cockroachdb / k8s

Images and utilities to run cockroach on kubernetes
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Support writing to K8s secrets #30

Open DuskEagle opened 4 years ago

DuskEagle commented 4 years ago

Rather than writing to an emptyDir volume mount, request-cert should support writing to a configured K8s secret. This would make it possible to project the secrets generated by request-cert into the same directory as other certificates, such as UI certificates.

imvishalvyas commented 4 years ago

Guys, I am also having issue due to this.. I have my custom domain SSL and wanted to configure it for cockroach db admin UI. I don't want SSL warning while opening admin UI. I want to apply this on already running cluster GKE which running on kubernetes CA. I can't able to upload my SSL certificate to the cockroach cert directory due to emptyDir volume mount.

imvishalvyas commented 4 years ago

Guys, I am able to mount my domain SSL cetrtificate and key in cockroach-cert directory through secret. My cluster is running with Kubernetes CA.

  1. Upload my SSL cert and key to the kubernetes secret.

    kubectl create secret generic my-certs --from-file=certs
  2. Added k8s secret 'my-cert' in k8s volume.

      - name: my-certs
          defaultMode: 256
          secretName: my-certs
      - name: datadir
          claimName: datadir
      - emptyDir: {}
        name: certs
  3. See my volume mount looks like.

        - mountPath: /cockroach/cockroach-data
          name: datadir
        - mountPath: /cockroach/cockroach-certs
          name: certs
        - mountPath: /cockroach/cockroach-certs/ui.key
          name: my-certs
          subPath: ui.key
        - mountPath: /cockroach/cockroach-certs/ui.crt
          name: my-certs
          subPath: ui.crt

    So after these changes I have check the certificate in each cockroach DB pod and it was there.

    (iamvishalvyas)$ kubectl exec -it cockroachdb-1 -- bash
    root@cockroachdb-1:/cockroach/cockroach-certs# ls
    ca.crt  node.crt  node.key  ui.crt  ui.key

Also, Now I am able to open my Cockroach DB admin UI through my domain name without SSL warning.

Hope this would be helpful.