I am trying to use COCO 2014 data for semantic segmentation training in PyTorch. I have a PSPNet model with a Cross Entropy loss function that worked perfectly on PASCAL VOC dataset from 2012. Now I am trying to use a portion of COCO pictures to do the same process. But Coco has json data instead of .png images for annotation and I somehow have to covert one to the other. I have noticed that there is annToMask in pycocotools, but I cannot quiet figure out how to use that function in my case.
right now, I have dataloader that kind of looks this
and in my main training function I calculate the loss with this
for images, labels in dataloaders_dict[phase]:
if images.size()[0] == 1:
images = images.to(device)
labels = torch.squeeze(labels)
labels = labels.to(device)
if (phase == 'train') and (count == 0):
with torch.set_grad_enabled(phase == 'train'):
outputs = net(images)
loss = criterion(outputs, labels.long())
When I start feeding my data, the first iteration is about 28% loss, then the next iteration is around 2% loss and after that, it gets down to almost zero and basically keeps scoring 100% accuracy before even getting one epoch.
Please let me know how to fix this.
I am trying to use COCO 2014 data for semantic segmentation training in PyTorch. I have a PSPNet model with a Cross Entropy loss function that worked perfectly on PASCAL VOC dataset from 2012. Now I am trying to use a portion of COCO pictures to do the same process. But Coco has json data instead of .png images for annotation and I somehow have to covert one to the other. I have noticed that there is annToMask in pycocotools, but I cannot quiet figure out how to use that function in my case.
right now, I have dataloader that kind of looks this
`def len(self): return len(self.id_list)
and in my main training function I calculate the loss with this
When I start feeding my data, the first iteration is about 28% loss, then the next iteration is around 2% loss and after that, it gets down to almost zero and basically keeps scoring 100% accuracy before even getting one epoch. Please let me know how to fix this.