coconetlero / US_Probe_Calibration

Implements a method to calibrate a ultrasound probe using ITK and VTK
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Question about matrix in CalibrationPointsSquaresFunction.cpp #1

Open xiaojieguo opened 8 years ago

xiaojieguo commented 8 years ago

Hi, I‘m reading your code now. And I want to use levenberg marquardt algorithm. I'm not sure about some matrixes in this file CalibrationPointsSquaresFunction.cpp I think the matrixes are as follows, is it right ?

vnl_matrix<double> cTt(4, 4);       //transform matrix from US image to US probe
vnl_matrix<double> tTr(4, 4);        // transform matrix from  US probe to reference 
vnl_matrix<double> rTp(4, 4);       // transform matrix from  reference to phantom
vnl_matrix<double> xP(4,1);          //  point in the phantom
coconetlero commented 8 years ago


You can get more information in this paper: Prager 1998 - Rapid Calibration for 3D Freehand Ultrasound

I used the same notation as referred in that paper.

xiaojieguo commented 8 years ago

Thanks! Could the software connect to NDI Polaris ?

coconetlero commented 8 years ago

Yes you can, but I don't have the implementation of the connection with the NDI polaris, but is relativeley easy if you use IGSTK. There are a plenty of examples of how to do that.