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Missing supported tools report #1572

Closed github-actions[bot] closed 1 year ago

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

Checking if each tool is included in the documentation.

✅ Cppcheck is included (C, CPP) ✅ Clang-Tidy is included (C, CPP, Objective C) ✅ Deadcode is included (Go) ✅ JSHint is included (Javascript) ✅ Checkov is included (JSON, YAML, Terraform) ✅ Staticcheck is included (Go) ✅ Stylelint is included (CSS, LESS, SASS) ✅ Scalastyle is included (Scala) ✅ ShellCheck is included (Shell) ✅ Prospector is included (Python) ✅ SQLint is included (PLSQL) ✅ Ameba is included (Crystal) ✅ Pylint is included (Python) ✅ TSQLLint is included (PLSQL) ✅ bundler-audit is included (Ruby) ✅ PHP Mess Detector is included (PHP) ✅ Jackson Linter is included (JSON) ✅ markdownlint is included (Markdown) ✅ TSLint is included (TypeScript) ✅ Codacy ScalaMeta Pro is included (Scala) ✅ Credo is included (Elixir) ✅ CoffeeLint is included (CoffeeScript) ✅ RuboCop is included (Ruby) ✅ Aligncheck is included (Go) ✅ Flawfinder is included (C, CPP) ❌ Sonar C# ISN'T included (CSharp) ✅ Bandit is included (Python) ✅ PSScriptAnalyzer is included (Powershell) ✅ SwiftLint is included (Swift) ✅ CSSLint is included (CSS) ✅ PMD is included (PLSQL, XML, JSP, Velocity, Apex, Javascript, VisualForce, Java) ✅ Sonar Visual Basic is included (VisualBasic) ✅ Unity Roslyn Analyzers is included (CSharp) ✅ Revive is included (Go) ✅ Brakeman is included (Ruby) ✅ detekt is included (Kotlin) ✅ Faux Pas is included (Objective C) ✅ dartanalyzer is included (Dart) ✅ Hadolint is included (Dockerfile) ✅ CodeNarc is included (Groovy) ✅ SpotBugs is included (Java, Scala) ✅ tailor is included (Swift) ✅ Gosec is included (Go) ✅ remark-lint is included (Markdown) ✅ Checkstyle is included (Java) ✅ PHP_CodeSniffer is included (PHP) ✅ ESLint is included (Javascript, TypeScript) ✅ Spectral is included (YAML, JSON)

Found 1 tools that aren't included in the documentation.

prcr commented 1 year ago

The issue of the missing tools is already fixed (see

We may still have a small bug on the script checking the page since it didn't flag the missing tool Sonar Visual Basic.

prcr commented 1 year ago

I wasn't able to reproduce the issue of the script failing to detect that the tool "Sonar Visual Basic" was no longer mentioned on the page.