cocktailpeanut / breadboard

Stable Diffusion Browser for Windows, Mac, and Linux
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[Feature request] Culling images #45

Open seppviljar opened 1 year ago

seppviljar commented 1 year ago

There's gazillion images now and I wish there was some sort of function to allow quick culling/rating images which could work smth like this: Full-screen image view

Additionally, those "good" / "bad" images could have up/down arrow icon or some color (in header?). Clicking it repeatedly changes it's status (neutral -> bad -> neutral -> good -> neutral ... i'd start the cycle with "bad" because I think there are more images to delete than to keep :P )

Later I can filter out all (tag:bad) images and delete them en masse

Magenta-6 commented 1 year ago

Firstly thank you for all your work to make Breadboard work so quickly and well.
I see that there is a view in full screen mode which is good for assessing images generated. I would love it even more if there was a way to be able to scroll through the images at a largish size and rate & tag them.
Lightroom Style & Picassa3 style. Thanks again. Paul

MalikKillian commented 1 year ago

I like @seppviljar idea. Since we have the dialog confirmation for deletion it would be nice to "queue up" a bunch of files to delete and confirm it only one time.

The "good/bad" rating system works for me, but if some want it more granular (1-5 stars?) it could be some key combination (ALT+s taken???) to set a rating. For the task of culling images I think the fewer keys you have to press, the better, so the key combo could be hit multiple times to cycle through the ratings (i.e. hit ALT+s 3 times to set a rating of 3 stars. If you meant to put 2 stars instead just hit ALT+s until it cycles back to zero/unrated then 2 more times). Could also be some key combo you hold (e.g. ALT+s) then you tap left/right to set the right star rating (let go of ALT+s to save).

I know that breadboard doesn't save data to files anymore (good call) so this would have to go into the database or only be available for a short time (i.e. during a "Rating session").