cocktailpeanut / breadboard

Stable Diffusion Browser for Windows, Mac, and Linux
376 stars 37 forks source link

Add files via upload #62

Open enochianborg opened 6 months ago

enochianborg commented 6 months ago

Installer batch script file to initially install and get updates from the original main branch on subsequent runs. Works for Windows and keeps Git for windows up to date in the process. This is good as initial installer is automated as well to use as an everyday launcher from any location. This does install to C:\Users\yourusername\breadboard but can be customized as needed by editing the initial start location in the batch file. This file can be pulled to the main branch if/when desired. I wrote this to make using the browser easy on a daily basis without having to open a cmd and run the npm manually.

enochianborg commented 6 months ago

This is an auxiliary launch/install automation file which can be used on the desktop or a link created to the desktop for launching or installing from the main branch here. Mainly for those who don't wish to use the command line to start the browser or have less understanding of install process.