codacy / codacy-coverage-reporter

Multi-language coverage reporter for Codacy
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[TS-264] Glob report only uploads first file #455

Closed veimox closed 1 year ago

veimox commented 1 year ago


I am using #444 to define a glob in order to find all my reports with a one liner. The glob seems to work as expected but it only uploads the first file found with the glob.

Expected behaviour

Upload all reports found in the glob


bash <(curl -Ls report -r coverage/**/*.{xml,info}

2023-02-24 12:59:58.016+0100  info [ConfigurationRules] API base URL:  - (ConfigurationRules.scala:81)
2023-02-24 13:00:21.711+0100  info [CommitUUIDProvider] Can't find or validate commit SHA-1 hash from any supported CI/CD provider.  - (CommitUUIDProvider.scala:96)
2023-02-24 13:00:21.711+0100  info [CommitUUIDProvider] Trying to get commit SHA-1 hash from local Git directory  - (CommitUUIDProvider.scala:97)
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See for further details.
2023-02-24 13:00:21.782+0100  info [CommitUUIDProvider] 
Commit SHA-1 hash not provided, using latest commit of local Git directory: <redacted>
2023-02-24 13:00:24.335+0100  info [ReportRules] Parsing coverage data from: <redacted>/coverage/<redacted>/clover.xml ...  - (ReportRules.scala:37)
2023-02-24 13:00:24.347+0100  info [ReportRules] Coverage parser used is com.codacy.parsers.implementation.CloverParser$@1dd45077  - (ReportRules.scala:42)
2023-02-24 13:00:24.352+0100  info [ReportRules] Generated coverage report: /var/folders/vp/g3p8zm8160n76l93mmktgf11fswfs3/T/codacy-coverage-3606035632101131184.json (6.24 kB)  - (ReportRules.scala:301)
2023-02-24 13:00:24.352+0100  info [ReportRules] Uploading coverage data...  - (ReportRules.scala:302)
2023-02-24 13:00:24.724+0100  info [ReportRules] Coverage data uploaded. Coverage received successfully.  - (ReportRules.scala:177)
2023-02-24 13:00:24.724+0100  info [CodacyCoverageReporter] All coverage data uploaded.  - (CodacyCoverageReporter.scala:22)

How to reproduce

Unfortunately I cannot share the repo.


We added a test case for finding the files but we did not verify that we are actually uploading all the files in sendFilesReportForCommit. I am not a Scala dev but it seems to me like we are exiting the loop as soon as we upload the first file.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

Internal ticket created : TS-264

DMarinhoCodacy commented 1 year ago

Hello @veimox

Thanks for reporting this.

Only upload the first file because you should use something like "report -r file1 -r file2 -r file3" and you're just using -r in the first file but not in the other ones. Check our documentation:

Kind regards, David Marinho