Cocos2d-x is a suite of open-source, cross-platform, game-development tools utilized by millions of developers across the globe. Its core has evolved to serve as the foundation for Cocos Creator 1.x & 2.x.
In cocos2d-x-3.10\cocos\scripting\js-bindings\manual\cocos2d_specifics.cpp, 3709
in function js_cocos2dx_ccmat4TransformVector()
we have the following block:
if(argc >= 2)
// some code
else if (argc >= 5)
// some code
It looks like there is a mistake, cause second condition won't be met at all.
In cocos2d-x-3.10\cocos\scripting\js-bindings\manual\cocos2d_specifics.cpp, 3709 in function js_cocos2dx_ccmat4TransformVector() we have the following block:
It looks like there is a mistake, cause second condition won't be met at all.