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cdc: Improve avro coverage in unit tests. #80285

Open HonoreDB opened 2 years ago

HonoreDB commented 2 years ago

Our unit test suite doesn't have as good coverage for avro as for json (e.g. no tests with WITH format=avro, updated). This is because it's annoying to write assertPayloads for avro. As we start adding more formats, it's going to be useful to have the ability to write tests that document behavior shared among multiple encoders in a format-agnostic way, say by converting the output to json or a struct before asserting things about it.

Jira issue: CRDB-15785

Epic CRDB-9179

blathers-crl[bot] commented 2 years ago

cc @cockroachdb/cdc

amruss commented 2 years ago

w/ registry we're assuming avro, w/o registry we're assuming json