cocopon / tweakpane

:control_knobs: Compact GUI for fine-tuning parameters and monitoring value changes
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placeholder plugin #397

Closed Teufeuleu closed 1 year ago

Teufeuleu commented 2 years ago

Hi, I wanted to make some quite verbose/informative blades (for example to display some instructions about how to use some input blades) and I found that the ones used to illustrate what a blade actually is (in the Quick tour) would be useful to me and that they are created with a placeholder plugin. The thing is, I never had to deal with typescript before and I'm kind of lost. I think I found the plugin source and its compiled version inside of a de-minified bundle.js served with the webpage, but I can't make it work by importing the relevant parts into my code. Sorry to ask for help for such a trivial problem. By the way, why not make this placeholder plugin available as other plugins?

Also, thanks for tweakplane as a whole, I'm already loving it.

cocopon commented 2 years ago

Thank you for using Tweakpane.

This plugin is just for the document and I don't have a plan to publish it as a library.

BTW here is a complete example for porting the placeholder plugin to pure JavaScript:

import { Pane } from "tweakpane";
import {
} from "@tweakpane/core";

const className = ClassName("ph");

class PlaceholderView {
  constructor(doc, config) {
    this.element = doc.createElement("div");
    this.element.classList.add(className()); = `calc(${config.lineCount} * var(--bld-us))`;

    const titleElem = doc.createElement("div");
    titleElem.textContent = config.title;

class PlaceholderController extends BladeController {
  constructor(doc, config) {
      blade: createBlade(),
      view: new PlaceholderView(doc, config),
      viewProps: config.viewProps

export const PlaceholderPlugin = {
  id: "placeholder",
  type: "blade",
  css: `.tp-phv {
    align-items: center;
    display: flex;
    height: var(--bld-us);
    position: relative;
.tp-phv::before {
    border: var(--mo-fg) dashed 1px;
    border-radius: var(--elm-br);
    bottom: 0;
    content: '';
    left: var(--cnt-v-p);
    opacity: 0.3;
    position: absolute;
    right: var(--cnt-v-p);
    top: 0;
.tp-phv_t {
    box-sizing: border-box;
    color: var(--mo-fg);
    flex: 1;
    padding: 4px;
    text-align: center;
  accept(params) {
    const p = ParamsParsers;
    const r = parseParams(params, {
      lineCount: p.optional.number,
      title: p.required.string,
      view: p.required.constant("placeholder")
    return r ? { params: r } : null;
  controller(args) {
    return new PlaceholderController(args.document, {
      lineCount: args.params.lineCount ?? 1,
      title: args.params.title,
      viewProps: args.viewProps
  api(args) {
    if (!(args.controller instanceof PlaceholderController)) {
      return null;
    return new BladeApi(args.controller);

const pane = new Pane({
  title: "ettings",
  expanded: true

  plugin: PlaceholderPlugin

  view: "placeholder",
  title: "hello",
  lineCount: 3

Teufeuleu commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the support! Unfortunately I'm not confident enough with node and parcel to do what I'm supposed to do now, not even able to run your example locally... so I guess I will try another way like using custom html and organizing my panes differently. Thanks tho!

doersino commented 2 years ago

Hi! I've been looking for a similar piece of functionality, which I (eventually!) managed to implement based on the placeholder plugin – maybe it'll cover your use case, @Teufeuleu:

cocopon commented 1 year ago

Closed. Thank you @doersino for the great plugin!