codam-coding-college / 42-typos

Ticketing repo to track and report issues for subjects, evaluation sheets, ... For now this repo only focuses on Codam's cursus.
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Typo in eval sheet #53

Closed Jeroenvh99 closed 2 years ago

Jeroenvh99 commented 2 years ago


Project Name I noticed it in the get_next_line eval sheet, but I think this applies to the eval sheets of all projects in the core

What is the issue In the introductory text for the bonus part it says "Evaluate the bonus part if, and only if, the mandatory part has been entirely and perfectly done, and the error management handles unexpected or bad usage. In case all the mandatory points were not passed during the defense, bonus points must be totally ignored." These two sentences are kind of contradictory, at least that's what I make of it.

Expectation I would suggest reformulating those lines as "Evaluate the bonus part if, and only if, the mandatory part has been entirely and perfectly done, and the error management handles unexpected or bad usage. In case not all of the mandatory points were passed during the defense, bonus points must be totally ignored."

Additional context

W2Wizard commented 2 years ago

This is really not a typo nor bad grammar. All thats different in your example is the placement of not. I think either is simple to understand and clear enough.

Jeroenvh99 commented 2 years ago

It's ok then