cockroachdb / cockroach

CockroachDB — the cloud native, distributed SQL database designed for high availability, effortless scale, and control over data placement.
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roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed #70004

Closed cockroach-teamcity closed 2 years ago

cockroach-teamcity commented 3 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ 99a4816fc272228a63df20dae3cc41d235e705f3:

          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "06:36:15.414061",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.table21 (col21_22 \"char\" NOT NULL, col21_23 OID NOT NULL, col21_24 JSONB NULL, col21_25 STRING[] NOT NULL, col21_26 NAME NOT NULL, col21_27 INT4 NULL, col21_28 TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL, col21_29 BIT(13) NOT NULL, col21_30 INT2[], INVERTED INDEX ((CASE WHEN col21_30 IS NULL THEN e'85\\bp\\x19r\\x10\\x14':::STRING ELSE e'*\\x0e)``\\x13\\x1d':::STRING END) ASC, col21_29 ASC, col21_24), UNIQUE (col21_22), FAMILY (col21_22, col21_28, col21_26, col21_30, col21_25, col21_24), FAMILY (col21_23, col21_27), FAMILY (col21_29))",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "06:36:15.440435",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "DROP SCHEMA \"public\" CASCADE"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "3F000",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: cannot drop schema \"public\" (SQLSTATE 3F000)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "06:36:15.450918",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER VIEW public.view31 RENAME TO public.view32"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"public.view31\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "06:36:15.460751",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table21 ALTER COLUMN crdb_internal_idx_expr SET DEFAULT '6K':::STRING:::NAME",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table21 RENAME COLUMN \"col21_30\" TO \"col21_33\"",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange SURVIVE ZONE FAILURE",
          |   "CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS schema34 AUTHORIZATION root",
          |   "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index21_35 ON public.table21 (col21_33 DESC, col21_27) STORING (col21_22, crdb_internal_idx_expr, col21_24, col21_26, col21_25)"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "0A000,XXUUU",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: unimplemented: column col21_33 is of type int2[] and thus is not indexable (SQLSTATE 0A000)"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

Jira issue: CRDB-9892

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ e67cf963427faf93670a4c87e0d02bc0ef213b1d:

          |     2.0s        0           19.0           19.0      4.7      7.1      7.6      7.6 opOk
          |     2.0s        0            3.0            3.0    104.9    104.9    104.9    104.9 txnOk
          |     2.0s        0           11.0           12.0      2.9      6.3      6.6      6.6 txnRbk
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:31:54.828011",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE VIEW public.view95 AS SELECT public.table88.col88_89, public.table88.col88_93, public.table88.col88_89, public.table88.col88_94, public.table88.col88_93, public.table88.col88_92, public.table88.col88_91, public.table88.col88_90, public.table88.col88_93, public.table88.col88_91, public.table88.col88_94, public.table88.col88_90, public.table88.col88_92, public.table88.col88_89 FROM public.table88, public.table88, public.table88"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42701,42712",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: source name \"table88\" specified more than once (missing AS clause) (SQLSTATE 42712)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:31:54.990875",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table88 DROP CONSTRAINT \"primary\"",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "0A000",
          |  "message": "COMMIT; Successfully got expected commit error"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:31:55.049026",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table96 ALTER COLUMN \"IrrelevantColumnName\" DROP DEFAULT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"public.table96\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:31:55.061946",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: scanBool: \"\\n\\t\\tSELECT json_array_length(\\n        crdb_internal.pb_to_json(\\n            'cockroach.sql.sqlbase.Descriptor',\\n            descriptor\\n        )-\u003e'table'-\u003e'mutations'\\n       )\\n       \u003e 0\\n\\t\\tFROM system.descriptor\\n\\t  WHERE id = $1::REGCLASS\\n\\t\\t\" [\"public.table88\"]: can't scan into dest[0]: cannot assign NULL to *bool"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ 2712f35c0c22919ed5547f9f64c03e907373e74f:

          | Error: ***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: scanBool: "\nWITH\n\tdescriptors\n\t\tAS (\n\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\tcrdb_internal.pb_to_json(\n\t\t\t\t\t'cockroach.sql.sqlbase.Descriptor',\n\t\t\t\t\tdescriptor\n\t\t\t\t)->'table'\n\t\t\t\t\tAS d\n\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\tsystem.descriptor\n\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\tid = $1::REGCLASS\n\t\t)\nSELECT\n\tEXISTS(\n\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t1\n\t\tFROM\n\t\t\tdescriptors\n\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\td->'localityConfig'->'regionalByRow' IS NOT NULL\n\t);\n\t\t" ["public.table2"]: ERROR: error in argument for $1: relation "public.table2" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)
          | Error: COMMAND_PROBLEM: exit status 1
          | (1) COMMAND_PROBLEM
          | Wraps: (2) Node 1. Command with error:
          |   | ``````
          |   | ./workload run schemachange --verbose=1 --tolerate-errors=false  --histograms=perf/stats.json --max-ops 2000 --concurrency 1 --txn-log /mnt/data1/cockroach/transactions.json
          |   | ``````
          | Wraps: (3) exit status 1
          | Error types: (1) errors.Cmd (2) *hintdetail.withDetail (3) *exec.ExitError
          | stdout:
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "06:39:06.206253",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.table2 (col2_3 REGNAMESPACE, col2_4 REGROLE, col2_5 BIT(25), col2_6 BOOL, col2_7 INT4 NOT NULL, col2_8 TIMETZ NULL, col2_9 JSONB NULL, col2_10 STRING NOT NULL, col2_11 JSONB NULL, col2_12 INT2 NULL, col2_13 CHAR, col2_14 JSONB NULL, col2_15 BYTES NOT NULL, col2_16 STRING NULL AS (lower(CAST(col2_11 AS STRING))) STORED, col2_17 STRING NOT NULL AS (CASE WHEN col2_15 IS NULL THEN e'].\\x05S\u0026\\x1d':::STRING ELSE 'hz':::STRING END) STORED, col2_18 STRING NULL AS (lower(CAST(col2_14 AS STRING))) STORED, col2_19 INT2 NULL AS (col2_12 + col2_7) VIRTUAL, col2_20 STRING NULL AS (lower(CAST(col2_14 AS STRING))) STORED, INDEX (col2_6 DESC, col2_16 ASC, col2_13, (col2_7 + col2_12) DESC, col2_18 DESC), INDEX (col2_7, col2_3, col2_19, (col2_7 + col2_12) ASC, col2_6) STORING (col2_8, col2_9, col2_10, col2_12, col2_13, col2_15, col2_16, col2_17), INVERTED INDEX ((col2_7 + col2_12) DESC, col2_9 ASC), FAMILY (col2_13, col2_10, col2_3, col2_6, col2_20, col2_9, col2_16, col2_5), FAMILY (col2_15, col2_8, col2_7, col2_14, col2_18), FAMILY (col2_17, col2_11), FAMILY (col2_4), FAMILY (col2_12))",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "06:39:06.260858",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange SURVIVE REGION FAILURE"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "22023,42602",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: database must have associated regions before a survival goal can be set (SQLSTATE 42602)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "06:39:06.275242",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table2 ALTER COLUMN \"col2_5\" DROP DEFAULT",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table2 RENAME TO public.table21"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: scanBool: \"\\nWITH\\n\\tdescriptors\\n\\t\\tAS (\\n\\t\\t\\tSELECT\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tcrdb_internal.pb_to_json(\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t'cockroach.sql.sqlbase.Descriptor',\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tdescriptor\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t)-\u003e'table'\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tAS d\\n\\t\\t\\tFROM\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tsystem.descriptor\\n\\t\\t\\tWHERE\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tid = $1::REGCLASS\\n\\t\\t)\\nSELECT\\n\\tEXISTS(\\n\\t\\tSELECT\\n\\t\\t\\t1\\n\\t\\tFROM\\n\\t\\t\\tdescriptors\\n\\t\\tWHERE\\n\\t\\t\\td-\u003e'localityConfig'-\u003e'regionalByRow' IS NOT NULL\\n\\t);\\n\\t\\t\" [\"public.table2\"]: ERROR: error in argument for $1: relation \"public.table2\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ 2712f35c0c22919ed5547f9f64c03e907373e74f:

          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange SURVIVE ZONE FAILURE",
          |   "CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS public.seq25",
          |   "DROP SCHEMA \"public\" CASCADE"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "3F000",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: cannot drop schema \"public\" (SQLSTATE 3F000)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:17:23.005349",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table9 ALTER COLUMN col9_16 SET DEFAULT '00:07:33.562306':::TIME",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table9 ADD COLUMN col9_26 REGPROC",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:17:23.216221",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table9 RENAME TO public.table27",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table27 RENAME COLUMN \"col9_16\" TO \"col27_28\"",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange ADD REGION \"us-east1\""
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42710",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: region \"us-east1\" already added to database (SQLSTATE 42710)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:17:23.377047",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: scanBool: \"\\n\\t\\tSELECT json_array_length(\\n        crdb_internal.pb_to_json(\\n            'cockroach.sql.sqlbase.Descriptor',\\n            descriptor\\n        )-\u003e'table'-\u003e'mutations'\\n       )\\n       \u003e 0\\n\\t\\tFROM system.descriptor\\n\\t  WHERE id = $1::REGCLASS\\n\\t\\t\" [\"public.table9\"]: can't scan into dest[0]: cannot assign NULL to *bool"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ b3c1760a030791143c57e89c73d1f26ae8babaf5:

          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "06:43:03.289116",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "DROP SCHEMA \"schema19\" CASCADE",
          |   "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.table46 (col46_47 REGROLE NOT NULL, col46_48 DATE NOT NULL, col46_49 DATE NOT NULL, col46_50 VARCHAR NOT NULL, col46_51 FLOAT4 NULL, col46_52 BIT(46) NULL, col46_53 CHAR, col46_54 INET NOT NULL, col46_55 \"char\" NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col46_49, col46_48 DESC, col46_50 DESC), col46_56 FLOAT4 NULL AS (col46_51 + 0.684380292892456:::FLOAT8) STORED, col46_57 STRING NOT NULL AS (lower(CAST(col46_54 AS STRING))) VIRTUAL, col46_58 STRING NOT NULL AS (lower(col46_50)) VIRTUAL, col46_59 STRING AS (lower(col46_53)) VIRTUAL, col46_60 STRING NOT NULL AS (lower(CAST(col46_49 AS STRING))) VIRTUAL, col46_61 STRING NOT NULL AS (lower(CAST(col46_54 AS STRING))) STORED, col46_62 STRING NOT NULL AS (lower(CAST(col46_49 AS STRING))) VIRTUAL, col46_63 STRING NOT NULL AS (lower(CAST(col46_48 AS STRING))) STORED, UNIQUE (col46_49 ASC, lower(CAST(col46_49 AS STRING)) ASC, col46_54 ASC, col46_58 ASC, col46_52, col46_57 ASC, lower(CAST(col46_49 AS STRING)), col46_56, col46_59, col46_53 DESC, col46_48, col46_63 DESC, col46_51 DESC, col46_55 ASC) STORING (col46_47), INDEX (lower(col46_55) ASC, col46_60 ASC, col46_53 ASC, col46_57), FAMILY (col46_47, col46_54), FAMILY (col46_50), FAMILY (col46_48, col46_56, col46_53, col46_63), FAMILY (col46_55), FAMILY (col46_52, col46_51, col46_49, col46_61))",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "06:43:03.461359",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "DROP INDEX public.table46@\"index46_64\" CASCADE"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42704",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: index \"index46_64\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42704)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "06:43:03.495589",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS schema65 AUTHORIZATION root",
          |   "CREATE VIEW public.view66 AS SELECT public.table46.col46_57, public.table46.crdb_internal_idx_expr_1, public.table46.col46_47, public.table46.col46_49, public.table46.col46_48, public.table46.col46_51, public.table46.crdb_internal_idx_expr, public.table46.col46_53, public.table46.col46_54, public.table46.col46_63, public.table46.col46_50, public.table46.crdb_internal_idx_expr_2, public.table46.col46_56, public.table46.col46_61, public.table46.col46_52, public.table46.col46_48, public.table46.col46_61, public.table46.col46_55, public.table46.crdb_internal_idx_expr_2, public.table46.col46_47, public.table46.col46_51, public.table46.col46_49, public.table46.col46_53, public.table46.crdb_internal_idx_expr_1, public.table46.col46_50, public.table46.col46_62 FROM public.table46, public.table46"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42701,42712",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: source name \"table46\" specified more than once (missing AS clause) (SQLSTATE 42712)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "06:43:03.581661",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table46 ADD COLUMN col46_67 BIT(47) NOT NULL",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table46 ALTER COLUMN \"col46_56\" DROP NOT NULL"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: Validation FAIL:\nid 63, db schemachange, schema public, name table46: mutation job 702205734539034625: job not found"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ b3c1760a030791143c57e89c73d1f26ae8babaf5:

          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE VIEW public.view3 AS SELECT \"IrrelevantColumnName\" FROM public.table2"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"public.table2\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:22:40.861961",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE TABLE public.table4 (col4_5 VARCHAR NULL, col4_6 INT2, col4_7 BYTES NULL, col4_8 GEOGRAPHY NULL, col4_9 STRING, col4_10 INT4 NOT NULL, col4_11 TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, col4_12 REGPROC, col4_13 REGROLE NOT NULL, col4_14 INET NULL, col4_15 STRING NULL, col4_16 DATE NULL, col4_17 TIMESTAMP[], col4_18 INT8 NULL, col4_19 REGPROCEDURE, col4_20 INT2 AS (col4_6 + 24361:::INT8) VIRTUAL, INDEX (col4_20 ASC, col4_18))",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:22:40.898189",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table4 ALTER COLUMN \"col4_7\" SET NOT NULL",
          |   "CREATE SCHEMA schema21 AUTHORIZATION root",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:22:41.09409",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS public.table4",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange PRIMARY REGION \"us-east1\"",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange SURVIVE ZONE FAILURE"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42602",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***FAIL; Failed to receive an execution error when errors were expected"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ cb725a6acdc08257ad81273535dadad5d0a727dc:

          |     /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1371
        Wraps: (2) output in run_063740.655148533_n1_workload_run_schemachange
        Wraps: (3) /home/agent/work/.go/src/ run teamcity-3601305-1634624445-01-n3cpu4:1 -- ./workload run schemachange --verbose=1 --tolerate-errors=false  --histograms=perf/stats.json --max-ops 2000 --concurrency 1 --txn-log /mnt/data1/cockroach/transactions.json returned
          | stderr:
          | I211019 06:37:41.819989 1 workload/cli/run.go:408  [-] 1  creating load generator...
          | I211019 06:37:41.890532 1 workload/cli/run.go:439  [-] 2  creating load generator... done (took 70.540629ms)
          | I211019 06:37:41.959325 38 workload/pgx_helpers.go:61  [-] 3  pgx logger [error]: Exec logParams=map[args:[] err:ERROR: relation "public.table12" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01) sql:DROP INDEX public.table12@"IrrelevantIndexName"]
          | I211019 06:37:42.035816 38 workload/pgx_helpers.go:61  [-] 4  pgx logger [error]: Query logParams=map[args:[] err:ERROR: column "crdb_internal_idx_expr_1" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42703) sql:SELECT EXISTS (
          | I211019 06:37:42.035816 38 workload/pgx_helpers.go:61  [-] 4 +      SELECT crdb_internal_idx_expr_1
          | I211019 06:37:42.035816 38 workload/pgx_helpers.go:61  [-] 4 +        FROM public.table1
          | I211019 06:37:42.035816 38 workload/pgx_helpers.go:61  [-] 4 +     WHERE crdb_internal_idx_expr_1 IS NULL
          | I211019 06:37:42.035816 38 workload/pgx_helpers.go:61  [-] 4 +  )]
          | Error: ***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: scanBool: "SELECT EXISTS (\n\t\tSELECT crdb_internal_idx_expr_1\n\t\t  FROM public.table1\n\t   WHERE crdb_internal_idx_expr_1 IS NULL\n\t)" []: ERROR: column "crdb_internal_idx_expr_1" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42703)
          | Error: COMMAND_PROBLEM: exit status 1
          | (1) COMMAND_PROBLEM
          | Wraps: (2) Node 1. Command with error:
          |   | ``````
          |   | ./workload run schemachange --verbose=1 --tolerate-errors=false  --histograms=perf/stats.json --max-ops 2000 --concurrency 1 --txn-log /mnt/data1/cockroach/transactions.json
          |   | ``````
          | Wraps: (3) exit status 1
          | Error types: (1) errors.Cmd (2) *hintdetail.withDetail (3) *exec.ExitError
          | stdout:
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "06:37:41.890821",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE TABLE public.table1 (col1_2 NAME, col1_3 VARCHAR NOT NULL, col1_4 BIT(47) NULL, col1_5 INET NOT NULL, col1_6 FLOAT8 NULL, col1_7 BOOL NULL, col1_8 TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, col1_9 BYTES NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col1_5 ASC, col1_8), col1_10 STRING NULL AS (lower(CAST(col1_7 AS STRING))) STORED, INDEX (col1_9 ASC, col1_6 ASC, lower(CAST(col1_4 AS STRING)) DESC, lower(col1_2) ASC, col1_5, lower(CAST(col1_7 AS STRING)), col1_3 ASC), UNIQUE (col1_7 ASC, col1_9 ASC, col1_5, lower(CAST(col1_4 AS STRING)) DESC) STORING (col1_4, col1_6, col1_10), UNIQUE (col1_10 DESC, col1_2 ASC))",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "06:37:41.906025",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table1 RENAME TO public.table11",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange PRIMARY REGION \"us-east-2\"",
          |   "DROP INDEX public.table12@\"IrrelevantIndexName\""
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"public.table12\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ cb725a6acdc08257ad81273535dadad5d0a727dc:

          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:14:14.354279",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER TABLE schema6.table39 ALTER COLUMN \"col39_43\" SET NOT NULL",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:14:14.534989",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "DROP SCHEMA \"public\" CASCADE"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "3F000",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: cannot drop schema \"public\" (SQLSTATE 3F000)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:14:14.544415",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE INVERTED INDEX index39_57 ON schema6.table39 (col39_52, col39_50, col39_56, col39_55 DESC) STORING (col39_51, col39_44, col39_45, col39_42, col39_46, col39_47, col39_54, col39_48, col39_41, col39_40, col39_53, col39_43)"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "0A000,26000,XXUUU",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: inverted indexes don't support stored columns (SQLSTATE 26000)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:14:14.644364",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS schema58 AUTHORIZATION root",
          |   "ALTER TABLE schema6.table39 ALTER COLUMN \"col39_51\" DROP NOT NULL"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: scanBool: \"\\n\\t\\tSELECT json_array_length(\\n        crdb_internal.pb_to_json(\\n            'cockroach.sql.sqlbase.Descriptor',\\n            descriptor\\n        )-\u003e'table'-\u003e'mutations'\\n       )\\n       \u003e 0\\n\\t\\tFROM system.descriptor\\n\\t  WHERE id = $1::REGCLASS\\n\\t\\t\" [\"schema6.table39\"]: can't scan into dest[0]: cannot assign NULL to *bool"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ ff34ea874d5c7efc47922f73b7a1d5ee1ef614fc:

          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: region \"us-east-2\" already added to database (SQLSTATE 42710)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "06:45:54.552566",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table17 ALTER COLUMN col6_9 SET DEFAULT ARRAY[B'0111111111111111111111111111111111111111']",
          |   "DROP VIEW IF EXISTS public.view20 RESTRICT",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table17 ALTER COLUMN \"col6_10\" DROP STORED"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42611",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: column \"col6_10\" is not a computed column (SQLSTATE 42611)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "06:45:54.674995",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "DROP SCHEMA \"public\" CASCADE"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "3F000",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: cannot drop schema \"public\" (SQLSTATE 3F000)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "06:45:54.68437",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE VIEW public.view22 AS SELECT public.table17.col6_8, \"IrrelevantColumnName\", public.table17.col6_13, public.table17.col6_10, public.table17.col6_15, public.table17.col6_11, public.table17.col17_19, public.table17.col6_12, public.table17.col6_14, public.table17.col6_8 FROM public.table17, public.table21, public.table17"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42701,42712,42P01",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"public.table21\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "06:45:54.76194",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE INDEX \"IrrelevantName\" ON public.table23 (\"IrrelevantColumn\" ASC)"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"public.table23\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ ff34ea874d5c7efc47922f73b7a1d5ee1ef614fc:

          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:21:55.443786",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange SURVIVE ZONE FAILURE"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42602",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: database must have associated regions before a survival goal can be set (SQLSTATE 42602)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:21:55.49986",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "CREATE SCHEMA schema17 AUTHORIZATION root",
          |   "DROP SCHEMA \"public\" CASCADE"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "3F000",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: cannot drop schema \"public\" (SQLSTATE 3F000)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:21:55.550139",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange ADD REGION \"us-east1\""
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42P12",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: cannot add region \"us-east1\" to database schemachange (SQLSTATE 42P12)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:21:55.596319",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.table18 (col18_19 TIMETZ, col18_20 UUID NOT NULL, col18_21 BOX2D NOT NULL, col18_22 BOOL NULL, col18_23 GEOMETRY NOT NULL, col18_24 STRING NULL AS (lower(CAST(col18_22 AS STRING))) STORED, INVERTED INDEX (col18_23), UNIQUE (col18_21 ASC, col18_22, col18_24, col18_20) STORING (col18_19, col18_23), INDEX (col18_22 ASC, col18_20 DESC, col18_19 DESC), UNIQUE (col18_21, col18_19 ASC))",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange PRIMARY REGION \"us-east1\""
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: Validation FAIL:\nid 58, db schemachange, schema public, name table18: relation \"table18\" (58): invalid locality config: database schemachange is multi-region enabled, but table table18 has no locality set"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ c5a6b266917ee3846dbd7ae1126c6a5d55cf439b:

          | Error: ***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Received an unexpected execution error: ERROR: region "us-east-2" already added to database (SQLSTATE 42710)
          | Error: COMMAND_PROBLEM: exit status 1
          | (1) COMMAND_PROBLEM
          | Wraps: (2) Node 1. Command with error:
          |   | ``````
          |   | ./workload run schemachange --verbose=1 --tolerate-errors=false  --histograms=perf/stats.json --max-ops 2000 --concurrency 1 --txn-log /mnt/data1/cockroach/transactions.json
          |   | ``````
          | Wraps: (3) exit status 1
          | Error types: (1) errors.Cmd (2) *hintdetail.withDetail (3) *exec.ExitError
          | stdout:
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "06:42:37.087426",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table1 ALTER COLUMN IrrelevantColumnName DROP STORED"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"public.table1\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "06:42:37.09589",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange SURVIVE REGION FAILURE"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "22023,42602",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: database must have associated regions before a survival goal can be set (SQLSTATE 42602)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "06:42:37.139905",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE TYPE public.enum2 AS ENUM ('fdaaa', 'assaas', 'da', 'd', 'ffdfas', 'dss')",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange PRIMARY REGION \"us-east-2\"",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange ADD REGION \"us-east-2\""
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42P12",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Received an unexpected execution error: ERROR: region \"us-east-2\" already added to database (SQLSTATE 42710)"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ c5a6b266917ee3846dbd7ae1126c6a5d55cf439b:

          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table1 SET LOCALITY REGIONAL BY ROW"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"public.table1\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:21:55.4798",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:21:55.566946",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE TABLE public.table3 (col3_4 REGPROCEDURE NOT NULL, col3_5 BYTES, col3_6 GEOGRAPHY NOT NULL, col3_7 DECIMAL NOT NULL, col3_8 REGPROCEDURE, col3_9 TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, col3_10 DATE, col3_11 BIT(20), col3_12 FLOAT8 NOT NULL, col3_13 INT8 NOT NULL, col3_14 TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL, col3_15 TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, col3_16 GEOMETRY, col3_17 REGCLASS NULL, col3_18 TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col3_7 ASC, col3_13, col3_12 ASC), col3_19 STRING AS (lower(CAST(col3_16 AS STRING))) STORED, col3_20 INT8 NOT NULL AS (col3_13 + 1111758776532442504:::INT8) VIRTUAL, col3_21 STRING AS (lower(CAST(col3_16 AS STRING))) VIRTUAL, col3_22 STRING NOT NULL AS (lower(CAST(col3_6 AS STRING))) VIRTUAL, INDEX (col3_11, col3_9 ASC, col3_22) STORING (col3_4, col3_5, col3_8, col3_15, col3_17, col3_18), UNIQUE (lower(CAST(col3_11 AS STRING))), INDEX (col3_4 DESC, col3_19 DESC, col3_5, col3_21 ASC), FAMILY (col3_18, col3_11), FAMILY (col3_6, col3_16, col3_19), FAMILY (col3_10), FAMILY (col3_7), FAMILY (col3_5), FAMILY (col3_9), FAMILY (col3_13, col3_8, col3_4, col3_12, col3_17), FAMILY (col3_15, col3_14))",
          |   "DROP INDEX public.table23@\"IrrelevantIndexName\""
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"public.table23\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:21:55.643282",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS public.seq24",
          |   "CREATE TYPE public.enum25 AS ENUM ('daad', 'fasfdd', 'ssd')",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange PRIMARY REGION \"us-east1\"",
          |   "DROP SCHEMA \"schema2\" CASCADE"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: scanBool: \"SELECT EXISTS (\\n\\tSELECT table_name\\n    FROM information_schema.tables \\n   WHERE table_schema = $1\\n     AND table_name = $2\\n   )\" [\"public\" \"table26\"]: ERROR: relation \"seq24\" (55): invalid locality config: database schemachange is multi-region enabled, but table seq24 has no locality set (SQLSTATE 42P16)"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ 7d5dea07c21e223fbfd8d5377f1d7132c88baf26:

          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42703",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: column \"col45_67\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42703)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "06:38:38.215397",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "DROP SEQUENCE schema10.seq68"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"schema10.seq68\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "06:38:38.221303",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange SURVIVE REGION FAILURE"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "22023",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: at least 3 regions are required for surviving a region failure (SQLSTATE 22023)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "06:38:38.228221",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange ADD REGION \"us-east-2\""
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42710",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: region \"us-east-2\" already added to database (SQLSTATE 42710)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "06:38:38.253263",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table69 RENAME COLUMN \"IrrelevantColumnName\" TO \"OtherIrrelevantName\""
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"public.table69\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ 7d5dea07c21e223fbfd8d5377f1d7132c88baf26:

          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE TYPE schema35.enum81 AS ENUM ('dsaf', 'sffdfd', 'sf')",
          |   "ALTER TABLE schema82.table83 RENAME COLUMN \"IrrelevantColumnName\" TO \"OtherIrrelevantName\""
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"schema82.table83\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:13:57.994978",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER TABLE schema42.table64 ADD COLUMN col64_84 public.enum36",
          |   "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.table85 (col85_86 REGNAMESPACE NULL, col85_87 TIMETZ NOT NULL, col85_88 DECIMAL NOT NULL, col85_89 REGPROC NULL, col85_90 JSONB NULL, col85_91 STRING, col85_92 REGTYPE NOT NULL, col85_93 REGROLE, col85_94 BOX2D NULL, col85_95 REGCLASS NOT NULL, col85_96 JSONB, col85_97 STRING NULL AS (lower(CAST(col85_86 AS STRING))) STORED, col85_98 STRING NOT NULL AS (lower(CAST(col85_92 AS STRING))) STORED, INVERTED INDEX (col85_97 ASC, col85_91, col85_88 DESC, col85_98 DESC, col85_94, col85_90), FAMILY (col85_96, col85_86, col85_90, col85_98), FAMILY (col85_93, col85_87), FAMILY (col85_95), FAMILY (col85_92, col85_97, col85_94, col85_88), FAMILY (col85_89), FAMILY (col85_91))",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:13:58.346364",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER TABLE schema42.table64 ALTER COLUMN \"col64_68\" SET NOT NULL",
          |   "CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS schema99 AUTHORIZATION root",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange SURVIVE ZONE FAILURE",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table85 ALTER COLUMN col85_91 SET DEFAULT '':::STRING",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:13:58.62199",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "ALTER TABLE schema42.table64 ALTER COLUMN \"crdb_internal_idx_expr\" DROP DEFAULT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: scanBool: \"\\n\\t\\tSELECT json_array_length(\\n        crdb_internal.pb_to_json(\\n            'cockroach.sql.sqlbase.Descriptor',\\n            descriptor\\n        )-\u003e'table'-\u003e'mutations'\\n       )\\n       \u003e 0\\n\\t\\tFROM system.descriptor\\n\\t  WHERE id = $1::REGCLASS\\n\\t\\t\" [\"schema42.table64\"]: can't scan into dest[0]: cannot assign NULL to *bool"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ 360956c1f727c600cbec55f457dd013d5fb6850b:

The test failed on branch=release-21.2, cloud=aws:
test artifacts and logs in: /home/agent/work/.go/src/
    schemachange_random_load.go:159,schemachange_random_load.go:92,test_runner.go:777: output in run_063152.492924558_n1_workload_run_schemachange: /home/agent/work/.go/src/ run teamcity-3634962-1635228876-01-n3cpu4:1 -- ./workload run schemachange --verbose=1 --tolerate-errors=false  --histograms=perf/stats.json --max-ops 2000 --concurrency 1 --txn-log /mnt/data1/cockroach/transactions.json returned: exit status 20
        (1) attached stack trace
          -- stack trace:
          | main.(*clusterImpl).RunE
          |     /home/agent/work/.go/src/
          |     /home/agent/work/.go/src/
          |     /home/agent/work/.go/src/
          | main.(*testRunner).runTest.func2
          |     /home/agent/work/.go/src/
          | runtime.goexit
          |     /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1371
        Wraps: (2) output in run_063152.492924558_n1_workload_run_schemachange
        Wraps: (3) /home/agent/work/.go/src/ run teamcity-3634962-1635228876-01-n3cpu4:1 -- ./workload run schemachange --verbose=1 --tolerate-errors=false  --histograms=perf/stats.json --max-ops 2000 --concurrency 1 --txn-log /mnt/data1/cockroach/transactions.json returned
          | stderr:
          | I211026 06:31:53.581055 1 workload/cli/run.go:408  [-] 1  creating load generator...
          | I211026 06:31:53.639099 1 workload/cli/run.go:439  [-] 2  creating load generator... done (took 58.044045ms)
          | I211026 06:31:53.684128 68 workload/pgx_helpers.go:61  [-] 3  pgx logger [error]: Exec logParams=map[args:[] err:ERROR: region "us-east-2" already added to database (SQLSTATE 42710) sql:ALTER DATABASE schemachange ADD REGION "us-east-2"]
          | Error: ***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Received an unexpected execution error: ERROR: region "us-east-2" already added to database (SQLSTATE 42710)
          | Error: COMMAND_PROBLEM: exit status 1
          | (1) COMMAND_PROBLEM
          | Wraps: (2) Node 1. Command with error:
          |   | ``````
          |   | ./workload run schemachange --verbose=1 --tolerate-errors=false  --histograms=perf/stats.json --max-ops 2000 --concurrency 1 --txn-log /mnt/data1/cockroach/transactions.json
          |   | ``````
          | Wraps: (3) exit status 1
          | Error types: (1) errors.Cmd (2) *hintdetail.withDetail (3) *exec.ExitError
          | stdout:
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "06:31:53.63942",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange PRIMARY REGION \"us-east-2\"",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange ADD REGION \"us-east-2\""
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42P12",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Received an unexpected execution error: ERROR: region \"us-east-2\" already added to database (SQLSTATE 42710)"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ 360956c1f727c600cbec55f457dd013d5fb6850b:

          |     /home/agent/work/.go/src/
          | main.(*testRunner).runTest.func2
          |     /home/agent/work/.go/src/
          | runtime.goexit
          |     /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1371
        Wraps: (2) output in run_071252.075084425_n1_workload_run_schemachange
        Wraps: (3) /home/agent/work/.go/src/ run teamcity-3634964-1635228983-21-n3cpu4:1 -- ./workload run schemachange --verbose=1 --tolerate-errors=false  --histograms=perf/stats.json --max-ops 2000 --concurrency 1 --txn-log /mnt/data1/cockroach/transactions.json returned
          | stderr:
          | I211026 07:12:53.000630 1 workload/cli/run.go:408  [-] 1  creating load generator...
          | I211026 07:12:53.083847 1 workload/cli/run.go:439  [-] 2  creating load generator... done (took 83.214733ms)
          | I211026 07:12:53.171604 21 workload/pgx_helpers.go:61  [-] 3  pgx logger [error]: Exec logParams=map[args:[] err:ERROR: relation "schema1.table2" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01) sql:ALTER TABLE schema1.table2 ALTER COLUMN "IrrelevantColumnName" DROP DEFAULT]
          | I211026 07:12:53.247826 21 workload/pgx_helpers.go:61  [-] 4  pgx logger [error]: Exec logParams=map[args:[] err:ERROR: region "us-east1" already added to database (SQLSTATE 42710) sql:ALTER DATABASE schemachange ADD REGION "us-east1"]
          | Error: ***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Received an unexpected execution error: ERROR: region "us-east1" already added to database (SQLSTATE 42710)
          | Error: COMMAND_PROBLEM: exit status 1
          | (1) COMMAND_PROBLEM
          | Wraps: (2) Node 1. Command with error:
          |   | ``````
          |   | ./workload run schemachange --verbose=1 --tolerate-errors=false  --histograms=perf/stats.json --max-ops 2000 --concurrency 1 --txn-log /mnt/data1/cockroach/transactions.json
          |   | ``````
          | Wraps: (3) exit status 1
          | Error types: (1) errors.Cmd (2) *hintdetail.withDetail (3) *exec.ExitError
          | stdout:
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:12:53.084548",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER TABLE schema1.table2 ALTER COLUMN \"IrrelevantColumnName\" DROP DEFAULT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"schema1.table2\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:12:53.177407",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange PRIMARY REGION \"us-east1\"",
          |   "CREATE TYPE public.enum3 AS ENUM ('aff')",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange ADD REGION \"us-east1\""
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42P12",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Received an unexpected execution error: ERROR: region \"us-east1\" already added to database (SQLSTATE 42710)"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ 79e5979416cb426092a83beff0be1c20aebf84c6:

          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE TYPE public.enum17 AS ENUM ('sa')",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS schema18.table19 (col19_20 BOOL NOT NULL, col19_21 INTERVAL NOT NULL, col19_22 NAME, col19_23 DECIMAL, col19_24 REGPROC NOT NULL, col19_25 TIMETZ NOT NULL, col19_26 VARCHAR NULL, col19_27 BYTES NULL, col19_28 TIME NULL, col19_29 TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL, col19_30 REGCLASS NULL, col19_31 BIT(20) NOT NULL, col19_32 INT8 NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col19_29 DESC, col19_32 DESC), col19_33 STRING NULL AS (lower(CAST(col19_28 AS STRING))) STORED, col19_34 INT8 NOT NULL AS (col19_32 + 6085566283660865016:::INT8) VIRTUAL, UNIQUE (col19_30, lower(CAST(col19_24 AS STRING)) ASC, col19_32 DESC) STORING (col19_20, col19_21, col19_24, col19_26, col19_27, col19_28), UNIQUE (col19_31) STORING (col19_20, col19_22, col19_23, col19_25, col19_30))"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "3F000",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: cannot create \"schema18.table19\" because the target database or schema does not exist (SQLSTATE 3F000)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "06:30:39.61732",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS schema35 AUTHORIZATION root",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "06:30:39.683848",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE TYPE schema35.enum36 AS ENUM ('fa', 'ssff', 'f', 'dfassf', 'aaa')",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "06:30:39.691601",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS schema35.seq37",
          |   "DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS schema35.seq37",
          |   "ALTER SEQUENCE schema35.seq37 RENAME TO schema35.seq37"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Received an unexpected execution error: ERROR: relation \"schema35.seq37\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ 79e5979416cb426092a83beff0be1c20aebf84c6:

          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table30 DROP CONSTRAINT \"table20_col20_24_col20_27_col20_25_key\""
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "0A000",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: unimplemented: cannot drop UNIQUE constraint \"table20_col20_24_col20_27_col20_25_key\" using ALTER TABLE DROP CONSTRAINT, use DROP INDEX CASCADE instead (SQLSTATE 0A000)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:10:27.660186",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange SURVIVE ZONE FAILURE",
          |   "CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS public.seq31 OWNED BY public.table30.col20_25",
          |   "DROP SCHEMA \"public\" CASCADE"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "3F000",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: cannot drop schema \"public\" (SQLSTATE 3F000)"
          | }
          | _elapsed___errors__ops/sec(inst)___ops/sec(cum)__p50(ms)__p95(ms)__p99(ms)_pMax(ms)
          |     1.0s        0           13.0           14.0      5.5     10.0     18.9     18.9 opOk
          |     1.0s        0            3.7            4.0     62.9    209.7    209.7    209.7 txnOk
          |     1.0s        0            7.4            8.0      0.7      5.8      5.8      5.8 txnRbk
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:10:27.857623",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE SCHEMA schema32 AUTHORIZATION root",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange ADD REGION \"us-east1\""
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42710",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: region \"us-east1\" already added to database (SQLSTATE 42710)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:10:27.913265",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE TABLE public.table33 AS SELECT public.table30.crdb_internal_idx_expr_3, public.table30.crdb_internal_idx_expr_4, public.table30.col20_24, public.table30.col20_25, public.table30.col20_29, public.table30.col20_23, public.table30.crdb_internal_idx_expr_1 FROM public.table30",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table33 ALTER COLUMN \"col20_29\" DROP DEFAULT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: scanBool: \"\\n\\t\\tSELECT json_array_length(\\n        crdb_internal.pb_to_json(\\n            'cockroach.sql.sqlbase.Descriptor',\\n            descriptor\\n        )-\u003e'table'-\u003e'mutations'\\n       )\\n       \u003e 0\\n\\t\\tFROM system.descriptor\\n\\t  WHERE id = $1::REGCLASS\\n\\t\\t\" [\"public.table30\"]: can't scan into dest[0]: cannot assign NULL to *bool"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ f279cc9cf1b28ef4418ece4452714e2b2a4c4445:

          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange PRIMARY REGION \"us-east-2\"",
          |   "CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS public.seq65",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "06:35:48.453988",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange PRIMARY REGION \"us-east-2\"",
          |   "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.table66 (col66_67 CHAR, col66_68 JSONB NOT NULL, col66_69 REGPROCEDURE NULL, col66_70 INT2, col66_71 TIMETZ NOT NULL, col66_72 VARCHAR NOT NULL, col66_73 CHAR NOT NULL, col66_74 JSONB, col66_75 REGPROC, col66_76 STRING NOT NULL AS (lower(col66_72)) STORED, col66_77 STRING NOT NULL AS (lower(CAST(col66_71 AS STRING))) STORED, col66_78 STRING NULL AS (lower(CAST(col66_69 AS STRING))) STORED, col66_79 STRING AS (lower(CAST(col66_74 AS STRING))) VIRTUAL, FAMILY (col66_69, col66_70, col66_74, col66_71), FAMILY (col66_77), FAMILY (col66_72), FAMILY (col66_75), FAMILY (col66_78, col66_67, col66_68, col66_76), FAMILY (col66_73))",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "06:35:48.4972",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table66 ALTER COLUMN col66_77 SET DEFAULT e'\\x0b1.':::STRING",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table66 ALTER COLUMN \"col66_80\" DROP STORED"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42611,42703",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: column \"col66_80\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42703)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "06:35:48.600425",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS public.table66"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: ERROR: relation \"public.table66\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ f279cc9cf1b28ef4418ece4452714e2b2a4c4445:

          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:14:26.699602",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange SURVIVE ZONE FAILURE",
          |   "CREATE TABLE schema76.table83 (col83_84 INTERVAL NOT NULL, col83_85 REGPROC NOT NULL, col83_86 FLOAT8 NULL, col83_87 INTERVAL, col83_88 NAME NOT NULL, col83_89 NAME NULL, col83_90 FLOAT4, col83_91 REGROLE NOT NULL, col83_92 GEOMETRY, col83_93 REGPROCEDURE NOT NULL, col83_94 REGNAMESPACE NULL, col83_95 VARCHAR NOT NULL, col83_96 STRING, col83_97 REGNAMESPACE, PRIMARY KEY (col83_84 DESC), INDEX ((col83_90 + col83_86) DESC) STORING (col83_86, col83_87, col83_88, col83_89, col83_91, col83_92, col83_93, col83_94, col83_97), UNIQUE (col83_84 ASC, col83_93 DESC, col83_97 DESC, col83_91 ASC) STORING (col83_86, col83_90, col83_94, col83_96), FAMILY (col83_95, col83_85), FAMILY (col83_97, col83_96, col83_94, col83_89), FAMILY (col83_93), FAMILY (col83_88), FAMILY (col83_90), FAMILY (col83_91, col83_87, col83_92), FAMILY (col83_84), FAMILY (col83_86))",
          |   "DROP SCHEMA \"public\" CASCADE"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "3F000",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: cannot drop schema \"public\" (SQLSTATE 3F000)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:14:26.762743",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE TABLE public.table99 AS SELECT \"IrrelevantColumnName\" FROM schema76.table98"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"schema76.table98\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:14:26.819775",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:14:26.862892",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.table100 (col100_101 REGROLE, col100_102 INT4, col100_103 GEOGRAPHY NULL, col100_104 INT4 NULL, col100_105 GEOMETRY NULL, col100_106 REGCLASS NOT NULL, col100_107 REGPROCEDURE, col100_108 REGROLE, INVERTED INDEX (col100_107, col100_104, col100_102 ASC, (col100_102 + col100_104), col100_108 ASC, col100_105), FAMILY (col100_104), FAMILY (col100_107), FAMILY (col100_105, col100_103), FAMILY (col100_106, col100_101), FAMILY (col100_102), FAMILY (col100_108))",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table100 ALTER COLUMN \"col100_108\" SET NOT NULL"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Received an unexpected execution error: ERROR: validate check constraint: column \"crdb_internal_idx_expr\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42703)"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ ab508bd125bcf2fdb791d887e0aa26ebd64a8bcc:

          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "06:33:22.439424",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS public.seq1",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table2 SET LOCALITY REGIONAL BY ROW"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"public.table2\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "06:33:22.461879",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.table3 (col3_4 GEOMETRY, col3_5 DECIMAL, col3_6 REGPROC, col3_7 TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL, col3_8 STRING NULL, col3_9 UUID NULL, col3_10 FLOAT8 NOT NULL, col3_11 TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL, col3_12 DECIMAL, col3_13 BYTES NOT NULL, col3_14 INET NOT NULL, col3_15 DECIMAL AS (col3_12 + col3_5) STORED, col3_16 STRING NULL AS (lower(col3_8)) VIRTUAL, col3_17 STRING NOT NULL AS (CASE WHEN col3_11 IS NULL THEN e'4m[\\x18{':::STRING ELSE 'U^F*A':::STRING END) STORED, col3_18 STRING NOT NULL AS (CASE WHEN col3_7 IS NULL THEN e'\\U00002603':::STRING ELSE e'\\x7fS+R;':::STRING END) STORED, FAMILY (col3_11, col3_9, col3_17), FAMILY (col3_4), FAMILY (col3_10, col3_12, col3_8, col3_14, col3_13, col3_18), FAMILY (col3_5, col3_15), FAMILY (col3_6, col3_7))",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "06:33:22.475388",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table3 ADD COLUMN col3_19 INTERVAL NOT NULL",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "06:33:22.720917",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table3 RENAME TO public.table20"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: ERROR: relation \"public.table3\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ ab508bd125bcf2fdb791d887e0aa26ebd64a8bcc:

          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:10:27.586087",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "DROP SCHEMA \"schema19\" CASCADE"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "3F000",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: unknown schema \"schema19\" (SQLSTATE 3F000)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:10:27.59346",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange PRIMARY REGION \"us-east1\"",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR DURING ROLLBACK;: conn closed"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

    cluster.go:1249,context.go:89,cluster.go:1237,test_runner.go:866: dead node detection: /home/agent/work/.go/src/ monitor teamcity-3667563-1635833659-21-n3cpu4 --oneshot --ignore-empty-nodes: exit status 1 2: 15839
        1: dead (exit status 134)
        3: 16259
        Error: UNCLASSIFIED_PROBLEM: 1: dead (exit status 134)
        Wraps: (2) attached stack trace
          -- stack trace:
          | main.glob..func14
          |     /home/agent/work/.go/src/
          | main.wrap.func1
          |     /home/agent/work/.go/src/
          |     /home/agent/work/.go/src/
          |     /home/agent/work/.go/src/
          |     /home/agent/work/.go/src/
          | main.main
          |     /home/agent/work/.go/src/
          | runtime.main
          |     /usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:225
          | runtime.goexit
          |     /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1371
        Wraps: (3) 1: dead (exit status 134)
        Error types: (1) errors.Unclassified (2) *withstack.withStack (3) *errutil.leafError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ a35bb95e35ebefb6019382991c7fa534d1d50e44:

          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS schema63.table67 CASCADE",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "06:47:19.629888",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE TYPE schema63.enum77 AS ENUM ('ad', 'fa', 'aaaas')",
          |   "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.table78 (col78_79 INT4 NOT NULL, col78_80 DATE NOT NULL, col78_81 REGTYPE NOT NULL, col78_82 TIME NOT NULL, col78_83 STRING NOT NULL, col78_84 REGTYPE NULL, col78_85 FLOAT8 NOT NULL, col78_86 DATE NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col78_83 DESC, col78_80, col78_81 ASC, col78_82 DESC, col78_86, col78_85 ASC), col78_87 INT4 NOT NULL AS (col78_79 + 994716488:::INT8) VIRTUAL, col78_88 STRING NOT NULL AS (lower(CAST(col78_80 AS STRING))) VIRTUAL, col78_89 STRING NOT NULL AS (lower(CAST(col78_81 AS STRING))) STORED, INDEX (col78_83, col78_87, col78_89 DESC, col78_86 DESC, lower(CAST(col78_84 AS STRING)) ASC))",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "06:47:19.674211",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange SURVIVE REGION FAILURE"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "22023",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: at least 3 regions are required for surviving a region failure (SQLSTATE 22023)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "06:47:19.682616",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ a35bb95e35ebefb6019382991c7fa534d1d50e44:

          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "11:20:43.903851",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE VIEW public.view108 AS SELECT \"IrrelevantColumnName\", public.table80.col80_89, public.table80.col80_97, public.table80.col80_96, public.table80.col80_82 FROM schema100.table107, public.table80"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"schema100.table107\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "11:20:43.957494",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table80 ALTER COLUMN col80_81 SET DEFAULT 1:::DECIMAL",
          |   "DROP INDEX public.table80@\"index80_109\" CASCADE"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42704",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: index \"index80_109\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42704)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "11:20:44.061599",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange SURVIVE REGION FAILURE"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "22023",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: at least 3 regions are required for surviving a region failure (SQLSTATE 22023)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "11:20:44.071359",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange PRIMARY REGION \"us-east1\"",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table80 ALTER COLUMN \"col80_83\" DROP DEFAULT",
          |   "CREATE INVERTED INDEX IF NOT EXISTS index80_110 ON public.table80 (col80_86 ASC, col80_91 DESC, col80_93 DESC) STORING (col80_90, col80_103, col80_94, col80_97, col80_81, crdb_internal_idx_expr, col80_96, col80_83, col80_88, crdb_internal_idx_expr_1, col80_92)"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "0A000,26000,XXUUU",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: inverted indexes don't support stored columns (SQLSTATE 26000)"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ 80d2fb8e621d25c2ceb89562e45b63205a1c36e9:

          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:43:17.912092",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table30 ALTER COLUMN \"IrrelevantColumnName\" DROP NOT NULL"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"public.table30\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:43:17.942993",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange PRIMARY REGION \"us-east-2\"",
          |   "DROP SEQUENCE public.seq28",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR DURING ROLLBACK;: conn closed"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

    cluster.go:1249,context.go:89,cluster.go:1237,test_runner.go:866: dead node detection: /home/agent/work/.go/src/ monitor teamcity-3718992-1636701823-03-n3cpu4 --oneshot --ignore-empty-nodes: exit status 1 2: 9097
        3: 9107
        1: dead (exit status 134)
        Error: UNCLASSIFIED_PROBLEM: 1: dead (exit status 134)
        Wraps: (2) attached stack trace
          -- stack trace:
          | main.glob..func14
          |     /home/agent/work/.go/src/
          | main.wrap.func1
          |     /home/agent/work/.go/src/
          |     /home/agent/work/.go/src/
          |     /home/agent/work/.go/src/
          |     /home/agent/work/.go/src/
          | main.main
          |     /home/agent/work/.go/src/
          | runtime.main
          |     /usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:225
          | runtime.goexit
          |     /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1371
        Wraps: (3) 1: dead (exit status 134)
        Error types: (1) errors.Unclassified (2) *withstack.withStack (3) *errutil.leafError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ 80d2fb8e621d25c2ceb89562e45b63205a1c36e9:

          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:20:58.969458",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS public.seq25",
          |   "DROP SCHEMA \"public\" CASCADE"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "3F000",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: cannot drop schema \"public\" (SQLSTATE 3F000)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:20:59.028539",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange ADD REGION \"us-east1\""
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42710",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: region \"us-east1\" already added to database (SQLSTATE 42710)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:20:59.045651",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER TABLE schema26.table27 ALTER COLUMN IrrelevantColumnName SET DEFAULT \"IrrelevantValue\""
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"schema26.table27\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:20:59.059466",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS schema9.table31 (col31_32 TIMETZ, col31_33 GEOMETRY NOT NULL, col31_34 INTERVAL, col31_35 GEOMETRY NULL, col31_36 INTERVAL, col31_37 GEOGRAPHY NOT NULL, col31_38 INT8[], col31_39 INTERVAL, col31_40 BOX2D NOT NULL, col31_41 DATE NULL, col31_42 STRING NOT NULL AS (lower(CAST(col31_40 AS STRING))) STORED, col31_43 STRING AS (CASE WHEN col31_38 IS NULL THEN '\u003c':::STRING ELSE e'\\r\\x1bx':::STRING END) VIRTUAL, col31_44 STRING NULL AS (lower(CAST(col31_41 AS STRING))) STORED, col31_45 STRING AS (lower(CAST(col31_36 AS STRING))) STORED, col31_46 STRING AS (lower(CAST(col31_39 AS STRING))) VIRTUAL, col31_47 STRING NOT NULL AS (lower(CAST(col31_40 AS STRING))) STORED, FAMILY (col31_44, col31_41, col31_38, col31_37), FAMILY (col31_32, col31_47), FAMILY (col31_36, col31_45, col31_40, col31_34), FAMILY (col31_39), FAMILY (col31_35, col31_33, col31_42))",
          |   "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS schema9.table31 CASCADE",
          |   "ALTER TABLE schema9.table31 ALTER COLUMN \"col31_48\" DROP DEFAULT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42703",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Received an unexpected execution error: ERROR: relation \"schema9.table31\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ 97f2e7dbe93a3873916b99307f1372d7c095347c:

          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:32:58.953209",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE SCHEMA schema14 AUTHORIZATION root",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:32:58.984699",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table6 ALTER COLUMN \"col6_10\" DROP NOT NULL"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42P16",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: column \"col6_10\" is in a primary index (SQLSTATE 42P16)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:32:59.055959",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "DROP INDEX public.table6@\"index6_15\" CASCADE"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42704",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: index \"index6_15\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42704)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:32:59.094242",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS public.seq16 OWNED BY public.table6.col6_11",
          |   "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS index6_17 ON public.table6 (col6_7, col6_9, col6_12 ASC, col6_11 ASC, col6_10, crdb_internal_idx_expr DESC, col6_13 ASC)"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Received an unexpected execution error: ERROR: column \"crdb_internal_idx_expr\" is inaccessible and cannot be referenced (SQLSTATE 42703)"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ 97f2e7dbe93a3873916b99307f1372d7c095347c:

          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:14:03.807236",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE TYPE public.enum5 AS ENUM ('f', 'd')",
          |   "DROP SCHEMA \"public\" CASCADE"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "3F000",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: cannot drop schema \"public\" (SQLSTATE 3F000)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:14:03.869869",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange SURVIVE REGION FAILURE"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "22023,42602",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: database must have associated regions before a survival goal can be set (SQLSTATE 42602)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:14:03.884629",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "DROP SCHEMA \"public\" CASCADE"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "3F000",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: cannot drop schema \"public\" (SQLSTATE 3F000)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:14:03.891505",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange PRIMARY REGION \"us-east1\"",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange ADD REGION \"us-east1\""
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42P12",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Received an unexpected execution error: ERROR: region \"us-east1\" already added to database (SQLSTATE 42710)"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ 774ea54918869b6ba51674942fe5e9f81327d2a7:

          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          |     3.0s        0           23.0           22.3      3.5      6.3      6.8      6.8 opOk
          |     3.0s        0            7.0            5.7     67.1    226.5    226.5    226.5 txnOk
          |     3.0s        0            8.0            6.3      0.9      5.2      5.2      5.2 txnRbk
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:31:54.998413",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "DROP SCHEMA \"schema82\" CASCADE",
          |   "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS schema61.table96 (col96_97 TIME NULL, col96_98 BOOL NOT NULL, col96_99 DATE NOT NULL, col96_100 UUID NULL, col96_101 REGCLASS NOT NULL, col96_102 REGTYPE NOT NULL, col96_103 BOOL NOT NULL, col96_104 INTERVAL NOT NULL, col96_105 REGCLASS NOT NULL, col96_106 DATE NULL, col96_107 CHAR NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col96_99 DESC, col96_101 ASC, col96_102 ASC, col96_103, col96_98 DESC), col96_108 STRING NULL AS (lower(CAST(col96_106 AS STRING))) VIRTUAL, col96_109 STRING NOT NULL AS (lower(CAST(col96_102 AS STRING))) STORED, INDEX (col96_97 DESC, col96_100 ASC, col96_109 ASC, col96_104, col96_106, col96_108 DESC), UNIQUE (col96_100, col96_108 ASC), UNIQUE (col96_106, col96_99 DESC, col96_107 ASC, lower(CAST(col96_106 AS STRING)), col96_101 DESC, col96_108 ASC, col96_105 ASC, col96_97 ASC, col96_104 ASC, col96_100 DESC, col96_103 ASC), INDEX (col96_97 ASC, col96_99, col96_102 DESC), INDEX (col96_104, col96_108 ASC, col96_109 ASC, lower(CAST(col96_105 AS STRING)), col96_101 ASC, lower(CAST(col96_102 AS STRING)) DESC, col96_107 DESC, col96_106), UNIQUE (col96_109 DESC, lower(CAST(col96_106 AS STRING)) DESC, col96_106 ASC, col96_99 DESC, col96_102, col96_105 DESC, col96_97 DESC, col96_98 ASC, lower(CAST(col96_106 AS STRING)) ASC) STORING (col96_100, col96_104), INDEX (col96_101 ASC, col96_103 ASC, col96_102 DESC, col96_98 ASC, col96_104, lower(CAST(col96_102 AS STRING)), col96_106 ASC, col96_108 ASC, col96_97, col96_99) STORING (col96_100), INDEX (lower(col96_107) DESC, col96_100 ASC, col96_108 DESC, col96_104 ASC, col96_102 DESC, col96_106 ASC, col96_107 ASC) STORING (col96_97), INDEX (col96_107 DESC, col96_102 ASC, col96_104 DESC, col96_97 ASC, col96_98 DESC), FAMILY (col96_99, col96_104, col96_102), FAMILY (col96_103, col96_97, col96_105, col96_98, col96_101), FAMILY (col96_107, col96_100, col96_106), FAMILY (col96_109))",
          |   "CREATE TYPE schema61.enum110 AS ENUM ('daasa', 'a', 'f', 'sasd')",
          |   "ALTER TABLE schema61.table70 ADD COLUMN col70_111 REGROLE",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:31:55.229565",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER TABLE schema61.table96 ALTER COLUMN col96_112 SET DEFAULT \"IrrelevantValue\""
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42703",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: column \"col96_112\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42703)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:31:55.264022",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS schema61.seq113",
          |   "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS index96_114 ON schema61.table96 (col96_102 DESC, crdb_internal_idx_expr_1 DESC, col96_107, col96_109 DESC, col96_100 ASC, col96_104 ASC, col96_108, crdb_internal_idx_expr_6 DESC, crdb_internal_idx_expr_5 DESC, col96_103 ASC, col96_106, col96_97 ASC, crdb_internal_idx_expr_4 DESC, col96_101 DESC) STORING (crdb_internal_idx_expr, col96_99, crdb_internal_idx_expr_3, crdb_internal_idx_expr_2)"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42701,XXUUU",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Received an unexpected execution error: ERROR: column \"crdb_internal_idx_expr_1\" is inaccessible and cannot be referenced (SQLSTATE 42703)"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ 774ea54918869b6ba51674942fe5e9f81327d2a7:

          |     /home/agent/work/.go/src/
          | main.(*testRunner).runTest.func2
          |     /home/agent/work/.go/src/
          | runtime.goexit
          |     /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1371
        Wraps: (2) output in run_080728.150416801_n1_workload_run_schemachange
        Wraps: (3) /home/agent/work/.go/src/ run teamcity-3745090-1637133260-22-n3cpu4:1 -- ./workload run schemachange --verbose=1 --tolerate-errors=false  --histograms=perf/stats.json --max-ops 2000 --concurrency 1 --txn-log /mnt/data1/cockroach/transactions.json returned
          | stderr:
          | I211117 08:07:29.050632 1 workload/cli/run.go:408  [-] 1  creating load generator...
          | I211117 08:07:29.118923 1 workload/cli/run.go:439  [-] 2  creating load generator... done (took 68.288941ms)
          | I211117 08:07:29.218455 57 workload/pgx_helpers.go:72  [-] 3  pgx logger [error]: Exec logParams=map[args:[] err:ERROR: cannot drop schema "public" (SQLSTATE 3F000) sql:DROP SCHEMA "public" CASCADE]
          | Error: ***FAIL; Failed to receive an execution error when errors were expected
          | Error: COMMAND_PROBLEM: exit status 1
          | (1) COMMAND_PROBLEM
          | Wraps: (2) Node 1. Command with error:
          |   | ``````
          |   | ./workload run schemachange --verbose=1 --tolerate-errors=false  --histograms=perf/stats.json --max-ops 2000 --concurrency 1 --txn-log /mnt/data1/cockroach/transactions.json
          |   | ``````
          | Wraps: (3) exit status 1
          | Error types: (1) errors.Cmd (2) *hintdetail.withDetail (3) *exec.ExitError
          | stdout:
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:07:29.119393",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "CREATE TYPE public.enum1 AS ENUM ('fda', 'asfsdd')",
          |   "DROP SCHEMA \"public\" CASCADE"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "3F000",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: cannot drop schema \"public\" (SQLSTATE 3F000)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:07:29.220436",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange PRIMARY REGION \"us-east1\"",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange SURVIVE ZONE FAILURE"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42602",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***FAIL; Failed to receive an execution error when errors were expected"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ bd65dbb707ef3a852d89a4914610cb3e72c6b657:

          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange PRIMARY REGION \"us-east1\"",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:09:46.155448",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table86 RENAME TO public.table87"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"public.table86\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:09:46.171963",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange SURVIVE ZONE FAILURE",
          |   "CREATE TYPE public.enum88 AS ENUM ('fasf', 'saadf', 'd', 'adds', 'sdsas')",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:09:46.27592",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE TABLE schema33.table89 (col89_90 BOOL NOT NULL, col89_91 CHAR, col89_92 FLOAT4 NULL, col89_93 INET NOT NULL, col89_94 REGCLASS NULL, col89_95 TIMETZ NULL, col89_96 GEOGRAPHY NOT NULL, col89_97 INT2, col89_98 INT4, col89_99 INT2 NOT NULL, col89_100 STRING NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col89_90 DESC), col89_101 INT4 AS (col89_98 + col89_99) STORED, col89_102 INT2 AS ((col89_97 + col89_98) + col89_99) STORED, col89_103 INT2 AS ((col89_99 + col89_98) + col89_97) STORED, INDEX (col89_100, col89_90 ASC, ((col89_99 + col89_97) + col89_98) ASC, col89_102) STORING (col89_91, col89_92, col89_93, col89_95, col89_96, col89_98, col89_101), UNIQUE (col89_98 ASC), FAMILY (col89_90), FAMILY (col89_102), FAMILY (col89_101), FAMILY (col89_91, col89_100, col89_103), FAMILY (col89_95, col89_98, col89_93), FAMILY (col89_97), FAMILY (col89_96), FAMILY (col89_94, col89_92, col89_99))",
          |   "CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS schema33.seq104",
          |   "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS schema33.table89 CASCADE",
          |   "CREATE SCHEMA schema105 AUTHORIZATION root"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: ERROR: relation \"schema33.table89\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ 6efca5d977ab81c2266407d59b36ad47fef3078a:

          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:35:03.168972",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange PRIMARY REGION \"us-east-2\"",
          |   "CREATE SCHEMA schema4 AUTHORIZATION root",
          |   "ALTER SEQUENCE public.seq5 RENAME TO public.seq6"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"public.seq5\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:35:03.287091",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange ADD REGION \"us-east-2\""
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42P12",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: cannot add region \"us-east-2\" to database schemachange (SQLSTATE 42P12)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:35:03.308269",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE SCHEMA schema7 AUTHORIZATION root",
          |   "CREATE TABLE schema8.table9 (col9_10 TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL, col9_11 VARCHAR NOT NULL, col9_12 NAME NULL, col9_13 REGROLE NOT NULL, col9_14 BYTES NOT NULL, col9_15 GEOMETRY NULL, col9_16 CHAR NOT NULL, col9_17 REGTYPE NULL, col9_18 NAME, UNIQUE (col9_12 DESC))"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "3F000",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: cannot create \"schema8.table9\" because the target database or schema does not exist (SQLSTATE 3F000)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:35:03.381971",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE TYPE public.enum19 AS ENUM ('afaff', 'dff')",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange PRIMARY REGION \"us-east-2\"",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange ADD REGION \"us-east-2\""
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42P12",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Received an unexpected execution error: ERROR: region \"us-east-2\" already added to database (SQLSTATE 42710)"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ 6efca5d977ab81c2266407d59b36ad47fef3078a:

          | Error: COMMAND_PROBLEM: exit status 1
          | (1) COMMAND_PROBLEM
          | Wraps: (2) Node 1. Command with error:
          |   | ``````
          |   | ./workload run schemachange --verbose=1 --tolerate-errors=false  --histograms=perf/stats.json --max-ops 2000 --concurrency 1 --txn-log /mnt/data1/cockroach/transactions.json
          |   | ``````
          | Wraps: (3) exit status 1
          | Error types: (1) errors.Cmd (2) *hintdetail.withDetail (3) *exec.ExitError
          | stdout:
          | <... some data truncated by circular buffer; go to artifacts for details ...>
          | 1627",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "ALTER TABLE schema53.table120 RENAME TO schema53.table121"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"schema53.table120\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:15:46.48187",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE TABLE schema2.table122 (col122_123 \"char\" NOT NULL, col122_124 \"char\" NOT NULL, col122_125 INTERVAL, col122_126 BIT(35) NULL, col122_127 FLOAT8 NOT NULL, col122_128 REGPROCEDURE NOT NULL, col122_129 BOOL NOT NULL, col122_130 STRING NULL, col122_131 REGTYPE NULL, col122_132 BOOL NOT NULL, col122_133 FLOAT8 NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col122_132 DESC, col122_128 ASC, col122_133, col122_123 ASC, col122_127 DESC, col122_129 ASC), col122_134 FLOAT8 NOT NULL AS (col122_133 + (-0.32431992813147303):::FLOAT8) STORED, col122_135 STRING NULL AS (lower(CAST(col122_131 AS STRING))) STORED, col122_136 STRING AS (lower(CAST(col122_125 AS STRING))) VIRTUAL, INDEX (col122_136, col122_132 ASC, lower(CAST(col122_132 AS STRING)), col122_130 DESC, col122_123 ASC, col122_135), UNIQUE (col122_132 ASC, col122_123 ASC, col122_129 ASC, col122_134 DESC, col122_127 DESC, col122_133, col122_136, col122_131 DESC, col122_125, col122_126 DESC, col122_135 ASC), UNIQUE (col122_131 ASC, col122_129 ASC, col122_126, col122_133 ASC, col122_130) STORING (col122_134), UNIQUE (col122_129, col122_135, col122_127 ASC) STORING (col122_125, col122_130, col122_134), INDEX (col122_136 ASC, (col122_133 + col122_127) DESC, col122_131, col122_126 DESC, col122_127 ASC, col122_129 DESC, col122_130, col122_134 ASC, col122_124 ASC, col122_125 ASC, col122_135 ASC, col122_123 DESC), INDEX (col122_129 DESC, col122_136 DESC, col122_130, col122_128 ASC, col122_133 DESC, col122_123 ASC, col122_132 DESC, lower(col122_123), col122_131 ASC))",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange PRIMARY REGION \"us-east1\"",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:15:46.556787",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "DROP SEQUENCE schema72.seq117",
          |   "ALTER TABLE schema2.table122 ALTER COLUMN \"col122_123\" DROP DEFAULT",
          |   "CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS schema137 AUTHORIZATION root"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: scanBool: \"\\n\\t\\tSELECT (\\n\\t       SELECT count(*)\\n\\t         FROM (\\n\\t               SELECT DISTINCT col122_126, col122_134, col122_131, col122_128, crdb_internal_idx_expr, col122_132, col122_123, col122_127, crdb_internal_idx_expr_1, col122_125, col122_133, crdb_internal_idx_expr_2, col122_130, col122_136, col122_124\\n\\t                 FROM schema2.table122\\n\\t                WHERE col122_126 IS NOT NULL OR col122_134 IS NOT NULL OR col122_131 IS NOT NULL OR col122_128 IS NOT NULL OR crdb_internal_idx_expr IS NOT NULL OR col122_132 IS NOT NULL OR col122_123 IS NOT NULL OR col122_127 IS NOT NULL OR crdb_internal_idx_expr_1 IS NOT NULL OR col122_125 IS NOT NULL OR col122_133 IS NOT NULL OR crdb_internal_idx_expr_2 IS NOT NULL OR col122_130 IS NOT NULL OR col122_136 IS NOT NULL OR col122_124 IS NOT NULL \\n\\t              )\\n\\t      )\\n\\t      = (\\n\\t        SELECT count(*)\\n\\t          FROM schema2.table122\\n\\t         WHERE col122_126 IS NOT NULL OR col122_134 IS NOT NULL OR col122_131 IS NOT NULL OR col122_128 IS NOT NULL OR crdb_internal_idx_expr IS NOT NULL OR col122_132 IS NOT NULL OR col122_123 IS NOT NULL OR col122_127 IS NOT NULL OR crdb_internal_idx_expr_1 IS NOT NULL OR col122_125 IS NOT NULL OR col122_133 IS NOT NULL OR crdb_internal_idx_expr_2 IS NOT NULL OR col122_130 IS NOT NULL OR col122_136 IS NOT NULL OR col122_124 IS NOT NULL \\n\\t       );\\n\\t\" []: ERROR: column \"crdb_internal_idx_expr\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42703)"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ 12a5f45bfd1c988dbbc11b33ec5ce3062f63d948:

          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:36:11.57056",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE TYPE public.enum3 AS ENUM ('aadafs', 'fd')",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange SURVIVE REGION FAILURE"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "22023,42602",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: database must have associated regions before a survival goal can be set (SQLSTATE 42602)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:36:11.641936",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:36:11.654913",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE SCHEMA schema4 AUTHORIZATION root",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange ADD REGION \"us-east-2\""
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42P12",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: cannot add region \"us-east-2\" to database schemachange (SQLSTATE 42P12)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:36:11.719264",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange PRIMARY REGION \"us-east-2\"",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange SURVIVE ZONE FAILURE"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42602",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***FAIL; Failed to receive an execution error when errors were expected"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ 12a5f45bfd1c988dbbc11b33ec5ce3062f63d948:

          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:14:37.301891",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table89 ALTER COLUMN \"col89_91\" DROP DEFAULT",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:14:37.403724",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE VIEW public.view95 AS SELECT public.table89.crdb_internal_idx_expr, public.table89.col89_90, public.table89.col89_91, public.table89.crdb_internal_idx_expr, public.table89.col89_92, public.table89.col89_91, public.table89.crdb_internal_idx_expr, public.table89.col89_92 FROM public.table89, public.table89, public.table89"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42701,42712",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: source name \"table89\" specified more than once (missing AS clause) (SQLSTATE 42712)"
          | }
          |     2.0s        0           13.0           16.0      4.1      7.9      9.4      9.4 opOk
          |     2.0s        0            6.0            4.5     41.9    113.2    113.2    113.2 txnOk
          |     2.0s        0            8.0           15.0      1.1      6.0      6.0      6.0 txnRbk
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:14:37.558533",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table89 ADD COLUMN col89_96 DATE NOT NULL",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:14:37.811807",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "DROP SCHEMA \"schema77\" CASCADE",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: scanBool: \"\\n\\t\\tSELECT json_array_length(\\n        crdb_internal.pb_to_json(\\n            'cockroach.sql.sqlbase.Descriptor',\\n            descriptor\\n        )-\u003e'table'-\u003e'mutations'\\n       )\\n       \u003e 0\\n\\t\\tFROM system.descriptor\\n\\t  WHERE id = $1::REGCLASS\\n\\t\\t\" [\"public.table89\"]: can't scan into dest[0]: cannot assign NULL to *bool"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ cec7f76e9e9daf50c545b4282c971139d9115b24:

          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:33:36.29227",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "DROP SEQUENCE public.seq2",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange PRIMARY REGION \"us-east-2\"",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "CREATE TYPE schema13.enum14 AS ENUM ('fdddsd', 'fda', 'dsffd')"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "3F000",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: cannot create \"schema13.enum14\" because the target database or schema does not exist (SQLSTATE 3F000)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:33:36.369189",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange ADD REGION \"us-east-2\""
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42710",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: region \"us-east-2\" already added to database (SQLSTATE 42710)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:33:36.382974",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "ALTER SEQUENCE public.seq2 RENAME TO public.seq17",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange SURVIVE REGION FAILURE"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "22023",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: at least 3 regions are required for surviving a region failure (SQLSTATE 22023)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:33:36.422774",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE TABLE public.table18 (col18_19 BOOL NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col18_19 DESC), INDEX (lower(CAST(col18_19 AS STRING))), UNIQUE (lower(CAST(col18_19 AS STRING)) DESC), UNIQUE (lower(CAST(col18_19 AS STRING)) ASC), INDEX (col18_19), UNIQUE (col18_19 ASC), UNIQUE (col18_19 DESC), INDEX (col18_19 DESC), UNIQUE (col18_19))"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: scanBool: \"\\n\\t\\tSELECT json_array_length(\\n        crdb_internal.pb_to_json(\\n            'cockroach.sql.sqlbase.Descriptor',\\n            descriptor\\n        )-\u003e'table'-\u003e'mutations'\\n       )\\n       \u003e 0\\n\\t\\tFROM system.descriptor\\n\\t  WHERE id = $1::REGCLASS\\n\\t\\t\" [\"public.table18\"]: can't scan into dest[0]: cannot assign NULL to *bool"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ cec7f76e9e9daf50c545b4282c971139d9115b24:

          | I211122 08:08:37.469854 43 workload/pgx_helpers.go:72  [-] 60  pgx logger [error]: Exec logParams=map[args:[] err:ERROR: cannot drop schema "public" (SQLSTATE 3F000) sql:DROP SCHEMA "public" CASCADE]
          | I211122 08:08:37.770836 43 workload/pgx_helpers.go:72  [-] 61  pgx logger [error]: Exec logParams=map[args:[] err:ERROR: index "index174_193" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42704) sql:ALTER INDEX public.table174@"index174_193" RENAME TO "index174_194"]
          | I211122 08:08:37.888249 43 workload/pgx_helpers.go:72  [-] 62  pgx logger [error]: Exec logParams=map[args:[] err:ERROR: column "crdb_internal_idx_expr_3" is inaccessible and cannot be referenced (SQLSTATE 42703) sql:CREATE INDEX index174_195 ON public.table174 (col174_185 ASC, col174_176, col174_181 ASC, col174_187 ASC, crdb_internal_idx_expr_3 ASC, crdb_internal_idx_expr_1 ASC, col174_184 ASC, crdb_internal_idx_expr_9 DESC, crdb_internal_idx_expr_2, crdb_internal_idx_expr_4, crdb_internal_idx_expr_7, col174_179 DESC, col174_177 ASC, col174_189 ASC, col174_183 ASC, col174_190 ASC, col174_188) STORING (col174_178, crdb_internal_idx_expr, crdb_internal_idx_expr_6, col174_175, col174_182, crdb_internal_idx_expr_8, col174_180, col174_191)]
          | Error: ***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Received an unexpected execution error: ERROR: column "crdb_internal_idx_expr_3" is inaccessible and cannot be referenced (SQLSTATE 42703)
          | Error: COMMAND_PROBLEM: exit status 1
          | (1) COMMAND_PROBLEM
          | Wraps: (2) Node 1. Command with error:
          |   | ``````
          |   | ./workload run schemachange --verbose=1 --tolerate-errors=false  --histograms=perf/stats.json --max-ops 2000 --concurrency 1 --txn-log /mnt/data1/cockroach/transactions.json
          |   | ``````
          | Wraps: (3) exit status 1
          | Error types: (1) errors.Cmd (2) *hintdetail.withDetail (3) *exec.ExitError
          | stdout:
          | <... some data truncated by circular buffer; go to artifacts for details ...>
          | 807075944:::INT8), col174_178 DESC, col174_179 ASC, col174_185, col174_190, col174_187 DESC, col174_177 ASC, col174_181, col174_183 ASC, col174_180 DESC, col174_184 ASC) STORING (col174_186), UNIQUE (col174_184, col174_189 DESC, col174_179, col174_183 DESC, col174_188 ASC, col174_177 DESC, col174_180 DESC, lower(CAST(col174_178 AS STRING)) ASC, col174_186 DESC, col174_187 DESC, col174_178 ASC, col174_190 DESC, col174_191, col174_185 DESC) STORING (col174_175, col174_182), INDEX (col174_177 DESC, col174_186, lower(CAST(col174_187 AS STRING)) ASC, col174_184, col174_191, col174_187 ASC, col174_178, col174_183 DESC, col174_175 ASC, lower(CAST(col174_185 AS STRING)) ASC, col174_190 ASC, col174_180 DESC) STORING (col174_182, col174_189), UNIQUE (col174_185 DESC, col174_189 ASC, col174_182, col174_190 ASC, col174_180, col174_177, col174_176, col174_191 DESC, col174_186 DESC, col174_184 DESC) STORING (col174_175, col174_178, col174_181, col174_188), INDEX ((col174_184 + 98500468855891985:::INT8), col174_177 ASC, col174_178, col174_187, (col174_180 + '-Inf':::FLOAT8) ASC, col174_181 ASC, col174_186 DESC, col174_185 DESC, col174_190, col174_184 DESC, col174_175 DESC, col174_176 DESC, (CASE WHEN col174_181 IS NULL THEN e'\\x03\\x13\\x0f|6\\n':::STRING ELSE e'?\\x03\\x1ds``\u0026C':::STRING END), col174_180) STORING (col174_179, col174_182, col174_183, col174_188, col174_189), UNIQUE (col174_175 ASC, col174_177 ASC, col174_178 ASC, col174_179 ASC, col174_189 ASC, col174_186 ASC, col174_182 DESC) STORING (col174_180, col174_183, col174_184, col174_191), INDEX (col174_176 DESC, col174_181 ASC, col174_187 DESC, (col174_175 + (-0.44533234680897543):::FLOAT8) ASC, lower(CAST(col174_186 AS STRING)) DESC, col174_185 DESC, col174_180), UNIQUE (col174_175 ASC, col174_184 DESC, col174_177, col174_180, col174_186 ASC, col174_179 ASC, col174_189 DESC, col174_181 ASC, col174_183 DESC) STORING (col174_182, col174_185), INDEX (col174_188, col174_182 DESC, col174_177 DESC, col174_189, col174_181 ASC, col174_187 ASC, lower(CAST(col174_178 AS STRING)) DESC, col174_179 DESC, col174_191 DESC, col174_190 ASC, col174_185 ASC, col174_178 ASC, col174_176, col174_186, col174_184 ASC) STORING (col174_180), FAMILY (col174_182), FAMILY (col174_181), FAMILY (col174_179), FAMILY (col174_189), FAMILY (col174_177, col174_184), FAMILY (col174_191), FAMILY (col174_187), FAMILY (col174_188), FAMILY (col174_186, col174_176), FAMILY (col174_175, col174_183), FAMILY (col174_178, col174_180), FAMILY (col174_185))",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange PRIMARY REGION \"us-east1\"",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table174 ALTER COLUMN col174_191 SET DEFAULT e'\\U00002603':::STRING",
          |   "CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS schema90.seq192",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:08:37.741021",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER INDEX public.table174@\"index174_193\" RENAME TO \"index174_194\""
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42704",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: index \"index174_193\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42704)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:08:37.771526",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "CREATE INDEX index174_195 ON public.table174 (col174_185 ASC, col174_176, col174_181 ASC, col174_187 ASC, crdb_internal_idx_expr_3 ASC, crdb_internal_idx_expr_1 ASC, col174_184 ASC, crdb_internal_idx_expr_9 DESC, crdb_internal_idx_expr_2, crdb_internal_idx_expr_4, crdb_internal_idx_expr_7, col174_179 DESC, col174_177 ASC, col174_189 ASC, col174_183 ASC, col174_190 ASC, col174_188) STORING (col174_178, crdb_internal_idx_expr, crdb_internal_idx_expr_6, col174_175, col174_182, crdb_internal_idx_expr_8, col174_180, col174_191)"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "XXUUU",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Received an unexpected execution error: ERROR: column \"crdb_internal_idx_expr_3\" is inaccessible and cannot be referenced (SQLSTATE 42703)"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ af7f257bc39988e6d98d516d7fe7cb842a22ad67:

          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:33:30.28078",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "DROP SCHEMA \"public\" CASCADE"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "3F000",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: cannot drop schema \"public\" (SQLSTATE 3F000)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:33:30.309684",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.table7 (col7_8 BYTES NULL, col7_9 OID NULL, col7_10 TIME NULL, col7_11 INT2, col7_12 REGPROC, col7_13 STRING AS (lower(CAST(col7_12 AS STRING))) VIRTUAL, col7_14 INT2 AS (col7_11 + 8968:::INT8) VIRTUAL, INDEX (col7_10 DESC), FAMILY (col7_10), FAMILY (col7_8, col7_9), FAMILY (col7_12, col7_11))",
          |   "DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS public.seq15",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:33:30.335532",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange PRIMARY REGION \"us-east-2\"",
          |   "CREATE TYPE public.enum16 AS ENUM ('safs', 'dad', 'sd', 'dadsa')",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange SURVIVE ZONE FAILURE",
          |   "CREATE TABLE public.table18 AS SELECT public.table7.col7_12, public.table7.col7_9, public.table7.col7_13, public.table7.col7_10, public.table7.col7_14, public.table7.col7_9, public.table7.col7_11, public.table7.col7_10, public.table7.col7_13, public.table7.col7_8, public.table7.col7_12, public.table7.col7_14 FROM public.table7, public.table7"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42701,42712",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: source name \"table7\" specified more than once (missing AS clause) (SQLSTATE 42712)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:33:30.430132",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table7 ADD COLUMN col7_19 \"char\" NOT NULL"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: Validation FAIL:\nid 58, db schemachange, schema public, name table7: mutation job 712974042648281089: job not found"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ af7f257bc39988e6d98d516d7fe7cb842a22ad67:

          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE SCHEMA schema4 AUTHORIZATION root",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange PRIMARY REGION \"us-east1\"",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table5 ALTER COLUMN \"IrrelevantColumnName\" DROP DEFAULT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"public.table5\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:10:35.867141",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS public.seq6",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:10:35.916588",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE TYPE schema7.enum8 AS ENUM ('asfd', 'dffa', 'fs', 'aaads', 'sssf')"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "3F000",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: cannot create \"schema7.enum8\" because the target database or schema does not exist (SQLSTATE 3F000)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:10:35.919359",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange PRIMARY REGION \"us-east1\"",
          |   "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.table9 (col9_10 DECIMAL NOT NULL, col9_11 STRING NOT NULL, col9_12 INT4 NOT NULL, col9_13 \"char\" NOT NULL, col9_14 NAME NOT NULL, col9_15 INET[] NOT NULL, col9_16 REGROLE NOT NULL, col9_17 INT8 NOT NULL, col9_18 BIT(30) NOT NULL, col9_19 FLOAT4, PRIMARY KEY (col9_10 DESC, col9_12 ASC, col9_18 ASC, col9_13 DESC, col9_14, col9_17, col9_11 ASC), col9_20 STRING NOT NULL AS (lower(CAST(col9_16 AS STRING))) STORED, col9_21 INT8 NOT NULL AS (col9_17 + 9223372036854775807:::INT8) VIRTUAL, col9_22 STRING NOT NULL AS (CASE WHEN col9_15 IS NULL THEN e'\\x17*\\rys\\x06T#':::STRING ELSE e',\\x7f|\\x04H5o':::STRING END) STORED, col9_23 INT8 NOT NULL AS (col9_17 + col9_12) VIRTUAL, INVERTED INDEX (col9_10 ASC, col9_20, col9_12 ASC, col9_22 ASC, col9_14 DESC, col9_18 ASC, col9_23 ASC, col9_15 DESC), INVERTED INDEX (col9_16 DESC, col9_20, col9_11 ASC, col9_23 ASC, lower(col9_13) DESC, col9_13 DESC, col9_22, col9_10 DESC, lower(col9_11) ASC, col9_17 DESC, col9_12, col9_15 ASC), UNIQUE (col9_16 ASC, col9_14 ASC, col9_18, col9_19, (col9_12 + col9_17) DESC, col9_11 DESC, col9_13 ASC, lower(CAST(col9_18 AS STRING)), col9_17 DESC, (col9_12 + col9_17) DESC, col9_20 DESC, lower(CAST(col9_16 AS STRING)) DESC, (col9_17 + col9_12), col9_10))",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange ADD REGION \"us-east1\""
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42P12",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Received an unexpected execution error: ERROR: region \"us-east1\" already added to database (SQLSTATE 42710)"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ 44c5c2c509fb16b44ef7edcb3e24cfba9b7d0621:

          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table32 ALTER COLUMN IrrelevantColumnName SET DEFAULT \"IrrelevantValue\""
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"public.table32\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:33:26.092583",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange PRIMARY REGION \"us-east-2\"",
          |   "CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS public.seq31",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR DURING ROLLBACK;: conn closed"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

    cluster.go:1249,context.go:89,cluster.go:1237,test_runner.go:866: dead node detection: /home/agent/work/.go/src/ monitor teamcity-3788188-1637738089-02-n3cpu4 --oneshot --ignore-empty-nodes: exit status 1 3: 9551
        1: dead (exit status 134)
        2: 9056
        Error: UNCLASSIFIED_PROBLEM: 1: dead (exit status 134)
        Wraps: (2) attached stack trace
          -- stack trace:
          |     /home/agent/work/.go/src/
          | main.glob..func14
          |     /home/agent/work/.go/src/
          | main.wrap.func1
          |     /home/agent/work/.go/src/
          |     /home/agent/work/.go/src/
          |     /home/agent/work/.go/src/
          |     /home/agent/work/.go/src/
          | main.main
          |     /home/agent/work/.go/src/
          | runtime.main
          |     /usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:255
          | runtime.goexit
          |     /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1581
        Wraps: (3) 1: dead (exit status 134)
        Error types: (1) errors.Unclassified (2) *withstack.withStack (3) *errutil.leafError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ 44c5c2c509fb16b44ef7edcb3e24cfba9b7d0621:

          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table79 RENAME TO public.table88",
          |   "CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS schema37.seq89",
          |   "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index84_90 ON schema37.table84 (col79_82 ASC, crdb_internal_idx_expr ASC)",
          |   "CREATE TABLE schema37.table91 AS SELECT public.table88.col79_82, public.table88.crdb_internal_idx_expr, public.table88.col79_83, public.table88.col79_81 FROM public.table88",
          |   "DROP TABLE schema37.table84",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:14:14.188164",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER SEQUENCE schema72.seq87 RENAME TO schema72.seq87",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:14:14.2245",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE TABLE public.table92 (col92_93 UUID NOT NULL, col92_94 BIT(2), col92_95 REGPROC NOT NULL, col92_96 INT2 NOT NULL, col92_97 OID NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col92_95 ASC, col92_96 ASC), INDEX (col92_96, col92_93 ASC, col92_94 DESC, col92_97, col92_95 ASC), UNIQUE (col92_95 DESC, col92_96, col92_97 ASC, col92_94 DESC), INDEX (col92_94 DESC, col92_96, (col92_96 + 16063:::INT8), lower(CAST(col92_97 AS STRING))) STORING (col92_93), UNIQUE (col92_97 ASC), FAMILY (col92_93), FAMILY (col92_94, col92_97, col92_96), FAMILY (col92_95))",
          |   "ALTER TABLE schema37.table91 ALTER COLUMN \"col79_81\" DROP STORED"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42611",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: column \"col79_81\" is not a computed column (SQLSTATE 42611)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:14:14.323307",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE VIEW schema72.view98 AS SELECT schema37.table91.col79_81, public.table88.col79_82, public.table88.crdb_internal_idx_expr, public.table88.col79_83 FROM schema37.table91, public.table88",
          |   "DROP SEQUENCE schema72.seq87"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: scanBool: \"\\n\\t\\tSELECT json_array_length(\\n        crdb_internal.pb_to_json(\\n            'cockroach.sql.sqlbase.Descriptor',\\n            descriptor\\n        )-\u003e'table'-\u003e'mutations'\\n       )\\n       \u003e 0\\n\\t\\tFROM system.descriptor\\n\\t  WHERE id = $1::REGCLASS\\n\\t\\t\" [\"public.table88\"]: can't scan into dest[0]: cannot assign NULL to *bool"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ 67ef976cb1ca1ca306669dff103a218eab4832f3:

          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:40:09.15147",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE TYPE schema3.enum4 AS ENUM ('sssaaf', 'asfd', 'fs')"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "3F000",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: cannot create \"schema3.enum4\" because the target database or schema does not exist (SQLSTATE 3F000)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:40:09.160926",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE TABLE public.table5 (col5_6 STRING NULL, col5_7 \"char\" NOT NULL, col5_8 TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, col5_9 REGROLE NULL, col5_10 TIME, col5_11 FLOAT4 NULL, col5_12 REGPROC NULL, col5_13 \"char\", col5_14 GEOMETRY NOT NULL, col5_15 REGTYPE NULL, col5_16 STRING NOT NULL AS (lower(col5_7)) STORED, col5_17 STRING NULL AS (lower(CAST(col5_9 AS STRING))) STORED, col5_18 STRING NULL AS (lower(CAST(col5_15 AS STRING))) VIRTUAL, INVERTED INDEX (col5_6 DESC, col5_8 DESC, col5_13 DESC, col5_11 DESC, col5_18 ASC, col5_12 ASC, col5_9 ASC, lower(CAST(col5_8 AS STRING)) DESC, col5_17, col5_10 ASC, col5_7 ASC, col5_14 ASC), INDEX (col5_6 DESC, (col5_11 + (-0.3887110948562622):::FLOAT8) ASC, lower(col5_6), lower(CAST(col5_12 AS STRING)) ASC, col5_7 DESC, col5_18 ASC, col5_10 DESC, col5_17 ASC, col5_15 DESC), UNIQUE (col5_11 ASC, col5_9, col5_8 ASC, col5_15, col5_10 DESC) STORING (col5_14), FAMILY (col5_17), FAMILY (col5_7), FAMILY (col5_15), FAMILY (col5_16, col5_6), FAMILY (col5_13, col5_14), FAMILY (col5_12), FAMILY (col5_9), FAMILY (col5_10), FAMILY (col5_8, col5_11))",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table5 ALTER COLUMN col5_13 SET DEFAULT 'f':::STRING",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange PRIMARY REGION \"us-east-2\"",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:40:09.260156",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE VIEW public.view19 AS SELECT public.table5.col5_17, public.table5.crdb_internal_idx_expr_1, public.table5.col5_9, public.table5.col5_16, public.table5.col5_10, public.table5.col5_17, public.table5.crdb_internal_idx_expr_3, public.table5.crdb_internal_idx_expr_2, public.table5.col5_14, public.table5.col5_15, public.table5.col5_7, public.table5.col5_13, public.table5.col5_8, public.table5.col5_12, public.table5.crdb_internal_idx_expr, public.table5.col5_11, public.table5.col5_18, public.table5.col5_17, public.table5.col5_10, public.table5.crdb_internal_idx_expr_3, public.table5.col5_7, public.table5.col5_16, public.table5.col5_8, public.table5.col5_6, public.table5.col5_14, public.table5.crdb_internal_idx_expr_1, public.table5.col5_9, public.table5.col5_15, public.table5.col5_12, public.table5.crdb_internal_idx_expr FROM public.table5, public.table5, public.table5"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42701,42712",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: source name \"table5\" specified more than once (missing AS clause) (SQLSTATE 42712)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:40:09.368109",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table5 ALTER COLUMN \"crdb_internal_idx_expr\" DROP STORED"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42611",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: column \"crdb_internal_idx_expr\" is not a stored computed column (SQLSTATE 42611)"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ 67ef976cb1ca1ca306669dff103a218eab4832f3:

The test failed on branch=release-21.2, cloud=gce:
test artifacts and logs in: /home/agent/work/.go/src/
    schemachange_random_load.go:159,schemachange_random_load.go:92,test_runner.go:777: output in run_081713.204510902_n1_workload_run_schemachange: /home/agent/work/.go/src/ run teamcity-3795399-1637824840-21-n3cpu4:1 -- ./workload run schemachange --verbose=1 --tolerate-errors=false  --histograms=perf/stats.json --max-ops 2000 --concurrency 1 --txn-log /mnt/data1/cockroach/transactions.json returned: exit status 20
        (1) attached stack trace
          -- stack trace:
          | main.(*clusterImpl).RunE
          |     /home/agent/work/.go/src/
          |     /home/agent/work/.go/src/
          |     /home/agent/work/.go/src/
          | main.(*testRunner).runTest.func2
          |     /home/agent/work/.go/src/
          | runtime.goexit
          |     /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1581
        Wraps: (2) output in run_081713.204510902_n1_workload_run_schemachange
        Wraps: (3) /home/agent/work/.go/src/ run teamcity-3795399-1637824840-21-n3cpu4:1 -- ./workload run schemachange --verbose=1 --tolerate-errors=false  --histograms=perf/stats.json --max-ops 2000 --concurrency 1 --txn-log /mnt/data1/cockroach/transactions.json returned
          | stderr:
          | I211125 08:17:14.236864 1 workload/cli/run.go:408  [-] 1  creating load generator...
          | I211125 08:17:14.294643 1 workload/cli/run.go:439  [-] 2  creating load generator... done (took 57.776754ms)
          | I211125 08:17:14.424389 53 workload/pgx_helpers.go:72  [-] 3  pgx logger [error]: Exec logParams=map[args:[] err:ERROR: region "us-east1" already added to database (SQLSTATE 42710) sql:ALTER DATABASE schemachange ADD REGION "us-east1"]
          | Error: ***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Received an unexpected execution error: ERROR: region "us-east1" already added to database (SQLSTATE 42710)
          | Error: COMMAND_PROBLEM: exit status 1
          | (1) COMMAND_PROBLEM
          | Wraps: (2) Node 1. Command with error:
          |   | ``````
          |   | ./workload run schemachange --verbose=1 --tolerate-errors=false  --histograms=perf/stats.json --max-ops 2000 --concurrency 1 --txn-log /mnt/data1/cockroach/transactions.json
          |   | ``````
          | Wraps: (3) exit status 1
          | Error types: (1) errors.Cmd (2) *hintdetail.withDetail (3) *exec.ExitError
          | stdout:
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:17:14.295095",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange PRIMARY REGION \"us-east1\"",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange ADD REGION \"us-east1\""
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42P12",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Received an unexpected execution error: ERROR: region \"us-east1\" already added to database (SQLSTATE 42710)"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ 316301aed426e90608e93abd6d33bc53c9069c10:

The test failed on branch=release-21.2, cloud=aws:
test artifacts and logs in: /home/agent/work/.go/src/
    schemachange_random_load.go:159,schemachange_random_load.go:92,test_runner.go:777: output in run_073222.714814815_n1_workload_run_schemachange: /home/agent/work/.go/src/ run teamcity-3800764-1637910939-01-n3cpu4:1 -- ./workload run schemachange --verbose=1 --tolerate-errors=false  --histograms=perf/stats.json --max-ops 2000 --concurrency 1 --txn-log /mnt/data1/cockroach/transactions.json returned: exit status 20
        (1) attached stack trace
          -- stack trace:
          | main.(*clusterImpl).RunE
          |     /home/agent/work/.go/src/
          |     /home/agent/work/.go/src/
          |     /home/agent/work/.go/src/
          | main.(*testRunner).runTest.func2
          |     /home/agent/work/.go/src/
          | runtime.goexit
          |     /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1581
        Wraps: (2) output in run_073222.714814815_n1_workload_run_schemachange
        Wraps: (3) /home/agent/work/.go/src/ run teamcity-3800764-1637910939-01-n3cpu4:1 -- ./workload run schemachange --verbose=1 --tolerate-errors=false  --histograms=perf/stats.json --max-ops 2000 --concurrency 1 --txn-log /mnt/data1/cockroach/transactions.json returned
          | stderr:
          | I211126 07:32:23.998734 1 workload/cli/run.go:408  [-] 1  creating load generator...
          | I211126 07:32:24.047867 1 workload/cli/run.go:439  [-] 2  creating load generator... done (took 49.131963ms)
          | Error: ***FAIL; Failed to receive an execution error when errors were expected
          | Error: COMMAND_PROBLEM: exit status 1
          | (1) COMMAND_PROBLEM
          | Wraps: (2) Node 1. Command with error:
          |   | ``````
          |   | ./workload run schemachange --verbose=1 --tolerate-errors=false  --histograms=perf/stats.json --max-ops 2000 --concurrency 1 --txn-log /mnt/data1/cockroach/transactions.json
          |   | ``````
          | Wraps: (3) exit status 1
          | Error types: (1) errors.Cmd (2) *hintdetail.withDetail (3) *exec.ExitError
          | stdout:
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:32:24.048252",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange PRIMARY REGION \"us-east-2\"",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange SURVIVE ZONE FAILURE"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42602",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***FAIL; Failed to receive an execution error when errors were expected"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ 316301aed426e90608e93abd6d33bc53c9069c10:

          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "DROP SCHEMA \"public\" CASCADE"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "3F000",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: cannot drop schema \"public\" (SQLSTATE 3F000)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:10:17.189829",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER TABLE schema3.table8 SET LOCALITY REGIONAL BY ROW"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"schema3.table8\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:10:17.206675",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS schema3.seq9",
          |   "ALTER SEQUENCE schema3.seq9 RENAME TO schema3.seq10",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange ADD REGION \"us-east1\""
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42P12",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: cannot add region \"us-east1\" to database schemachange (SQLSTATE 42P12)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:10:17.277857",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "CREATE TYPE schema3.enum11 AS ENUM ('sdafa', 'sa', 'aa')",
          |   "CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS schema12 AUTHORIZATION root",
          |   "CREATE TABLE schema3.table13 (col13_14 INT4 NOT NULL, col13_15 GEOMETRY NULL, col13_16 INT4 NOT NULL, col13_17 CHAR NOT NULL, col13_18 CHAR, col13_19 BIT(26) NULL, col13_20 REGNAMESPACE NULL, col13_21 OID, col13_22 INT8 NULL, col13_23 BOX2D NULL, col13_24 INT2 NOT NULL, UNIQUE (col13_20 ASC) STORING (col13_14, col13_15, col13_16, col13_17, col13_19, col13_22, col13_23), INDEX (col13_16 DESC, col13_14 DESC, col13_18 ASC, col13_22 ASC))",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange PRIMARY REGION \"us-east1\"",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***UNEXPECTED COMMIT ERROR; Received an unexpected commit error: ERROR: relation \"table13\" (64): invalid locality config: database schemachange is multi-region enabled, but table table13 has no locality set (SQLSTATE 42P16)"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ a998d665653cfd1407a2ca18d53168548c6acb50:

          |   "ALTER INDEX schema1.table63@\"IrrelevantConstraintName\" RENAME TO \"OtherConstraintName\""
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"schema1.table63\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)"
          | }
          | _elapsed___errors__ops/sec(inst)___ops/sec(cum)__p50(ms)__p95(ms)__p99(ms)_pMax(ms)
          |     1.0s        0           21.9           23.0      3.0      7.1      8.4      8.4 opOk
          |     1.0s        0            5.7            6.0     58.7    209.7    209.7    209.7 txnOk
          |     1.0s        0           17.1           18.0      0.7      4.5      4.7      4.7 txnRbk
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:30:56.723291",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE TABLE schema31.table64 (col64_65 REGCLASS NOT NULL, col64_66 DATE NOT NULL, col64_67 BIT(31) NOT NULL, col64_68 TIMESTAMP, col64_69 FLOAT8[] NULL, col64_70 INT4, PRIMARY KEY (col64_67 ASC, col64_65 DESC), col64_71 STRING AS (lower(CAST(col64_68 AS STRING))) STORED, INVERTED INDEX (col64_67, col64_65 ASC, col64_68, col64_71 ASC, col64_66 ASC, col64_69 ASC), UNIQUE (col64_67 DESC, col64_70 ASC, col64_68 ASC), UNIQUE (col64_65 ASC), INDEX (col64_68 ASC, col64_66 DESC, col64_70 DESC, col64_71), INVERTED INDEX (col64_70 DESC, col64_65 ASC, col64_69 DESC), INVERTED INDEX (col64_68, col64_70, col64_66, col64_71, col64_69 ASC), UNIQUE (col64_66, col64_70 ASC, col64_71))",
          |   "CREATE TYPE public.enum72 AS ENUM ('dssa', 'asaaa', 'f', 'ssfsaa', 'ffs', 'ss')",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:30:56.766401",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE SCHEMA schema73 AUTHORIZATION root",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange ADD REGION \"us-east-2\""
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42710",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: region \"us-east-2\" already added to database (SQLSTATE 42710)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:30:56.79599",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER TABLE schema31.table64 ALTER COLUMN \"col64_65\" SET NOT NULL",
          |   "ALTER TABLE schema31.table64 RENAME TO schema31.table74"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: ERROR: relation \"schema31.table64\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ a998d665653cfd1407a2ca18d53168548c6acb50:

          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:11:42.87656",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange ADD REGION \"us-east1\""
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42710",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: region \"us-east1\" already added to database (SQLSTATE 42710)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:11:42.897758",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE TABLE public.table57 (col57_58 STRING NOT NULL, col57_59 TIMESTAMP, col57_60 GEOMETRY NULL, col57_61 INTERVAL, col57_62 REGPROC NULL, col57_63 CHAR, col57_64 REGPROCEDURE NULL, col57_65 INT2 NULL, col57_66 NAME, col57_67 INT8, col57_68 OID, col57_69 REGROLE NULL, col57_70 STRING AS (lower(col57_66)) STORED, col57_71 INT2 NULL AS (col57_65 + col57_67) STORED, col57_72 INT8 AS (col57_67 + col57_65) STORED, col57_73 INT8 AS (col57_67 + 8012713282067732143:::INT8) VIRTUAL, col57_74 INT8 AS (col57_67 + col57_65) VIRTUAL, col57_75 INT2 NULL AS (col57_65 + col57_67) STORED, col57_76 INT8 AS (col57_67 + col57_65) VIRTUAL, INVERTED INDEX (col57_67 DESC, col57_71 ASC, col57_61, col57_62, col57_74 ASC, col57_73 DESC, col57_70 DESC, col57_59, col57_64 DESC, (col57_67 + col57_65) DESC, col57_65 ASC, col57_72 ASC, col57_68, col57_58 ASC, col57_69, (col57_65 + col57_67) DESC, col57_60), UNIQUE (col57_73, col57_67 ASC, col57_64, col57_69, col57_58 DESC, col57_68 DESC, col57_59 DESC, col57_62 DESC, (col57_65 + col57_67) DESC, col57_61 ASC) STORING (col57_60, col57_65), INDEX (col57_69, col57_74 DESC, col57_63 ASC, col57_66 ASC, col57_73 ASC, lower(col57_66) ASC, col57_68 ASC, col57_75 DESC, col57_71, (col57_67 + col57_65) DESC), FAMILY (col57_68, col57_71, col57_61), FAMILY (col57_67, col57_66, col57_59, col57_72, col57_65), FAMILY (col57_63, col57_60, col57_62, col57_58), FAMILY (col57_69, col57_70), FAMILY (col57_64), FAMILY (col57_75))",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table57 ALTER COLUMN \"col57_71\" DROP STORED",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:11:43.065701",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS schema77 AUTHORIZATION root",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table57 RENAME TO public.table78",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange PRIMARY REGION \"us-east1\"",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:11:43.179333",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER INDEX schema43.table79@\"IrrelevantConstraintName\" RENAME TO \"OtherConstraintName\""
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"schema43.table79\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ 1d45a24c33db559f70d01ac786bbf5778cfaf7e7:

          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:29:07.840464",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE TABLE public.table77 (col77_78 TIME NULL, col77_79 REGCLASS NULL, col77_80 DECIMAL NULL, col77_81 INT2[], INVERTED INDEX (col77_79 ASC, col77_81 ASC), INVERTED INDEX (col77_78 DESC, col77_81 ASC), INVERTED INDEX (col77_81), INVERTED INDEX (col77_80 ASC, col77_81 ASC))",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:29:07.852424",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table77 ALTER COLUMN col77_81 SET DEFAULT ARRAY[(-3444):::INT8,8043:::INT8,(-3827):::INT8]",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:29:07.944704",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE SCHEMA schema82 AUTHORIZATION root",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange ADD REGION \"us-east-2\""
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42710",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: region \"us-east-2\" already added to database (SQLSTATE 42710)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:29:07.964714",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table77 ALTER COLUMN \"col77_81\" DROP DEFAULT",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ 1d45a24c33db559f70d01ac786bbf5778cfaf7e7:

          |     /home/agent/work/.go/src/
          | main.(*testRunner).runTest.func2
          |     /home/agent/work/.go/src/
          | runtime.goexit
          |     /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1581
        Wraps: (2) output in run_080734.800367977_n1_workload_run_schemachange
        Wraps: (3) /home/agent/work/.go/src/ run teamcity-3817796-1638256286-23-n3cpu4:1 -- ./workload run schemachange --verbose=1 --tolerate-errors=false  --histograms=perf/stats.json --max-ops 2000 --concurrency 1 --txn-log /mnt/data1/cockroach/transactions.json returned
          | stderr:
          | I211130 08:07:36.009448 1 workload/cli/run.go:408  [-] 1  creating load generator...
          | I211130 08:07:36.081271 1 workload/cli/run.go:439  [-] 2  creating load generator... done (took 71.821701ms)
          | I211130 08:07:36.123395 19 workload/pgx_helpers.go:72  [-] 3  pgx logger [error]: Exec logParams=map[args:[] err:ERROR: relation "public.view1" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01) sql:ALTER VIEW public.view1 RENAME TO public.view2]
          | Error: ***FAIL; Failed to receive an execution error when errors were expected
          | Error: COMMAND_PROBLEM: exit status 1
          | (1) COMMAND_PROBLEM
          | Wraps: (2) Node 1. Command with error:
          |   | ``````
          |   | ./workload run schemachange --verbose=1 --tolerate-errors=false  --histograms=perf/stats.json --max-ops 2000 --concurrency 1 --txn-log /mnt/data1/cockroach/transactions.json
          |   | ``````
          | Wraps: (3) exit status 1
          | Error types: (1) errors.Cmd (2) *hintdetail.withDetail (3) *exec.ExitError
          | stdout:
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:07:36.081885",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "ALTER VIEW public.view1 RENAME TO public.view2"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42P01",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: relation \"public.view1\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:07:36.124464",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange PRIMARY REGION \"us-east1\"",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange SURVIVE ZONE FAILURE"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42602",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***FAIL; Failed to receive an execution error when errors were expected"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ 77f4777848f993b4ded5cc3a026612598ec68947:

          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42710",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: region \"us-east-2\" already added to database (SQLSTATE 42710)"
          | }
          | _elapsed___errors__ops/sec(inst)___ops/sec(cum)__p50(ms)__p95(ms)__p99(ms)_pMax(ms)
          |     1.0s        0           24.7           26.0      3.1      9.4     11.5     11.5 opOk
          |     1.0s        0            4.7            5.0     41.9     58.7     58.7     58.7 txnOk
          |     1.0s        0           16.1           17.0      1.7      4.5      4.5      4.5 txnRbk
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:33:24.841886",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange SURVIVE ZONE FAILURE",
          |   "DROP SCHEMA \"schema36\" CASCADE",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange PRIMARY REGION \"us-east-2\"",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:33:25.076427",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "CREATE SCHEMA schema57 AUTHORIZATION root",
          |   "CREATE TABLE public.table58 (col58_59 FLOAT4 NOT NULL, col58_60 UUID NOT NULL, UNIQUE (col58_60 DESC, col58_59 DESC), UNIQUE (col58_59 ASC, (col58_59 + (-0.2898472845554352):::FLOAT8)) STORING (col58_60), INDEX (col58_59, col58_60), FAMILY (col58_60), FAMILY (col58_59))",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "07:33:25.14187",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS public.seq61"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: scanBool: \"\\n\\t\\tSELECT json_array_length(\\n        crdb_internal.pb_to_json(\\n            'cockroach.sql.sqlbase.Descriptor',\\n            descriptor\\n        )-\u003e'table'-\u003e'mutations'\\n       )\\n       \u003e 0\\n\\t\\tFROM system.descriptor\\n\\t  WHERE id = $1::REGCLASS\\n\\t\\t\" [\"public.table58\"]: can't scan into dest[0]: cannot assign NULL to *bool"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!

cockroach-teamcity commented 2 years ago

roachtest.scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed with artifacts on release-21.2 @ 77f4777848f993b4ded5cc3a026612598ec68947:

          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:10:10.828738",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "ALTER DATABASE schemachange PRIMARY REGION \"us-east1\"",
          |   "DROP SCHEMA \"public\" CASCADE"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "3F000",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: cannot drop schema \"public\" (SQLSTATE 3F000)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:10:10.893428",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.table5 (col5_6 FLOAT8 NULL, col5_7 INT4, col5_8 INT2 NOT NULL, col5_9 REGNAMESPACE, PRIMARY KEY (col5_8 DESC), col5_10 INT2 AS (col5_8 + col5_7) VIRTUAL, col5_11 INT2 AS (col5_8 + col5_7) VIRTUAL, col5_12 STRING AS (lower(CAST(col5_9 AS STRING))) VIRTUAL, INDEX (col5_8) STORING (col5_7, col5_9), UNIQUE (col5_10, col5_6 ASC, col5_7 ASC), INDEX ((col5_7 + col5_8) DESC, col5_6, col5_8 ASC, col5_12 DESC) STORING (col5_9), FAMILY (col5_8, col5_9, col5_7, col5_6))",
          |   "COMMIT"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": ""
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:10:10.947652",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.table5 (col5_13 REGTYPE, col5_14 REGCLASS, col5_15 BOX2D NOT NULL, col5_16 TIMESTAMPTZ NULL, col5_17 BIT(18), col5_18 JSONB NULL, col5_19 INT8 NOT NULL, col5_20 CHAR, col5_21 STRING AS (lower(col5_20)) STORED, col5_22 STRING AS (lower(CAST(col5_17 AS STRING))) VIRTUAL, col5_23 STRING NULL AS (CASE WHEN col5_16 IS NULL THEN e'cK\\\\\\x12\\x04\u003c^I':::STRING ELSE e'}\\b\\x7f\\x0e7ee':::STRING END) VIRTUAL, col5_24 STRING AS (lower(CAST(col5_17 AS STRING))) STORED, col5_25 STRING AS (lower(col5_20)) VIRTUAL, INDEX (col5_15, col5_14 DESC, col5_13 ASC, lower(CAST(col5_18 AS STRING)) DESC, col5_20 DESC) STORING (col5_16, col5_17, col5_18, col5_21, col5_24), UNIQUE (col5_17 ASC, col5_19, col5_25 DESC, col5_16, col5_23, col5_21 DESC, col5_22 ASC, col5_20, col5_13 ASC, col5_24 DESC, col5_14 DESC), UNIQUE (col5_13 DESC, col5_22 DESC, col5_14 DESC) STORING (col5_17, col5_19, col5_20), UNIQUE (col5_20, col5_25 ASC, col5_15 DESC), UNIQUE (col5_22 DESC, col5_20 DESC, col5_25 DESC) STORING (col5_13, col5_14, col5_15, col5_16, col5_18, col5_19, col5_24))",
          |   "CREATE TABLE public.table26 AS SELECT public.table5.col5_8, public.table5.col5_6, public.table5.col5_9, public.table5.col5_11 FROM public.table5",
          |   "SELECT 'validating all objects', crdb_internal.validate_multi_region_zone_configs()",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table5 RENAME COLUMN \"col5_27\" TO \"col5_28\""
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "42703",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "ROLLBACK; Successfully got expected execution error: ERROR: column \"col5_27\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42703)"
          | }
          | {
          |  "workerId": 0,
          |  "clientTimestamp": "08:10:11.131206",
          |  "ops": [
          |   "BEGIN",
          |   "DROP VIEW IF EXISTS public.view29 CASCADE",
          |   "ALTER TABLE public.table5 ALTER COLUMN \"col5_6\" SET NOT NULL"
          |  ],
          |  "expectedExecErrors": "",
          |  "expectedCommitErrors": "",
          |  "message": "***UNEXPECTED ERROR; Failed to generate a random operation: scanBool: \"\\n\\t\\tSELECT (\\n\\t       SELECT count(*)\\n\\t         FROM (\\n\\t               SELECT DISTINCT col5_8, crdb_internal_idx_expr, col5_7, col5_9\\n\\t                 FROM public.table5\\n\\t                WHERE col5_8 IS NOT NULL OR crdb_internal_idx_expr IS NOT NULL OR col5_7 IS NOT NULL OR col5_9 IS NOT NULL \\n\\t              )\\n\\t      )\\n\\t      = (\\n\\t        SELECT count(*)\\n\\t          FROM public.table5\\n\\t         WHERE col5_8 IS NOT NULL OR crdb_internal_idx_expr IS NOT NULL OR col5_7 IS NOT NULL OR col5_9 IS NOT NULL \\n\\t       );\\n\\t\" []: ERROR: column \"crdb_internal_idx_expr\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42703)"
          | }
        Wraps: (4) exit status 20
        Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *cluster.WithCommandDetails (4) *exec.ExitError

See: [roachtest README](

Same failure on other branches

- #63514 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-63484] - #61976 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-20.2] - #61685 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-release-21.1] - #56081 roachtest: scbench/randomload/nodes=3/ops=2000/conc=1 failed [C-test-failure O-roachtest O-robot T-sql-schema branch-master]

/cc @cockroachdb/sql-schema

This test on roachdash | Improve this report!