cocos / cocos-engine

Cocos simplifies game creation and distribution with Cocos Creator, a free, open-source, cross-platform game engine. Empowering millions of developers to create high-performance, engaging 2D/3D games and instant web entertainment.
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资源管理器文件夹的顺序不固定 #17209

Open a1076559139 opened 5 days ago

a1076559139 commented 5 days ago

Cocos Creator version


System information

mac os

Issue description

D-Chat_20240624105119 添加资源或者修改资源,app会排到第一位,重启或者点击刷新assets会排第一位。 期望:引擎内置的资源目录可以永远排在前面

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Steps to reproduce

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