cocoaheads-slovenija / charge-oclock

iOS client for theClocker; part of the learner project.
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Add slideout menu (hamburger menu) #15

Open Andrej123 opened 7 years ago

Andrej123 commented 7 years ago

We still don't have UI designs, but implementing the slideout menu is so common in iOS development that I think we should implement one in charge-oclock, so that there'll be no excuses for other projects for using other frameworks just for that.

So to make sense of slideout menu at current stage of charge-oclock I suggest we implement it with just some data. Could be just static text: "This app is provided to you with love by CocoaHeads Slovenija", or some dynamic content, for example: "There are "number" current clients".

goranche commented 7 years ago

I'm personally against this, since the "hamburger" menu is a design element that's not really liked, and not at all as useful as one might expect. The tab bar concept seems much better suited, because the users actually see what they've at they're disposal, what "area" of the app they're in, ...

Andrej123 commented 7 years ago

Just so there'll be no confusion, I also don't like the "hamburger" menu. :) But I liked how you've implemented it as the same concept can be applied to many different UI elements. Coincidently the "hamburger" menu is the first UI element that comes to my mind.

Maybe we should just implement it in a showcase branch and leave it there for reference, without merging it to master. Eg. showcase/slideout-menu.