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cli: move the debug code to its respective teams #68327

Open knz opened 3 years ago

knz commented 3 years ago

Currently the debug code is strewn across the entire cli package and dilutes its ownership. This incurs two separate problems:

To address this, we propose to work as follows:

  1. move each debug command to a sub-package clidebug of its respective team home, as described in the table below.
  2. in the process of (1), extract bits of common functionality away from the cli package into shared sub-packages too. For example, the RPC client logic would belong to such a sub-package.

Tentative homes:

Owner Command Go function CLI Dependencies
Bulk I/O backup ccl.backupCmds None
Bulk I/O backup export ccl.exportDataCmd, None
Bulk I/O backup list-backups ccl.listBackupsCmd, None
Bulk I/O backup list-incremental ccl.listIncrementalCmd, None
Bulk I/O backup show ccl.showCmd, None
Bulk I/O job-trace debugJobTraceFromClusterCmd, SQL client
KV raft-log debugRaftLogCmd, None
KV range-data debugRangeDataCmd, None
KV range-descriptors debugRangeDescriptorsCmd None
KV reset-quorum debugResetQuorumCmd, RPC client
KV unsafe-remove-dead-replicas debugUnsafeRemoveDeadReplicasCmd, None
SQL Queries statement-bundle debugStatementBundleCmd, None
SQL Queries statement-bundle recreate debugBundleRecreateCmd, SQL client, demo cluster
SQL Schema doctor debugDoctorCmd, None
SQL Schema doctor examine cluster doctorExamineCmd SQL client
SQL Schema doctor examine zipdir doctorExamineCmd None
SQL Schema doctor recreate cluster doctorRecreateCmd, SQL client
SQL Schema doctor recreate zipdir doctorRecreateCmd, None
Server check-log-config debugCheckLogConfigCmd, Log flags
Server decode-proto debugDecodeProtoCmd, None
Server env debugEnvCmd, None
Server gossip-values debugGossipValuesCmd, RPC client
Server list-files debugListFilesCmd, RPC client
Server merge-logs debugMergeLogsCmd, None
Server zip debugZipCmd, RPC client
Storage ballast debugBallastCmd, None
Storage check-store debugCheckStoreCmd, None
Storage compact debugCompactCmd, None
Storage decode-key debugDecodeKeyCmd, None
Storage decode-value debugDecodeValueCmd, None
Storage encryption-active-key ccl.encryptionActiveKeyCmd None
Storage encryption-status ccl.encryptionStatusCmd None
Storage estimate-gc debugGCCmd, None
Storage keys debugKeysCmd, None
Storage pebble DebugPebbleCmd, None
Storage syncbench debugSyncBenchCmd, None
Storage synctest debugSyncTestCmd, None
TBD tsdump debugTimeSeriesDumpCmd, RPC client

Some observations:

Jira issue: CRDB-8989

knz commented 3 years ago

Which metadata would we like to preserve/collect for all debug commands:

knz commented 3 years ago

Pre-analysis on how to move the GRPC client conn code to a sub-package.

Where is it used?

knz commented 3 years ago

Pre-analysis on how to move the SQL client conn code to a sub-package.

Where is it used?

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

We have marked this issue as stale because it has been inactive for 18 months. If this issue is still relevant, removing the stale label or adding a comment will keep it active. Otherwise, we'll close it in 10 days to keep the issue queue tidy. Thank you for your contribution to CockroachDB!