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Error when prompting alpaca model #124

Open MiltonsAngel opened 1 year ago

MiltonsAngel commented 1 year ago

am currently getting the following error when I prompt alpaca model. I also only have the alpaca model showing in my models dropdown even though I have installed llama.

Please advise

query: { method: 'installed' } modelsPath C:\Users\phyls\dalai\alpaca\models { modelFolders: [ '7B' ] } exists 7B modelsPath C:\Users\phyls\dalai\llama\models { modelFolders: [ '7B' ] } query: { seed: -1, threads: 4, n_predict: 200, top_k: 40, top_p: 0.9, temp: 0.1, repeat_last_n: 64, repeat_penalty: 1.3, debug: false, models: [ 'alpaca.7B' ], model: 'alpaca.7B', prompt: 'how big is the earth', id: 'TS-1679251146670-12545' } { Core: 'alpaca', Model: '7B' } exec: C:\Users\phyls\dalai\alpaca\build\Release\llama --seed -1 --threads 4 --n_predict 200 --model models/7B/ggml-model-q4_0.bin --top_k 40 --top_p 0.9 --temp 0.1 --repeat_last_n 64 --repeat_penalty 1.3 -p "how big is the earth" in C:\Users\phyls\dalai\alpaca

EXIT { exitCode: 0, signal: undefined }

hershkoy commented 1 year ago

getting something similar


basiljhs commented 1 year ago

Im getting this error too on windows 10, ive reinstalled visual studio and all the dependencies, i will retry on linux and compare to see what is causing it

basiljhs commented 1 year ago

So i got it working linux, the issue is probably from powershell being used durring the installation even though i initiated it from cmd, i will try to dig deeper into a way to force the shell to exclusively run with cmd and not call ps

hershkoy commented 1 year ago

Are you running this from native linux, or do you use WSL2?

FieldDuBoulay commented 1 year ago

Are you running this from native Linux, or do you use WSL2?

iI am not using Linus or WASL2. I just have a standard windows 11 installation

sigooding commented 1 year ago

I'm having same issue. Think its a Powershell issue within cmd. I don't think you can disable powershell in windows home.