cocos2d / cocos2d-x

Cocos2d-x is a suite of open-source, cross-platform, game-development tools utilized by millions of developers across the globe. Its core has evolved to serve as the foundation for Cocos Creator 1.x & 2.x.
18.22k stars 7.05k forks source link

Cocos simulator 3.5rc0, lua's print() messages are truncated #12468

Closed deathemperor closed 8 years ago

deathemperor commented 9 years ago

screen shot 2015-06-22 at 8 42 20 pm

I'm unsure what is causing message from print() not fully displayed. There is a few times I still get to see the full message but most of the time I can't.

deathemperor commented 9 years ago

it actually prints a lot of message before the last messages got truncated. Any messages after this will be truncated.

Copying the whole log msg:

    cocos2d.x.version: cocos2d-x 3.5
    cocos2d.x.build_type: DEBUG
    cocos2d.x.compiled_with_profiler: false
    cocos2d.x.compiled_with_gl_state_cache: true


    gl.supports_vertex_array_object: true
    cocos2d.x.version: cocos2d-x 3.5
    gl.vendor: Intel Inc.
    gl.supports_PVRTC: false
    gl.renderer: Intel Iris OpenGL Engine
    cocos2d.x.compiled_with_profiler: false
    gl.max_texture_size: 16384
    gl.supports_ETC1: false
    gl.supports_BGRA8888: false
    cocos2d.x.build_type: DEBUG
    gl.supports_discard_framebuffer: false
    gl.supports_NPOT: true
    gl.supports_S3TC: true
    gl.version: 2.1 INTEL-10.6.20
    gl.supports_ATITC: false
    gl.max_texture_units: 16
    cocos2d.x.compiled_with_gl_state_cache: true

Project Config:
    project dir: /Users/***/Documents/lua/
    writable path: $(PROJDIR)/
    script file: $(PROJDIR)/src/main.lua
    frame size: 640 x 960
    frame scale: 0.50
    show console: YES
    write debug log: NO ()
    debugger: none
    add searching path:

Quick-Cocos2d-x C++ support ready.
debug args = /Users/***/src/main.lua
value at stack [-1] is not function
[LUA-print] ===========================================================
[LUA-print]               LOAD QUICK FRAMEWORK
[LUA-print] ===========================================================
[LUA-print] [INFO] 
[LUA-print] [INFO] # DEBUG                        = 1
[LUA-print] [INFO] #
[LUA-print] [INFO] # device.platform              = mac
[LUA-print] [INFO] # device.model                 = unknown
[LUA-print] [INFO] # device.language              = en
[LUA-print] [INFO] # device.writablePath          = /Users/lua
[LUA-print] [INFO] # device.directorySeparator    = /
[LUA-print] [INFO] # device.pathSeparator         = :
[LUA-print] [INFO] #
[LUA-print] size.width
[LUA-print] 640
[LUA-print] size.height
[LUA-print] 960
[LUA-print] [INFO] # CONFIG_SCREEN_WIDTH          = 640.00
[LUA-print] [INFO] # CONFIG_SCREEN_HEIGHT         = 960.00
[LUA-print] [INFO] # display.widthInPixels        = 640.00
[LUA-print] [INFO] # display.heightInPixels       = 960.00
[LUA-print] [INFO] # display.contentScaleFactor   = 1.00
[LUA-print] [INFO] # display.width                = 640.00
[LUA-print] [INFO] # display.height               = 960.00
[LUA-print] [INFO] #                   = 320.00
[LUA-print] [INFO] #                   = 480.00
[LUA-print] [INFO] # display.left                 = 0.00
[LUA-print] [INFO] # display.right                = 640.00
[LUA-print] [INFO] #                  = 960.00
[LUA-print] [INFO] # display.bottom               = 0.00
[LUA-print] [INFO] # display.c_left               = -320.00
[LUA-print] [INFO] # display.c_right              = 320.00
[LUA-print] [INFO] # display.c_top                = 480.00
[LUA-print] [INFO] # display.c_bottom             = -480.00
[LUA-print] [INFO] #
[LUA-print] GErrorCode
[LUA-print] GCommonComponent:ctor
can not get file data of src/protobuf/c.lua
[LUA-print] GNetworkHandlerManager:ctor()
[LUA-print] GNetworkHandlerManager:ctor eventId = 1
[LUA-print] GUIComponentBase:ctor:ui_layout/common_NotificationLayer.csb  Gray = nil Custom BG = nil
suffix = csb
textureSize = 0
classname = Node
size = 1
classname = ImageView
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 1
classname = Text
cocos2d: SpriteBatchNode: resizing TextureAtlas capacity from [30] to [41].
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cc87a000
child = 0x7fb4cb89f000
[LUA-print] GNotificationLayer:ctor
[LUA-print] GNotificationLayer:m_strFileName:ui_layout/common_NotificationLayer.csb
[LUA-print] GUserInfoHandler:ctor()
[LUA-print] GUserInfoHandler:initHandler
[LUA-print] GNetworkHandlerManager:addHandler packetType = getUserInfo handler = function: 0x16557728
[LUA-print] GHeroHandler:ctor()
[LUA-print] GHeroHandler:initHandler
[LUA-print] GNetworkHandlerManager:addHandler packetType = getHeroList handler = function: 0x16558170
[LUA-print] GNetworkHandlerManager:addHandler packetType = equipHero handler = function: 0x16558870
[LUA-print] GNetworkHandlerManager:addHandler packetType = changeHeroFormation handler = function: 0x16559ef8
[LUA-print] GNetworkHandlerManager:addHandler packetType = changeEquipment handler = function: 0x1655a5c0
[LUA-print] GGameHandler:ctor()
[LUA-print] GGameHandler:initHandler
[LUA-print] GNetworkHandlerManager:addHandler packetType = createDungeonBattle handler = function: 0x1655b4c8
[LUA-print] GHeroHandler:ctor()
[LUA-print] GHeroDevelopHandler:initHandler
[LUA-print] GNetworkHandlerManager:addHandler packetType = heroStrengthen handler = function: 0x1655d030
[LUA-print] GNetworkHandlerManager:addHandler packetType = heroAdvancedLevel handler = function: 0x1655d890
[LUA-print] GInventoryHandler:ctor()
[LUA-print] GInventoryHandler:initHandler
[LUA-print] GNetworkHandlerManager:addHandler packetType = getCommonItemList handler = function: 0x1655fa30
[LUA-print] GNetworkHandlerManager:addHandler packetType = getEquipmentList handler = function: 0x165621e0
[LUA-print] GNetworkHandlerManager:addHandler packetType = getEquipmentFragmentList handler = function: 0x16560838
[LUA-print] GNetworkHandlerManager:addHandler packetType = getHeroFragmentList handler = function: 0x16562a08
[LUA-print] GNetworkHandlerManager:addHandler packetType = getTreasureList handler = function: 0x16562b20
[LUA-print] GNetworkHandlerManager:addHandler packetType = getTreasureFragmentList handler = function: 0x16562c30
[LUA-print] GNetworkHandlerManager:addHandler packetType = getAwakenItemList handler = function: 0x16562d48
[LUA-print] GNetworkHandlerManager:addHandler packetType = summonHero handler = function: 0x16562e58
[LUA-print] GNetworkHandlerManager:addHandler packetType = summonEquipment handler = function: 0x16562f68
[LUA-print] GShopHandler:ctor()
[LUA-print] GShopHandler:initHandler
[LUA-print] GNetworkHandlerManager:addHandler packetType = getShopInfo handler = function: 0x16563448
[LUA-print] GNetworkHandlerManager:addHandler packetType = buyItemShop handler = function: 0x165649b0
[LUA-print] GLoginScene:new
[LUA-print] GUISceneBase:ctor()
[LUA-print] GLoginScene:ctor
[LUA-print] GUIComponentBase:ctor:ui_layout/login_LoginLayer.csb  Gray = nil Custom BG = nil
suffix = csb
textureSize = 1
classname = Node
size = 4
classname = ImageView
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb0f2400
classname = ImageView
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb874800
classname = TextField
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb0f6000
classname = Button
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb100600
[LUA-print] GLoginLayer:ctor
[LUA-print] GLoginLayer:m_strFileName:ui_layout/login_LoginLayer.csb
[LUA-print] GUISceneBase:addUILayerComponent
[LUA-print] GLoginLayer:onEnter
[LUA-print] GLoginScene:onEnter
[LUA-print] GUISceneBase:addCustomEventListener(table: 0x161f77a0, NETWORK_SERVICE_OPEN_EVENT, function: 0x16211878)
[LUA-print] GUISceneBase:addCustomEventListener(table: 0x161f77a0, NETWORK_SERVICE_LOGIN_EVENT, function: 0x16568a80)
HTTPRequest[0x0001] - create request with url:
HTTPRequest[0x0002] - create request with url:
HTTPRequest[0x0003] - create request with url:
[LUA-print] 0   
[LUA-print] 0   
[LUA-print] >> raw request:getResponseString(): {"sid":"247a72fa0a6876ccfdfa4ec0da2bcbe9","count":0,"tag":"95b4ef1a4bfaaf7ea505d641c36dfa6f"}

[LUA-print] >> login userInfo.sid: 247a72fa0a6876ccfdfa4ec0da2bcbe9
[LUA-print] GNetworkService:connectToServer: ws://
[WebSocket::init] _host:, _port: 8088, _path: /welcome_socket
[1434984863:8307] NOTICE: Initial logging level 7
[1434984863:8307] NOTICE: Library version: 1.3 762deb8
[1434984863:8307] NOTICE: IPV6 compiled in and enabled
[1434984863:8307] NOTICE: libev support not compiled in
[1434984863:8307] NOTICE:  static allocation: 4496 + (16 x 2560 fds) = 45456 bytes
[1434984863:8308] NOTICE:  canonical_hostname = Nova.local
[1434984863:8308] NOTICE:  per-conn mem: 184 + 1594 headers + protocol rx buf
HTTPRequest[0x0003] - request removed
[LUA-print] GNetworkService:onOpen: 
[LUA-print] GLoginScene:onConnect
[LUA-print] GNetworkManager:addMessageToLobby nMessageType = processAuthen, tableName = login, data = table: 0x1656f0f0
[LUA-print] Table: {"actionName":"processAuthen","login":{"strAccountname":"1"}}
[LUA-print] GNetworkService:addMessage: Type = processAuthen data = 
[LUA-print] GNetworkService:isReady
[LUA-print] Add Message To m_arrRequestList
[LUA-print] GNetworkService:sendAllMessage
[LUA-print] GNetworkService:isReady
[LUA-print] GNetworkService: Check Message index: 1
[LUA-print] GNetworkService: Send Message index: 1 data: 
[LUA-print] GNetworkService:checkDisplayWaiting
[LUA-print] GNetworkService:hasPacketWaiting----------
[LUA-print] GNetworkService:onMessage: 
[LUA-print] GNetworkService:onMessage protobufData = {"actionName":"processAuthen","loginResult":["gvns.s2c_result","\b\u0001"]}
[LUA-print] GNetworkService:onMessage actionName = processAuthen
[LUA-print] GNetworkService:onMessage processAuthen
[LUA-print] GLoginScene:onLoginResult data = table: 0x16571c68
[LUA-print] GMainScene:create
[LUA-print] GMainScene:new
[LUA-print] GUISceneBase:ctor()
[LUA-print] GMainScene:ctor
[LUA-print] GUIComponentBase:ctor:ui_layout/common_SpeedBar.csb  Gray = nil Custom BG = nil
suffix = csb
textureSize = 0
classname = Node
size = 8
classname = Sprite
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb0caa00
classname = Sprite
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb0d1a00
classname = Button
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb907600
classname = Button
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb912e00
classname = Button
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb91ba00
classname = Button
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb185000
classname = Button
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb189a00
classname = Button
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb1af600
[LUA-print] GSpeedBarLayer:ctor
[LUA-print] GSpeedBarLayer:m_strFileName:ui_layout/common_SpeedBar.csb
[LUA-print] GUISceneBase:addUILayerComponent
[LUA-print] GSpeedBarLayer:onEnter
[LUA-print] GSpeedBarLayer:setSelectedButton
[LUA-print] GUIComponentBase:ctor:ui_layout/common_MainRoleInfo.csb  Gray = nil Custom BG = nil
suffix = csb
textureSize = 2
classname = Node
size = 21
classname = ImageView
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb924800
classname = ImageView
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb925a00
classname = ImageView
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb94b400
classname = ImageView
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb94d600
classname = ImageView
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb94e800
classname = ImageView
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb930400
classname = LoadingBar
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb94fa00
classname = ImageView
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb947600
classname = Text
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb945e00
classname = Text
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb958600
classname = Text
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb962800
classname = Text
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb970400
classname = Text
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb978e00
classname = ImageView
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb1b6600
classname = ImageView
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb1b7800
classname = TextBMFont
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb1b8a00
classname = ImageView
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb980a00
classname = ImageView
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cc856600
classname = Text
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb192e00
classname = Panel
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb987000
classname = Text
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb987a00
[LUA-print] GMainRoleInfoLayer:ctor
[LUA-print] GMainRoleInfoLayer:m_strFileName:ui_layout/common_MainRoleInfo.csb
[LUA-print] GUISceneBase:addUILayerComponent
[LUA-print] GMainRoleInfoLayer:onEnter
[LUA-print] GUISceneBase:addCustomEventListener(table: 0x161f77a0, RECEIVE_USER_INFO_EVENT, function: 0x171184a0)
[LUA-print] GUISceneBase:addCustomEventListener(table: 0x161f77a0, RECEIVE_HERO_LIST_EVENT, function: 0x171186a0)
[LUA-print] GUIComponentBase:ctor:ui_layout/mainscene_MainButtons.csb  Gray = nil Custom BG = nil
suffix = csb
textureSize = 0
classname = Node
size = 14
classname = Button
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cc082e00
classname = Button
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb195a00
classname = Button
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb98e200
classname = Button
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb1c2600
classname = Button
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb1a1c00
classname = Button
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb9a1600
classname = Button
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child =  ...HTTPRequest[0x0001] - request removed
[LUA-print] GNetworkService:onMessage actionName = getUserInfo
[LUA-print] GNetworkHandlerManager:processHandler table: 0x17121f28
[LUA-print] GNetworkHandlerManager:processHandler Check packetType = getUserInfo
[LUA-print] GNetworkHandlerManager:processHandler packetType = getUserInfo
[LUA-print] GUserInfoHandler:receiveUserInfo table: 0x17121af8
[LUA-print] nID = 0
[LUA-print] strAccountName = 111
[LUA-print] strRoleName = role_111
[LUA-print] nLevel = 11
[LUA-print] nVIP = 0
[LUA-print] nCurrentExp = 370
[LUA-print] nCurrentVit = 100
[LUA-print] nCurrentSpirit = 59
[LUA-print] nMoney = 100000000
[LUA-print] arrDungeonInfo = 0
[LUA-print] nCurrentStage = 0
[LUA-print] nCurrentChapterStory = 0
[LUA-print] nCurrentStageStory = 0
[LUA-print] arrStars = table: 0x171228c8
[LUA-print] arrChaptersInfo = table: 0x17122ad8
[LUA-print] set dungeon info for playerID 0
[LUA-print] GNetworkRequest:checkResponse:self.m_nResponseId = getUserInfo nResponseId=  getUserInfo
[LUA-print] Packet Responsed table: 0x1656c388
[LUA-print] GNetworkRequest:checkResponse:self.m_nResponseId = getCommonItemList nResponseId=  getUserInfo
[LUA-print] GNetworkRequest:checkResponse:self.m_nResponseId = getHeroFragmentList nResponseId=  getUserInfo
[LUA-print] GNetworkRequest:checkResponse:self.m_nResponseId = getEquipmentList nResponseId=  getUserInfo
[LUA-print] GNetworkRequest:checkResponse:self.m_nResponseId = getEquipmentFragmentList nResponseId=  getUserInfo
[LUA-print] GNetworkService:checkDisplayWaiting
[LUA-print] GNetworkService:hasPacketWaiting----------
[LUA-print] GNetworkHandlerManager:processHandler table: 0x1713ee08
[LUA-print] GNetworkHandlerManager:processHandler Check packetType = getCommonItemList
[LUA-print] GNetworkHandlerManager:processHandler packetType = getCommonItemList
[LUA-print] GInventoryHandler:receiveCommonItemList(packet)
[LUA-print] GInventoryHandler:receiveCommonItemList table: 0x1713ebf8
[LUA-print] GCommonItemData:setAttributes(1, 6, 3, 10000)
[LUA-print] GNetworkRequest:checkResponse:self.m_nResponseId = getCommonItemList nResponseId=  getCommonItemList
[LUA-print] Packet Responsed table: 0x1656c388
[LUA-print] GNetworkRequest:checkResponse:self.m_nResponseId = getEquipmentList nResponseId=  getCommonItemList
[LUA-print] GNetworkRequest:checkResponse:self.m_nResponseId = getEquipmentFragmentList nResponseId=  getCommonItemList
[LUA-print] GNetworkService:checkDisplayWaiting
[LUA-print] GNetworkService:hasPacketWaiting----------
[LUA-print] GInventoryHandler:receiveHeroFragmentList table: 0x1713f9d0
[LUA-print] GCommonItemData:setAttributes(1, 10001, 6, 201)
[LUA-print] GCommonItemData:setAttributes(2, 10033, 6, 15)
[LUA-print] GCommonItemData:setAttributes(3, 10032, 6, 154)
[LUA-print] GCommonItemData:setAttributes(4, 10063, 6, 21)
[LUA-print] GNetworkRequest:checkResponse:self.m_nResponseId = getHeroFragmentList nResponseId=  getHeroFragmentList
[LUA-print] Packet Responsed table: 0x1656c388
[LUA-print] GNetworkRequest:checkResponse:self.m_nResponseId = getEquipmentFragmentList nResponseId=  getHeroFragmentList
[LUA-print] GNetworkService:checkDisplayWaiting
[LUA-print] GNetworkService:hasPacketWaiting----------
[LUA-print] GNetworkHandlerManager:processHandler table: 0x17146cb0
[LUA-print] GNetworkHandlerManager:processHandler Check packetType = getEquipmentFragmentList
[LUA-print] GNetworkHandlerManager:processHandler packetType = getEquipmentFragmentList
[LUA-print] GInventoryHandler:receiveEquipmentFragmentList(packet)
[LUA-print] GInventoryHandler:receiveEquipmentFragmentList table: 0x17146978
[LUA-print] GCommonItemData:setAttributes(1, 2001, 6, 21)
[LUA-print] GCommonItemData:setAttributes(2, 2003, 6, 21)
[LUA-print] GCommonItemData:setAttributes(3, 2012, 6, 30)
[LUA-print] GCommonItemData:setAttributes(4, 2013, 6, 1)
[LUA-print] GNetworkRequest:checkResponse:self.m_nResponseId = getEquipmentFragmentList nResponseId=  getEquipmentFragmentList
[LUA-print] Packet Responsed table: 0x1656c388
[LUA-print] GNetworkService:checkDisplayWaiting
[LUA-print] GNetworkService:hasPacketWaiting----------
[LUA-print] GSpeedBarLayer:onBtnDungeonClicked
[LUA-print] GUISceneBase:ctor()
[LUA-print] GDungeonMainScene:ctor
[LUA-print] GUISceneBase:onExit
[LUA-print] GMainScene:onExit
[LUA-print] GUISceneBase:removeUILayerComponent
[LUA-print] GUISceneBase:getLayerByName
[LUA-print] GSpeedBarLayer:onExit
[LUA-print] GUISceneBase:removeUILayerComponent
[LUA-print] GUISceneBase:getLayerByName
[LUA-print] GMainRoleInfoLayer:onExit
[LUA-print] GUISceneBase:removeAllCustomEventListener(table: 0x161f77a0)
[LUA-print] GUISceneBase:removeUILayerComponent
[LUA-print] GUISceneBase:getLayerByName
[LUA-print] GPopupRoleInfoDetail:onExit
[LUA-print] GUISceneBase:removeAllCustomEventListener(table: 0x161f77a0)
[LUA-print] GUISceneBase:onEnter
[LUA-print] GDungeonMainScene:onEnter
[LUA-print] CALLED BY:  [string "app/scenes/dungeon/GDungeonMainScene.lua"]:31: in function 'onEnter'
[LUA-print] table: 0x17122ad8 {
[LUA-print]   [1] => table: 0x17122ad8 {
[LUA-print]            [1] => "gvns.s2c_player_dungeon_chapter_info"
[LUA-print]            [2] => "
[LUA-print]            [stars] => 6
[LUA-print]          }
[LUA-print] }
[LUA-print] GUIComponentBase:ctor:ui_layout/dungeonScene_MainLayer.csb  Gray = nil Custom BG = nil
suffix = csb
textureSize = 0
classname = Node
size = 1
classname = ScrollView
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb959400
[LUA-print] GUIComponentWidgetBase:ctor:ui_layout/dungeonScene_DefaultChapter.csb  Gray = nil Custom BG = nil
suffix = csb
textureSize = 4
classname = Node
size = 5
classname = Sprite
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb954800
classname = Panel
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 6
classname = Button
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb0fa600
classname = ImageView
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb1e2400
classname = ImageView
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb1e3600
classname = Text
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb1f1c00
classname = Text
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb1ab600
classname = Panel
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb19a800
child = 0x7fb4cb100600
classname = Panel
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 6
classname = Button
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb19bc00
classname = ImageView
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cc8c0a00
classname = ImageView
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cc8c1c00
classname = Text
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cc8c3e00
classname = Text
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb8de000
classname = Panel
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb90b800
child = 0x7fb4cb19b200
classname = Panel
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 6
classname = Button
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb996400
classname = ImageView
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cbadfa00
classname = ImageView
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cbad3000
classname = Text
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cbad4200
classname = Text
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb1f4600
classname = Panel
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cbad5000
child = 0x7fb4cb917600
classname = Panel
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 6
classname = Button
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cba94200
classname = ImageView
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb166800
classname = ImageView
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb167a00
classname = Text
callBackName  cannot be found
size = 0
child = 0x7fb4cb168c00
class ...
zilongshanren commented 9 years ago

@dualface please take a look at this issue.

minggo commented 8 years ago

since cocos studio is canceled, so close this issue