cocopon / vaffle.vim

:file_folder: Lightweight, window-based file manager for Vim
MIT License
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Improve documentation #61

Closed narcisse82 closed 3 years ago

narcisse82 commented 3 years ago

Hi Cocopon,

Maybe people that want to use this wonderful vaffle plugin would like having a little bit more information in the doc section. For instance, in my .vimrc, I have added these lines, which could be interesting: augroup VimStartup au! au VimEnter * if expand("%") == "" && argc() == 0 \ | call vaffle#init('.') \ | endif au FileType vaffle setl bufhidden=wipe augroup END

nnoremap - :Vaffle %:h

The 1st section allows launching vaffle when no file argument is given when starting vim / nvim. The 2nd section (the "-" map command) allows to get a behavior similar to the one defined in the Tim Pope's vinegar plugin. Do you think that it would be possible to add these lines in doc/vaffle.txt ?

Best regards Stephane

cocopon commented 3 years ago

1st section:

2nd section: