cocos2d-x / plugin-x

Plugin-x is the plugin repository for cocos2d-x, it also provides a unified API for plugins.
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Issue with Android getUserId on first login. #160

Open varyP opened 9 years ago

varyP commented 9 years ago

auto facebook = cocos2d::plugin::FacebookAgent::getInstance();
std::string permissions = "public_profile,user_friends"; facebook->login(permissions, [=](int ret, std::string& msg){ CCLOG("type is %d, msg is %s", ret, msg.c_str());

    if (facebook->isLoggedIn()) {

        //Save access token
        auto accessToken = facebook->getAccessToken();

        //Save user id
        auto id = facebook->getUserID();


ID here after first login comes to be empty.

Fix :

private class SessionStatusCallback implements Session.StatusCallback { @Override public void call(Session session, SessionState state, Exception exception) { onSessionStateChange(session, state, exception); if(false == isLoggedIn){ if(SessionState.OPENED == state){ isLoggedIn = true; // UserWrapper.onActionResult(mAdapter, UserWrapper.ACTION_RET_LOGIN_SUCCEED, getSessionMessage(session));
}else if(SessionState.CLOSED_LOGINFAILED == state /|| SessionState.CLOSED == state_/){
UserWrapper.onActionResult(mAdapter, UserWrapper.ACTION_RET_LOGIN_FAILED, getErrorMessage(exception, "login failed")); }

            if(SessionState.OPENED_TOKEN_UPDATED == state){
                UserWrapper.onActionResult(mAdapter, UserWrapper.ACTION_RET_LOGIN_SUCCEED, getSessionMessage(session));
            else if(SessionState.CLOSED == state || SessionState.CLOSED_LOGIN_FAILED == state){
                isLoggedIn = false;
                UserWrapper.onActionResult(mAdapter, UserWrapper.ACTION_RET_LOGIN_FAILED, getErrorMessage(exception, "failed"));

private void onSessionStateChange(final Session session, SessionState state, Exception exception) { if (session != null && session.isOpened()) { // make request to the /me API Request.newMeRequest(session, new Request.GraphUserCallback() { @Override public void onCompleted(GraphUser user, Response response) { LogD("User here"); if (user != null) { LogD("User here " + user.getId()); userIdStr = user.getId(); UserWrapper.onActionResult(mAdapter, UserWrapper.ACTION_RET_LOGIN_SUCCEED, getSessionMessage(session)); }
