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migrations: Support AWS DMS as a source #84505

Open ajstorm opened 2 years ago

ajstorm commented 2 years ago provided support for CRDB to impersonate PG and act as a target for migrations. There is still work remaining if we ever want to support DMS with CRDB as a source. A working prototype is available in

Initial Load

To get the initial load to work, we need the following:


Requisite plpgsql and event trigger

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION objects_schema.awsdms_intercept_ddl()
  RETURNS event_trigger
LANGUAGE plpgsql
  AS $$
  declare _qry text;
  if (tg_tag='CREATE TABLE' or tg_tag='ALTER TABLE' or tg_tag='DROP TABLE') then
         SELECT current_query() into _qry;
         insert into objects_schema.awsdms_ddl_audit
         default,current_timestamp,current_user,cast(TXID_CURRENT()as varchar(16)),tg_tag,0,'',current_schema,_qry
         delete from objects_schema.awsdms_ddl_audit;
end if;

CREATE EVENT TRIGGER awsdms_intercept_ddl ON ddl_command_end 
EXECUTE PROCEDURE objects_schema.awsdms_intercept_ddl();

Jira issue: CRDB-17695

Epic CC-8911

otan commented 1 year ago

Investigation from the logs

Full log here, involves creating and dropping replication slots multiple times. (anything calling SELECT * was me, anything using DECLARE CURSOR was DMS)

From logging PG statements, we have to support the following queries:

for initial load - looks like we're missing basically WITH HOLD:

 BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146eb80ff1a0" cursor with hold for SELECT "a","b"  FROM "public"."good_table";fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146eb80ff1a0"
 close "SQL_CUR0x146eb80ff1a0";commit
 BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ebc0e4090" cursor with hold for select CAST (version() as varchar(512));fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ebc0e4090"
 close "SQL_CUR0x146ebc0e4090";commit
 BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ebc0e4090" cursor with hold for select cast(setting as integer) from pg_settings where name = 'server_version_num';fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ebc0e4090"
 close "SQL_CUR0x146ebc0e4090";commit
 BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ebc0e4090" cursor with hold for SELECT pg_encoding_to_char(encoding) FROM pg_database WHERE datname = current_database();fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ebc0e4090"
 close "SQL_CUR0x146ebc0e4090";commit

for cdc, PG uses replication slots (examples):

 BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0" cursor with hold for SELECT pg_drop_replication_slot('kl3yh77fl5mhvcyz_00016402_6d5a24d1_0a92_4efc_80e7_9d0c0d409dbc');fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0"
 BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0" cursor with hold for SELECT lsn FROM pg_create_logical_replication_slot('kl3yh77fl5mhvcyz_00016402_6d5a24d1_0a92_4efc_80e7_9d0c0d409dbc', 'test_decoding');fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0"

BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0" cursor with hold for
        select cast(tn.is_dst as varchar(8))
        from pg_timezone_names tn, pg_settings s
         where = s.setting
         and = 'log_timezone'
        ;fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0"
BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0" cursor with hold for
        select restart_lsn from pg_replication_slots
          where slot_name='kl3yh77fl5mhvcyz_00016402_6d5a24d1_0a92_4efc_80e7_9d0c0d409dbc'
          and database   ='replicationload'
          and plugin     ='test_decoding'
        ;fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0"

we would then need to implement this stream:

DMS uses the replication protocol mentioned above to listen for updates (instead of pg_logical_slot_get_changes which is much nicer and recommended by PG):

2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[672]:LOG:  starting logical decoding for slot "kl3yh77fl5mhvcyz_00016402_6d5a24d1_0a92_4efc_80e7_9d0c0d409dbc"
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[672]:DETAIL:  Streaming transactions committing after 1CE/A00005A0, reading WAL from 1CE/A0000568.
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[672]:STATEMENT:  START_REPLICATION SLOT "kl3yh77fl5mhvcyz_00016402_6d5a24d1_0a92_4efc_80e7_9d0c0d409dbc" LOGICAL 000001CE/A0000568 ("include-timestamp" 'on')
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[672]:LOG:  logical decoding found consistent point at 1CE/A0000568
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[672]:DETAIL:  There are no running transactions.
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[672]:STATEMENT:  START_REPLICATION SLOT "kl3yh77fl5mhvcyz_00016402_6d5a24d1_0a92_4efc_80e7_9d0c0d409dbc" LOGICAL 000001CE/A0000568 ("include-timestamp" 'on')

which is super ew. can't even debug it using psql:

 psql "postgres://" -c 'START_REPLICATION SLOT "otan_test" LOGICAL 1CE/B8000810;'
unexpected PQresultStatus: 8
ajstorm commented 1 year ago

Awesome start! After wrapping my head around what you've done, I'm hoping to get the first cut of INSERT/DELETE working today.

otan commented 1 year ago

Some discussion from an internal slack thread regarding the replication slot stuff:

otan commented 1 year ago

The replication now gets to START_REPLICATION on DMS ~but seems to exit for some reason and I don't know why~



after you set it up, whenever restarting cockroachdb for everything to work:

Lot more hacks here with imitating certain triggers / functions exist.

If you want a faster iteration cycle, you can use (follow the readme) to inspect the replication stream.

otan commented 1 year ago

It works now when I changed the table to include the schema name on the replication log. Branch now up to date. Modified issue with write up.

ajstorm commented 1 year ago

Added a few changes to avoid some of the hard-coding, handle multiple tables, and fix the types. Branch has been updated.

cucxabong commented 1 year ago

Hi guys Do we have any update on this feature?

ajstorm commented 1 year ago

Hi @cucxabong. We currently don't have an update as to when this feature will be completed. We do have a working prototype, but it'll take some effort to get it over the line.

Is there a particular reason why you're interested in this feature? To where would you be hoping to migrate the data?