1_14 DESC, col1_13 ASC) INCLUDE (col1_10);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TABLE table2 (col2_0 REGNAMESPACE NOT NULL, col2_1 BIT(42) NOT NULL, col2_2 BIT(30) NOT NULL, col2_3 TIMETZ NOT NULL, col2_4 BIT(20) NOT NULL, col2_5 INT8 NOT NULL, col2_6 TIMETZ NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col2_4, col2_6, col2_5, col2_3, col2_1, col2_0, col2_2), col2_7 INT8 NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col2_5 + (-4387640342690645200)::INT8) STORED, col2_8 INT8 NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col2_5 + 2291379472140351265::INT8) STORED, col2_9 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col2_3 AS TEXT))) STORED, col2_10 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col2_3 AS TEXT))) STORED, col2_11 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col2_0 IS NULL THEN 'X'::TEXT ELSE ''::TEXT END) STORED);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 (col2_0, col2_8 ASC, col2_3 ASC, col2_11, col2_6 DESC, col2_9 DESC, (col2_5 + 9033786886123119531::INT8) ASC) INCLUDE (col2_10);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE INDEX ON table2 (col2_11 ASC, col2_4 ASC, col2_7, col2_1 ASC, col2_3 ASC, col2_9 DESC, col2_2 DESC, col2_6, col2_5 ASC, col2_8 ASC, col2_10 ASC, col2_0 DESC);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 (col2_10 DESC, col2_5 ASC, col2_9, lower(CAST(col2_0 AS TEXT)) DESC, col2_4 DESC, col2_0 DESC);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE INDEX ON table2 (col2_4, col2_6 DESC, col2_7 ASC, col2_3 ASC, col2_11 DESC, col2_10);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TYPE rand_typ_0 AS ENUM ('qkv', 'wsmd', 'ra', 'ighus', 'xrvye');
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TYPE rand_typ_1 AS ENUM ('camrm', 'isysr', 'hikjcj', 'gn', 'kjbv', 'u');
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TYPE rand_typ_2 AS ENUM ('e', 'uvose', 'v', 'u', 'urbme', 'bfsa');
        postgres_1    |     
        test_1        | --- FAIL: TestCompare (605.90s)
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach1
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach2
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: postgres
        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/postgres (2.70s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:126: starting test: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: cockroach1
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:154: CREATE TABLE table1 (col1_0 INTERVAL NOT NULL, col1_1 INTERVAL NOT NULL, col1_2 BOOL NOT NULL, col1_3 REGCLASS NOT NULL, col1_4 VARCHAR NOT NULL, col1_5 TEXT NOT NULL, col1_6 INET, col1_7 TIME NOT NULL, col1_8 BIT(35) NULL, col1_9 GEOMETRY NOT NULL, col1_10 BOX2D NOT NULL, col1_11 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col1_1 AS TEXT))) STORED, col1_12 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col1_4)) STORED, col1_13 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col1_5)) STORED, col1_14 TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col1_6 AS TEXT))) STORED, col1_15 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col1_10 AS TEXT))) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table1 (lower(CAST(col1_9 AS TEXT)) DESC, col1_8, col1_7 ASC, col1_4, lower(CAST(col1_6 AS TEXT)) ASC, col1_3 ASC, col1_5 ASC, col1_12 ASC, col1_14 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table1 (col1_0, col1_8 ASC, col1_15, col1_1 DESC, col1_4 ASC, col1_2 DESC, col1_7, col1_5 ASC, lower(CAST(col1_7 AS TEXT)), col1_13, col1_12 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table1 (col1_3, col1_6 ASC, col1_15 ASC, col1_2, lower(CAST(col1_2 AS TEXT)) DESC, col1_0, col1_4 DESC, col1_11 DESC, col1_1, col1_12, col1_8 ASC, col1_14 DESC, col1_13 ASC) INCLUDE (col1_10);
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table2 (col2_0 REGNAMESPACE NOT NULL, col2_1 BIT(42) NOT NULL, col2_2 BIT(30) NOT NULL, col2_3 TIMETZ NOT NULL, col2_4 BIT(20) NOT NULL, col2_5 INT8 NOT NULL, col2_6 TIMETZ NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col2_4, col2_6, col2_5, col2_3, col2_1, col2_0, col2_2), col2_7 INT8 NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col2_5 + (-4387640342690645200)::INT8) STORED, col2_8 INT8 NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col2_5 + 2291379472140351265::INT8) STORED, col2_9 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col2_3 AS TEXT))) STORED, col2_10 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col2_3 AS TEXT))) STORED, col2_11 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col2_0 IS NULL THEN 'X'::TEXT ELSE ''::TEXT END) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 (col2_0, col2_8 ASC, col2_3 ASC, col2_11, col2_6 DESC, col2_9 DESC, (col2_5 + 9033786886123119531::INT8) ASC) INCLUDE (col2_10);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table2 (col2_11 ASC, col2_4 ASC, col2_7, col2_1 ASC, col2_3 ASC, col2_9 DESC, col2_2 DESC, col2_6, col2_5 ASC, col2_8 ASC, col2_10 ASC, col2_0 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 (col2_10 DESC, col2_5 ASC, col2_9, lower(CAST(col2_0 AS TEXT)) DESC, col2_4 DESC, col2_0 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table2 (col2_4, col2_6 DESC, col2_7 ASC, col2_3 ASC, col2_11 DESC, col2_10);
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_0 AS ENUM ('qkv', 'wsmd', 'ra', 'ighus', 'xrvye');
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_1 AS ENUM ('camrm', 'isysr', 'hikjcj', 'gn', 'kjbv', 'u');
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_2 AS ENUM ('e', 'uvose', 'v', 'u', 'urbme', 'bfsa');
        test_1        |             
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:155: postgres: exec: ERROR: functions in index expression must be marked IMMUTABLE (SQLSTATE 42P17)
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_test_1 exited with code 1
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:50: exit status 1

See also: [How To Investigate a Go Test Failure \(internal\)](

Same failure on other branches

- #73421 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.2] - #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ 835ceca5d25d4a62233ddde4f493dbcf68302f1e:

        postgres_1    |     CREATE TABLE table5 (col5_0 VARCHAR, col5_1 REGTYPE NULL, col5_2 INET NULL, col5_3 BIT NULL, col5_4 REGTYPE NULL, col5_5 REGROLE NULL, col5_6 BOOL NOT NULL, col5_7 OID NOT NULL, col5_8 DATE NOT NULL, col5_9 BOOL NOT NULL, col5_10 FLOAT8 NULL, col5_11 TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, col5_12 REGTYPE, col5_13 TIME NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col5_8, col5_11), col5_14 FLOAT8 NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col5_10 + 0.9055480054642125::FLOAT8) STORED, col5_15 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col5_3 AS TEXT))) STORED, col5_16 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col5_11 IS NULL THEN e'\x7fh:Z\x02\x16'::TEXT ELSE e'X@=wFV^\x17'::TEXT END) STORED, col5_17 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col5_13 AS TEXT))) STORED, col5_18 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col5_1 IS NULL THEN e'G\x1f\bQt\x0e9m'::TEXT ELSE e'\x18D\x0f\x14+V'::TEXT END) STORED);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE INDEX ON table5 (col5_6 DESC) INCLUDE (col5_0, col5_2, col5_4, col5_5, col5_10, col5_12);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TYPE rand_typ_0 AS ENUM ('b', 'tcta', 'cmgcfr', 'hul', 'zqjdgn', 'yq');
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TYPE rand_typ_1 AS ENUM ('njf', 'lq');
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TYPE rand_typ_2 AS ENUM ('bofh', 'olv', 'lq', 's');
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TYPE rand_typ_3 AS ENUM ('sjlaiy', 'gdrud', 'l');
        postgres_1    |     
        test_1        | --- FAIL: TestCompare (607.75s)
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: postgres
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach1
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach2
        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/postgres (4.68s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:126: starting test: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: cockroach1
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:154: CREATE TABLE table1 (col1_0 BIT(5) NULL, col1_1 FLOAT4[], col1_2 REGROLE NULL, col1_3 INT2, col1_4 INT8 NULL, col1_5 OID NOT NULL, col1_6 BYTEA NULL, col1_7 REGNAMESPACE NULL, col1_8 BOOL NULL, col1_9 TIME NULL, col1_10 INT2, col1_11 INET, col1_12 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col1_0 AS TEXT))) STORED, col1_13 INT2 GENERATED ALWAYS AS ((col1_3 + col1_10) + col1_4) STORED, col1_14 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col1_8 AS TEXT))) STORED, col1_15 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col1_2 IS NULL THEN NULL ELSE e' \x13y/q\x0e'::TEXT END) STORED, col1_16 INT8 NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col1_4 + col1_10) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table1 (lower(CAST(col1_2 AS TEXT)), col1_13 ASC, col1_4 ASC, col1_0 ASC, col1_12, col1_11 ASC, col1_10, col1_2 ASC) INCLUDE (col1_1, col1_3, col1_5, col1_6, col1_7, col1_8, col1_9, col1_16);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table1 (col1_2, (col1_3 + 24493::INT8) ASC, col1_5, col1_16, col1_8 DESC, col1_4 DESC, col1_11 ASC, col1_9 ASC, col1_3 DESC, col1_13, col1_0);
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table2 (col2_0 REGCLASS NULL, col2_1 REGCLASS NOT NULL, col2_2 GEOGRAPHY NOT NULL, col2_3 INTERVAL, col2_4 CHAR, col2_5 REGTYPE NULL, col2_6 REGCLASS NOT NULL, col2_7 NAME);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 (col2_4, col2_0 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 (col2_5 ASC, col2_0 DESC, col2_4 DESC, col2_6 DESC, col2_7 ASC) INCLUDE (col2_3);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 (col2_4, col2_3, col2_0 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table3 (col3_0 REGCLASS NULL, col3_1 JSONB NULL, col3_2 INT4 NOT NULL, col3_3 FLOAT8, col3_4 INT2, col3_5 FLOAT4, col3_6 REGCLASS, col3_7 INT4 GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col3_2 + col3_4) STORED, col3_8 FLOAT8 GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col3_3 + 0.21622949857702678::FLOAT8) STORED, col3_9 INT2 GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col3_4 + col3_2) STORED, col3_10 FLOAT4 GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col3_5 + col3_3) STORED, col3_11 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col3_0 IS NULL THEN '8+'::TEXT ELSE ''::TEXT END) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table3 (col3_5 ASC, col3_4 ASC, col3_7, col3_3 DESC) INCLUDE (col3_0, col3_1, col3_6, col3_11);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table3 (col3_3, col3_6 DESC) INCLUDE (col3_4, col3_5, col3_11);
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table4 (col4_0 BIT NULL, col4_1 BIT(29) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col4_1), col4_2 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col4_1 AS TEXT))) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table4 (col4_1) INCLUDE (col4_0);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table4 (col4_1 DESC, col4_2, col4_0);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table4 (col4_1 DESC, col4_0, col4_2);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table4 (col4_0 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table4 (col4_2 ASC) INCLUDE (col4_0);
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table5 (col5_0 VARCHAR, col5_1 REGTYPE NULL, col5_2 INET NULL, col5_3 BIT NULL, col5_4 REGTYPE NULL, col5_5 REGROLE NULL, col5_6 BOOL NOT NULL, col5_7 OID NOT NULL, col5_8 DATE NOT NULL, col5_9 BOOL NOT NULL, col5_10 FLOAT8 NULL, col5_11 TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, col5_12 REGTYPE, col5_13 TIME NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col5_8, col5_11), col5_14 FLOAT8 NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col5_10 + 0.9055480054642125::FLOAT8) STORED, col5_15 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col5_3 AS TEXT))) STORED, col5_16 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col5_11 IS NULL THEN e'\x7fh:Z\x02\x16'::TEXT ELSE e'X@=wFV^\x17'::TEXT END) STORED, col5_17 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col5_13 AS TEXT))) STORED, col5_18 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col5_1 IS NULL THEN e'G\x1f\bQt\x0e9m'::TEXT ELSE e'\x18D\x0f\x14+V'::TEXT END) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table5 (col5_6 DESC) INCLUDE (col5_0, col5_2, col5_4, col5_5, col5_10, col5_12);
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_0 AS ENUM ('b', 'tcta', 'cmgcfr', 'hul', 'zqjdgn', 'yq');
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_1 AS ENUM ('njf', 'lq');
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_2 AS ENUM ('bofh', 'olv', 'lq', 's');
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_3 AS ENUM ('sjlaiy', 'gdrud', 'l');
        test_1        |             
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:155: postgres: exec: ERROR: functions in index expression must be marked IMMUTABLE (SQLSTATE 42P17)
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_test_1 exited with code 1
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:50: exit status 1

See also: [How To Investigate a Go Test Failure \(internal\)](

Same failure on other branches

- #73421 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.2] - #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ 39923c0b11d229b394fa5498ee58e455cae8ec99:

        test_1        | 
        test_1        | goroutine 248967 [running]:
        test_1        | testing.tRunner.func1.2({0x1af7f20, 0x3daada0})
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1209 +0x24e
        test_1        | testing.tRunner.func1()
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1212 +0x218
        test_1        | panic({0x1af7f20, 0x3daada0})
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:1038 +0x215
        test_1        | math/big.(*Int).Set(...)
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/math/big/int.go:75
        test_1        |, 0x0)
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x56
        test_1        |{0xc000a16000, 0x1, 0x1})
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x23e
        test_1        |{0x1a921a0, 0x228a330, 0xc00090c9c0}, {0x1d1cbf6, 0x4}, {0xc000f6cf68, 0x1, 0x46b640})
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/reflect/value.go:543 +0x814
        test_1        | reflect.Value.Call({0x1a921a0, 0x228a330, 0xf29c0e}, {0xc000f6cf68, 0x1, 0x1})
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/reflect/value.go:339 +0xc5
        test_1        |*state).callTRFunc(0xc0005900a0, {0x1a921a0, 0x228a330, 0x1a57da0}, {0x1a57da0, 0xc000b82018, 0x7f274eadc538}, {0x2cb8000})
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x2a5
        test_1        |*transformer).apply(0xc00040f500, 0xc000b82030, {0x1a57da0, 0xc000b82018, 0xa}, {0x1a57da0, 0xc000b82030, 0x2dd1e10})
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x12f
        test_1        |*state).tryOptions(0xc0005900a0, {0x2dd1e10, 0x1a57da0}, {0x1a57da0, 0xc000b82018, 0xc000f6d128}, {0x1a57da0, 0xc000b82030, 0x1ba2800})
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x11a
        test_1        |*state).compareAny(0xc0005900a0, {0x2cc5410, 0xc000e42080})
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x465
        test_1        |{0x1a57da0, 0xc000b82018}, {0x1a57da0, 0xc000b82030}, {0x40fca20, 0xc00016ce48, 0x70000c000f6da80})
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x7a
        test_1        |{0xc000a16000, 0xc000f6d4b8, 0x1d277d2}, {0xc000a16020, 0xc000f6d420, 0x1})
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x9f
        test_1        |, 0x1)
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x228
        test_1        |{0x2ce1c30, 0xc000056030}, 0xc000056030, 0x1, {0x0, 0x0}, {0xc000190000, 0xc000175680}, 0xe0)
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x507
        test_1        |
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x309
        test_1        | testing.tRunner(0xc000dd5040, 0xc000175530)
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1259 +0x102
        test_1        | created by testing.(*T).Run
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1306 +0x35a
        compare_test_1 exited with code 2
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:50: exit status 2

See also: [How To Investigate a Go Test Failure \(internal\)](

Same failure on other branches

- #73421 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.2] - #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ dadff0d6e20211f260facf0755518e85f50b124d:

        test_1        | 
        test_1        | goroutine 56 [running]:
        test_1        | testing.tRunner.func1.2({0x1af9360, 0x3dadda0})
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1209 +0x24e
        test_1        | testing.tRunner.func1()
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1212 +0x218
        test_1        | panic({0x1af9360, 0x3dadda0})
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:1038 +0x215
        test_1        | math/big.(*Int).Set(...)
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/math/big/int.go:75
        test_1        |, 0x0)
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x56
        test_1        |{0xc000b99ee0, 0x1, 0x1})
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x23e
        test_1        |{0x1a935e0, 0x228bad8, 0xc000b86820}, {0x1d1e2d6, 0x4}, {0xc0014fef68, 0x1, 0x46b640})
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/reflect/value.go:543 +0x814
        test_1        | reflect.Value.Call({0x1a935e0, 0x228bad8, 0xf29cd2}, {0xc0014fef68, 0x1, 0x1})
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/reflect/value.go:339 +0xc5
        test_1        |*state).callTRFunc(0xc0003e6780, {0x1a935e0, 0x228bad8, 0x1a591e0}, {0x1a591e0, 0xc0006f6c60, 0x7fa978329bb8}, {0x2cb98c0})
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x2a5
        test_1        |*transformer).apply(0xc000401500, 0xc0006f6c78, {0x1a591e0, 0xc0006f6c60, 0xa}, {0x1a591e0, 0xc0006f6c78, 0x2dd3750})
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x12f
        test_1        |*state).tryOptions(0xc0003e6780, {0x2dd3750, 0x1a591e0}, {0x1a591e0, 0xc0006f6c60, 0xc0014ff128}, {0x1a591e0, 0xc0006f6c78, 0x1ba3cc0})
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x11a
        test_1        |*state).compareAny(0xc0003e6780, {0x2cc6d00, 0xc000c36a80})
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x465
        test_1        |{0x1a591e0, 0xc0006f6c60}, {0x1a591e0, 0xc0006f6c78}, {0x40ffaa0, 0xc000b82bcd, 0x70000c0014ffa80})
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x7a
        test_1        |{0xc000b99ee0, 0xc0014ff4b8, 0x1d28eb2}, {0xc000b99f00, 0xc0014ff420, 0x1})
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x9f
        test_1        |, 0x1)
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x228
        test_1        |{0x2ce3570, 0xc000056030}, 0xc000056030, 0xc000d3dd90, {0x0, 0x0}, {0xc000b1a000, 0x389}, 0x1)
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x507
        test_1        |
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x309
        test_1        | testing.tRunner(0xc0005d8340, 0xc000dbe1b0)
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1259 +0x102
        test_1        | created by testing.(*T).Run
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1306 +0x35a
        compare_test_1 exited with code 2
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:50: exit status 2

See also: [How To Investigate a Go Test Failure \(internal\)](

Same failure on other branches

- #73421 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.2] - #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ e89328d92398a3e2d6487179845a51e7f1caa435:

        test_1        | 
        test_1        | goroutine 38 [running]:
        test_1        | testing.tRunner.func1.2({0x1af9a00, 0x3daeda0})
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1209 +0x24e
        test_1        | testing.tRunner.func1()
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1212 +0x218
        test_1        | panic({0x1af9a00, 0x3daeda0})
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:1038 +0x215
        test_1        | math/big.(*Int).Set(...)
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/math/big/int.go:75
        test_1        |, 0x0)
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x56
        test_1        |{0xc0002c2060, 0x1, 0x1})
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x23e
        test_1        |{0x1a93ce0, 0x228c4c0, 0xc00099ab60}, {0x1d1ebd6, 0x4}, {0xc001046f68, 0x1, 0x46b640})
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/reflect/value.go:543 +0x814
        test_1        | reflect.Value.Call({0x1a93ce0, 0x228c4c0, 0xf29872}, {0xc001046f68, 0x1, 0x1})
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/reflect/value.go:339 +0xc5
        test_1        |*state).callTRFunc(0xc00047c140, {0x1a93ce0, 0x228c4c0, 0x1a599c0}, {0x1a599c0, 0xc000f7c018, 0x7ffa4e91c718}, {0x2cba140})
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x2a5
        test_1        |*transformer).apply(0xc0004093c0, 0xc000f7c030, {0x1a599c0, 0xc000f7c018, 0xa}, {0x1a599c0, 0xc000f7c030, 0x2dd3f90})
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x12f
        test_1        |*state).tryOptions(0xc00047c140, {0x2dd3f90, 0x1a599c0}, {0x1a599c0, 0xc000f7c018, 0xc001047128}, {0x1a599c0, 0xc000f7c030, 0x1ba4240})
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x11a
        test_1        |*state).compareAny(0xc00047c140, {0x2cc75b0, 0xc000128080})
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x465
        test_1        |{0x1a599c0, 0xc000f7c018}, {0x1a599c0, 0xc000f7c030}, {0x4100b00, 0xc000df0736, 0x70000c001047a80})
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x7a
        test_1        |{0xc0002c2060, 0xc0010474b8, 0x1d297b6}, {0xc0002c2080, 0xc001047420, 0x1})
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x9f
        test_1        |, 0x1)
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x228
        test_1        |{0x2ce3dd0, 0xc000056030}, 0xc000056030, 0xc001151d90, {0x0, 0x0}, {0xc000a17400, 0x418}, 0x1)
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x507
        test_1        |
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x309
        test_1        | testing.tRunner(0xc00099a9c0, 0xc0009b7fb0)
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1259 +0x102
        test_1        | created by testing.(*T).Run
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1306 +0x35a
        compare_test_1 exited with code 2
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:50: exit status 2

See also: [How To Investigate a Go Test Failure \(internal\)](

Same failure on other branches

- #73421 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.2] - #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ 884088d64d0859d72e42ee4fde1cf65192f1cb99:

        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: postgres
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach1
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach2
        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/postgres (7.40s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:126: starting test: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: cockroach1
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:154: CREATE TABLE table1 (col1_0 BOOL NOT NULL, col1_1 DATE NOT NULL, col1_2 INT2 NOT NULL, col1_3 TEXT NOT NULL, col1_4 BOX2D[], col1_5 BIT(4) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col1_5, col1_1, col1_0, col1_2), col1_6 TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col1_4 IS NULL THEN e'-196{O\x10\x1c\x19'::TEXT ELSE 'St'::TEXT END) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table1 (col1_6, lower(CAST(col1_1 AS TEXT)), col1_2, (col1_2 + (-9485)::INT8), col1_1, col1_5 ASC) INCLUDE (col1_4);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table1 (col1_3 ASC);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table1 (col1_3 ASC) INCLUDE (col1_6);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table1 (col1_6 ASC, col1_2 DESC) INCLUDE (col1_3, col1_4);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table1 (col1_5);
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table2 (col2_0 BIT(46) NOT NULL, col2_1 REGROLE NOT NULL, col2_2 BIT(49) NOT NULL, col2_3 REGROLE NOT NULL, col2_4 REGPROCEDURE NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col2_1, col2_0, col2_2, col2_4, col2_3));
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table3 (col3_0 INET NOT NULL, col3_1 TIMETZ NOT NULL, col3_2 BIT(35) NOT NULL, col3_3 JSONB NOT NULL, col3_4 BIT(20) NOT NULL, col3_5 DATE NOT NULL, col3_6 BOOL, PRIMARY KEY (col3_2, col3_0, col3_4, col3_1), col3_7 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col3_3 AS TEXT))) STORED, col3_8 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col3_4 AS TEXT))) STORED, col3_9 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col3_1 AS TEXT))) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table3 (col3_4, col3_2) INCLUDE (col3_3, col3_5, col3_8);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table3 (col3_6);
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table4 (col4_0 FLOAT8 NOT NULL, col4_1 REGROLE NOT NULL, col4_2 TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col4_2, col4_0));
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table4 (col4_1 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table4 (col4_1 DESC, col4_2 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table4 (col4_1 DESC, col4_2 ASC);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table4 (col4_0) INCLUDE (col4_1);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table4 (col4_0 ASC, col4_2 DESC, col4_1 ASC);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table4 (col4_2, col4_1 ASC, col4_0);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table4 (col4_1 DESC, col4_2, col4_0 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table4 (col4_2 ASC, col4_0 ASC);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table4 (col4_1, col4_2 DESC, col4_0);
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table5 (col5_0 TEXT NULL, col5_1 INTERVAL NOT NULL, col5_2 BIT(40) NOT NULL, col5_3 VARCHAR NOT NULL, col5_4 INT4 NULL, col5_5 BOOL NOT NULL, col5_6 INT4 NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col5_1, col5_6, col5_3), col5_7 INT4 NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col5_6 + 1187101097::INT8) STORED, col5_8 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col5_0)) STORED, col5_9 INT4 NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col5_4 + col5_6) STORED, col5_10 INT4 NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col5_6 + col5_4) STORED, col5_11 INT4 NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col5_4 + col5_6) STORED, col5_12 INT4 NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col5_6 + col5_4) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table5 (col5_7 ASC);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table5 ((col5_6 + col5_4), col5_4 ASC, col5_2 ASC, col5_0 DESC, col5_8 DESC, col5_7);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table5 ((col5_4 + col5_6) DESC, col5_11 ASC, col5_10, col5_4, col5_8, col5_12 ASC, col5_9 DESC, lower(CAST(col5_1 AS TEXT)), col5_1 DESC, col5_2 DESC, col5_3 DESC, col5_5, col5_7);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table5 (col5_5 ASC, col5_11 DESC, col5_1) INCLUDE (col5_7, col5_9);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table5 ((col5_4 + (-852429796)::INT8), col5_8, col5_4 ASC) INCLUDE (col5_0, col5_2, col5_9, col5_12);
        test_1        |             ALTER TABLE table1 ADD FOREIGN KEY (col1_0) REFERENCES table3 (col3_6);
        test_1        |             ALTER TABLE table5 ADD FOREIGN KEY (col5_2) REFERENCES table1 (col1_5) ON UPDATE CASCADE;
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_0 AS ENUM ('mnughf', 'oex', 'icscid', 'motn', 'lmmo');
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_1 AS ENUM ('l', 'uemg', 'jrcqw', 'rhy', 'elbrz');
        test_1        |             
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:155: postgres: exec: ERROR: functions in index expression must be marked IMMUTABLE (SQLSTATE 42P17)
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_test_1 exited with code 1
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:50: exit status 1

See also: [How To Investigate a Go Test Failure \(internal\)](

Same failure on other branches

- #73421 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.2] - #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ 406e0fe1e44cabc8a3384703c642469567c6915e:

        test_1        | --- FAIL: TestCompare (2.13s)
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: postgres
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach1
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach2
        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/postgres (0.00s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:126: starting test: postgres
        test_1        | panic: geos: no locations to init GEOS [recovered]
        test_1        |     panic: geos: no locations to init GEOS
        test_1        | 
        test_1        | goroutine 50 [running]:
        test_1        | testing.tRunner.func1.2({0x1bc5220, 0xc000bce220})
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1209 +0x24e
        test_1        | testing.tRunner.func1()
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1212 +0x218
        test_1        | panic({0x1bc5220, 0xc000bce220})
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:1038 +0x215
        test_1        |, {0x2dd5e40, 0xc000bcd7a0})
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x487
        test_1        |, 0x3dd2420)
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x14c
        test_1        |
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x92
        test_1        |, {0xc00099f080, 0x3, 0x0})
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0xa4d
        test_1        |, 0x1d2a941, {0xc00099f080, 0x8e, 0x0})
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x2e
        test_1        |, {0x1d2a941, 0x5}, 0x3, {0xc000a55a30, 0x3, 0x0})
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x157
        test_1        |, 0xc00001c000)
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x187
        test_1        |
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x33
        test_1        |
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x22
        test_1        |
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0xe5
        test_1        | testing.tRunner(0xc0000cb040, 0xc00099efc0)
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1259 +0x102
        test_1        | created by testing.(*T).Run
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1306 +0x35a
        compare_test_1 exited with code 2
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:50: exit status 2

See also: [How To Investigate a Go Test Failure \(internal\)](

Same failure on other branches

- #73421 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.2] - #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ 22df0a6658a927e7b65dafbdfc9d790500791993:

        postgres_1    |     CREATE INDEX ON table2 (col2_3 DESC, col2_4 DESC);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 (col2_10 ASC, col2_1 ASC, col2_12 DESC, lower(CAST(col2_4 AS TEXT))) INCLUDE (col2_0, col2_2, col2_4, col2_6);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 (col2_9 ASC, col2_8 DESC, col2_10 DESC, lower(CAST(col2_4 AS TEXT)) DESC, col2_11, col2_2 ASC, col2_3, col2_6 ASC, col2_5 ASC) INCLUDE (col2_0, col2_7, col2_12);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TABLE table3 (col3_0 TIMESTAMPTZ[], col3_1 BIT(7), col3_2 BOOL NULL, col3_3 INET NULL, col3_4 "char" NOT NULL, col3_5 INT8 NULL, col3_6 REGPROC, col3_7 REGTYPE NOT NULL, col3_8 BYTEA, col3_9 BIT(34), col3_10 NAME NULL, col3_11 "char" NOT NULL, col3_12 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col3_3 AS TEXT))) STORED, col3_13 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col3_11)) STORED, col3_14 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col3_4)) STORED, col3_15 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col3_10)) STORED);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TABLE table4 (col4_0 INT2 NOT NULL, col4_1 NAME, col4_2 NAME, col4_3 BOX2D, col4_4 TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, col4_5 BIT(13) NULL, col4_6 GEOMETRY, col4_7 DATE NOT NULL, col4_8 GEOGRAPHY, PRIMARY KEY (col4_7, col4_4, col4_0), col4_9 TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col4_8 AS TEXT))) STORED, col4_10 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col4_4 IS NULL THEN e'v&l\x05'::TEXT ELSE e'\x11M^B\tQ'::TEXT END) STORED, col4_11 INT2 NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col4_0 + (-13147)::INT8) STORED, col4_12 TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col4_3 AS TEXT))) STORED);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TABLE table5 (col5_0 INTERVAL NULL, col5_1 "char" NOT NULL, col5_2 TIMETZ NULL, col5_3 NAME, col5_4 GEOMETRY, col5_5 TEXT, col5_6 DATE NOT NULL, col5_7 BOX2D NOT NULL, col5_8 REGCLASS, col5_9 REGPROC NULL, col5_10 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col5_0 AS TEXT))) STORED, col5_11 TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col5_5)) STORED, col5_12 TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col5_4 AS TEXT))) STORED, col5_13 TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col5_4 AS TEXT))) STORED, col5_14 TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col5_8 IS NULL THEN ''::TEXT ELSE e'\x0b\x7f,X\x0f\fJ'::TEXT END) STORED, col5_15 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col5_9 IS NULL THEN NULL ELSE ''::TEXT END) STORED);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table5 (lower(CAST(col5_7 AS TEXT)) ASC, col5_13 ASC, col5_2, col5_6, col5_3 ASC, col5_11, col5_10) INCLUDE (col5_0, col5_12, col5_15);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE INDEX ON table5 (col5_1 DESC, col5_12 ASC, lower(CAST(col5_2 AS TEXT)) ASC, col5_9, col5_10, lower(CAST(col5_8 AS TEXT)), col5_11 ASC, col5_0 ASC, col5_15, col5_6 ASC, col5_5, col5_13 DESC, lower(CAST(col5_6 AS TEXT)) ASC, col5_14 ASC) INCLUDE (col5_3, col5_8);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table5 (col5_12 DESC, col5_15, col5_5 ASC, col5_9 DESC, col5_2 ASC, col5_0 DESC);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TYPE rand_typ_0 AS ENUM ('a', 'sbuzgk', 'ecvzl', 'betot');
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TYPE rand_typ_1 AS ENUM ('wg', 'tllis', 'drbi', 'vg', 'wrr', 'sv');
        postgres_1    |     
        test_1        | --- FAIL: TestCompare (606.69s)
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: postgres
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach1
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach2
        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/postgres (3.48s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:126: starting test: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: cockroach1
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:154: CREATE TABLE table1 (col1_0 TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL, col1_1 "char" NOT NULL, col1_2 INT4 NOT NULL, col1_3 INET NULL, col1_4 JSONB NOT NULL, col1_5 TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL, col1_6 REGTYPE, col1_7 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col1_3 AS TEXT))) STORED, col1_8 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col1_5 IS NULL THEN 'Bu'::TEXT ELSE e'\x11]|\x1eTn\x01\x16\x01'::TEXT END) STORED, col1_9 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col1_1)) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table1 (col1_2, (CASE WHEN col1_5 IS NULL THEN e'\x0fTt\x1aOO'::TEXT ELSE e'\x0eM8\x1e\x1c'::TEXT END), col1_9 ASC, lower(CAST(col1_6 AS TEXT)) ASC, col1_0, col1_8) INCLUDE (col1_1, col1_3, col1_5, col1_6);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table1 (col1_1 DESC) INCLUDE (col1_0, col1_6);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table1 (col1_3 ASC, col1_0 DESC, col1_6, col1_9, col1_2 DESC, col1_8, col1_5 ASC) INCLUDE (col1_4);
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table2 (col2_0 FLOAT8 NOT NULL, col2_1 REGCLASS NOT NULL, col2_2 INT2, col2_3 TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL, col2_4 BIT(38) NOT NULL, col2_5 REGROLE, col2_6 INET NOT NULL, col2_7 INT4 NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col2_3), col2_8 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col2_6 AS TEXT))) STORED, col2_9 INT2 GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col2_2 + col2_7) STORED, col2_10 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col2_6 AS TEXT))) STORED, col2_11 INT4 GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col2_7 + col2_2) STORED, col2_12 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col2_1 IS NULL THEN '~-_'::TEXT ELSE e'd!\x02h'::TEXT END) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table2 (col2_8, col2_7, col2_1 DESC, col2_5, col2_11 ASC);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table2 (col2_3 DESC, col2_4 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 (col2_10 ASC, col2_1 ASC, col2_12 DESC, lower(CAST(col2_4 AS TEXT))) INCLUDE (col2_0, col2_2, col2_4, col2_6);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 (col2_9 ASC, col2_8 DESC, col2_10 DESC, lower(CAST(col2_4 AS TEXT)) DESC, col2_11, col2_2 ASC, col2_3, col2_6 ASC, col2_5 ASC) INCLUDE (col2_0, col2_7, col2_12);
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table3 (col3_0 TIMESTAMPTZ[], col3_1 BIT(7), col3_2 BOOL NULL, col3_3 INET NULL, col3_4 "char" NOT NULL, col3_5 INT8 NULL, col3_6 REGPROC, col3_7 REGTYPE NOT NULL, col3_8 BYTEA, col3_9 BIT(34), col3_10 NAME NULL, col3_11 "char" NOT NULL, col3_12 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col3_3 AS TEXT))) STORED, col3_13 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col3_11)) STORED, col3_14 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col3_4)) STORED, col3_15 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col3_10)) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table4 (col4_0 INT2 NOT NULL, col4_1 NAME, col4_2 NAME, col4_3 BOX2D, col4_4 TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, col4_5 BIT(13) NULL, col4_6 GEOMETRY, col4_7 DATE NOT NULL, col4_8 GEOGRAPHY, PRIMARY KEY (col4_7, col4_4, col4_0), col4_9 TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col4_8 AS TEXT))) STORED, col4_10 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col4_4 IS NULL THEN e'v&l\x05'::TEXT ELSE e'\x11M^B\tQ'::TEXT END) STORED, col4_11 INT2 NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col4_0 + (-13147)::INT8) STORED, col4_12 TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col4_3 AS TEXT))) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table5 (col5_0 INTERVAL NULL, col5_1 "char" NOT NULL, col5_2 TIMETZ NULL, col5_3 NAME, col5_4 GEOMETRY, col5_5 TEXT, col5_6 DATE NOT NULL, col5_7 BOX2D NOT NULL, col5_8 REGCLASS, col5_9 REGPROC NULL, col5_10 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col5_0 AS TEXT))) STORED, col5_11 TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col5_5)) STORED, col5_12 TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col5_4 AS TEXT))) STORED, col5_13 TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col5_4 AS TEXT))) STORED, col5_14 TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col5_8 IS NULL THEN ''::TEXT ELSE e'\x0b\x7f,X\x0f\fJ'::TEXT END) STORED, col5_15 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col5_9 IS NULL THEN NULL ELSE ''::TEXT END) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table5 (lower(CAST(col5_7 AS TEXT)) ASC, col5_13 ASC, col5_2, col5_6, col5_3 ASC, col5_11, col5_10) INCLUDE (col5_0, col5_12, col5_15);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table5 (col5_1 DESC, col5_12 ASC, lower(CAST(col5_2 AS TEXT)) ASC, col5_9, col5_10, lower(CAST(col5_8 AS TEXT)), col5_11 ASC, col5_0 ASC, col5_15, col5_6 ASC, col5_5, col5_13 DESC, lower(CAST(col5_6 AS TEXT)) ASC, col5_14 ASC) INCLUDE (col5_3, col5_8);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table5 (col5_12 DESC, col5_15, col5_5 ASC, col5_9 DESC, col5_2 ASC, col5_0 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_0 AS ENUM ('a', 'sbuzgk', 'ecvzl', 'betot');
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_1 AS ENUM ('wg', 'tllis', 'drbi', 'vg', 'wrr', 'sv');
        test_1        |             
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:155: postgres: exec: ERROR: functions in index expression must be marked IMMUTABLE (SQLSTATE 42P17)
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_test_1 exited with code 1
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:50: exit status 1

See also: [How To Investigate a Go Test Failure \(internal\)](

Same failure on other branches

- #73421 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.2] - #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ 5cd5be83218475ef0cc3c62a856b8d9d22cf142b:

        postgres_1    |     CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table4 (col4_10 ASC, col4_7 ASC, col4_5 ASC, col4_11, col4_12 DESC, (CASE WHEN col4_6 IS NULL THEN e'\x00'::TEXT ELSE '<'::TEXT END) ASC) INCLUDE (col4_0, col4_2, col4_6);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TABLE table5 (col5_0 TEXT NOT NULL, col5_1 FLOAT4 NOT NULL, col5_2 BOX2D NOT NULL, col5_3 GEOMETRY NOT NULL, col5_4 FLOAT8 NOT NULL, col5_5 DECIMAL NOT NULL, col5_6 INT8 NULL, col5_7 INT4, col5_8 "char" NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col5_0, col5_4), col5_9 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col5_8)) STORED, col5_10 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col5_3 AS TEXT))) STORED, col5_11 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col5_2 AS TEXT))) STORED, col5_12 FLOAT4 NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col5_1 + col5_4) STORED);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE INDEX ON table5 (col5_10 DESC, col5_9 ASC, col5_4 DESC, col5_8 DESC, (col5_6 + 32767::INT8) DESC, col5_5 DESC, col5_6 DESC, col5_0 DESC) INCLUDE (col5_3);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TYPE rand_typ_0 AS ENUM ('m', 'q');
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TYPE rand_typ_1 AS ENUM ('b', 'ca', 'osiiun', 'ghkku', 'fgdb', 'rcucj');
        postgres_1    |     
        test_1        | --- FAIL: TestCompare (608.13s)
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: postgres
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach1
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach2
        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/postgres (5.41s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:126: starting test: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: cockroach1
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:154: CREATE TABLE table1 (col1_0 JSONB NULL, col1_1 FLOAT4, col1_2 REGCLASS NULL, col1_3 OID NOT NULL, col1_4 REGPROC, col1_5 TIMESTAMPTZ, col1_6 "char" NOT NULL, col1_7 NAME NULL, col1_8 "char", col1_9 JSONB, col1_10 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col1_0 AS TEXT))) STORED, col1_11 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col1_3 IS NULL THEN e'\x01"X\x038z0\x05'::TEXT ELSE e'TNF\x03k\x04'::TEXT END) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table1 (col1_2 ASC, col1_4, lower(col1_8) ASC, col1_10 ASC, col1_6) INCLUDE (col1_1, col1_5, col1_7, col1_8);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table1 (col1_4 DESC, col1_10 ASC, col1_8 DESC, col1_11 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table1 (col1_7, col1_5 ASC, lower(CAST(col1_0 AS TEXT)), col1_3 DESC, col1_6 DESC, lower(col1_7) ASC, col1_8, lower(col1_6), lower(col1_6) DESC, col1_2 DESC) INCLUDE (col1_0, col1_4);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table1 (col1_4, col1_10, col1_11, col1_8);
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table2 (col2_0 REGTYPE, col2_1 BYTEA NULL, col2_2 VARCHAR NOT NULL, col2_3 FLOAT8[] NULL, col2_4 TIMESTAMP NULL, col2_5 NAME, col2_6 BIT(19), col2_7 TEXT, col2_8 TIMETZ, col2_9 JSONB NULL, col2_10 BIT(2), col2_11 REGNAMESPACE NULL, col2_12 TIMETZ NOT NULL, col2_13 CHAR NOT NULL, col2_14 REGPROCEDURE NULL, col2_15 BYTEA NOT NULL, col2_16 BIT(22) NOT NULL, col2_17 TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table2 (lower(CAST(col2_11 AS TEXT)), col2_0, col2_4 DESC, (CASE WHEN col2_1 IS NULL THEN e'j\x0f\x17dP{'::TEXT ELSE ''::TEXT END) ASC, lower(col2_7) DESC, col2_5, col2_8 ASC);
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table3 (col3_0 BYTEA NOT NULL, col3_1 REGNAMESPACE NOT NULL, col3_2 BIT NOT NULL, col3_3 INET NOT NULL, col3_4 REGPROC NOT NULL, col3_5 BOOL NOT NULL, col3_6 VARCHAR NOT NULL, col3_7 INT8 NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col3_4, col3_7, col3_3, col3_0, col3_2, col3_6, col3_1, col3_5), col3_8 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col3_1 IS NULL THEN e'\x16v\x0eyTO4?\x16'::TEXT ELSE e'&#N\x13*6_\x14i'::TEXT END) STORED, col3_9 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col3_0 IS NULL THEN e'l\x01L'::TEXT ELSE e'4n<\x19(cK'::TEXT END) STORED, col3_10 INT8 NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col3_7 + (-2147483648)::INT8) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table3 (col3_10 DESC, lower(CAST(col3_1 AS TEXT)), col3_0 DESC, col3_8 DESC, col3_1 ASC, col3_2 ASC, col3_5, col3_6 DESC, col3_9 ASC, col3_3 ASC, col3_4 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table3 (lower(CAST(col3_5 AS TEXT)) DESC, col3_10, lower(col3_6) ASC, col3_9 ASC, col3_8 DESC, col3_5, col3_1 ASC, col3_6 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table3 (col3_3 DESC, col3_6 ASC, col3_5 DESC, col3_9 DESC, col3_8 ASC, col3_2, lower(CAST(col3_4 AS TEXT)) ASC, col3_4 DESC, col3_1 ASC, col3_10 ASC);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table3 (col3_7 ASC, col3_2, col3_8 DESC, col3_5, (col3_7 + 6866396345441906187::INT8) ASC, col3_3 ASC, col3_4 ASC, col3_0 ASC, lower(col3_6) DESC, col3_10);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table3 (col3_9 DESC, col3_0 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table3 (col3_0 ASC, col3_3, col3_6 DESC, col3_9 DESC, col3_10 ASC, col3_1, col3_8 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table3 (col3_9 ASC, lower(CAST(col3_5 AS TEXT)) DESC, col3_2 ASC, col3_8 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table3 (col3_6, col3_1 DESC, col3_3 DESC, col3_10, lower(CAST(col3_5 AS TEXT)) DESC, col3_9, col3_7);
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table4 (col4_0 GEOGRAPHY, col4_1 INT2 NULL, col4_2 VARCHAR NULL, col4_3 BIT(27), col4_4 DATE[], col4_5 OID, col4_6 REGCLASS, col4_7 REGPROC NULL, col4_8 TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col4_3 AS TEXT))) STORED, col4_9 TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col4_3 AS TEXT))) STORED, col4_10 INT2 NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col4_1 + (-24655)::INT8) STORED, col4_11 TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col4_6 IS NULL THEN e',I\x18JE\x02K-r'::TEXT ELSE NULL END) STORED, col4_12 TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col4_6 IS NULL THEN e'\x1d\\\x17\x0b\x13\x1filt'::TEXT ELSE 't>!^~'::TEXT END) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table4 (col4_7, (CASE WHEN col4_5 IS NULL THEN e'%n^xf%\x04\x1c\x02'::TEXT ELSE e'y;\x11Y\x04_'::TEXT END) ASC, col4_9 DESC, col4_3 ASC);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table4 (col4_10 ASC, col4_7 ASC, col4_5 ASC, col4_11, col4_12 DESC, (CASE WHEN col4_6 IS NULL THEN e'\x00'::TEXT ELSE '<'::TEXT END) ASC) INCLUDE (col4_0, col4_2, col4_6);
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table5 (col5_0 TEXT NOT NULL, col5_1 FLOAT4 NOT NULL, col5_2 BOX2D NOT NULL, col5_3 GEOMETRY NOT NULL, col5_4 FLOAT8 NOT NULL, col5_5 DECIMAL NOT NULL, col5_6 INT8 NULL, col5_7 INT4, col5_8 "char" NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col5_0, col5_4), col5_9 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col5_8)) STORED, col5_10 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col5_3 AS TEXT))) STORED, col5_11 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col5_2 AS TEXT))) STORED, col5_12 FLOAT4 NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col5_1 + col5_4) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table5 (col5_10 DESC, col5_9 ASC, col5_4 DESC, col5_8 DESC, (col5_6 + 32767::INT8) DESC, col5_5 DESC, col5_6 DESC, col5_0 DESC) INCLUDE (col5_3);
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_0 AS ENUM ('m', 'q');
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_1 AS ENUM ('b', 'ca', 'osiiun', 'ghkku', 'fgdb', 'rcucj');
        test_1        |             
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:155: postgres: exec: ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0x00 (SQLSTATE 22021)
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_test_1 exited with code 1
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:50: exit status 1

See also: [How To Investigate a Go Test Failure \(internal\)](

Same failure on other branches

- #73421 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.2] - #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ acf40e97f64a97338cbebd20d7fbe176c4e37c34:

        postgres_1    |             ORDER BY
        postgres_1    |                 tab_199901.col4_3 DESC
        postgres_1    |         )
        postgres_1    |             AS tab_199904
        postgres_1    |     ORDER BY
        postgres_1    |         col_360071 NULLS FIRST,
        postgres_1    |         col_360072 NULLS FIRST,
        postgres_1    |         col_360073 NULLS FIRST,
        postgres_1    |         col_360074 NULLS FIRST,
        postgres_1    |         col_360075 NULLS FIRST
        test_1        | --- FAIL: TestCompare (883.04s)
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: postgres
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach1
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach2
        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/postgres (280.08s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:126: starting test: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: cockroach1
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:184: compare cockroach1 to postgres: unexpected diff:
        test_1        |               []interface{}(Inverse(func1, []interface{}{
        test_1        |             -   nil,
        test_1        |             +   string("BOX(-180 45,-135 90)"),
        test_1        |               }))
        test_1        |             postgres:
        test_1        |             SELECT
        test_1        |                 *
        test_1        |             FROM
        test_1        |                 (SELECT st_box2dfromgeohash('B'::TEXT::TEXT::TEXT, NULL::INT4::INT4)::BOX2D AS col_360366) AS tab_200070
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 CAST(col_360366 AS TEXT) NULLS FIRST;
        test_1        |             
        test_1        |             cockroach1:
        test_1        |             SELECT
        test_1        |                 *
        test_1        |             FROM
        test_1        |                 (SELECT st_box2dfromgeohash('B':::STRING::STRING::STRING, NULL::INT4::INT4)::BOX2D AS col_360366) AS tab_200070
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 CAST(col_360366 AS STRING) NULLS FIRST;
        test_1        |             
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_test_1 exited with code 1
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:50: exit status 1

See also: [How To Investigate a Go Test Failure \(internal\)](

Same failure on other branches

- #73421 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.2] - #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ dd7fd4e5a371ce4437fce383b9674cba2e212fe6:

        test_1        |                     AS tab_93764
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 col_172518 NULLS FIRST, col_172519 NULLS FIRST;
        test_1        |             
        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/mutators (0.00s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:126: starting test: mutators
        test_1        | panic: geos: no locations to init GEOS [recovered]
        test_1        |     panic: geos: no locations to init GEOS
        test_1        | 
        test_1        | goroutine 191933 [running]:
        test_1        | testing.tRunner.func1.2({0x1bcb160, 0xc000157900})
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1209 +0x24e
        test_1        | testing.tRunner.func1()
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1212 +0x218
        test_1        | panic({0x1bcb160, 0xc000157900})
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:1038 +0x215
        test_1        |, {0x2de25e0, 0xc0009aa030})
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x467
        test_1        |, 0x3de64a0)
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x14c
        test_1        |
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x92
        test_1        |, {0xc000f6ab90, 0x5, 0x0})
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0xa4d
        test_1        |, 0x1d315c3, {0xc000f6ab90, 0x8e, 0x0})
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x2e
        test_1        |, {0x1d315c3, 0x5}, 0x5, {0xc0005f7a30, 0x3, 0x0})
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x157
        test_1        |, 0xc000d06a00)
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x187
        test_1        |
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x33
        test_1        |
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x22
        test_1        |
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0xe5
        test_1        | testing.tRunner(0xc000f46820, 0xc000c84000)
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1259 +0x102
        test_1        | created by testing.(*T).Run
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1306 +0x35a
        compare_test_1 exited with code 2
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:50: exit status 2

See also: [How To Investigate a Go Test Failure \(internal\)](

Same failure on other branches

- #73421 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.2] - #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ 243d90e97789ea0206356b215c0e79aedb4f2e14:

        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/postgres (8.44s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:126: starting test: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: cockroach1
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:154: CREATE TABLE table1 (col1_0 DATE NOT NULL, col1_1 BOOL NULL, col1_2 TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, col1_3 REGTYPE, col1_4 OID NOT NULL, col1_5 "char" NOT NULL, col1_6 TIMESTAMPTZ NULL, col1_7 BIT NOT NULL, col1_8 INET NOT NULL, col1_9 TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (col1_5, col1_0, col1_7, col1_4, col1_2), col1_10 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col1_0 IS NULL THEN ''::TEXT ELSE ''::TEXT END) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table1 (col1_6 DESC, col1_1 ASC, col1_8 ASC);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table1 (col1_4 ASC, col1_7, col1_5, col1_1 DESC, col1_2 DESC, col1_6 DESC, col1_9 DESC, col1_3 ASC, col1_8 DESC, col1_10);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table1 (col1_10);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table1 (col1_0, col1_7 DESC, col1_3 DESC, col1_6 DESC, col1_10 DESC, col1_5);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table1 (col1_3);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table1 ((CASE WHEN col1_4 IS NULL THEN 'wK|a'::TEXT ELSE NULL END), col1_8 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table1 (col1_7, col1_1 ASC, col1_10 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table1 (col1_1 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table1 (col1_3);
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table2 (col2_0 TIMESTAMPTZ NULL, col2_1 GEOMETRY, col2_2 BIT(23) NOT NULL, col2_3 DECIMAL, col2_4 GEOGRAPHY, col2_5 GEOMETRY NULL, col2_6 TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col2_1 AS TEXT))) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table2 (lower(CAST(col2_5 AS TEXT)) ASC) INCLUDE (col2_2, col2_4, col2_5, col2_6);
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table3 (col3_0 UUID NULL, col3_1 JSONB, col3_2 CHAR NOT NULL, col3_3 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col3_2)) STORED, col3_4 TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col3_1 AS TEXT))) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table3 (col3_3, col3_4 ASC);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table3 (col3_2, col3_3 DESC) INCLUDE (col3_1);
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table4 (col4_0 REGPROCEDURE NULL, col4_1 INT2, col4_2 CHAR, col4_3 REGNAMESPACE NOT NULL, col4_4 INTERVAL, col4_5 CHAR NOT NULL, col4_6 GEOGRAPHY, PRIMARY KEY (col4_3), col4_7 TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col4_6 AS TEXT))) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table4 (col4_1 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table4 (col4_1 ASC);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table4 (col4_2 DESC, col4_1 ASC);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table4 (col4_0, lower(CAST(col4_6 AS TEXT)) ASC, col4_5 ASC, col4_3 ASC) INCLUDE (col4_1, col4_2, col4_6, col4_7);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table4 (col4_0 DESC, col4_4 ASC, col4_1) INCLUDE (col4_2, col4_6, col4_7);
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table5 (col5_0 "char" NOT NULL, col5_1 BIT(44) NOT NULL, col5_2 INT4 NULL, col5_3 FLOAT4 NOT NULL, col5_4 BOOL NOT NULL, col5_5 CHAR NOT NULL, col5_6 REGPROC, col5_7 DATE NOT NULL, col5_8 TIMESTAMP NULL, col5_9 REGNAMESPACE NULL, col5_10 REGNAMESPACE NULL, col5_11 OID NOT NULL, col5_12 REGPROCEDURE, PRIMARY KEY (col5_3, col5_0), col5_13 TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col5_12 IS NULL THEN e'\x18!\x11&\f'::TEXT ELSE 'z'::TEXT END) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table5 (col5_6, col5_1 ASC, col5_5 ASC, col5_2 ASC, col5_9 ASC, col5_0, col5_4) INCLUDE (col5_7, col5_11);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table5 (col5_1 DESC, lower(col5_0), col5_3, lower(CAST(col5_10 AS TEXT)) DESC, col5_0 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table5 (col5_13 ASC, col5_10, col5_12 DESC, col5_5, col5_1, col5_9, lower(CAST(col5_1 AS TEXT)) ASC, col5_6, col5_3 DESC, col5_4);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table5 (col5_9, lower(CAST(col5_12 AS TEXT)) DESC, col5_0 DESC, col5_5, col5_11);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table5 (col5_12, col5_8 ASC, col5_3 DESC, col5_4 DESC, col5_6, col5_1 DESC, col5_5 DESC, (CASE WHEN col5_9 IS NULL THEN 'BkyOJ'::TEXT ELSE 'F'::TEXT END) DESC, col5_9 ASC);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table5 (col5_12, col5_7 DESC, col5_9 DESC, col5_6 ASC, col5_8 ASC, col5_0 ASC, col5_5 ASC, col5_11 ASC) INCLUDE (col5_2, col5_4);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table5 (lower(CAST(col5_11 AS TEXT)), col5_10 ASC, col5_3) INCLUDE (col5_2, col5_5, col5_8, col5_12);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table5 (col5_5, col5_8, col5_13 DESC, col5_3, col5_4 ASC, col5_11 ASC, col5_10 DESC, col5_2, col5_0, col5_9, lower(col5_0) ASC, col5_7, lower(CAST(col5_4 AS TEXT)) DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table5 (col5_5 ASC, col5_7 DESC, col5_13 DESC, col5_2 DESC, col5_8 DESC, col5_9 DESC, col5_12 DESC);
        test_1        |             ALTER TABLE table4 ADD FOREIGN KEY (col4_0) REFERENCES table1 (col1_3) ON UPDATE RESTRICT;
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_0 AS ENUM ('oaikum');
        test_1        |             
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:155: postgres: exec: ERROR: functions in index expression must be marked IMMUTABLE (SQLSTATE 42P17)
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_test_1 exited with code 1
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:50: exit status 1

See also: [How To Investigate a Go Test Failure \(internal\)](

Same failure on other branches

- #73421 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.2] - #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ 6f4d61b2855ee057f7776d5f5fece72b753176be:

        test_1        |                                     AND (tab_263048.col1_10) = (tab_263050.col3_2)
        test_1        |                                     AND (tab_263048.col1_1) = (tab_263051.col2_8)
        test_1        |                                     AND (tab_263049.col2_7) = (tab_263050.col3_3)
        test_1        |                             JOIN postgres.public.table1@table1_col1_8_col1_3_col1_10_idx AS tab_263052 ON
        test_1        |                                     (tab_263049.col2_7) = (tab_263052.col1_1)
        test_1        |                                     AND (tab_263048.col1_10) = (tab_263052.col1_1)
        test_1        |                                     AND (tab_263051.col2_10) = (tab_263052.col1_8) ON
        test_1        |                                 (tab_263047.col1_4) = (tab_263048.col1_4)
        test_1        |                                 AND (tab_263047.col1_14) = (tab_263048.col1_8)
        test_1        |                                 AND (tab_263047.col1_0) = (tab_263048.col1_11)
        test_1        |                                 AND (tab_263047.tableoid) = (tab_263051.tableoid)
        test_1        |                                 AND (tab_263046.col1_6) = (tab_263052.col1_9)
        test_1        |                                 AND (tab_263047.col1_1) = (tab_263048.col1_10)
        test_1        |                                 AND (tab_263047.col1_0) = (tab_263052.col1_12)
        test_1        |                                 AND (tab_263046.col1_5) = (tab_263048.col1_12)
        test_1        |                                 AND (tab_263047.col1_12) = (tab_263051.col2_3)
        test_1        |                     WHERE
        test_1        |                         true
        test_1        |                     ORDER BY
        test_1        |                         tab_263052.col1_11 ASC, tab_263051.col2_3 DESC
        test_1        |                 )
        test_1        |                     AS tab_263053
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 col_444488 NULLS FIRST, col_444489 NULLS FIRST, col_444490 NULLS FIRST, col_444491 NULLS FIRST
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:194: cockroach1: ping: conn closed
        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/postgres (209.07s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:126: starting test: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: cockroach1
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:154: CREATE TABLE table1 (col1_0 JSONB NULL, col1_1 INET NOT NULL, col1_2 BOOL NULL, col1_3 FLOAT4 NOT NULL, col1_4 TEXT NOT NULL, col1_5 REGTYPE NULL, col1_6 REGCLASS NULL, col1_7 INT8 NULL, col1_8 DECIMAL, col1_9 INT8 NULL, col1_10 BIT(24) NOT NULL, col1_11 DATE, col1_12 INT2 NULL, col1_13 INET NOT NULL, col1_14 FLOAT8 NULL, col1_15 BYTEA NULL, col1_16 FLOAT8 NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col1_14 + col1_3) STORED, col1_17 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col1_1 AS TEXT))) STORED, col1_18 DECIMAL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col1_8 + (-8.368515051553329394E+31)::DECIMAL) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table1 ((col1_14 + (-1.0)::FLOAT8) ASC, col1_11 ASC, col1_13 DESC, col1_18 DESC, col1_8 ASC, col1_7 DESC, col1_17, col1_3, col1_6, col1_4 ASC, col1_1 ASC) INCLUDE (col1_0, col1_9, col1_14);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table1 (col1_6, col1_4 ASC, col1_17 DESC, col1_9 ASC, col1_15, col1_12) INCLUDE (col1_0, col1_3, col1_7, col1_10, col1_11, col1_18);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table1 (col1_3 ASC, col1_10, col1_15, col1_16, col1_17, (CASE WHEN col1_15 IS NULL THEN '~|FAc#4'::TEXT ELSE 'j'::TEXT END) ASC, col1_18, col1_8 DESC, col1_9 ASC, ((col1_7 + col1_12) + col1_9) DESC, col1_5 ASC, ((col1_12 + col1_9) + col1_7) ASC, col1_11, col1_14) INCLUDE (col1_1, col1_7);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table1 (lower(CAST(col1_11 AS TEXT)) ASC, col1_15 DESC, col1_17 ASC, col1_14 DESC, col1_13 ASC, col1_11 ASC, lower(col1_4), col1_18, col1_7 DESC, col1_4 ASC, col1_12, col1_6, col1_8 DESC, col1_16 ASC) INCLUDE (col1_2, col1_5, col1_10);
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_0 AS ENUM ('jlz');
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_1 AS ENUM ('dznos');
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_2 AS ENUM ('m', 'lalkvq', 'bz', 'hx', 'edi', 'aonztk');
        test_1        |             
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:155: postgres: exec: ERROR: functions in index expression must be marked IMMUTABLE (SQLSTATE 42P17)
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_test_1 exited with code 1
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:50: exit status 1

See also: [How To Investigate a Go Test Failure \(internal\)](

Same failure on other branches

- #73421 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.2] - #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ 4cbe795c7f8c36c007c3ca1250367cb181f5ca0c:

        postgres_1    | 2021-12-19 06:15:10.639 UTC [1] LOG:  listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"
        postgres_1    | 2021-12-19 06:15:10.644 UTC [71] LOG:  database system was shut down at 2021-12-19 06:15:10 UTC
        postgres_1    | 2021-12-19 06:15:10.649 UTC [1] LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
        postgres_1    | 2021-12-19 06:15:14.308 UTC [81] ERROR:  functions in index expression must be marked IMMUTABLE
        postgres_1    | 2021-12-19 06:15:14.308 UTC [81] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE table1 (col1_0 TEXT, col1_1 CHAR, col1_2 CHAR, col1_3 NAME NULL);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TABLE table2 (col2_0 REGPROC NOT NULL, col2_1 BOX2D NOT NULL, col2_2 "char" NOT NULL, col2_3 BIT(49) NOT NULL, col2_4 REGTYPE NOT NULL, col2_5 DECIMAL NULL, col2_6 BIT(40) NOT NULL, col2_7 INT2 NOT NULL, col2_8 OID NOT NULL, col2_9 TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL, col2_10 UUID NOT NULL, col2_11 TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col2_11, col2_4, col2_0, col2_10, col2_9, col2_3, col2_6, col2_7, col2_2, col2_8), col2_12 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col2_1 AS TEXT))) STORED, col2_13 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col2_4 IS NULL THEN e'dC\x1d'::TEXT ELSE e'\x1d'::TEXT END) STORED, col2_14 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col2_8 IS NULL THEN e'3_\t8;*'::TEXT ELSE e'7,H\bbSu'::TEXT END) STORED);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 (col2_7 DESC, (col2_7 + (-27531)::INT8), col2_6 ASC) INCLUDE (col2_12);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE INDEX ON table2 (col2_5 ASC, col2_12 ASC, col2_4 ASC, col2_11 DESC, col2_7 DESC, col2_8 ASC, col2_0 DESC, lower(CAST(col2_0 AS TEXT)) DESC);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE INDEX ON table2 (col2_8 ASC, col2_2 DESC, col2_4, col2_9, lower(CAST(col2_1 AS TEXT)) DESC, col2_3 ASC, lower(CAST(col2_0 AS TEXT)));
        postgres_1    |     CREATE INDEX ON table2 (col2_14, col2_3 DESC, col2_4 DESC, col2_10, col2_8 ASC, col2_2, col2_6 DESC, col2_12 ASC, col2_9 ASC, col2_5, col2_7 DESC, col2_13 ASC, col2_0 ASC, col2_11 DESC);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 ((CASE WHEN col2_4 IS NULL THEN 'WOq:"t'::TEXT ELSE NULL END), col2_9 ASC, col2_8 DESC, (CASE WHEN col2_11 IS NULL THEN e'd_\x1f\x1ba3\'d'::TEXT ELSE 'c51D<'::TEXT END), col2_12 DESC, col2_2 DESC, col2_6 ASC, col2_14 ASC, col2_5 ASC, col2_7, col2_4);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 (col2_8 ASC) INCLUDE (col2_5, col2_14);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE INDEX ON table2 (col2_10 ASC, col2_14 ASC, col2_3 ASC, col2_6, col2_9 ASC, col2_2 ASC, col2_5 ASC, col2_13 DESC, lower(CAST(col2_8 AS TEXT)) ASC, col2_12, col2_7 DESC);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 (col2_2, col2_12);
        postgres_1    |     ALTER TABLE table1 ADD FOREIGN KEY (col1_1, col1_0) REFERENCES table2 (col2_2, col2_12);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TYPE rand_typ_0 AS ENUM ('xapvb');
        postgres_1    |     
        test_1        | --- FAIL: TestCompare (605.82s)
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: postgres
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach1
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach2
        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/postgres (3.20s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:126: starting test: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: cockroach1
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:154: CREATE TABLE table1 (col1_0 TEXT, col1_1 CHAR, col1_2 CHAR, col1_3 NAME NULL);
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table2 (col2_0 REGPROC NOT NULL, col2_1 BOX2D NOT NULL, col2_2 "char" NOT NULL, col2_3 BIT(49) NOT NULL, col2_4 REGTYPE NOT NULL, col2_5 DECIMAL NULL, col2_6 BIT(40) NOT NULL, col2_7 INT2 NOT NULL, col2_8 OID NOT NULL, col2_9 TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL, col2_10 UUID NOT NULL, col2_11 TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col2_11, col2_4, col2_0, col2_10, col2_9, col2_3, col2_6, col2_7, col2_2, col2_8), col2_12 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col2_1 AS TEXT))) STORED, col2_13 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col2_4 IS NULL THEN e'dC\x1d'::TEXT ELSE e'\x1d'::TEXT END) STORED, col2_14 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col2_8 IS NULL THEN e'3_\t8;*'::TEXT ELSE e'7,H\bbSu'::TEXT END) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 (col2_7 DESC, (col2_7 + (-27531)::INT8), col2_6 ASC) INCLUDE (col2_12);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table2 (col2_5 ASC, col2_12 ASC, col2_4 ASC, col2_11 DESC, col2_7 DESC, col2_8 ASC, col2_0 DESC, lower(CAST(col2_0 AS TEXT)) DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table2 (col2_8 ASC, col2_2 DESC, col2_4, col2_9, lower(CAST(col2_1 AS TEXT)) DESC, col2_3 ASC, lower(CAST(col2_0 AS TEXT)));
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table2 (col2_14, col2_3 DESC, col2_4 DESC, col2_10, col2_8 ASC, col2_2, col2_6 DESC, col2_12 ASC, col2_9 ASC, col2_5, col2_7 DESC, col2_13 ASC, col2_0 ASC, col2_11 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 ((CASE WHEN col2_4 IS NULL THEN 'WOq:"t'::TEXT ELSE NULL END), col2_9 ASC, col2_8 DESC, (CASE WHEN col2_11 IS NULL THEN e'd_\x1f\x1ba3\'d'::TEXT ELSE 'c51D<'::TEXT END), col2_12 DESC, col2_2 DESC, col2_6 ASC, col2_14 ASC, col2_5 ASC, col2_7, col2_4);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 (col2_8 ASC) INCLUDE (col2_5, col2_14);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table2 (col2_10 ASC, col2_14 ASC, col2_3 ASC, col2_6, col2_9 ASC, col2_2 ASC, col2_5 ASC, col2_13 DESC, lower(CAST(col2_8 AS TEXT)) ASC, col2_12, col2_7 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 (col2_2, col2_12);
        test_1        |             ALTER TABLE table1 ADD FOREIGN KEY (col1_1, col1_0) REFERENCES table2 (col2_2, col2_12);
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_0 AS ENUM ('xapvb');
        test_1        |             
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:155: postgres: exec: ERROR: functions in index expression must be marked IMMUTABLE (SQLSTATE 42P17)
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_test_1 exited with code 1
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:50: exit status 1

See also: [How To Investigate a Go Test Failure \(internal\)](

Same failure on other branches

- #73421 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.2] - #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ 7bd8974eca566ca7625b6621decc5ae52d4fd38e:

        postgres_1    | 2021-12-20 06:14:36.249 UTC [1] LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
        postgres_1    | 2021-12-20 06:14:39.169 UTC [79] ERROR:  functions in index expression must be marked IMMUTABLE
        postgres_1    | 2021-12-20 06:14:39.169 UTC [79] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE table1 (col1_0 INET NULL, col1_1 GEOGRAPHY NULL, col1_2 "char", col1_3 TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, col1_4 TIMETZ NOT NULL, col1_5 REGPROCEDURE NULL, col1_6 FLOAT4 NULL, col1_7 INTERVAL NOT NULL, col1_8 BOOL NOT NULL, col1_9 DATE, col1_10 REGROLE, col1_11 REGCLASS NULL, col1_12 FLOAT4 NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col1_6 + 1.4906501770019531::FLOAT8) STORED, col1_13 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col1_1 AS TEXT))) STORED, col1_14 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col1_11 IS NULL THEN e'\rU\x1e'::TEXT ELSE 'R'::TEXT END) STORED, col1_15 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col1_3 IS NULL THEN e'9\x10'::TEXT ELSE e'sh\x1a'::TEXT END) STORED, col1_16 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col1_11 IS NULL THEN ''::TEXT ELSE NULL END) STORED);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TABLE table2 (col2_0 FLOAT4[] NULL, col2_1 REGTYPE, col2_2 JSONB NOT NULL, col2_3 BYTEA, col2_4 REGCLASS NOT NULL, col2_5 "char" NOT NULL, col2_6 TIMESTAMPTZ, col2_7 BOOL, col2_8 "char" NOT NULL, col2_9 GEOMETRY NULL, col2_10 FLOAT4 NOT NULL, col2_11 VARCHAR NOT NULL, col2_12 CHAR, col2_13 REGPROCEDURE NULL, col2_14 INET);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 (col2_14 DESC);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TABLE table3 (col3_0 JSONB, col3_1 INTERVAL, col3_2 TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, col3_3 TIMETZ NOT NULL, col3_4 INT2 NOT NULL, col3_5 "char" NULL, col3_6 DECIMAL NOT NULL, col3_7 REGPROC NOT NULL, col3_8 TIME NOT NULL, col3_9 VARCHAR NULL, col3_10 GEOMETRY NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col3_2, col3_4, col3_8, col3_6, col3_3), col3_11 TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col3_0 AS TEXT))) STORED, col3_12 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col3_3 AS TEXT))) STORED, col3_13 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col3_2 IS NULL THEN e'^:?K\n\x18\x079N'::TEXT ELSE ''::TEXT END) STORED, col3_14 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col3_10 AS TEXT))) STORED);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table3 (col3_13 ASC);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TABLE table4 (col4_0 REGPROC NOT NULL, col4_1 DATE NOT NULL, col4_2 NAME NOT NULL, col4_3 FLOAT4 NOT NULL, col4_4 CHAR NOT NULL, col4_5 TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, col4_6 GEOGRAPHY NULL, col4_7 INET NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col4_3, col4_1), col4_8 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col4_2)) STORED, col4_9 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col4_6 AS TEXT))) STORED, col4_10 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col4_2)) STORED);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE INDEX ON table4 (col4_7, lower(CAST(col4_0 AS TEXT)), col4_10 DESC, col4_8 DESC, col4_5, col4_3, (col4_3 + 0.8494518995285034::FLOAT8) DESC, col4_0, col4_4, col4_1 ASC) INCLUDE (col4_2, col4_9);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE INDEX ON table4 (col4_7, col4_5);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE INDEX ON table4 (lower(CAST(col4_5 AS TEXT)) ASC, col4_10 ASC, lower(CAST(col4_5 AS TEXT)), col4_5 ASC);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table4 (lower(CAST(col4_7 AS TEXT)) DESC);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TABLE table5 (col5_0 FLOAT4 NULL, col5_1 REGPROCEDURE NOT NULL, col5_2 REGCLASS, col5_3 REGCLASS, col5_4 INT2 NULL, col5_5 INET NULL, col5_6 TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, col5_7 JSONB, col5_8 BOX2D[] NOT NULL);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TYPE rand_typ_0 AS ENUM ('usiepg', 'dkdojf', 'k', 'yqx');
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TYPE rand_typ_1 AS ENUM ('mygnj', 'u', 'labj', 'uaq', 'urfe', 'salmar');
        postgres_1    |     
        test_1        | --- FAIL: TestCompare (605.52s)
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: postgres
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach1
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach2
        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/postgres (2.37s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:126: starting test: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: cockroach1
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:154: CREATE TABLE table1 (col1_0 INET NULL, col1_1 GEOGRAPHY NULL, col1_2 "char", col1_3 TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, col1_4 TIMETZ NOT NULL, col1_5 REGPROCEDURE NULL, col1_6 FLOAT4 NULL, col1_7 INTERVAL NOT NULL, col1_8 BOOL NOT NULL, col1_9 DATE, col1_10 REGROLE, col1_11 REGCLASS NULL, col1_12 FLOAT4 NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col1_6 + 1.4906501770019531::FLOAT8) STORED, col1_13 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col1_1 AS TEXT))) STORED, col1_14 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col1_11 IS NULL THEN e'\rU\x1e'::TEXT ELSE 'R'::TEXT END) STORED, col1_15 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col1_3 IS NULL THEN e'9\x10'::TEXT ELSE e'sh\x1a'::TEXT END) STORED, col1_16 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col1_11 IS NULL THEN ''::TEXT ELSE NULL END) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table2 (col2_0 FLOAT4[] NULL, col2_1 REGTYPE, col2_2 JSONB NOT NULL, col2_3 BYTEA, col2_4 REGCLASS NOT NULL, col2_5 "char" NOT NULL, col2_6 TIMESTAMPTZ, col2_7 BOOL, col2_8 "char" NOT NULL, col2_9 GEOMETRY NULL, col2_10 FLOAT4 NOT NULL, col2_11 VARCHAR NOT NULL, col2_12 CHAR, col2_13 REGPROCEDURE NULL, col2_14 INET);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 (col2_14 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table3 (col3_0 JSONB, col3_1 INTERVAL, col3_2 TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, col3_3 TIMETZ NOT NULL, col3_4 INT2 NOT NULL, col3_5 "char" NULL, col3_6 DECIMAL NOT NULL, col3_7 REGPROC NOT NULL, col3_8 TIME NOT NULL, col3_9 VARCHAR NULL, col3_10 GEOMETRY NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col3_2, col3_4, col3_8, col3_6, col3_3), col3_11 TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col3_0 AS TEXT))) STORED, col3_12 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col3_3 AS TEXT))) STORED, col3_13 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col3_2 IS NULL THEN e'^:?K\n\x18\x079N'::TEXT ELSE ''::TEXT END) STORED, col3_14 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col3_10 AS TEXT))) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table3 (col3_13 ASC);
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table4 (col4_0 REGPROC NOT NULL, col4_1 DATE NOT NULL, col4_2 NAME NOT NULL, col4_3 FLOAT4 NOT NULL, col4_4 CHAR NOT NULL, col4_5 TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, col4_6 GEOGRAPHY NULL, col4_7 INET NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col4_3, col4_1), col4_8 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col4_2)) STORED, col4_9 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col4_6 AS TEXT))) STORED, col4_10 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col4_2)) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table4 (col4_7, lower(CAST(col4_0 AS TEXT)), col4_10 DESC, col4_8 DESC, col4_5, col4_3, (col4_3 + 0.8494518995285034::FLOAT8) DESC, col4_0, col4_4, col4_1 ASC) INCLUDE (col4_2, col4_9);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table4 (col4_7, col4_5);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table4 (lower(CAST(col4_5 AS TEXT)) ASC, col4_10 ASC, lower(CAST(col4_5 AS TEXT)), col4_5 ASC);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table4 (lower(CAST(col4_7 AS TEXT)) DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table5 (col5_0 FLOAT4 NULL, col5_1 REGPROCEDURE NOT NULL, col5_2 REGCLASS, col5_3 REGCLASS, col5_4 INT2 NULL, col5_5 INET NULL, col5_6 TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, col5_7 JSONB, col5_8 BOX2D[] NOT NULL);
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_0 AS ENUM ('usiepg', 'dkdojf', 'k', 'yqx');
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_1 AS ENUM ('mygnj', 'u', 'labj', 'uaq', 'urfe', 'salmar');
        test_1        |             
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:155: postgres: exec: ERROR: functions in index expression must be marked IMMUTABLE (SQLSTATE 42P17)
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_test_1 exited with code 1
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:50: exit status 1

See also: [How To Investigate a Go Test Failure \(internal\)](

Same failure on other branches

- #73421 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.2] - #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ 2bf850847554519dc139289615e1a061b6a251de:

        postgres_1    |                 postgres.public.table1 AS tab_38404
        postgres_1    |             GROUP BY
        postgres_1    |                 tab_38404.col1_1, tab_38404.col1_0, tab_38404.tableoid
        postgres_1    |             HAVING
        postgres_1    |                 bool_and(false::BOOL::BOOL)::BOOL
        postgres_1    |             ORDER BY
        postgres_1    |                 tab_38404.col1_0 DESC
        postgres_1    |         )
        postgres_1    |             AS tab_38405
        postgres_1    |     ORDER BY
        postgres_1    |         col_59162 NULLS FIRST, col_59163 NULLS FIRST, col_59164 NULLS FIRST
        test_1        | --- FAIL: TestCompare (659.16s)
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach2
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: postgres
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach1
        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/postgres (55.52s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:126: starting test: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: cockroach1
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:184: compare cockroach1 to postgres: unexpected diff:
        test_1        |               []interface{}(Inverse(func1, []interface{}{
        test_1        |             -   string("{NULL,NULL}"),
        test_1        |             +   string("{NULL:NULL}"),
        test_1        |               }))
        test_1        |             cockroach1:
        test_1        |             SELECT
        test_1        |                 *
        test_1        |             FROM
        test_1        |                 (
        test_1        |                     SELECT
        test_1        |                             AS col_59573
        test_1        |                 )
        test_1        |                     AS tab_38673
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 col_59573 NULLS FIRST;
        test_1        |             
        test_1        |             postgres: [same as previous]
        test_1        |             
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_test_1 exited with code 1
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:50: exit status 1

See also: [How To Investigate a Go Test Failure \(internal\)](

Same failure on other branches

- #73421 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.2] - #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ cadf1bf18001d00fc03f32f22d4e18b920e583ba:

        postgres_1    | 
        postgres_1    | PostgreSQL init process complete; ready for start up.
        postgres_1    | 
        postgres_1    | 2021-12-22 06:15:18.309 UTC [1] LOG:  starting PostgreSQL 13.5 (Debian 13.5-1.pgdg110+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 10.2.1-6) 10.2.1 20210110, 64-bit
        postgres_1    | 2021-12-22 06:15:18.309 UTC [1] LOG:  listening on IPv4 address "", port 5432
        postgres_1    | 2021-12-22 06:15:18.309 UTC [1] LOG:  listening on IPv6 address "::", port 5432
        postgres_1    | 2021-12-22 06:15:18.313 UTC [1] LOG:  listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"
        postgres_1    | 2021-12-22 06:15:18.318 UTC [68] LOG:  database system was shut down at 2021-12-22 06:15:18 UTC
        postgres_1    | 2021-12-22 06:15:18.324 UTC [1] LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
        postgres_1    | 2021-12-22 06:25:21.597 UTC [98] ERROR:  functions in index expression must be marked IMMUTABLE
        postgres_1    | 2021-12-22 06:25:21.597 UTC [98] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE table1 (col1_0 BOX2D, col1_1 JSONB NULL, col1_2 BIT(27) NOT NULL, col1_3 VARCHAR NOT NULL, col1_4 REGPROCEDURE NULL, col1_5 REGTYPE NOT NULL, col1_6 JSONB, col1_7 REGTYPE NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col1_2, col1_3));
        postgres_1    |     CREATE INDEX ON table1 (lower(CAST(col1_5 AS TEXT)) ASC, col1_4 ASC, col1_2 ASC, col1_5 DESC, col1_3 ASC);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE INDEX ON table1 (col1_4 ASC, lower(CAST(col1_7 AS TEXT)) DESC, lower(CAST(col1_7 AS TEXT)) ASC, col1_2 DESC, col1_3 DESC, col1_7, col1_5) INCLUDE (col1_0, col1_1);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TABLE table2 (col2_0 VARCHAR NULL, col2_1 BYTEA NOT NULL, col2_2 BIT(38) NOT NULL, col2_3 REGROLE NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col2_1), col2_4 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col2_1 IS NULL THEN 'u?|":0'::TEXT ELSE e'%vb\x1c\\f\x11'::TEXT END) STORED, col2_5 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col2_2 AS TEXT))) STORED, col2_6 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col2_0)) STORED);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 (col2_2);
        postgres_1    |     ALTER TABLE table1 ADD FOREIGN KEY (col1_2) REFERENCES table2 (col2_2);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TYPE rand_typ_0 AS ENUM ('j');
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TYPE rand_typ_1 AS ENUM ('e', 's', 'k', 'vmr');
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TYPE rand_typ_2 AS ENUM ('jpwy');
        postgres_1    |     
        test_1        | --- FAIL: TestCompare (605.07s)
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach2
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: postgres
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach1
        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/postgres (1.91s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:126: starting test: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: cockroach1
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:154: CREATE TABLE table1 (col1_0 BOX2D, col1_1 JSONB NULL, col1_2 BIT(27) NOT NULL, col1_3 VARCHAR NOT NULL, col1_4 REGPROCEDURE NULL, col1_5 REGTYPE NOT NULL, col1_6 JSONB, col1_7 REGTYPE NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col1_2, col1_3));
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table1 (lower(CAST(col1_5 AS TEXT)) ASC, col1_4 ASC, col1_2 ASC, col1_5 DESC, col1_3 ASC);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table1 (col1_4 ASC, lower(CAST(col1_7 AS TEXT)) DESC, lower(CAST(col1_7 AS TEXT)) ASC, col1_2 DESC, col1_3 DESC, col1_7, col1_5) INCLUDE (col1_0, col1_1);
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table2 (col2_0 VARCHAR NULL, col2_1 BYTEA NOT NULL, col2_2 BIT(38) NOT NULL, col2_3 REGROLE NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col2_1), col2_4 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col2_1 IS NULL THEN 'u?|":0'::TEXT ELSE e'%vb\x1c\\f\x11'::TEXT END) STORED, col2_5 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col2_2 AS TEXT))) STORED, col2_6 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col2_0)) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 (col2_2);
        test_1        |             ALTER TABLE table1 ADD FOREIGN KEY (col1_2) REFERENCES table2 (col2_2);
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_0 AS ENUM ('j');
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_1 AS ENUM ('e', 's', 'k', 'vmr');
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_2 AS ENUM ('jpwy');
        test_1        |             
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:155: postgres: exec: ERROR: functions in index expression must be marked IMMUTABLE (SQLSTATE 42P17)
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_test_1 exited with code 1
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:50: exit status 1

See also: [How To Investigate a Go Test Failure \(internal\)](

Same failure on other branches

- #73421 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.2] - #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ 8d4953ef35bf310c72108c2790ba21971e9e7291:

        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach1
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach2
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: postgres
        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/postgres (347.39s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:126: starting test: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: cockroach1
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:184: compare cockroach1 to postgres: unexpected diff:
        test_1        |               []interface{}(Inverse(func1, []interface{}{
        test_1        |             -   nil,
        test_1        |             +   string("BOX(0 -90,45 -45)"),
        test_1        |                 int32(8),
        test_1        |               }))
        test_1        |             cockroach1:
        test_1        |             SELECT
        test_1        |                 *
        test_1        |             FROM
        test_1        |                 (
        test_1        |                     SELECT
        test_1        |                         st_box2dfromgeohash('H':::STRING::STRING::STRING, NULL::INT4::INT4)::BOX2D AS col_236498,
        test_1        |                         8:::INT8::INT4 AS col_236499
        test_1        |                 )
        test_1        |                     AS tab_157668
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 CAST(col_236498 AS STRING) NULLS FIRST, col_236499 NULLS FIRST;
        test_1        |             
        test_1        |             postgres:
        test_1        |             SELECT
        test_1        |                 *
        test_1        |             FROM
        test_1        |                 (
        test_1        |                     SELECT
        test_1        |                         st_box2dfromgeohash('H'::TEXT::TEXT::TEXT, NULL::INT4::INT4)::BOX2D AS col_236498,
        test_1        |                         8::INT8::INT4 AS col_236499
        test_1        |                 )
        test_1        |                     AS tab_157668
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 CAST(col_236498 AS TEXT) NULLS FIRST, col_236499 NULLS FIRST;
        test_1        |             
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_test_1 exited with code 1
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:50: exit status 1

See also: [How To Investigate a Go Test Failure \(internal\)](

Same failure on other branches

- #73421 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.2] - #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ 8c1528fff5c132b971428bc7f18bf0ea5eb16799:

        postgres_1    | 
        postgres_1    | PostgreSQL init process complete; ready for start up.
        postgres_1    | 
        postgres_1    | 2021-12-24 06:15:42.173 UTC [1] LOG:  starting PostgreSQL 13.5 (Debian 13.5-1.pgdg110+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 10.2.1-6) 10.2.1 20210110, 64-bit
        postgres_1    | 2021-12-24 06:15:42.173 UTC [1] LOG:  listening on IPv4 address "", port 5432
        postgres_1    | 2021-12-24 06:15:42.173 UTC [1] LOG:  listening on IPv6 address "::", port 5432
        postgres_1    | 2021-12-24 06:15:42.177 UTC [1] LOG:  listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"
        postgres_1    | 2021-12-24 06:15:42.181 UTC [70] LOG:  database system was shut down at 2021-12-24 06:15:42 UTC
        postgres_1    | 2021-12-24 06:15:42.186 UTC [1] LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
        postgres_1    | 2021-12-24 06:15:43.475 UTC [80] ERROR:  syntax error at or near "ASC" at character 209
        postgres_1    | 2021-12-24 06:15:43.475 UTC [80] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE table1 (col1_0 TIMESTAMPTZ NULL, col1_1 REGNAMESPACE NULL, col1_2 BYTEA NOT NULL, col1_3 TIME NOT NULL, col1_4 DECIMAL NOT NULL, col1_5 DECIMAL NULL, col1_6 BIT(21) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col1_4 ASC, col1_6 ASC), UNIQUE ((col1_4 + col1_5) ASC));
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TABLE table2 (col2_0 INET, col2_1 BOOL NULL, col2_2 REGPROCEDURE NOT NULL, col2_3 CHAR, col2_4 REGPROCEDURE, col2_5 REGPROCEDURE, col2_6 REGTYPE NULL, col2_7 NAME, col2_8 REGTYPE NULL, col2_9 TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col2_0 AS TEXT))) STORED, UNIQUE (col2_7 DESC, col2_2 DESC, col2_0 ASC), UNIQUE (col2_5, col2_2 ASC, lower(CAST(col2_5 AS TEXT)) ASC, lower(CAST(col2_4 AS TEXT)) DESC) WHERE (((table2.col2_9 > 'X'::TEXT) OR (NOT table2.col2_1)) AND (table2.col2_7 < ''::TEXT)) OR (table2.col2_3 < ''::TEXT));
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TABLE table3 (col3_0 INT8[] NOT NULL, col3_1 FLOAT4 NOT NULL, col3_2 INT8 NULL, col3_3 FLOAT4 NULL, col3_4 FLOAT4 NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col3_3 + col3_1) STORED, INDEX (col3_3, col3_1 DESC) WHERE (table3.col3_1 < 0.0::FLOAT8) AND (table3.col3_3 >= '-Inf'::FLOAT8), INDEX (col3_4 ASC) WHERE ((table3.col3_4 <= 0.0::FLOAT8) OR (table3.col3_2 >= 127::INT8)) OR (table3.col3_1 = 1.0::FLOAT8), UNIQUE ((col3_1 + col3_3) ASC, col3_2, (col3_1 + col3_3)) WHERE ((table3.col3_3 < 'NaN'::FLOAT8) OR (table3.col3_2 < (-2147483648)::INT8)) OR (table3.col3_1 <= 1.401298464324817e-45::FLOAT8), UNIQUE (col3_4 ASC, col3_3), UNIQUE (col3_1 ASC, col3_4 DESC, (col3_3 + col3_1) DESC), UNIQUE ((col3_2 + 7669678327495171027::INT8) DESC, col3_1 DESC, col3_4 ASC, col3_2 ASC, (col3_2 + (-6123987459877231477)::INT8)), INDEX (col3_1) INCLUDE (col3_2));
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TABLE table4 (col4_0 DATE NULL, col4_1 CHAR NOT NULL, col4_2 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col4_1)) STORED, PRIMARY KEY (col4_2 DESC, col4_1 ASC), INDEX (col4_0, col4_1, col4_2 DESC) WHERE (table4.col4_2 < e'\''::TEXT) AND (table4.col4_1 >= e'\U00002603'::TEXT), INDEX (col4_0, col4_2, col4_1 DESC), UNIQUE (col4_1), UNIQUE (col4_2 DESC) WHERE (table4.col4_2 >= ''::TEXT) OR (table4.col4_1 > 'X'::TEXT), UNIQUE (col4_1 ASC, col4_0, col4_2 ASC));
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TABLE table5 (col5_0 TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, col5_1 TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, col5_2 INT2[] NULL, col5_3 FLOAT8[], col5_4 TIMETZ, col5_5 BOOL NULL, col5_6 REGPROC NOT NULL, col5_7 FLOAT4 NULL, col5_8 TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col5_4 AS TEXT))) STORED);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TYPE rand_typ_0 AS ENUM ('ayd', 'obgvy');
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TYPE rand_typ_1 AS ENUM ('jfda');
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TYPE rand_typ_2 AS ENUM ('r', 'qb');
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TYPE rand_typ_3 AS ENUM ('cp', 'laneha', 'tzabjf');
        postgres_1    |     
        test_1        | --- FAIL: TestCompare (604.59s)
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: postgres
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach1
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach2
        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/postgres (0.89s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:126: starting test: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: cockroach1
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:154: CREATE TABLE table1 (col1_0 TIMESTAMPTZ NULL, col1_1 REGNAMESPACE NULL, col1_2 BYTEA NOT NULL, col1_3 TIME NOT NULL, col1_4 DECIMAL NOT NULL, col1_5 DECIMAL NULL, col1_6 BIT(21) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col1_4 ASC, col1_6 ASC), UNIQUE ((col1_4 + col1_5) ASC));
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table2 (col2_0 INET, col2_1 BOOL NULL, col2_2 REGPROCEDURE NOT NULL, col2_3 CHAR, col2_4 REGPROCEDURE, col2_5 REGPROCEDURE, col2_6 REGTYPE NULL, col2_7 NAME, col2_8 REGTYPE NULL, col2_9 TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col2_0 AS TEXT))) STORED, UNIQUE (col2_7 DESC, col2_2 DESC, col2_0 ASC), UNIQUE (col2_5, col2_2 ASC, lower(CAST(col2_5 AS TEXT)) ASC, lower(CAST(col2_4 AS TEXT)) DESC) WHERE (((table2.col2_9 > 'X'::TEXT) OR (NOT table2.col2_1)) AND (table2.col2_7 < ''::TEXT)) OR (table2.col2_3 < ''::TEXT));
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table3 (col3_0 INT8[] NOT NULL, col3_1 FLOAT4 NOT NULL, col3_2 INT8 NULL, col3_3 FLOAT4 NULL, col3_4 FLOAT4 NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col3_3 + col3_1) STORED, INDEX (col3_3, col3_1 DESC) WHERE (table3.col3_1 < 0.0::FLOAT8) AND (table3.col3_3 >= '-Inf'::FLOAT8), INDEX (col3_4 ASC) WHERE ((table3.col3_4 <= 0.0::FLOAT8) OR (table3.col3_2 >= 127::INT8)) OR (table3.col3_1 = 1.0::FLOAT8), UNIQUE ((col3_1 + col3_3) ASC, col3_2, (col3_1 + col3_3)) WHERE ((table3.col3_3 < 'NaN'::FLOAT8) OR (table3.col3_2 < (-2147483648)::INT8)) OR (table3.col3_1 <= 1.401298464324817e-45::FLOAT8), UNIQUE (col3_4 ASC, col3_3), UNIQUE (col3_1 ASC, col3_4 DESC, (col3_3 + col3_1) DESC), UNIQUE ((col3_2 + 7669678327495171027::INT8) DESC, col3_1 DESC, col3_4 ASC, col3_2 ASC, (col3_2 + (-6123987459877231477)::INT8)), INDEX (col3_1) INCLUDE (col3_2));
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table4 (col4_0 DATE NULL, col4_1 CHAR NOT NULL, col4_2 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col4_1)) STORED, PRIMARY KEY (col4_2 DESC, col4_1 ASC), INDEX (col4_0, col4_1, col4_2 DESC) WHERE (table4.col4_2 < e'\''::TEXT) AND (table4.col4_1 >= e'\U00002603'::TEXT), INDEX (col4_0, col4_2, col4_1 DESC), UNIQUE (col4_1), UNIQUE (col4_2 DESC) WHERE (table4.col4_2 >= ''::TEXT) OR (table4.col4_1 > 'X'::TEXT), UNIQUE (col4_1 ASC, col4_0, col4_2 ASC));
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table5 (col5_0 TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, col5_1 TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, col5_2 INT2[] NULL, col5_3 FLOAT8[], col5_4 TIMETZ, col5_5 BOOL NULL, col5_6 REGPROC NOT NULL, col5_7 FLOAT4 NULL, col5_8 TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col5_4 AS TEXT))) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_0 AS ENUM ('ayd', 'obgvy');
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_1 AS ENUM ('jfda');
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_2 AS ENUM ('r', 'qb');
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_3 AS ENUM ('cp', 'laneha', 'tzabjf');
        test_1        |             
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:155: postgres: exec: ERROR: syntax error at or near "ASC" (SQLSTATE 42601)
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_test_1 exited with code 1
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:50: exit status 1

See also: [How To Investigate a Go Test Failure \(internal\)](

Same failure on other branches

- #73421 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.2] - #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ f3710ae65e327d0795123029db679f8c9f3e610e:

        test_1        |                                     JOIN postgres.public.table4@[0] AS tab_18027
        test_1        |                                         JOIN postgres.public.table1@table1_col1_6_expr_col1_3_expr1_col1_7_col1_10_col1_0_idx
        test_1        |                                                 AS tab_18028 ON
        test_1        |                                                 (tab_18027.col4_3) = (tab_18028.col1_8)
        test_1        |                                                 AND (tab_18027.col4_8) = (tab_18028.col1_9) ON
        test_1        |                                             (tab_18023.col1_6) = (tab_18028.col1_8)
        test_1        |                                             AND (tab_18023.crdb_internal_mvcc_timestamp) = (tab_18027.col4_14) ON
        test_1        |                                         (tab_18021.col4_2) = (tab_18027.col4_2)
        test_1        |                                         AND (tab_18022.col4_2) = (tab_18027.col4_10)
        test_1        |                                         AND (tab_18021.col4_2) = (tab_18027.col4_13) ON
        test_1        |                                     (tab_18020.col3_11) = (tab_18022.col4_2) AND (tab_18020.col3_12) = (tab_18027.col4_16) ON
        test_1        |                                 (tab_18019.col4_17) = (tab_18020.crdb_internal_mvcc_timestamp)
        test_1        |                                 AND (tab_18019.col4_10) = (tab_18020.col3_4)
        test_1        |                 )
        test_1        |                     AS tab_18029
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 col_31111 NULLS FIRST, col_31112 NULLS FIRST
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:194: cockroach1: ping: conn closed
        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/postgres (40.08s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:126: starting test: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: cockroach1
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:193: SELECT
        test_1        |                 *
        test_1        |             FROM
        test_1        |                 (
        test_1        |                     SELECT
        test_1        |                         6:::INT8::INT8 AS col_6063,
        test_1        |                         9:::INT8::INT8 AS col_6064,
        test_1        |                         tab_3096.col2_11 AS col_6065,
        test_1        |                         tab_3096.col2_11 AS col_6066
        test_1        |                     FROM
        test_1        |                         postgres.public.table2 AS tab_3095
        test_1        |                         JOIN postgres.public.table2 AS tab_3096 ON (tab_3095.col2_4) = (tab_3096.col2_4)
        test_1        |                     ORDER BY
        test_1        |                         tab_3096.col2_11 ASC
        test_1        |                 )
        test_1        |                     AS tab_3097
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 col_6063 NULLS FIRST, col_6064 NULLS FIRST, col_6065 NULLS FIRST, col_6066 NULLS FIRST
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:194: cockroach1: ping: conn closed
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_cockroach1_1 exited with code 2
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:50: exit status 1

See also: [How To Investigate a Go Test Failure \(internal\)](

Same failure on other branches

- #73421 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.2] - #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ 01c0c739dd83b3e662d715404f2193d747f4fb9e:

        test_1        |             +               Int:    s"20800838230519",
        test_1        |             -               Exp:    -19,
        test_1        |             +               Exp:    -13,
        test_1        |                             Status: 2,
        test_1        |                             NaN:    false,
        test_1        |                         },
        test_1        |                     },
        test_1        |                     Dimensions: {{Length: 1, LowerBound: 1}},
        test_1        |                     Status:     2,
        test_1        |                 },
        test_1        |               }))
        test_1        |             cockroach1:
        test_1        |             SELECT
        test_1        |                 *
        test_1        |             FROM
        test_1        |                 (
        test_1        |                     SELECT
        test_1        |                         'I':::STRING::VARCHAR AS col_495550,
        test_1        |                         (NULL::DECIMAL[]::DECIMAL[] || cbrt(9:::DECIMAL::DECIMAL::DECIMAL)::DECIMAL::DECIMAL)::DECIMAL[]
        test_1        |                             AS col_495551
        test_1        |                 )
        test_1        |                     AS tab_238731
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 col_495550 NULLS FIRST, col_495551 NULLS FIRST;
        test_1        |             
        test_1        |             postgres:
        test_1        |             SELECT
        test_1        |                 *
        test_1        |             FROM
        test_1        |                 (
        test_1        |                     SELECT
        test_1        |                         'I'::TEXT::VARCHAR AS col_495550,
        test_1        |                         (NULL::DECIMAL[]::DECIMAL[] || cbrt(9::DECIMAL::DECIMAL::DECIMAL)::DECIMAL::DECIMAL)::DECIMAL[]
        test_1        |                             AS col_495551
        test_1        |                 )
        test_1        |                     AS tab_238731
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 col_495550 NULLS FIRST, col_495551 NULLS FIRST;
        test_1        |             
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_test_1 exited with code 1
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:50: exit status 1

See also: [How To Investigate a Go Test Failure \(internal\)](

Same failure on other branches

- #73421 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.2] - #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ 5ac733bb4927020bc1c52da24b2591742fde8e1f:

        postgres_1    | CREATE EXTENSION
        postgres_1    | CREATE EXTENSION
        postgres_1    | 
        postgres_1    | 2021-12-30 06:16:13.449 UTC [51] LOG:  received fast shutdown request
        postgres_1    | waiting for server to shut down....2021-12-30 06:16:13.451 UTC [51] LOG:  aborting any active transactions
        postgres_1    | 2021-12-30 06:16:13.452 UTC [51] LOG:  background worker "logical replication launcher" (PID 58) exited with exit code 1
        postgres_1    | 2021-12-30 06:16:13.454 UTC [53] LOG:  shutting down
        postgres_1    | 2021-12-30 06:16:13.549 UTC [51] LOG:  database system is shut down
        postgres_1    |  done
        postgres_1    | server stopped
        postgres_1    | 
        postgres_1    | PostgreSQL init process complete; ready for start up.
        postgres_1    | 
        postgres_1    | 2021-12-30 06:16:13.671 UTC [1] LOG:  starting PostgreSQL 13.5 (Debian 13.5-1.pgdg110+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 10.2.1-6) 10.2.1 20210110, 64-bit
        postgres_1    | 2021-12-30 06:16:13.671 UTC [1] LOG:  listening on IPv4 address "", port 5432
        postgres_1    | 2021-12-30 06:16:13.671 UTC [1] LOG:  listening on IPv6 address "::", port 5432
        postgres_1    | 2021-12-30 06:16:13.675 UTC [1] LOG:  listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"
        postgres_1    | 2021-12-30 06:16:13.680 UTC [70] LOG:  database system was shut down at 2021-12-30 06:16:13 UTC
        postgres_1    | 2021-12-30 06:16:13.685 UTC [1] LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
        postgres_1    | 2021-12-30 06:26:16.466 UTC [100] ERROR:  syntax error at or near "DESC" at character 453
        postgres_1    | 2021-12-30 06:26:16.466 UTC [100] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE table1 (col1_0 TIMESTAMP NULL, col1_1 GEOMETRY, col1_2 BOOL NULL, col1_3 INT2 NULL, col1_4 REGPROC NULL, col1_5 VARCHAR, col1_6 REGPROC NOT NULL, col1_7 REGNAMESPACE NOT NULL, col1_8 TIME NULL, col1_9 CHAR NOT NULL, col1_10 REGPROC NOT NULL, col1_11 FLOAT8, col1_12 INT2 NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col1_3 + (-4693)::INT8) STORED, col1_13 FLOAT8 GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col1_11 + 0.5595726132591788::FLOAT8) STORED, PRIMARY KEY (col1_9, col1_6 DESC), UNIQUE (col1_4));
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TABLE table2 (col2_0 TIMESTAMP, col2_1 BYTEA NOT NULL, col2_2 GEOMETRY, col2_3 BYTEA NOT NULL, col2_4 NAME, col2_5 REGPROC, col2_6 REGROLE NULL, col2_7 FLOAT8 NULL, col2_8 OID, col2_9 TIMESTAMPTZ, col2_10 TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL, col2_11 UUID NOT NULL, col2_12 DECIMAL NULL, col2_13 TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL, col2_14 JSONB NULL, col2_15 TIMETZ[], col2_16 CHAR NOT NULL, col2_17 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col2_6 AS TEXT))) STORED, col2_18 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col2_11 AS TEXT))) STORED);
        postgres_1    |     ALTER TABLE table2 ADD FOREIGN KEY (col2_5) REFERENCES table1 (col1_4) ON UPDATE CASCADE;
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TYPE rand_typ_0 AS ENUM ('uwhhxl', 'whvstb', 'puerg');
        postgres_1    |     
        test_1        | --- FAIL: TestCompare (605.35s)
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: postgres
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach1
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach2
        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/postgres (1.28s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:126: starting test: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: cockroach1
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:154: CREATE TABLE table1 (col1_0 TIMESTAMP NULL, col1_1 GEOMETRY, col1_2 BOOL NULL, col1_3 INT2 NULL, col1_4 REGPROC NULL, col1_5 VARCHAR, col1_6 REGPROC NOT NULL, col1_7 REGNAMESPACE NOT NULL, col1_8 TIME NULL, col1_9 CHAR NOT NULL, col1_10 REGPROC NOT NULL, col1_11 FLOAT8, col1_12 INT2 NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col1_3 + (-4693)::INT8) STORED, col1_13 FLOAT8 GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col1_11 + 0.5595726132591788::FLOAT8) STORED, PRIMARY KEY (col1_9, col1_6 DESC), UNIQUE (col1_4));
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table2 (col2_0 TIMESTAMP, col2_1 BYTEA NOT NULL, col2_2 GEOMETRY, col2_3 BYTEA NOT NULL, col2_4 NAME, col2_5 REGPROC, col2_6 REGROLE NULL, col2_7 FLOAT8 NULL, col2_8 OID, col2_9 TIMESTAMPTZ, col2_10 TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL, col2_11 UUID NOT NULL, col2_12 DECIMAL NULL, col2_13 TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL, col2_14 JSONB NULL, col2_15 TIMETZ[], col2_16 CHAR NOT NULL, col2_17 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col2_6 AS TEXT))) STORED, col2_18 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col2_11 AS TEXT))) STORED);
        test_1        |             ALTER TABLE table2 ADD FOREIGN KEY (col2_5) REFERENCES table1 (col1_4) ON UPDATE CASCADE;
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_0 AS ENUM ('uwhhxl', 'whvstb', 'puerg');
        test_1        |             
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:155: postgres: exec: ERROR: syntax error at or near "DESC" (SQLSTATE 42601)
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_test_1 exited with code 1
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:50: exit status 1

See also: [How To Investigate a Go Test Failure \(internal\)](

Same failure on other branches

- #73421 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.2] - #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ 3471dc50db8406f3faa638940492dbe0cab53435:

        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: postgres
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach1
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach2
        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/postgres (158.67s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:126: starting test: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: cockroach1
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:184: compare cockroach1 to postgres: unexpected diff:
        test_1        |               []interface{}(Inverse(func1, []interface{}{
        test_1        |             -   nil,
        test_1        |             +   string("BOX(-90 45,-45 90)"),
        test_1        |                 nil,
        test_1        |               }))
        test_1        |             cockroach1:
        test_1        |             SELECT
        test_1        |                 *
        test_1        |             FROM
        test_1        |                 (
        test_1        |                     SELECT
        test_1        |                         st_box2dfromgeohash('F':::STRING::STRING::STRING, NULL::INT4::INT4)::BOX2D AS col_204456,
        test_1        |                         NULL::BOX2D AS col_204457
        test_1        |                 )
        test_1        |                     AS tab_121473
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 CAST(col_204456 AS STRING) NULLS FIRST, CAST(col_204457 AS STRING) NULLS FIRST;
        test_1        |             
        test_1        |             postgres:
        test_1        |             SELECT
        test_1        |                 *
        test_1        |             FROM
        test_1        |                 (
        test_1        |                     SELECT
        test_1        |                         st_box2dfromgeohash('F'::TEXT::TEXT::TEXT, NULL::INT4::INT4)::BOX2D AS col_204456,
        test_1        |                         NULL::BOX2D AS col_204457
        test_1        |                 )
        test_1        |                     AS tab_121473
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 CAST(col_204456 AS TEXT) NULLS FIRST, CAST(col_204457 AS TEXT) NULLS FIRST;
        test_1        |             
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_test_1 exited with code 1
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:50: exit status 1

See also: [How To Investigate a Go Test Failure \(internal\)](

Same failure on other branches

- #73421 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.2] - #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ fa9480a8b661b31a3c5e4c3428595b3e7c320700:

        postgres_1    | 2022-01-01 06:26:08.706 UTC [78] HINT:  Use an explicit ordering operator or modify the query.
        postgres_1    | 2022-01-01 06:26:08.706 UTC [78] STATEMENT:  SELECT
        postgres_1    |         *
        postgres_1    |     FROM
        postgres_1    |         (SELECT NULL::BOX2D AS col_789694, NULL::VOID AS col_789695) AS tab_421707
        postgres_1    |     ORDER BY
        postgres_1    |         CAST(col_789694 AS TEXT) NULLS FIRST, col_789695 NULLS FIRST
        test_1        | --- FAIL: TestCompare (1046.02s)
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: postgres
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach1
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach2
        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/mutators (441.46s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:126: starting test: mutators
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: cockroach1
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: cockroach2
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:193: SELECT
        test_1        |                 *
        test_1        |             FROM
        test_1        |                 (
        test_1        |                     SELECT
        test_1        |                         tab_201642.col3_0 AS col_333488, (-1.0):::FLOAT8 AS col_333489
        test_1        |                     FROM
        test_1        |                         postgres.public.table4@table4_pkey AS tab_201641
        test_1        |                         JOIN postgres.public.table3@table3_pkey AS tab_201642 ON
        test_1        |                                 (tab_201641.col4_9) = (tab_201642.tableoid) AND (tab_201641.col4_13) = (tab_201642.col3_5),
        test_1        |                         postgres.public.table3@[0] AS tab_201643
        test_1        |                         JOIN postgres.public.table4 AS tab_201644
        test_1        |                             JOIN postgres.public.table4 AS tab_201645 ON
        test_1        |                                     (tab_201644.col4_3) = (tab_201645.col4_3)
        test_1        |                                     AND (tab_201644.col4_17) = (tab_201645.col4_17)
        test_1        |                                     AND (tab_201644.col4_6) = (tab_201645.col4_6)
        test_1        |                                     AND (tab_201644.col4_15) = (tab_201645.col4_15)
        test_1        |                                     AND (tab_201644.col4_16) = (tab_201645.col4_16)
        test_1        |                                     AND (tab_201644.col4_5) = (tab_201645.col4_5) ON (tab_201643.col3_5) = (tab_201644.col4_11)
        test_1        |                     ORDER BY
        test_1        |                         tab_201642.col3_0, tab_201645.col4_11 ASC, tab_201641.col4_7 ASC, tab_201642.col3_4 DESC
        test_1        |                 )
        test_1        |                     AS tab_201646
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 col_333488 NULLS FIRST, col_333489 NULLS FIRST
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:194: cockroach1: ping: conn closed
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_cockroach1_1 exited with code 2
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:50: exit status 1

See also: [How To Investigate a Go Test Failure \(internal\)](

Same failure on other branches

- #73421 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.2] - #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ 65c6377f4f486d537ef7dfc59f8f9c78f1a6018a:

        postgres_1    |     CREATE TYPE rand_typ_0 AS ENUM ('qnwy', 'kcacy');
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TYPE rand_typ_1 AS ENUM ('jchuk', 'n', 'm', 'mmfs', 'ffp', 'iqi');
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TYPE rand_typ_2 AS ENUM ('zbup', 'celro', 'pwdf', 'h', 'prtt');
        postgres_1    |     
        test_1        | --- FAIL: TestCompare (609.28s)
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: postgres
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach1
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach2
        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/postgres (5.37s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:126: starting test: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: cockroach1
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:154: CREATE TABLE table1 (col1_0 INT8 NOT NULL, col1_1 REGNAMESPACE NOT NULL, col1_2 INT4 NULL, col1_3 TIMETZ NULL, col1_4 "char" NULL, col1_5 REGNAMESPACE, col1_6 UUID NOT NULL, col1_7 INT8 NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col1_0 + col1_2) STORED, PRIMARY KEY (col1_1, col1_7, col1_0));
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table1 (col1_2, (col1_0 + col1_2) DESC, col1_1 ASC, col1_3 ASC, col1_6 DESC, lower(CAST(col1_1 AS TEXT)), col1_0 ASC) INCLUDE (col1_4);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table1 (col1_5 DESC, col1_4 DESC, col1_6 DESC, col1_2 ASC, col1_0 ASC);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table1 (col1_0 ASC, col1_1 ASC, col1_5 DESC, col1_4 DESC, col1_3 ASC) INCLUDE (col1_6);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table1 (col1_4);
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table2 (col2_0 OID NULL, col2_1 BIT(11) NOT NULL, col2_2 "char", col2_3 DATE NOT NULL, col2_4 REGROLE, col2_5 TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL, col2_6 NAME NULL, col2_7 TEXT NOT NULL, col2_8 REGTYPE NOT NULL, col2_9 REGPROCEDURE NOT NULL, col2_10 FLOAT8 NOT NULL, col2_11 INET NOT NULL, col2_12 INT4, col2_13 "char" NOT NULL, col2_14 BIT NULL, col2_15 BYTEA NULL);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table2 (lower(CAST(col2_3 AS TEXT)), col2_4 DESC, col2_14 DESC, col2_5 ASC, col2_2, col2_13, col2_9 DESC, col2_3 ASC, col2_1);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table2 (lower(CAST(col2_4 AS TEXT)), col2_9 ASC, col2_14 ASC, col2_7 DESC, col2_12 DESC, col2_1, col2_10 ASC, lower(col2_2) ASC, lower(CAST(col2_8 AS TEXT)), col2_13, col2_15 DESC, col2_5 DESC, col2_4, col2_11 DESC, col2_8, col2_2 ASC);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table2 (col2_13 DESC, col2_6 ASC, lower(col2_6), col2_14 DESC, col2_2 ASC, col2_11 DESC, col2_1 ASC, col2_0 ASC, col2_9 ASC, col2_15 ASC, col2_8 DESC, col2_12, col2_3, col2_10 DESC, col2_4, col2_5);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 (col2_2 DESC, col2_1, col2_10 DESC, col2_4 DESC, col2_5, col2_3 DESC, col2_0, col2_6, col2_12, col2_15, col2_7 ASC, col2_11 ASC, col2_8 DESC, (CASE WHEN col2_5 IS NULL THEN e'\x134kB\x19p'::TEXT ELSE ''::TEXT END) ASC, col2_13) INCLUDE (col2_14);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table2 (col2_10 ASC, col2_4 ASC, col2_7 DESC, col2_6 ASC, lower(CAST(col2_8 AS TEXT)), col2_0 DESC) INCLUDE (col2_5, col2_8, col2_12);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table3 (col3_9 DESC) INCLUDE (col3_1, col3_2, col3_3, col3_4);
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table4 (col4_0 CHAR NOT NULL, col4_1 FLOAT8 NOT NULL, col4_2 "char" NOT NULL, col4_3 TIME NOT NULL, col4_4 REGCLASS, col4_5 GEOGRAPHY NULL, col4_6 TEXT, col4_7 NAME NOT NULL, col4_8 "char" NULL, col4_9 "char", col4_10 INT8 NULL, col4_11 DECIMAL NULL, col4_12 UUID NOT NULL, col4_13 REGPROCEDURE, col4_14 FLOAT8 NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col4_1 + 1.3162511875153093::FLOAT8) STORED, col4_15 TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col4_4 IS NULL THEN e'\x02'::TEXT ELSE e'w\x19C&z\tw/2'::TEXT END) STORED, col4_16 TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col4_9)) STORED, col4_17 TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col4_9)) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table4 (col4_0 DESC, col4_9 ASC, lower(col4_9));
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table4 (col4_12 DESC, col4_4 ASC, col4_8, col4_11, col4_17 DESC, col4_7 DESC, col4_10 DESC, col4_15, col4_9 DESC, (col4_11 + 284485.3058136902601::DECIMAL), col4_13);
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table5 (col5_0 VARCHAR, col5_1 BOOL);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table5 (col5_1 DESC, col5_0 ASC);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table5 (lower(col5_0) ASC, col5_0 ASC);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table5 (col5_1 DESC, col5_0 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table5 (lower(col5_0), col5_0 ASC);
        test_1        |             ALTER TABLE table2 ADD FOREIGN KEY (col2_6) REFERENCES table1 (col1_4) ON UPDATE RESTRICT;
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_0 AS ENUM ('qnwy', 'kcacy');
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_1 AS ENUM ('jchuk', 'n', 'm', 'mmfs', 'ffp', 'iqi');
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_2 AS ENUM ('zbup', 'celro', 'pwdf', 'h', 'prtt');
        test_1        |             
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:155: postgres: exec: ERROR: functions in index expression must be marked IMMUTABLE (SQLSTATE 42P17)
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_test_1 exited with code 1
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:50: exit status 1

See also: [How To Investigate a Go Test Failure \(internal\)](

Same failure on other branches

- #73421 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.2] - #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ e3be114fc6fe8eda07aafbc7ee43cc452456f270:

        test_1        | --- FAIL: TestCompare (3.24s)
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach2
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: postgres
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach1
        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/postgres (0.00s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:126: starting test: postgres
        test_1        | panic: geos: no locations to init GEOS [recovered]
        test_1        |     panic: geos: no locations to init GEOS
        test_1        | 
        test_1        | goroutine 54 [running]:
        test_1        | testing.tRunner.func1.2({0x1a5b8c0, 0xc000d854e0})
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1209 +0x24e
        test_1        | testing.tRunner.func1()
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1212 +0x218
        test_1        | panic({0x1a5b8c0, 0xc000d854e0})
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:1038 +0x215
        test_1        |, {0x2787dc0, 0xc000da92c0})
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x467
        test_1        |, 0x3756680)
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x14c
        test_1        |
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x92
        test_1        |, {0xc000db6900, 0x4, 0x0})
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0xa4d
        test_1        |, 0x1bc344b, {0xc000db6900, 0x8e, 0x0})
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x2e
        test_1        |, {0x1bc344b, 0x5}, 0x4, {0xc000bb5a30, 0x3, 0x0})
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x157
        test_1        |, 0xc0000f8000)
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x187
        test_1        |
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x33
        test_1        |
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0x22
        test_1        |
        test_1        |     /go/src/ +0xe5
        test_1        | testing.tRunner(0xc001fb3520, 0xc000da8ba0)
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1259 +0x102
        test_1        | created by testing.(*T).Run
        test_1        |     /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1306 +0x35a
        compare_test_1 exited with code 2
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:50: exit status 2

See also: [How To Investigate a Go Test Failure \(internal\)](

Same failure on other branches

- #73421 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.2] - #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ 260144b9bec2b2da2cf96c7198197a88b97c942c:

        test_1        | --- FAIL: TestCompare (614.26s)
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: postgres
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach1
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach2
        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/postgres (10.26s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:126: starting test: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: cockroach1
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:184: compare cockroach1 to postgres: unexpected diff:
        test_1        |               []interface{}(Inverse(func1, []interface{}{
        test_1        |             -   nil,
        test_1        |             +   []uint8{0x01, 0x08, 0x21, 0x0c, 0x12, 0x02, 0x48},
        test_1        |               }))
        test_1        |             cockroach1:
        test_1        |             SELECT
        test_1        |                 *
        test_1        |             FROM
        test_1        |                 (
        test_1        |                     SELECT
        test_1        |                         (st_astwkb(st_makepoint(6.0:::FLOAT8::FLOAT8::FLOAT8, 9.0:::FLOAT8::FLOAT8::FLOAT8, 1.0:::FLOAT8::FLOAT8::FLOAT8)::GEOMETRY::GEOMETRY, 0:::INT8::INT4::INT4, NULL::INT4::INT4, 9:::INT8::INT4::INT4)::BYTES::BYTES || '\x48':::BYTES::BYTES::BYTES)::BYTES
        test_1        |                             AS col_9517
        test_1        |                 )
        test_1        |                     AS tab_5547
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 col_9517 NULLS FIRST;
        test_1        |             
        test_1        |             postgres:
        test_1        |             SELECT
        test_1        |                 *
        test_1        |             FROM
        test_1        |                 (
        test_1        |                     SELECT
        test_1        |                         (st_astwkb(st_makepoint(6.0::FLOAT8::FLOAT8::FLOAT8, 9.0::FLOAT8::FLOAT8::FLOAT8, 1.0::FLOAT8::FLOAT8::FLOAT8)::GEOMETRY::GEOMETRY, 0::INT8::INT4::INT4, NULL::INT4::INT4, 9::INT8::INT4::INT4)::BYTEA::BYTEA || '\x48'::BYTEA::BYTEA::BYTEA)::BYTEA
        test_1        |                             AS col_9517
        test_1        |                 )
        test_1        |                     AS tab_5547
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 col_9517 NULLS FIRST;
        test_1        |             
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_test_1 exited with code 1
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:50: exit status 1

See also: [How To Investigate a Go Test Failure \(internal\)](

Same failure on other branches

- #73421 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.2] - #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ 3401e4d902953f7684aebb819090f586c9acfec9:

        postgres_1    |                 JOIN postgres.public.table1 AS tab_305101 ON (tab_305100.col1_6) = (tab_305101.col1_6)
        postgres_1    |                 FULL JOIN postgres.public.table1 AS tab_305102 ON false::BOOL
        postgres_1    |             WHERE
        postgres_1    |                 NULL::BOOL
        postgres_1    |             ORDER BY
        postgres_1    |                 tab_305102.col1_1 ASC, tab_305101.col1_2 ASC
        postgres_1    |         )
        postgres_1    |             AS tab_305103
        postgres_1    |     ORDER BY
        postgres_1    |         col_536773 NULLS FIRST, col_536774 NULLS FIRST, col_536775 NULLS FIRST
        test_1        | --- FAIL: TestCompare (1002.91s)
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: postgres
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach1
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach2
        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/postgres (398.81s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:126: starting test: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: cockroach1
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:184: compare cockroach1 to postgres: unexpected diff:
        test_1        |               []interface{}(Inverse(func1, []interface{}{
        test_1        |             -   nil,
        test_1        |             +   string("BOX(-90 45,-45 90)"),
        test_1        |               }))
        test_1        |             cockroach1:
        test_1        |             SELECT
        test_1        |                 *
        test_1        |             FROM
        test_1        |                 (SELECT st_box2dfromgeohash('F':::STRING::STRING::STRING, NULL::INT4::INT4)::BOX2D AS col_537022) AS tab_305243
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 CAST(col_537022 AS STRING) NULLS FIRST;
        test_1        |             
        test_1        |             postgres:
        test_1        |             SELECT
        test_1        |                 *
        test_1        |             FROM
        test_1        |                 (SELECT st_box2dfromgeohash('F'::TEXT::TEXT::TEXT, NULL::INT4::INT4)::BOX2D AS col_537022) AS tab_305243
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 CAST(col_537022 AS TEXT) NULLS FIRST;
        test_1        |             
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_test_1 exited with code 1
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:50: exit status 1

See also: [How To Investigate a Go Test Failure \(internal\)](

Same failure on other branches

- #73421 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.2] - #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ d191f64e5600b773043da18d28e288bf6ae86b72:

        postgres_1    | 2022-01-07 06:16:09.881 UTC [1] LOG:  listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"
        postgres_1    | 2022-01-07 06:16:09.886 UTC [70] LOG:  database system was shut down at 2022-01-07 06:16:09 UTC
        postgres_1    | 2022-01-07 06:16:09.891 UTC [1] LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
        postgres_1    | 2022-01-07 06:16:13.076 UTC [80] ERROR:  invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0x00
        postgres_1    | 2022-01-07 06:16:13.076 UTC [80] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE table1 (col1_0 DECIMAL NULL, col1_1 BYTEA NOT NULL, col1_2 REGPROCEDURE NOT NULL, col1_3 REGTYPE, col1_4 TEXT NULL, col1_5 INET NOT NULL, col1_6 TIMESTAMPTZ NULL, col1_7 GEOMETRY NOT NULL, col1_8 "char", col1_9 REGCLASS NULL, col1_10 BYTEA NOT NULL, col1_11 REGPROCEDURE NOT NULL, col1_12 REGPROCEDURE NOT NULL, col1_13 DATE NULL, col1_14 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col1_10 IS NULL THEN e'w0]xL7^\x1e'::TEXT ELSE e'c\x17 '::TEXT END) STORED, col1_15 TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col1_8)) STORED, col1_16 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col1_4)) STORED);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TABLE table2 (col2_0 CHAR, col2_1 TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, col2_2 TIMESTAMPTZ, col2_3 TIMESTAMPTZ, col2_4 DATE NULL, col2_5 TIMETZ NULL, col2_6 REGPROCEDURE NOT NULL, col2_7 INT8 NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col2_7));
        postgres_1    |     CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 (col2_1 DESC, col2_2);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 (col2_3 ASC, col2_6, col2_2 ASC, col2_7 ASC, col2_0 DESC, (CASE WHEN col2_1 IS NULL THEN e'8\x01\x02'::TEXT ELSE e'\x1betzE\b\x7f'::TEXT END) DESC, col2_4, col2_5 DESC);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE INDEX ON table2 (col2_0 DESC, col2_2, col2_4, col2_5);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 ((CASE WHEN col2_4 IS NULL THEN e'u\x11'::TEXT ELSE e'\x15'::TEXT END), col2_3, col2_1 ASC, col2_6 DESC, col2_2 ASC, col2_4, col2_7 ASC);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE INDEX ON table2 ((CASE WHEN col2_6 IS NULL THEN e'\x00'::TEXT ELSE '!T]!_RM'::TEXT END) ASC, col2_5 ASC, col2_2 ASC, col2_1 DESC) INCLUDE (col2_3, col2_4);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 (col2_0 DESC);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 (col2_3, col2_2 DESC, col2_5 ASC, col2_4, col2_7, col2_0, col2_6 ASC);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 (col2_4, col2_6, col2_0);
        postgres_1    |     ALTER TABLE table1 ADD FOREIGN KEY (col1_13, col1_9, col1_4) REFERENCES table2 (col2_4, col2_6, col2_0);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TYPE rand_typ_0 AS ENUM ('lkpwg', 'pnf', 'ulhuzb', 'l');
        postgres_1    |     
        test_1        | --- FAIL: TestCompare (606.69s)
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: postgres
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach1
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach2
        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/postgres (2.72s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:126: starting test: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: cockroach1
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:154: CREATE TABLE table1 (col1_0 DECIMAL NULL, col1_1 BYTEA NOT NULL, col1_2 REGPROCEDURE NOT NULL, col1_3 REGTYPE, col1_4 TEXT NULL, col1_5 INET NOT NULL, col1_6 TIMESTAMPTZ NULL, col1_7 GEOMETRY NOT NULL, col1_8 "char", col1_9 REGCLASS NULL, col1_10 BYTEA NOT NULL, col1_11 REGPROCEDURE NOT NULL, col1_12 REGPROCEDURE NOT NULL, col1_13 DATE NULL, col1_14 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col1_10 IS NULL THEN e'w0]xL7^\x1e'::TEXT ELSE e'c\x17 '::TEXT END) STORED, col1_15 TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col1_8)) STORED, col1_16 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(col1_4)) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table2 (col2_0 CHAR, col2_1 TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, col2_2 TIMESTAMPTZ, col2_3 TIMESTAMPTZ, col2_4 DATE NULL, col2_5 TIMETZ NULL, col2_6 REGPROCEDURE NOT NULL, col2_7 INT8 NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col2_7));
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 (col2_1 DESC, col2_2);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 (col2_3 ASC, col2_6, col2_2 ASC, col2_7 ASC, col2_0 DESC, (CASE WHEN col2_1 IS NULL THEN e'8\x01\x02'::TEXT ELSE e'\x1betzE\b\x7f'::TEXT END) DESC, col2_4, col2_5 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table2 (col2_0 DESC, col2_2, col2_4, col2_5);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 ((CASE WHEN col2_4 IS NULL THEN e'u\x11'::TEXT ELSE e'\x15'::TEXT END), col2_3, col2_1 ASC, col2_6 DESC, col2_2 ASC, col2_4, col2_7 ASC);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table2 ((CASE WHEN col2_6 IS NULL THEN e'\x00'::TEXT ELSE '!T]!_RM'::TEXT END) ASC, col2_5 ASC, col2_2 ASC, col2_1 DESC) INCLUDE (col2_3, col2_4);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 (col2_0 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 (col2_3, col2_2 DESC, col2_5 ASC, col2_4, col2_7, col2_0, col2_6 ASC);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 (col2_4, col2_6, col2_0);
        test_1        |             ALTER TABLE table1 ADD FOREIGN KEY (col1_13, col1_9, col1_4) REFERENCES table2 (col2_4, col2_6, col2_0);
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_0 AS ENUM ('lkpwg', 'pnf', 'ulhuzb', 'l');
        test_1        |             
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:155: postgres: exec: ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0x00 (SQLSTATE 22021)
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_test_1 exited with code 1
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:50: exit status 1

See also: [How To Investigate a Go Test Failure \(internal\)](

Same failure on other branches

- #73421 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.2] - #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ d66c14663e027a5d9699b8a15e3d6f5821877ef5:

        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/postgres (320.93s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:126: starting test: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: cockroach1
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:184: compare cockroach1 to postgres: unexpected diff:
        test_1        |               []interface{}(Inverse(func1, []interface{}{
        test_1        |                 s"2000-01-01 02:00:00 +0000 UTC",
        test_1        |             -   string("ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffffC"),
        test_1        |             +   string("ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff/128C"),
        test_1        |                 nil,
        test_1        |               }))
        test_1        |             cockroach1:
        test_1        |             SELECT
        test_1        |                 *
        test_1        |             FROM
        test_1        |                 (
        test_1        |                     SELECT
        test_1        |                         '2000-01-01 02:00:00':::TIMESTAMP::TIMESTAMP AS col_407870,
        test_1        |                         (hostmask('::4/0':::INET::INET::INET)::INET::INET || 'C':::STRING::STRING::STRING)::STRING AS col_407871,
        test_1        |                         NULL::OIDVECTOR AS col_407872
        test_1        |                 )
        test_1        |                     AS tab_236202
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 col_407870 NULLS FIRST, col_407871 NULLS FIRST, col_407872 NULLS FIRST;
        test_1        |             
        test_1        |             postgres:
        test_1        |             SELECT
        test_1        |                 *
        test_1        |             FROM
        test_1        |                 (
        test_1        |                     SELECT
        test_1        |                         '2000-01-01 02:00:00'::TIMESTAMP::TIMESTAMP AS col_407870,
        test_1        |                         (hostmask('::4/0'::INET::INET::INET)::INET::INET || 'C'::TEXT::TEXT::TEXT)::TEXT AS col_407871,
        test_1        |                         NULL::OIDVECTOR AS col_407872
        test_1        |                 )
        test_1        |                     AS tab_236202
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 col_407870 NULLS FIRST, col_407871 NULLS FIRST, col_407872 NULLS FIRST;
        test_1        |             
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_test_1 exited with code 1
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:50: exit status 1

See also: [How To Investigate a Go Test Failure \(internal\)](

Same failure on other branches

- #73421 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.2] - #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ 6ff6c77e7aebec2edc947c1ed99a1f7cb67e1a3c:

        postgres_1    | CREATE EXTENSION
        postgres_1    | CREATE EXTENSION
        postgres_1    | CREATE EXTENSION
        postgres_1    | CREATE EXTENSION
        postgres_1    | 
        postgres_1    | 2022-01-09 06:13:51.539 UTC [49] LOG:  received fast shutdown request
        postgres_1    | waiting for server to shut down....2022-01-09 06:13:51.540 UTC [49] LOG:  aborting any active transactions
        postgres_1    | 2022-01-09 06:13:51.542 UTC [49] LOG:  background worker "logical replication launcher" (PID 56) exited with exit code 1
        postgres_1    | 2022-01-09 06:13:51.544 UTC [51] LOG:  shutting down
        postgres_1    | 2022-01-09 06:13:51.632 UTC [49] LOG:  database system is shut down
        postgres_1    |  done
        postgres_1    | server stopped
        postgres_1    | 
        postgres_1    | PostgreSQL init process complete; ready for start up.
        postgres_1    | 
        postgres_1    | 2022-01-09 06:13:51.659 UTC [1] LOG:  starting PostgreSQL 13.5 (Debian 13.5-1.pgdg110+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 10.2.1-6) 10.2.1 20210110, 64-bit
        postgres_1    | 2022-01-09 06:13:51.659 UTC [1] LOG:  listening on IPv4 address "", port 5432
        postgres_1    | 2022-01-09 06:13:51.660 UTC [1] LOG:  listening on IPv6 address "::", port 5432
        postgres_1    | 2022-01-09 06:13:51.663 UTC [1] LOG:  listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"
        postgres_1    | 2022-01-09 06:13:51.668 UTC [68] LOG:  database system was shut down at 2022-01-09 06:13:51 UTC
        postgres_1    | 2022-01-09 06:13:51.672 UTC [1] LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
        postgres_1    | 2022-01-09 06:13:53.062 UTC [78] ERROR:  syntax error at or near "(" at character 513
        postgres_1    | 2022-01-09 06:13:53.062 UTC [78] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE table1 (col1_0 GEOMETRY, col1_1 BIT(11), col1_2 OID NULL, col1_3 CHAR NULL, col1_4 INET, col1_5 INT8 NOT NULL, col1_6 TIME NOT NULL, col1_7 GEOMETRY, col1_8 INET NOT NULL, col1_9 DATE NULL, col1_10 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col1_9 AS TEXT))) STORED, col1_11 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col1_9 AS TEXT))) STORED, col1_12 TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col1_1 AS TEXT))) STORED, col1_13 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col1_6 AS TEXT))) STORED, INDEX ((col1_5 + (-1049093550623097344)::INT8) ASC, col1_13), INVERTED INDEX (col1_4 ASC, col1_8 ASC, col1_7), INDEX (lower(CAST(col1_6 AS TEXT)) DESC, col1_8, col1_9 DESC) INCLUDE (col1_1, col1_3, col1_5, col1_6, col1_7, col1_10, col1_11) WHERE (((((((table1.col1_10 <= e'\''::TEXT) AND (table1.col1_12 <= 'X'::TEXT)) AND (table1.col1_6 >= '00:00:00'::TIME)) AND (table1.col1_13 <= 'X'::TEXT)) OR (table1.col1_3 <= e'\''::TEXT)) AND (table1.col1_9 = '1970-01-01'::DATE)) AND (table1.col1_5 < (-1)::INT8)) OR (table1.col1_11 > e'\x00'::TEXT));
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TYPE rand_typ_0 AS ENUM ('sbd', 'iukh', 'vbaj', 'esz');
        postgres_1    |     
        test_1        | --- FAIL: TestCompare (604.43s)
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: postgres
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach1
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach2
        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/postgres (0.79s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:126: starting test: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: cockroach1
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:154: CREATE TABLE table1 (col1_0 GEOMETRY, col1_1 BIT(11), col1_2 OID NULL, col1_3 CHAR NULL, col1_4 INET, col1_5 INT8 NOT NULL, col1_6 TIME NOT NULL, col1_7 GEOMETRY, col1_8 INET NOT NULL, col1_9 DATE NULL, col1_10 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col1_9 AS TEXT))) STORED, col1_11 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col1_9 AS TEXT))) STORED, col1_12 TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col1_1 AS TEXT))) STORED, col1_13 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col1_6 AS TEXT))) STORED, INDEX ((col1_5 + (-1049093550623097344)::INT8) ASC, col1_13), INVERTED INDEX (col1_4 ASC, col1_8 ASC, col1_7), INDEX (lower(CAST(col1_6 AS TEXT)) DESC, col1_8, col1_9 DESC) INCLUDE (col1_1, col1_3, col1_5, col1_6, col1_7, col1_10, col1_11) WHERE (((((((table1.col1_10 <= e'\''::TEXT) AND (table1.col1_12 <= 'X'::TEXT)) AND (table1.col1_6 >= '00:00:00'::TIME)) AND (table1.col1_13 <= 'X'::TEXT)) OR (table1.col1_3 <= e'\''::TEXT)) AND (table1.col1_9 = '1970-01-01'::DATE)) AND (table1.col1_5 < (-1)::INT8)) OR (table1.col1_11 > e'\x00'::TEXT));
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_0 AS ENUM ('sbd', 'iukh', 'vbaj', 'esz');
        test_1        |             
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:155: postgres: exec: ERROR: syntax error at or near "(" (SQLSTATE 42601)
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_test_1 exited with code 1
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:50: exit status 1

See also: [How To Investigate a Go Test Failure \(internal\)](

Same failure on other branches

- #73421 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.2] - #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ 62392dcd0f03a2bef1dc6d0431e505f5125297e8:

        postgres_1    |     CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 (col2_6 ASC, col2_9 ASC, col2_0 ASC, col2_16, col2_13 DESC) INCLUDE (col2_1, col2_2, col2_3, col2_11);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 (col2_16 ASC, col2_8 ASC, col2_13 DESC, col2_9 ASC);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE INDEX ON table2 (col2_0 DESC, col2_5 ASC, col2_17) INCLUDE (col2_4, col2_6, col2_10, col2_14, col2_16);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table3 (col3_0 ASC, col3_7, col3_14, col3_6, col3_2, col3_15, col3_11) INCLUDE (col3_3, col3_4, col3_10);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE INDEX ON table3 (col3_12, col3_10 ASC, col3_0 DESC, col3_9 ASC, col3_8, col3_1, col3_6 DESC, col3_14 DESC, col3_11, col3_5 DESC, (CASE WHEN col3_3 IS NULL THEN e'F\t\bMo'::TEXT ELSE e'R\''::TEXT END) ASC, col3_7, (CASE WHEN col3_3 IS NULL THEN ''::TEXT ELSE e'\x18 '::TEXT END) DESC, (CASE WHEN col3_3 IS NULL THEN '"'::TEXT ELSE e'0F\bW]>6<'::TEXT END) DESC);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE INDEX ON table3 (col3_2 ASC, col3_9 DESC, col3_8 ASC, col3_12 ASC, col3_10 ASC, col3_3, col3_14 DESC, col3_15, col3_5, col3_13, (col3_8 + (-1)::DECIMAL)) INCLUDE (col3_0, col3_1, col3_4, col3_7);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table3 (col3_3, col3_15 DESC, col3_11 DESC, col3_7 ASC, col3_6);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table3 (col3_1, col3_11 ASC);
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TYPE rand_typ_0 AS ENUM ('v', 'hruuhp');
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TYPE rand_typ_1 AS ENUM ('nlc', 'fwkg');
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TYPE rand_typ_2 AS ENUM ('zqn', 'dtkpw', 'qecwop', 'iqburi', 'qqqw', 'xucu');
        postgres_1    |     CREATE TYPE rand_typ_3 AS ENUM ('xvmcmp', 'ggqp');
        postgres_1    |     
        test_1        | --- FAIL: TestCompare (606.58s)
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: postgres
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach1
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach2
        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/postgres (2.54s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:126: starting test: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: cockroach1
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:154: CREATE TABLE table1 (col1_0 INTERVAL NOT NULL, col1_1 TIMETZ NOT NULL, col1_2 GEOGRAPHY NOT NULL, col1_3 INT2, col1_4 DATE NULL, col1_5 TIME[] NOT NULL, col1_6 GEOGRAPHY NOT NULL, col1_7 INET NOT NULL, col1_8 OID NOT NULL, col1_9 REGCLASS NULL, col1_10 CHAR NULL, col1_11 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col1_7 AS TEXT))) STORED, col1_12 INT2 GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col1_3 + (-1)::INT8) STORED, col1_13 TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col1_7 AS TEXT))) STORED, col1_14 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col1_4 IS NULL THEN '"'::TEXT ELSE e'\n\x03\x01FZ.\x15\x1f-'::TEXT END) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 (col2_6 ASC, col2_9 ASC, col2_0 ASC, col2_16, col2_13 DESC) INCLUDE (col2_1, col2_2, col2_3, col2_11);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 (col2_16 ASC, col2_8 ASC, col2_13 DESC, col2_9 ASC);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table2 (col2_0 DESC, col2_5 ASC, col2_17) INCLUDE (col2_4, col2_6, col2_10, col2_14, col2_16);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table3 (col3_0 ASC, col3_7, col3_14, col3_6, col3_2, col3_15, col3_11) INCLUDE (col3_3, col3_4, col3_10);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table3 (col3_12, col3_10 ASC, col3_0 DESC, col3_9 ASC, col3_8, col3_1, col3_6 DESC, col3_14 DESC, col3_11, col3_5 DESC, (CASE WHEN col3_3 IS NULL THEN e'F\t\bMo'::TEXT ELSE e'R\''::TEXT END) ASC, col3_7, (CASE WHEN col3_3 IS NULL THEN ''::TEXT ELSE e'\x18 '::TEXT END) DESC, (CASE WHEN col3_3 IS NULL THEN '"'::TEXT ELSE e'0F\bW]>6<'::TEXT END) DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table3 (col3_2 ASC, col3_9 DESC, col3_8 ASC, col3_12 ASC, col3_10 ASC, col3_3, col3_14 DESC, col3_15, col3_5, col3_13, (col3_8 + (-1)::DECIMAL)) INCLUDE (col3_0, col3_1, col3_4, col3_7);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table3 (col3_3, col3_15 DESC, col3_11 DESC, col3_7 ASC, col3_6);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table3 (col3_1, col3_11 ASC);
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_0 AS ENUM ('v', 'hruuhp');
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_1 AS ENUM ('nlc', 'fwkg');
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_2 AS ENUM ('zqn', 'dtkpw', 'qecwop', 'iqburi', 'qqqw', 'xucu');
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_3 AS ENUM ('xvmcmp', 'ggqp');
        test_1        |             
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:155: postgres: exec: ERROR: invalid input syntax for type numeric: "Infinity" (SQLSTATE 22P02)
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_test_1 exited with code 1
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:50: exit status 1

See also: [How To Investigate a Go Test Failure \(internal\)](

Same failure on other branches

- #73421 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.2] - #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ c3d71ac887844bef174abb6dab2a4e1ce9270ab7:

        postgres_1    |     
        test_1        | --- FAIL: TestCompare (609.99s)
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: postgres
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach1
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach2
        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/postgres (5.06s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:126: starting test: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: cockroach1
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:154: CREATE TABLE table1 (col1_0 UUID NOT NULL, col1_1 TEXT NOT NULL, col1_2 FLOAT4 NOT NULL, col1_3 NAME NOT NULL, col1_4 INT2 NOT NULL, col1_5 DATE NOT NULL, col1_6 FLOAT4 NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col1_2 + (-0.5271008610725403)::FLOAT8) STORED, PRIMARY KEY (col1_4, col1_1, col1_6, col1_3, col1_5, col1_2, col1_0));
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table1 (col1_0 DESC, lower(col1_1) DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table1 (col1_5, col1_2, col1_3, col1_6 ASC, col1_4);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table1 (col1_0 ASC, col1_3);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table1 (col1_3 DESC, col1_5, col1_0 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table1 (col1_1, col1_2, col1_3 DESC, col1_6, col1_4 DESC, col1_5 DESC, col1_0 ASC);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table1 (col1_3 ASC, col1_2);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table1 (col1_0 ASC, lower(col1_1) ASC, col1_2, col1_3 ASC, col1_5 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table1 (col1_3, col1_0, lower(CAST(col1_5 AS TEXT)) DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table1 (col1_6, col1_1, col1_2 ASC, col1_5 DESC, col1_0 DESC, col1_4, col1_3 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table2 (col2_0 REGNAMESPACE NOT NULL, col2_1 CHAR NOT NULL, col2_2 INET NOT NULL, col2_3 BOX2D NOT NULL, col2_4 BOX2D, col2_5 GEOMETRY, col2_6 INET NOT NULL);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table2 ((CASE WHEN col2_0 IS NULL THEN 'vrg&s'::TEXT ELSE ''::TEXT END), col2_2 ASC) INCLUDE (col2_0, col2_5, col2_6);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table2 (col2_2 ASC) INCLUDE (col2_0, col2_1, col2_5, col2_6);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table2 (col2_2 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table3 (col3_0 REGROLE, col3_1 GEOMETRY NOT NULL, col3_2 INET NULL, col3_3 REGPROC, col3_4 BIT(49) NULL, col3_5 BIT(27), col3_6 TEXT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (lower(CAST(col3_4 AS TEXT))) STORED, col3_7 TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN col3_0 IS NULL THEN 'Y'::TEXT ELSE e'\rg[q:BF'::TEXT END) STORED);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table3 (col3_2 DESC, col3_0 DESC, col3_4 ASC);
        test_1        |             CREATE TABLE table4 (col4_0 CHAR NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col4_0));
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table4 (col4_0 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table4 (col4_0 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE INDEX ON table4 (col4_0 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table4 (col4_0);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table4 (col4_0);
        test_1        |             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table4 (col4_0 DESC);
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_0 AS ENUM ('wazneq', 'zboz', 't', 'ilfyd');
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_1 AS ENUM ('tnj');
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_2 AS ENUM ('c', 'ht', 'ywl');
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_3 AS ENUM ('vran', 'omcwe', 'orjq');
        test_1        |             CREATE TYPE rand_typ_4 AS ENUM ('we');
        test_1        |             
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:155: postgres: exec: ERROR: functions in index expression must be marked IMMUTABLE (SQLSTATE 42P17)
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_test_1 exited with code 1
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach1_1 ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:50: exit status 1

See also: [How To Investigate a Go Test Failure \(internal\)](

Same failure on other branches

- #73421 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.2] - #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ d6b99e92bf55b6f4a0d79800d67924e04d0b2a6d:

        postgres_1    |         col_27868 NULLS FIRST,
        postgres_1    |         col_27869 NULLS FIRST,
        postgres_1    |         col_27870 NULLS FIRST,
        postgres_1    |         col_27871 NULLS FIRST,
        postgres_1    |         col_27872 NULLS FIRST,
        postgres_1    |         col_27873 NULLS FIRST
        test_1        | --- FAIL: TestCompare (27.91s)
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach1
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach2
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: postgres
        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/postgres (24.60s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:126: starting test: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: cockroach1
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:193: SELECT
        test_1        |                 *
        test_1        |             FROM
        test_1        |                 (
        test_1        |                     SELECT
        test_1        |                         'A':::STRING::STRING AS col_27875,
        test_1        |                         tab_16504.col3_11 AS col_27876,
        test_1        |                         tab_16504.col3_11 AS col_27877,
        test_1        |                         'D':::STRING::STRING AS col_27878
        test_1        |                     FROM
        test_1        |                         postgres.public.table3 AS tab_16504
        test_1        |                         JOIN postgres.public.table3 AS tab_16505 ON
        test_1        |                                 (tab_16504.col3_5) = (tab_16505.col3_5)
        test_1        |                                 AND (tab_16504.col3_10) = (tab_16505.col3_10)
        test_1        |                                 AND (tab_16504.col3_7) = (tab_16505.col3_7)
        test_1        |                                 AND (tab_16504.col3_1) = (tab_16505.col3_1)
        test_1        |                                 AND (tab_16504.col3_8) = (tab_16505.col3_8)
        test_1        |                                 AND (tab_16504.col3_3) = (tab_16505.col3_3)
        test_1        |                 )
        test_1        |                     AS tab_16506
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 col_27875 NULLS FIRST, col_27876 NULLS FIRST, col_27877 NULLS FIRST, col_27878 NULLS FIRST
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:194: cockroach1: ping: conn closed
        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/mutators (0.00s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:126: starting test: mutators
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: cockroach1
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:140: pgx conn: dial tcp connect: connection refused
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_cockroach1_1 exited with code 2
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:50: exit status 1

See also: [How To Investigate a Go Test Failure \(internal\)](

Same failure on other branches

- #73421 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.2] - #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

compose.TestComposeCompare failed with artifacts on master @ 78419450178335b31f542bd1b14fefdf4ecee0e8:

        postgres_1    |         col_825 NULLS FIRST,
        postgres_1    |         col_826 NULLS FIRST,
        postgres_1    |         col_827 NULLS FIRST,
        postgres_1    |         col_828 NULLS FIRST,
        postgres_1    |         col_829 NULLS FIRST
        test_1        | --- FAIL: TestCompare (5.88s)
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: postgres
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach1
        test_1        |     compare_test.go:117: Checking connection to: cockroach2
        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/postgres (3.75s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:126: starting test: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: cockroach1
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: postgres
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:193: SELECT
        test_1        |                 *
        test_1        |             FROM
        test_1        |                 (
        test_1        |                     SELECT
        test_1        |                         1:::OID::OID AS col_1053, 5:::OID::OID AS col_1054, tab_544.col1_8 AS col_1055
        test_1        |                     FROM
        test_1        |                         postgres.public.table1@[0] AS tab_544
        test_1        |                         JOIN postgres.public.table1 AS tab_545
        test_1        |                             JOIN postgres.public.table1 AS tab_546 ON
        test_1        |                                     (tab_545.col1_1) = (tab_546.col1_1)
        test_1        |                                     AND (tab_545.col1_7) = (tab_546.col1_7)
        test_1        |                                     AND (tab_545.col1_9) = (tab_546.col1_9)
        test_1        |                                     AND (tab_545.col1_5) = (tab_546.col1_5)
        test_1        |                                     AND (tab_545.col1_8) = (tab_546.col1_8) ON (tab_544.col1_0) = (tab_546.col1_0)
        test_1        |                     WHERE
        test_1        |                         tab_544.col1_4
        test_1        |                     ORDER BY
        test_1        |                         tab_545.col1_0
        test_1        |                 )
        test_1        |                     AS tab_547
        test_1        |             ORDER BY
        test_1        |                 col_1053 NULLS FIRST, col_1054 NULLS FIRST, col_1055 NULLS FIRST
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:194: cockroach1: ping: conn closed
        test_1        |     --- FAIL: TestCompare/mutators (0.00s)
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:126: starting test: mutators
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:133: initializing connection: cockroach1
        test_1        |         compare_test.go:140: pgx conn: dial tcp connect: connection refused
        test_1        | FAIL
        compare_cockroach1_1 exited with code 2
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... 
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... 
        Stopping compare_postgres_1   ... done
        Stopping compare_cockroach2_1 ... done
        Aborting on container exit...

    compose_test.go:50: exit status 1

See also: [How To Investigate a Go Test Failure \(internal\)](

Same failure on other branches

- #73421 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.2] - #67844 compose: TestComposeCompare failed [C-test-failure O-robot branch-release-21.1]

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!