When I try to generate slug for Japanese and Hebrew I get empty strings. Since there is no rule set for them I just pass "default". Is there no way to generate slug at all for these? Another question is, can I preserve the language characters without converting them to ascii and still generate slugs? I wanted to look this up in the Docs but only link I found to Docs is API Docs which is broken link (404).
Here is what I get when I try to generate slugs, as you can see Japanese and Hebrew are empty:
When I try to generate slug for Japanese and Hebrew I get empty strings. Since there is no rule set for them I just pass "default". Is there no way to generate slug at all for these? Another question is, can I preserve the language characters without converting them to ascii and still generate slugs? I wanted to look this up in the Docs but only link I found to Docs is API Docs which is broken link (404).
Here is what I get when I try to generate slugs, as you can see Japanese and Hebrew are empty:
"English", "sekiro-s-deflect-is-genius", "Russian", "deflekt-sekiro-genialen", "Chinese", "saiji-depianxiangshitiancai", "Spanish", "el-desvio-de-sekiro-es-genial", "Italian", "la-deviazione-di-sekiro-e-geniale", "German", "sekiros-deflect-ist-genial", "French", "sekiro-s-deflect-est-genial", "Portuguese", "o-desvio-de-sekiro-e-genial", "Dutch", "sekiro-s-deflect-is-geniaal", "Swedish", "sekiro-s-deflect-ar-genial", "Japanese", "", "Greek", "i-ektropi-tou-sekiro-inai-idiofi-a", "Arabic", "nhr-f-sykyro-ho-aabkry", "Hebrew", "", "Turkish", "sekiro-nun-sapmasi-dahi", "Indonesian", "defleksi-sekiro-adalah-genius", "Vietnamese", "su-chech-huong-cua-sekiro-la-thien-tai", "Hindi", "sa-kara-ka-da-fa-l-ka-ta-ja-na-yasa-ha", "English Original", "sekiro-s-deflect-is-genius"