Closed totallyevil closed 12 years ago
My suggested code change:
/** align items in rows of columns */ public void alignItemsInColumns(params int[] columns) { int[] rows = columns; int height = -5; int row = 0; int rowHeight = 0; int columnsOccupied = 0; int rowColumns; if (m_pChildren != null && m_pChildren.Count > 0) { foreach (CCNode pChild in m_pChildren) { if (null != pChild) { Debug.Assert(row < rows.Length); rowColumns = rows[row]; // can not have zero columns on a row Debug.Assert(rowColumns > 0); float tmp = pChild.contentSize.height; rowHeight = (int)((rowHeight >= tmp) ? rowHeight : tmp); ++columnsOccupied; if (columnsOccupied >= rowColumns) { height += rowHeight + (int)kDefaultPadding; columnsOccupied = 0; rowHeight = 0; ++row; } } } } // check if too many rows/columns for available menu items //assert(! columnsOccupied); CCSize winSize = CCDirector.sharedDirector().getWinSize(); row = 0; rowHeight = 0; rowColumns = 0; float w = 0.0f; float x = 0.0f; float y = (float)(height / 2); if (m_pChildren != null && m_pChildren.Count > 0) { foreach (CCNode pChild in m_pChildren) { if (pChild != null) { if (rowColumns == 0) { rowColumns = rows[row]; if (rowColumns == 0) { throw (new ArgumentException("Can not have a zero column size for a row.")); } w = (winSize.width - 2 * kDefaultPadding) / rowColumns; // 1 + rowColumns x = w/2f; // center of column } float tmp = pChild.contentSize.height*pChild.scaleY; rowHeight = (int)((rowHeight >= tmp) ? rowHeight : tmp); pChild.position = new CCPoint(kDefaultPadding + x - (winSize.width - 2*kDefaultPadding) / 2, y - pChild.contentSize.height*pChild.scaleY / 2); x += w; ++columnsOccupied; if (columnsOccupied >= rowColumns) { y -= rowHeight + 5; columnsOccupied = 0; rowColumns = 0; rowHeight = 0; ++row; } } } } }
My suggested code change: