codatio / codat-docs

Build powerful applications with financial data
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Broken links #44

Closed mcclowes closed 1 year ago

mcclowes commented 1 year ago

It looks like some of the broken links we found appear in many pages of your site.
23:13:03.605 | Maybe those broken links appear on all pages through your site layout?
23:13:03.605 | We recommend that you check your theme configuration for such links (particularly, theme navbar and footer).
23:13:03.606 | Frequent broken links are linking to:
23:13:03.606 | - /datamodel-shared-date
23:13:03.606 | - /assess-reporting-structure
23:13:03.606 | - /assess-commerce-metrics#what-metrics-are-available
23:13:03.606 | - /set-up-link
23:13:03.606 | - /data-model/commerce/-payments
23:13:03.606 | - /data-model/commerce/-transactions
23:13:03.606 | - /commerce-sync-settings
23:13:03.606 | - /domain-discovery-program
23:13:03.606 | - /implementing-codats-no-code-merchant-configuration
23:13:03.606 |  
23:13:03.607 | Exhaustive list of all broken links found:
23:13:03.607 |  
23:13:03.607 | - On source page path = /updates:
23:13:03.607 | -> linking to /pull-and-push-history#push-history (resolved as: /pull-and-push-history)
23:13:03.607 |  
23:13:03.607 | - On source page path = /updates/221018-api-key-improvements:
23:13:03.607 | -> linking to /portal-for-developers
23:13:03.607 |  
23:13:03.607 | - On source page path = /updates/221023-push-history:
23:13:03.607 | -> linking to /pull-and-push-history#push-history (resolved as: /pull-and-push-history)
23:13:03.607 |  
23:13:03.609 | - On source page path = /updates/tags/portal:
23:13:03.609 | -> linking to /pull-and-push-history#push-history (resolved as: /pull-and-push-history)
23:13:03.609 |  
23:13:03.609 | - On source page path = /assess/categories/:
23:13:03.610 | -> linking to /assess-api-categorization-of-accounts#update-categories-for-a-company (resolved as: /assess-api-categorization-of-accounts)
23:13:03.610 | -> linking to /assess/portal/overview-categorization-of-accounts#how-to-categorize-accounts (resolved as: /assess/portal/overview-categorization-of-accounts)
23:13:03.610 |  
23:13:03.610 | - On source page path = /assess/categories/api-categorization-of-accounts:
23:13:03.610 | -> linking to /datamodel-shared-date
23:13:03.610 |  
23:13:03.610 | - On source page path = /assess/data-integrity/api-data-integrity:
23:13:03.610 | -> linking to /data-model/accounting/-bankaccounts
23:13:03.611 | -> linking to /data-model/accounting/-account-transactions
23:13:03.611 | -> linking to /data-model/banking-banking-accounts
23:13:03.611 | -> linking to /data-model/banking-banking-transactions
23:13:03.611 | -> linking to /datamodel-shared-date
23:13:03.611 | -> linking to /pagination
23:13:03.611 | -> linking to /ordering-results-1
23:13:03.611 | -> linking to /querying-1
23:13:03.611 | -> linking to /assess-api-data-integrity#transactions-matches (resolved as: /assess-api-data-integrity)
23:13:03.611 | -> linking to /assess-api-data-integrity#accounts-matches (resolved as: /assess-api-data-integrity)
23:13:03.612 |  
23:13:03.612 | - On source page path = /assess/metrics/accounting/api-financial-metrics:
23:13:03.612 | -> linking to /categorization-of-accounts
23:13:03.612 | -> linking to /assess-financial-metrics#financial-metrics-formulas (resolved as: /assess-financial-metrics)
23:13:03.612 | -> linking to /datamodel-shared-date
23:13:03.612 |  
23:13:03.612 | - On source page path = /assess/metrics/accounting/api-marketing-metrics:
23:13:03.612 | -> linking to /assess-reporting-structure
23:13:03.613 | -> linking to /assess-financial-metrics#marketing-metrics-formulas (resolved as: /assess-financial-metrics)
23:13:03.613 | -> linking to /datamodel-shared-date
23:13:03.613 |  
23:13:03.613 | - On source page path = /assess/metrics/accounting/overview:
23:13:03.613 | -> linking to /categorization-of-accounts
23:13:03.613 |  
23:13:03.613 | - On source page path = /assess/metrics/commerce/api-customer-retention:
23:13:03.613 | -> linking to /assess-reporting-structure
23:13:03.613 | -> linking to /assess-commerce-metrics#what-metrics-are-available (resolved as: /assess-commerce-metrics)
23:13:03.614 | -> linking to /datamodel-shared-date
23:13:03.614 |  
23:13:03.614 | - On source page path = /assess/metrics/commerce/api-lifetime-value:
23:13:03.614 | -> linking to /assess-reporting-structure
23:13:03.614 | -> linking to /assess-commerce-metrics#what-metrics-are-available (resolved as: /assess-commerce-metrics)
23:13:03.614 | -> linking to /datamodel-shared-date
23:13:03.614 |  
23:13:03.614 | - On source page path = /assess/metrics/commerce/api-orders:
23:13:03.614 | -> linking to /assess-reporting-structure
23:13:03.615 | -> linking to /assess-commerce-metrics#what-metrics-are-available (resolved as: /assess-commerce-metrics)
23:13:03.615 | -> linking to /datamodel-shared-date
23:13:03.615 |  
23:13:03.615 | - On source page path = /assess/metrics/commerce/api-refunds:
23:13:03.615 | -> linking to /assess-reporting-structure
23:13:03.615 | -> linking to /assess-commerce-metrics#what-metrics-are-available (resolved as: /assess-commerce-metrics)
23:13:03.615 | -> linking to /datamodel-shared-date
23:13:03.615 |  
23:13:03.615 | - On source page path = /assess/metrics/commerce/api-revenue:
23:13:03.615 | -> linking to /assess-reporting-structure
23:13:03.616 | -> linking to /assess-commerce-metrics#what-metrics-are-available (resolved as: /assess-commerce-metrics)
23:13:03.616 | -> linking to /datamodel-shared-date
23:13:03.616 |  
23:13:03.616 | - On source page path = /assess/overview:
23:13:03.616 | -> linking to /assess-enhanced-financials
23:13:03.616 | -> linking to /assess-accounting-metrics
23:13:03.616 | -> linking to /assess-commerce-metrics
23:13:03.616 | -> linking to /assess-data-integrity
23:13:03.616 |  
23:13:03.617 | - On source page path = /assess/portal/data-integrity:
23:13:03.617 | -> linking to /get-started-2-connect
23:13:03.617 | -> linking to /step-2-connect
23:13:03.617 | -> linking to /data-sync-settings
23:13:03.617 |  
23:13:03.617 | - On source page path = /assess/portal/overview:
23:13:03.617 | -> linking to /categorization-of-accounts
23:13:03.617 | -> linking to /assess-api-data-integrity#summaries (resolved as: /assess-api-data-integrity)
23:13:03.617 | -> linking to /assess/portal/overview-categorization-of-accounts
23:13:03.618 | -> linking to /assess-enhanced-profit-and-loss
23:13:03.618 | -> linking to /docs/assess-financial-metrics#what-ratios-and-metrics-are-available (resolved as: /docs/assess-financial-metrics)
23:13:03.618 | -> linking to /assess/portal/overview-categorization-of-accounts#how-to-categorize-accounts (resolved as: /assess/portal/overview-categorization-of-accounts)
23:13:03.618 | -> linking to /assess-accounting-metrics
23:13:03.618 | -> linking to /assess-enhanced-balance-sheet
23:13:03.618 | -> linking to /assess-api-financial-metrics
23:13:03.618 | -> linking to /assess-api-data-integrity
23:13:03.618 | -> linking to /assess-assess/metrics/commerce/overview
23:13:03.618 | -> linking to /assess-commerce-metrics-api-revenue
23:13:03.618 | -> linking to /assess-commerce-metrics-api-customer-retention
23:13:03.619 | -> linking to /assess-commerce-metrics-api-orders
23:13:03.619 | -> linking to /assess-commerce-metrics-api-refunds
23:13:03.619 | -> linking to /assess-commerce-metrics-api-lifetime-value
23:13:03.619 | -> linking to /assess-banking-account-balances
23:13:03.619 | -> linking to /data-model/banking-banking-transactions
23:13:03.619 | -> linking to /docs/assess-banking#banking-formulas (resolved as: /docs/assess-banking)
23:13:03.619 | -> linking to /docs/assess-financial-metrics#marketing-metrics-formulas (resolved as: /docs/assess-financial-metrics)
23:13:03.619 | -> linking to /assess-api-marketing-metrics
23:13:03.619 | -> linking to /assess-excel-reports
23:13:03.620 | -> linking to /assess-audit-report
23:13:03.620 |  
23:13:03.620 | - On source page path = /assess/reports/audit-report:
23:13:03.620 | -> linking to /data-sync-settings
23:13:03.620 | -> linking to /assess-excel-reports
23:13:03.620 | -> linking to /assess-enhanced-profit-and-loss
23:13:03.620 |  
23:13:03.620 | - On source page path = /assess/reports/banking/banking-account-balances:
23:13:03.620 | -> linking to /assess-reporting-structure
23:13:03.620 |  
23:13:03.621 | - On source page path = /assess/reports/banking/banking-account-inflows-and-outflows:
23:13:03.621 | -> linking to /assess-reporting-structure
23:13:03.621 | -> linking to /datamodel-shared-date
23:13:03.621 | -> linking to /querying-1
23:13:03.621 |  
23:13:03.621 | - On source page path = /assess/reports/enhanced-cash-flow-report/transactions:
23:13:03.621 | -> linking to /datamodel-shared-date
23:13:03.621 |  
23:13:03.621 | - On source page path = /assess/reports/enhanced-financials/balance-sheet:
23:13:03.621 | -> linking to /assess-reporting-structure
23:13:03.622 | -> linking to /assess-api-categorization-of-accounts
23:13:03.622 |  
23:13:03.622 | - On source page path = /assess/reports/enhanced-financials/profit-and-loss:
23:13:03.622 | -> linking to /assess-reporting-structure
23:13:03.622 | -> linking to /datamodel-shared-date
23:13:03.622 | -> linking to /assess-api-categorization-of-accounts
23:13:03.622 |  
23:13:03.622 | - On source page path = /assess/reports/excel-reports:
23:13:03.622 | -> linking to /assess-audit-report
23:13:03.622 | -> linking to /datamodel-shared-date
23:13:03.623 |  
23:13:03.623 | - On source page path = /auth-flow/authorize-embedded-link:
23:13:03.623 | -> linking to /set-up-link
23:13:03.623 | -> linking to /set-up-your-company-branding
23:13:03.623 |  
23:13:03.623 | - On source page path = /auth-flow/authorize-hosted-link:
23:13:03.623 | -> linking to /redirect-urls
23:13:03.623 | -> linking to /core-rules-types#company-data-connection-status-changed (resolved as: /core-rules-types)
23:13:03.623 | -> linking to /set-up-alerts
23:13:03.623 | -> linking to /set-up-link
23:13:03.624 |  
23:13:03.624 | - On source page path = /auth-flow/customize/branding:
23:13:03.624 | -> linking to /offline-connectors
23:13:03.624 |  
23:13:03.624 | - On source page path = /auth-flow/customize/customize-link:
23:13:03.624 | -> linking to /core-integrations
23:13:03.624 |  
23:13:03.624 | - On source page path = /auth-flow/customize/set-up-redirects:
23:13:03.624 | -> linking to /redirect-urls#redirect-with-custom-query-parameters (resolved as: /redirect-urls)
23:13:03.624 |  
23:13:03.625 | - On source page path = /auth-flow/customize/set-up-webhooks:
23:13:03.625 | -> linking to /core-rules-create
23:13:03.625 | -> linking to /redirect-urls#redirect-with-reserved-query-parameters (resolved as: /redirect-urls)
23:13:03.625 |  
23:13:03.626 | - On source page path = /auth-flow/customize/use-openid-connect-1:
23:13:03.626 | -> linking to /use-openid-connect-1#openid-connect-fields (resolved as: /use-openid-connect-1)
23:13:03.626 | -> linking to /redirect-urls
23:13:03.626 |  
23:13:03.626 | - On source page path = /auth-flow/optimize/funnel:
23:13:03.626 | -> linking to /data-model/accounting/-company
23:13:03.626 | -> linking to /data-model/accounting/-balancesheet
23:13:03.626 |  
23:13:03.626 | - On source page path = /auth-flow/optimize/optimize-the-connection-journey:
23:13:03.626 | -> linking to /the-funnel
23:13:03.627 | -> linking to /value-exchange
23:13:03.627 | -> linking to /privacy-trust-and-support
23:13:03.627 | -> linking to /platform-selection
23:13:03.627 | -> linking to /connection-management
23:13:03.627 |  
23:13:03.627 | - On source page path = /auth-flow/optimize/platform-selection:
23:13:03.627 | -> linking to /build-your-own-authorization-journey#step-2-display-a-list-of-integrations-for-your-users-to-select-including-the-integration-name-and-logo (resolved as: /build-your-own-authorization-journey)
23:13:03.627 | -> linking to /authorize-hosted-link#managing-existing-users-with-pending-connections (resolved as: /authorize-hosted-link)
23:13:03.628 | -> linking to /querying-1#for-companies-whose-status-is-pending-with-data-connection-established (resolved as: /querying-1)
23:13:03.628 | -> linking to /set-up-link
23:13:03.628 | -> linking to /build-your-own-authorization-journey
23:13:03.629 |  
23:13:03.629 | - On source page path = /auth-flow/optimize/privacy:
23:13:03.629 | -> linking to /set-up-link#configure-your-link-flow (resolved as: /set-up-link)
23:13:03.630 | -> linking to /build-your-own-authorization-journey#bonus-show-that-your-authentication-flow-is-powered-by-codat (resolved as: /build-your-own-authorization-journey)
23:13:03.630 | -> linking to /set-up-link
23:13:03.630 | -> linking to /build-your-own-authentication-journey
23:13:03.630 |  
23:13:03.630 | - On source page path = /auth-flow/optimize/value-exchange:
23:13:03.630 | -> linking to /set-up-link
23:13:03.630 | -> linking to /build-your-own-authorization-journey
23:13:03.630 |  
23:13:03.630 | - On source page path = /auth-flow/overview:
23:13:03.630 | -> linking to /authorize-hosted-link
23:13:03.631 | -> linking to /authorize-embedded-link
23:13:03.631 | -> linking to /build-your-own-authorization-journey
23:13:03.631 | -> linking to /accounting-sage50
23:13:03.631 | -> linking to /accounting-quickbooksdesktop
23:13:03.631 | -> linking to /accounting-netsuite
23:13:03.631 | -> linking to /accounting-dynamics365businesscentral
23:13:03.631 | -> linking to /accounting-sage200
23:13:03.631 | -> linking to /accounting-sage-intacct
23:13:03.631 | -> linking to /sync-commerce/overview
23:13:03.631 |  
23:13:03.631 | - On source page path = /bank-feed-api/qbo-bank-feeds/bank-feed-qbo-bank-feeds-push-bank-transactions:
23:13:03.632 | -> linking to /accounting-qbo-bank-feeds-smb-customer-steps
23:13:03.632 | -> linking to /bank-feed-qbo-bank-feeds-setup#retrieve-bank-account-status-and-information (resolved as: /bank-feed-qbo-bank-feeds-setup)
23:13:03.632 |  
23:13:03.632 | - On source page path = /bank-feed-api/sage-bank-feeds/:
23:13:03.632 | -> linking to /data-model/accounting/-banktransactions
23:13:03.632 |  
23:13:03.632 | - On source page path = /bank-feed-api/sage-bank-feeds/bank-feed-sage-bank-feeds-setup:
23:13:03.632 | -> linking to /bank-feed-sage-bank-feeds-authenticate-users-web-app
23:13:03.632 |  
23:13:03.632 | - On source page path = /core-concepts/companies:
23:13:03.632 | -> linking to /banking-plaid
23:13:03.633 |  
23:13:03.633 | - On source page path = /core-concepts/data-type-settings:
23:13:03.633 | -> linking to /data-status
23:13:03.633 |  
23:13:03.633 | - On source page path = /core-concepts/status:
23:13:03.633 | -> linking to /data-sync-settings
23:13:03.633 |  
23:13:03.633 | - On source page path = /data-model/commerce/:
23:13:03.633 | -> linking to /data-model/commerce/-companyinfo
23:13:03.633 | -> linking to /data-model/commerce/-customers
23:13:03.633 | -> linking to /data-model/commerce/-disputes
23:13:03.634 | -> linking to /data-model/commerce/-locations
23:13:03.634 | -> linking to /data-model/commerce/-products#product-variant-inventory (resolved as: /data-model/commerce/-products)
23:13:03.634 | -> linking to /data-model/commerce/-orders
23:13:03.634 | -> linking to /data-model/commerce/-payments
23:13:03.634 | -> linking to /data-model/commerce/-paymentmethods
23:13:03.634 | -> linking to /data-model/commerce/-products
23:13:03.634 | -> linking to /data-model/commerce/-transactions
23:13:03.634 |  
23:13:03.634 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/clearbooks/accounting-clearbooks:
23:13:03.634 | -> linking to /integrations/accounting/clearbooks-setup
23:13:03.634 |  
23:13:03.635 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/dynamics365businesscentral/accounting-dynamics-365-business-central-reference:
23:13:03.635 | -> linking to /data-model/accounting/-billcreditnotes
23:13:03.635 | -> linking to /data-model/accounting/-trackingcategories#tracking-category-tree-model (resolved as: /data-model/accounting/-trackingcategories)
23:13:03.635 |  
23:13:03.635 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/dynamics365businesscentral/accounting-dynamics365businesscentral:
23:13:03.635 | -> linking to /accounting-dynamics-365-business-central-reference
23:13:03.635 | -> linking to /integrations/accounting/dynamics365businesscentral-setup
23:13:03.635 |  
23:13:03.635 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/dynamics365businesscentral/accounting-dynamics365businesscentral-setup:
23:13:03.635 | -> linking to /test-your-dynamics-365-business-central-integration
23:13:03.635 | -> linking to /accounting-dynamics365businesscentral-setup#extension-installation-process (resolved as: /accounting-dynamics365businesscentral-setup)
23:13:03.636 |  
23:13:03.636 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/dynamics365businesscentral/test-your-dynamics-365-business-central-integration:
23:13:03.636 | -> linking to /accounting-dynamics-365-business-central-reference
23:13:03.636 |  
23:13:03.636 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/exact-online/accounting-exact-online:
23:13:03.636 | -> linking to /exact-online-integration-reference
23:13:03.636 | -> linking to /integrations/accounting/exact-setup
23:13:03.636 |  
23:13:03.636 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/exact-online/accounting-exact-setup:
23:13:03.636 | -> linking to /accounting-exact-setup#section-request-permission-to-allow-your-customers-to-connect-to-your-app (resolved as: /accounting-exact-setup)
23:13:03.636 | -> linking to /accounting-exact-setup#recommended-list-of-scopes (resolved as: /accounting-exact-setup)
23:13:03.637 |  
23:13:03.637 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/freeagent/accounting-freeagent:
23:13:03.637 | -> linking to /freeagent-integration-reference
23:13:03.637 | -> linking to /integrations/accounting/freeagent-setup
23:13:03.637 |  
23:13:03.637 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/freshbooks/accounting-freshbooks:
23:13:03.637 | -> linking to /integrations/accounting/freshbooks-setup
23:13:03.637 |  
23:13:03.637 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/freshbooks/accounting-freshbooks-setup:
23:13:03.637 | -> linking to /accounting-freshbooks-setup#freshbooks-application-scopes (resolved as: /accounting-freshbooks-setup)
23:13:03.637 |  
23:13:03.638 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/kashflow/accounting-kashflow:
23:13:03.638 | -> linking to /integrations/accounting/kashflow-setup
23:13:03.638 |  
23:13:03.638 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/myob/accounting-myob:
23:13:03.638 | -> linking to /myob-integration-reference
23:13:03.638 | -> linking to /integrations/accounting/myob-setup
23:13:03.638 |  
23:13:03.638 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/netsuite/accounting-netsuite:
23:13:03.638 | -> linking to /oracle-netsuite-integration-reference
23:13:03.638 | -> linking to /integrations/accounting/netsuite-setup
23:13:03.638 |  
23:13:03.638 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/netsuite/accounting-netsuite-setup:
23:13:03.638 | -> linking to /data-sync-settings
23:13:03.639 |  
23:13:03.639 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/netsuite/oracle-netsuite-integration-reference:
23:13:03.639 | -> linking to /data-model/accounting/-taxrates
23:13:03.639 | -> linking to /data-model/accounting/-billcreditnotes
23:13:03.639 | -> linking to /data-model/accounting/-invoices
23:13:03.639 | -> linking to /data-model/accounting/-suppliers
23:13:03.639 |  
23:13:03.639 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/overview:
23:13:03.639 | -> linking to /integrations/accounting/sandbox
23:13:03.639 | -> linking to /accounting-quickbooksonline-setup
23:13:03.639 | -> linking to /accounting-xero-setup
23:13:03.640 | -> linking to /accounting-clearbooks
23:13:03.640 | -> linking to /accounting-dynamics365businesscentral
23:13:03.640 | -> linking to /accounting-exact
23:13:03.640 | -> linking to /accounting-freeagent
23:13:03.640 | -> linking to /accounting-freshbooks
23:13:03.640 | -> linking to /accounting-kashflow
23:13:03.640 | -> linking to /accounting-myob
23:13:03.640 | -> linking to /accounting-netsuite
23:13:03.640 | -> linking to /accounting-pandle
23:13:03.640 | -> linking to /accounting-quickbooksonline
23:13:03.640 | -> linking to /accounting-sage200
23:13:03.640 | -> linking to /accounting-sagebusinesscloud
23:13:03.640 | -> linking to /accounting-sage-intacct
23:13:03.640 | -> linking to /accounting-wave
23:13:03.640 | -> linking to /accounting-xero
23:13:03.640 | -> linking to /accounting-zohobooks
23:13:03.640 | -> linking to /accounting-quickbooksdesktop
23:13:03.641 | -> linking to /accounting-sage50
23:13:03.641 | -> linking to /accounting-platform-keys
23:13:03.641 |  
23:13:03.641 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/pandle/accounting-pandle:
23:13:03.641 | -> linking to /integrations/accounting/pandle-setup
23:13:03.641 |  
23:13:03.641 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/quickbooksdesktop/accounting-quickbooksdesktop:
23:13:03.641 | -> linking to /installing-the-quickbooks-connector
23:13:03.641 | -> linking to /software-and-hardware-requirements
23:13:03.641 | -> linking to /install-qbd-connector-right-networks
23:13:03.641 |  
23:13:03.641 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/quickbooksdesktop/install-qbd-connector-right-networks:
23:13:03.641 | -> linking to /install-qbd-connector-right-networks#supported-hosted-products (resolved as: /install-qbd-connector-right-networks)
23:13:03.641 | -> linking to /install-qbd-connector-right-networks#supported-packages (resolved as: /install-qbd-connector-right-networks)
23:13:03.641 | -> linking to /install-qbd-connector-right-networks#customize-branding-upload-app-installation-files-and-test-your-implementation (resolved as: /install-qbd-connector-right-networks)
23:13:03.641 | -> linking to /install-qbd-connector-right-networks#enable-the-qbd-integration (resolved as: /install-qbd-connector-right-networks)
23:13:03.641 | -> linking to /install-qbd-connector-right-networks#optional-enable-right-networks-installation-for-your-smb-customers (resolved as: /install-qbd-connector-right-networks)
23:13:03.641 | -> linking to /install-qbd-connector-right-networks#smb-customer-connects-to-qbd-and-requests-connector-installation (resolved as: /install-qbd-connector-right-networks)
23:13:03.641 | -> linking to /install-qbd-connector-right-networks#smb-customer-connect-to-quickbooks-desktop-on-right-networks (resolved as: /install-qbd-connector-right-networks)
23:13:03.641 | -> linking to /install-qbd-connector-right-networks#smb-customer-open-qbd-on-right-networks (resolved as: /install-qbd-connector-right-networks)
23:13:03.641 | -> linking to /installing-the-quickbooks-connector
23:13:03.641 |  
23:13:03.641 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/quickbooksdesktop/installing-the-quickbooks-connector:
23:13:03.641 | -> linking to /installing-the-quickbooks-connector#1-download-the-connector (resolved as: /installing-the-quickbooks-connector)
23:13:03.642 | -> linking to /installing-the-quickbooks-connector#2-launch-the-connector-and-enter-the-licence-key (resolved as: /installing-the-quickbooks-connector)
23:13:03.642 | -> linking to /installing-the-quickbooks-connector#3-verify-files-select-a-region-and-initiate-link (resolved as: /installing-the-quickbooks-connector)
23:13:03.642 | -> linking to /installing-the-quickbooks-connector#4-authorize-the-connector-to-access-quickbooks (resolved as: /installing-the-quickbooks-connector)
23:13:03.642 | -> linking to /installing-the-quickbooks-connector#5-wait-for-the-connector-to-complete-first-link (resolved as: /installing-the-quickbooks-connector)
23:13:03.642 | -> linking to /data-sync-settings
23:13:03.642 |  
23:13:03.642 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/quickbooksdesktop/quickbooks-desktop-faq:
23:13:03.642 | -> linking to /accounting-quickbooksdesktop
23:13:03.642 |  
23:13:03.642 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/quickbooksdesktop/quickbooks-desktop-troubleshooting:
23:13:03.642 | -> linking to /offline-connectors
23:13:03.642 |  
23:13:03.642 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/quickbooksdesktop/software-and-hardware-requirements:
23:13:03.642 | -> linking to /install-qbd-connector-right-networks
23:13:03.642 |  
23:13:03.642 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/quickbooksonline/accounting-quickbooksonline:
23:13:03.642 | -> linking to /quickbooks-online-integration-reference
23:13:03.642 | -> linking to /integrations/accounting/quickbooksonline-new-setup
23:13:03.642 | -> linking to /faq-quickbooks-online
23:13:03.642 |  
23:13:03.642 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/quickbooksonline/accounting-quickbooksonline-new-setup:
23:13:03.642 | -> linking to /accounting-quickbooksonline-new-setup#quickbooks-online-environments (resolved as: /accounting-quickbooksonline-new-setup)
23:13:03.642 | -> linking to /accounting-quickbooksonline-new-setup#add-your-secure-keys-to-codat (resolved as: /accounting-quickbooksonline-new-setup)
23:13:03.643 | -> linking to /accounting-quickbooksonline-new-setup#create-a-quickbooks-online-app-configured-for-sandbox (resolved as: /accounting-quickbooksonline-new-setup)
23:13:03.643 | -> linking to /accounting-quickbooksonline-new-setup#completing-the-app-assessment-questionnaire (resolved as: /accounting-quickbooksonline-new-setup)
23:13:03.643 |  
23:13:03.643 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/quickbooksonline/faq-quickbooks-online:
23:13:03.643 | -> linking to /data-model/accounting/-suppliers
23:13:03.643 | -> linking to /data-model/accounting/-bills
23:13:03.643 | -> linking to /data-model/accounting/-billpayments
23:13:03.643 | -> linking to /data-model/accounting/-trackingcategories
23:13:03.643 |  
23:13:03.643 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/quickbooksonline/test-your-quickbooks-online-integration:
23:13:03.643 | -> linking to /integrations/accounting/quickbooksonline-new-setup
23:13:03.643 |  
23:13:03.643 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/sage-intacct/accounting-sage-intacct:
23:13:03.643 | -> linking to /sage-intacct-integration-reference
23:13:03.643 | -> linking to /integrations/accounting/sage-intacct-setup
23:13:03.643 |  
23:13:03.643 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/sage-intacct/sage-intacct-integration-reference:
23:13:03.643 | -> linking to /data-model/accounting/-directincomes
23:13:03.643 | -> linking to /data-model/accounting/-paymentmethods
23:13:03.643 |  
23:13:03.644 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/sage200/accounting-sage200:
23:13:03.644 | -> linking to /integrations/accounting/sage200-setup
23:13:03.644 |  
23:13:03.644 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/sage200/accounting-sage200-setup:
23:13:03.644 | -> linking to /accounting-sage200-setup#section-request-new-credentials (resolved as: /accounting-sage200-setup)
23:13:03.644 | -> linking to /sage200-limitations
23:13:03.644 |  
23:13:03.644 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/sage50/accounting-sage50:
23:13:03.644 | -> linking to /installing-the-sage-50-connector
23:13:03.644 |  
23:13:03.644 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/sage50/installing-the-sage-50-connector:
23:13:03.644 | -> linking to /installing-the-sage-50-connector#1-download-the-connector (resolved as: /installing-the-sage-50-connector)
23:13:03.644 | -> linking to /installing-the-sage-50-connector#2-launch-the-connector-and-enter-their-licence-key (resolved as: /installing-the-sage-50-connector)
23:13:03.645 | -> linking to /installing-the-sage-50-connector#3-verify-company-data-file (resolved as: /installing-the-sage-50-connector)
23:13:03.645 | -> linking to /installing-the-sage-50-connector#4-select-a-company-data-file (resolved as: /installing-the-sage-50-connector)
23:13:03.645 | -> linking to /installing-the-sage-50-connector#5-enter-their-sage-50-credentials (resolved as: /installing-the-sage-50-connector)
23:13:03.645 | -> linking to /installing-the-sage-50-connector#6-verify-company-data (resolved as: /installing-the-sage-50-connector)
23:13:03.645 | -> linking to /pushing-data-to-sage-50
23:13:03.645 | -> linking to /offline-connectors
23:13:03.645 |  
23:13:03.645 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/sage50/pushing-data-to-sage-50:
23:13:03.647 | -> linking to /pushing-data-to-sage-50#section-setting-up-sage-50-and-the-sage-50-connector-to-enable-pushing-data (resolved as: /pushing-data-to-sage-50)
23:13:03.647 | -> linking to /installing-the-sage-50-connector
23:13:03.647 | -> linking to /installing-the-sage-50-connector#5-enter-their-sage-50-credentials (resolved as: /installing-the-sage-50-connector)
23:13:03.647 |  
23:13:03.647 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/sage50/sage50-multi-company-mode:
23:13:03.648 | -> linking to /data-sync-settings
23:13:03.648 |  
23:13:03.648 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/sage50/uninstalling-the-sage-50-connector:
23:13:03.648 | -> linking to /installing-the-sage-50-connector
23:13:03.648 |  
23:13:03.648 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/sagebusinesscloud/accounting-sagebusinesscloud:
23:13:03.648 | -> linking to /accounting-sagebusinesscloud-reference
23:13:03.648 | -> linking to /integrations/accounting/sagebusinesscloud-setup
23:13:03.648 |  
23:13:03.648 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/sagebusinesscloud/accounting-sagebusinesscloud-setup:
23:13:03.649 | -> linking to /accounting-sagebusinesscloud
23:13:03.649 |  
23:13:03.649 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/sandbox/accounting-sandbox:
23:13:03.649 | -> linking to /accounting-sandbox-setup
23:13:03.649 |  
23:13:03.649 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/wave/accounting-wave:
23:13:03.649 | -> linking to /integrations/accounting/wave-setup
23:13:03.649 |  
23:13:03.649 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/xero/accounting-xero:
23:13:03.649 | -> linking to /xero-faq
23:13:03.649 | -> linking to /xero-integration-reference
23:13:03.649 |  
23:13:03.649 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/xero/accounting-xero-setup:
23:13:03.649 | -> linking to /accounting-xero-setup#apply-to-become-a-xero-app-partner (resolved as: /accounting-xero-setup)
23:13:03.649 | -> linking to /data-model/accounting/-banktransactions
23:13:03.649 |  
23:13:03.649 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/xero/xero-app-partner-program:
23:13:03.649 | -> linking to /xero-app-partner-program#we-take-care-of (resolved as: /xero-app-partner-program)
23:13:03.649 |  
23:13:03.649 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/xero/xero-faq:
23:13:03.649 | -> linking to /xero-app-partner-program
23:13:03.650 | -> linking to /accounting-xero-setup#configuration-of-bank-feeds (resolved as: /accounting-xero-setup)
23:13:03.650 | -> linking to /data-model/accounting/-banktransactions
23:13:03.650 | -> linking to /data-model/accounting/-items
23:13:03.650 | -> linking to /data-model/accounting/-billpayments
23:13:03.650 |  
23:13:03.650 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/zoho-books/accounting-zoho-books:
23:13:03.650 | -> linking to /zoho-books-integration-reference
23:13:03.650 | -> linking to /integrations/accounting/zohobooks/accounting-zohobooks-setup
23:13:03.650 | -> linking to /zoho-book-limits
23:13:03.650 |  
23:13:03.650 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/zoho-books/accounting-zohobooks-setup:
23:13:03.650 | -> linking to /zoho-book-limits
23:13:03.650 |  
23:13:03.650 | - On source page path = /integrations/accounting/zoho-books/zoho-book-limits:
23:13:03.650 | -> linking to /zoho-book-limits#zoho-books-rate-limits (resolved as: /zoho-book-limits)
23:13:03.650 |  
23:13:03.650 | - On source page path = /integrations/banking/basiq/banking-basiq:
23:13:03.650 | -> linking to /data-model/banking/-banking-accounts
23:13:03.650 | -> linking to /data-model/banking/-banking-account-balances
23:13:03.650 | -> linking to /data-model/banking/-banking-transactions
23:13:03.650 | -> linking to /data-model/banking/-banking-transaction-categories
23:13:03.650 |  
23:13:03.650 | - On source page path = /integrations/banking/basiq/test-your-basiq-integration:
23:13:03.651 | -> linking to /banking-basiq-setup
23:13:03.651 |  
23:13:03.651 | - On source page path = /integrations/banking/overview:
23:13:03.651 | -> linking to /proxy-access-banking-data
23:13:03.651 | -> linking to /banking-plaid
23:13:03.651 | -> linking to /banking-truelayer
23:13:03.651 | -> linking to /banking-basiq
23:13:03.651 |  
23:13:03.651 | - On source page path = /integrations/banking/plaid/banking-plaid:
23:13:03.651 | -> linking to /data-model/banking/-banking-accounts
23:13:03.651 | -> linking to /data-model/banking/-banking-account-balances
23:13:03.651 | -> linking to /data-model/banking/-banking-transactions
23:13:03.651 | -> linking to /data-model/banking/-banking-transaction-categories
23:13:03.651 | -> linking to /data-model/banking-banking-accounts
23:13:03.651 | -> linking to /data-model/banking-banking-account-balances
23:13:03.651 | -> linking to /proxy-access-banking-data
23:13:03.651 |  
23:13:03.651 | - On source page path = /integrations/banking/plaid/switching-between-plaid-environments:
23:13:03.651 | -> linking to /reauthorise-url-links
23:13:03.651 |  
23:13:03.651 | - On source page path = /integrations/banking/plaid/test-your-plaid-integration:
23:13:03.652 | -> linking to /banking-plaid-setup
23:13:03.652 | -> linking to /test-your-plaid-integration#section-connect-to-plaids-sandbox (resolved as: /test-your-plaid-integration)
23:13:03.652 |  
23:13:03.652 | - On source page path = /integrations/banking/proxy-access-banking-data:
23:13:03.652 | -> linking to /banking-plaid
23:13:03.652 | -> linking to /banking-truelayer
23:13:03.652 | -> linking to /enabling-proxy-access
23:13:03.652 |  
23:13:03.652 | - On source page path = /integrations/banking/truelayer/banking-truelayer:
23:13:03.652 | -> linking to /data-model/banking/-banking-accounts
23:13:03.653 | -> linking to /data-model/banking/-banking-account-balances
23:13:03.653 | -> linking to /data-model/banking/-banking-transactions
23:13:03.653 | -> linking to /data-model/banking/-banking-transaction-categories
23:13:03.653 | -> linking to /register-for-truelayer
23:13:03.653 |  
23:13:03.653 | - On source page path = /integrations/banking/truelayer/faqs-about-truelayer:
23:13:03.653 | -> linking to /test-truelayer#set-up-a-test-company-and-generate-a-link-url (resolved as: /test-truelayer)
23:13:03.653 | -> linking to /data-sync-settings
23:13:03.653 |  
23:13:03.653 | - On source page path = /integrations/banking/truelayer/register-for-truelayer:
23:13:03.654 | -> linking to /set-up-truelayer-2
23:13:03.654 |  
23:13:03.654 | - On source page path = /integrations/banking/truelayer/set-up-truelayer-2:
23:13:03.654 | -> linking to /test-truelayer
23:13:03.654 | -> linking to /set-up-truelayer-2#retrieve-your-secure-keys-from-truelayer (resolved as: /set-up-truelayer-2)
23:13:03.654 |  
23:13:03.654 | - On source page path = /integrations/banking/truelayer/test-truelayer:
23:13:03.654 | -> linking to /register-for-truelayer
23:13:03.654 | -> linking to /set-up-truelayer-2
23:13:03.654 | -> linking to /test-truelayer#section-set-up-a-test-company-and-generate-a-link-url (resolved as: /test-truelayer)
23:13:03.655 |  
23:13:03.655 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/amazon-seller-central/amazon-registration-steps:
23:13:03.655 | -> linking to /amazon-registration-steps#using-amazon-seller-central-apps-in-production (resolved as: /amazon-registration-steps)
23:13:03.655 |  
23:13:03.655 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/amazon-seller-central/commerce-amazon-seller-central:
23:13:03.655 | -> linking to /set-up-amazon-seller-central
23:13:03.655 | -> linking to /amazon-registration-steps
23:13:03.655 |  
23:13:03.655 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/amazon-seller-central/set-up-amazon-seller-central:
23:13:03.655 | -> linking to /amazon-registration-steps
23:13:03.655 | -> linking to /commerce-sync-settings
23:13:03.655 |  
23:13:03.655 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/api-workflow:
23:13:03.655 | -> linking to /commerce-sync-settings#section-update-commerce-sync-settings-via-the-api (resolved as: /commerce-sync-settings)
23:13:03.655 | -> linking to /data-status
23:13:03.655 |  
23:13:03.656 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/bigcommerce/commerce-bigcommerce:
23:13:03.656 | -> linking to /commerce-bigcommerce-integration-reference
23:13:03.656 | -> linking to /commerce-bigcommerce-test
23:13:03.656 | -> linking to /commerce-bigcommerce-setup
23:13:03.656 |  
23:13:03.656 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/bigcommerce/commerce-bigcommerce-setup:
23:13:03.656 | -> linking to /commerce-bigcommerce
23:13:03.656 | -> linking to /commerce-bigcommerce-test
23:13:03.656 | -> linking to /commerce-bigcommerce-setup#enable-the-bigcommerce-integration (resolved as: /commerce-bigcommerce-setup)
23:13:03.656 | -> linking to /commerce-bigcommerce-setup#create-a-company-and-share-the-link-url (resolved as: /commerce-bigcommerce-setup)
23:13:03.656 | -> linking to /commerce-bigcommerce-setup#smb-customer-authenticate-and-connect-their-commerce-data (resolved as: /commerce-bigcommerce-setup)
23:13:03.656 | -> linking to /commerce-bigcommerce-setup#smb-customer-authenticate-and-connect-your-commerce-data (resolved as: /commerce-bigcommerce-setup)
23:13:03.656 | -> linking to /commerce-bigcommerce-setup#required-oauth-scopes (resolved as: /commerce-bigcommerce-setup)
23:13:03.656 |  
23:13:03.656 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/bigcommerce/commerce-bigcommerce-test:
23:13:03.656 | -> linking to /commerce-sync-settings
23:13:03.656 | -> linking to /commerce-bigcommerce-setup#smb-customer-authenticate-and-connect-your-commerce-data (resolved as: /commerce-bigcommerce-setup)
23:13:03.656 |  
23:13:03.656 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/chargebee/commerce-chargebee:
23:13:03.656 | -> linking to /domain-discovery-program
23:13:03.657 | -> linking to /commerce-chargebee-setup
23:13:03.657 |  
23:13:03.657 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/chargebee/commerce-chargebee-setup:
23:13:03.657 | -> linking to /commerce-chargebee
23:13:03.657 |  
23:13:03.657 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/chargebee/commerce-chargebee-use:
23:13:03.657 | -> linking to /domain-discovery-program
23:13:03.657 | -> linking to /commerce-chargebee-setup#smb-customer-authenticate-and-connect-your-commerce-data (resolved as: /commerce-chargebee-setup)
23:13:03.657 |  
23:13:03.657 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/chargify/commerce-chargify:
23:13:03.657 | -> linking to /domain-discovery-program
23:13:03.657 | -> linking to /commerce-chargify-setup
23:13:03.657 |  
23:13:03.657 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/chargify/commerce-chargify-setup:
23:13:03.657 | -> linking to /commerce-chargify
23:13:03.657 |  
23:13:03.657 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/chargify/commerce-chargify-use:
23:13:03.657 | -> linking to /domain-discovery-program
23:13:03.657 | -> linking to /commerce-chargify-setup
23:13:03.657 |  
23:13:03.657 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/clover/commerce-clover:
23:13:03.657 | -> linking to /set-up-your-clover-integration
23:13:03.657 |  
23:13:03.657 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/clover/set-up-your-clover-integration:
23:13:03.658 | -> linking to /data-sync-settings
23:13:03.658 | -> linking to /commerce-sync-settings
23:13:03.658 |  
23:13:03.658 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/clover/test-your-clover-integration:
23:13:03.658 | -> linking to /set-up-your-clover-integration
23:13:03.658 |  
23:13:03.658 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/commerce-sync-settings:
23:13:03.658 | -> linking to /data-sync-settings
23:13:03.658 |  
23:13:03.658 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/domain-discovery-program:
23:13:03.658 | -> linking to /change-policy
23:13:03.658 | -> linking to /commerce-recurly
23:13:03.658 | -> linking to /commerce-chargebee
23:13:03.658 |  
23:13:03.658 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/lightspeed-k/commerce-lightspeed-k:
23:13:03.658 | -> linking to /commerce-lightspeed-k-setup
23:13:03.658 |  
23:13:03.658 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/lightspeed-k/commerce-lightspeed-k-setup:
23:13:03.658 | -> linking to /commerce-lightspeed-k
23:13:03.658 | -> linking to /commerce-sync-settings
23:13:03.658 |  
23:13:03.658 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/mollie/commerce-mollie:
23:13:03.658 | -> linking to /mollie-integration-reference
23:13:03.658 | -> linking to /commerce-mollie-setup
23:13:03.659 |  
23:13:03.659 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/mollie/commerce-mollie-retrieve-data:
23:13:03.659 | -> linking to /commerce-mollie-setup
23:13:03.659 | -> linking to /commerce-mollie-test
23:13:03.659 | -> linking to /use-link-for-the-authentication-flow
23:13:03.659 |  
23:13:03.659 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/mollie/commerce-mollie-setup:
23:13:03.659 | -> linking to /commerce-mollie-test
23:13:03.659 | -> linking to /commerce-sync-settings#update-commerce-sync-settings-in-the-codat-portal (resolved as: /commerce-sync-settings)
23:13:03.659 |  
23:13:03.660 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/mollie/commerce-mollie-test:
23:13:03.660 | -> linking to /commerce-mollie-setup
23:13:03.660 |  
23:13:03.660 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/mollie/mollie-integration-reference:
23:13:03.661 | -> linking to /data-model/commerce/-transactions
23:13:03.661 | -> linking to /data-model/commerce/-payments
23:13:03.661 |  
23:13:03.661 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/overview:
23:13:03.661 | -> linking to /commerce-amazon-seller-central
23:13:03.661 | -> linking to /commerce-bigcommerce
23:13:03.661 | -> linking to /commerce-chargebee
23:13:03.661 | -> linking to /commerce-chargify
23:13:03.661 | -> linking to /commerce-clover
23:13:03.661 | -> linking to /commerce-lightspeed-k
23:13:03.662 | -> linking to /commerce-mollie
23:13:03.662 | -> linking to /commerce-paypal
23:13:03.662 | -> linking to /commerce-prestashop
23:13:03.662 | -> linking to /commerce-recurly
23:13:03.662 | -> linking to /commerce-shopify
23:13:03.662 | -> linking to /commerce-square
23:13:03.662 | -> linking to /commerce-stripe
23:13:03.662 | -> linking to /commerce-sumup
23:13:03.662 | -> linking to /commerce-woocommerce
23:13:03.662 | -> linking to /domain-discovery-program
23:13:03.663 | -> linking to /commerce-platform-keys
23:13:03.663 |  
23:13:03.663 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/paypal/commerce-paypal:
23:13:03.663 | -> linking to /set-up-paypal-in-production
23:13:03.663 |  
23:13:03.663 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/paypal/set-up-paypal-in-production:
23:13:03.663 | -> linking to /commerce-paypal
23:13:03.663 | -> linking to /commerce-sync-settings
mcclowes commented 1 year ago
23:13:03.663 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/paypal/test-paypal:
23:13:03.663 | -> linking to /set-up-paypal-in-production
23:13:03.663 | -> linking to /commerce-sync-settings
23:13:03.663 |  
23:13:03.663 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/prestashop/commerce-prestashop:
23:13:03.663 | -> linking to /set-up-prestashop-in-production
23:13:03.664 |  
23:13:03.664 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/prestashop/set-up-prestashop-in-production:
23:13:03.664 | -> linking to /commerce-sync-settings
23:13:03.664 |  
23:13:03.664 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/prestashop/test-prestashop:
23:13:03.664 | -> linking to /set-up-prestashop-in-production
23:13:03.664 | -> linking to /commerce-sync-settings
23:13:03.664 |  
23:13:03.664 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/recurly/commerce-recurly:
23:13:03.664 | -> linking to /domain-discovery-program
23:13:03.664 | -> linking to /commerce-recurly-setup
23:13:03.664 |  
23:13:03.664 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/recurly/commerce-recurly-setup:
23:13:03.664 | -> linking to /commerce-recurly
23:13:03.664 |  
23:13:03.664 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/recurly/commerce-recurly-use:
23:13:03.664 | -> linking to /domain-discovery-program
23:13:03.664 | -> linking to /commerce-recurly-setup#smb-customer-authenticate-and-connect-your-commerce-data (resolved as: /commerce-recurly-setup)
23:13:03.664 |  
23:13:03.664 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/shopify/commerce-shopify:
23:13:03.665 | -> linking to /commerce-shopify-setup
23:13:03.665 | -> linking to /commerce-shopify-setup#create-a-shopify-app (resolved as: /commerce-shopify-setup)
23:13:03.665 |  
23:13:03.665 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/shopify/commerce-shopify-setup:
23:13:03.665 | -> linking to /commerce-shopify
23:13:03.665 | -> linking to /commerce-shopify-setup#create-a-shopify-app (resolved as: /commerce-shopify-setup)
23:13:03.665 | -> linking to /commerce-shopify-setup#submit-your-app-to-shopify-for-approval (resolved as: /commerce-shopify-setup)
23:13:03.665 | -> linking to /commerce-shopify-setup#add-your-apps-credentials-to-the-shopify-integration (resolved as: /commerce-shopify-setup)
23:13:03.665 | -> linking to /commerce-shopify-setup#enable-the-shopify-integration (resolved as: /commerce-shopify-setup)
23:13:03.665 | -> linking to /commerce-shopify-setup#check-the-commerce-sync-settings (resolved as: /commerce-shopify-setup)
23:13:03.665 | -> linking to /commerce-sync-settings
23:13:03.665 |  
23:13:03.665 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/shopify/test-shopify:
23:13:03.665 | -> linking to /commerce-shopify-setup
23:13:03.665 | -> linking to /commerce-sync-settings
23:13:03.665 |  
23:13:03.665 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/square/commerce-square:
23:13:03.665 | -> linking to /commerce-square-setup
23:13:03.665 |  
23:13:03.665 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/square/commerce-square-setup:
23:13:03.665 | -> linking to /test-square
23:13:03.665 | -> linking to /commerce-sync-settings
23:13:03.665 |  
23:13:03.665 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/square/test-square:
23:13:03.666 | -> linking to /commerce-square-setup
23:13:03.666 | -> linking to /link
23:13:03.666 |  
23:13:03.666 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/stripe/commerce-stripe:
23:13:03.666 | -> linking to /commerce-stripe-setup
23:13:03.666 |  
23:13:03.666 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/stripe/commerce-stripe-setup:
23:13:03.666 | -> linking to /commerce-stripe#available-integrations (resolved as: /commerce-stripe)
23:13:03.666 | -> linking to /commerce-stripe-setup#register-as-a-stripe-connect-platform (resolved as: /commerce-stripe-setup)
23:13:03.666 | -> linking to /commerce-sync-settings
23:13:03.666 | -> linking to /test-stripe
23:13:03.666 |  
23:13:03.666 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/stripe/test-stripe:
23:13:03.666 | -> linking to /commerce-stripe-setup
23:13:03.666 | -> linking to /commerce-stripe-setup#register-as-a-stripe-connect-platform (resolved as: /commerce-stripe-setup)
23:13:03.666 |  
23:13:03.666 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/sumup/commerce-sumup:
23:13:03.666 | -> linking to /set-up-sumup-in-production-1
23:13:03.666 |  
23:13:03.666 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/sumup/set-up-sumup-in-production-1:
23:13:03.666 | -> linking to /data-sync-settings
23:13:03.666 | -> linking to /commerce-sync-settings
23:13:03.666 |  
23:13:03.666 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/sumup/setup-sumup-in-uat:
23:13:03.666 | -> linking to /sync-settings-for-online-platforms
23:13:03.667 | -> linking to /commerce-sync-settings
23:13:03.667 | -> linking to /test-sumup
23:13:03.667 |  
23:13:03.667 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/sumup/test-sumup-1:
23:13:03.667 | -> linking to /set-up-sumup-in-production-1
23:13:03.667 |  
23:13:03.667 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/woocommerce/commerce-woocommerce:
23:13:03.667 | -> linking to /commerce-woocommerce-setup
23:13:03.667 |  
23:13:03.667 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/woocommerce/commerce-woocommerce-setup:
23:13:03.667 | -> linking to /data-sync-settings
23:13:03.667 | -> linking to /commerce-sync-settings
23:13:03.667 |  
23:13:03.667 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/woocommerce/test-woocommerce:
23:13:03.667 | -> linking to /commerce-woocommerce-setup
23:13:03.667 | -> linking to /commerce-sync-settings
23:13:03.667 | -> linking to /link
23:13:03.667 |  
23:13:03.667 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/zettle/commerce-zettle:
23:13:03.667 | -> linking to /zettle-integration-reference
23:13:03.667 |  
23:13:03.668 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/zettle/commerce-zettle-setup:
23:13:03.668 | -> linking to /commerce-sync-settings
23:13:03.668 |  
23:13:03.668 | - On source page path = /integrations/commerce/zettle/test-zettle:
23:13:03.668 | -> linking to /link
23:13:03.668 |  
23:13:03.668 | - On source page path = /introduction/first-steps:
23:13:03.668 | -> linking to /core-account-signup
23:13:03.668 | -> linking to /user-roles
23:13:03.668 | -> linking to /accounting-xero-setup
23:13:03.668 | -> linking to /accounting-quickbooksonline-new-setup
23:13:03.668 | -> linking to /set-up-paypal-in-production
23:13:03.668 | -> linking to /banking-plaid-setup
23:13:03.668 | -> linking to /set-up-your-company-branding
23:13:03.668 | -> linking to /set-up-link
23:13:03.668 |  
23:13:03.668 | - On source page path = /introduction/migration:
23:13:03.669 | -> linking to /oauth-token-migration#section-what-do-i-need-to-provide (resolved as: /oauth-token-migration)
23:13:03.669 |  
23:13:03.669 | - On source page path = /introduction/using-codats-api:
23:13:03.669 | -> linking to /core-integrations
23:13:03.669 |  
23:13:03.669 | - On source page path = /introduction/webhooks/core-rules-create:
23:13:03.669 | -> linking to /user-roles#section-administrator (resolved as: /user-roles)
23:13:03.669 | -> linking to /user-roles#section-developer (resolved as: /user-roles)
23:13:03.669 | -> linking to /user-roles#section-analyst (resolved as: /user-roles)
23:13:03.669 | -> linking to /core-rules-types
23:13:03.669 | -> linking to /core-rules-webhooks
23:13:03.669 |  
23:13:03.669 | - On source page path = /introduction/webhooks/core-rules-webhooks:
23:13:03.669 | -> linking to /core-rules-types
23:13:03.669 | -> linking to /core-rules-webhooksecurity
23:13:03.669 |  
23:13:03.670 | - On source page path = /introduction/webhooks/receive-webhooks-as-email-alerts:
23:13:03.670 | -> linking to /core-rules-create#manage-rules-from-the-codat-portal (resolved as: /core-rules-create)
23:13:03.670 | -> linking to /core-rules-create#manage-rules-from-the-codat-api (resolved as: /core-rules-create)
23:13:03.670 | -> linking to /core-rules-types
23:13:03.670 |  
23:13:03.670 | - On source page path = /other/developer-resources:
23:13:03.670 | -> linking to /authorize-embedded-link
23:13:03.670 |  
23:13:03.670 | - On source page path = /other/portal/companies:
23:13:03.670 | -> linking to /authorize-hosted-link#use-the-hosted-link-url (resolved as: /authorize-hosted-link)
23:13:03.670 | -> linking to /allowing-your-users-to-access-link#share-link-urls-via-portal (resolved as: /allowing-your-users-to-access-link)
23:13:03.670 | -> linking to /queueing-data-syncs
23:13:03.670 | -> linking to /data-sync-settings
23:13:03.670 | -> linking to /core-integrations
23:13:03.671 | -> linking to /assess-overview
23:13:03.671 | -> linking to /data-status
23:13:03.671 |  
23:13:03.671 | - On source page path = /other/portal/dashboard:
23:13:03.671 | -> linking to /portal-for-developers
23:13:03.671 | -> linking to /user-roles
23:13:03.671 |  
23:13:03.671 | - On source page path = /other/portal/developers:
23:13:03.671 | -> linking to /user-roles
23:13:03.671 | -> linking to /change-policy
23:13:03.671 |  
23:13:03.671 | - On source page path = /other/user-management/adding-users:
23:13:03.671 | -> linking to /user-roles
23:13:03.672 |  
23:13:03.672 | - On source page path = /sfc/build-with-sync-for-commerce/customizing-the-sync-configuration-flow:
23:13:03.672 | -> linking to /set-up-link
23:13:03.672 | -> linking to /customizing-the-sync-configuration-flow#main-title (resolved as: /customizing-the-sync-configuration-flow)
23:13:03.672 | -> linking to /customizing-the-sync-configuration-flow#checkbox-captions (resolved as: /customizing-the-sync-configuration-flow)
23:13:03.672 | -> linking to /customizing-the-sync-configuration-flow#buttons (resolved as: /customizing-the-sync-configuration-flow)
23:13:03.672 | -> linking to /customizing-the-sync-configuration-flow#sales-title-and-description (resolved as: /customizing-the-sync-configuration-flow)
23:13:03.672 | -> linking to /customizing-the-sync-configuration-flow#fees-title-and-description (resolved as: /customizing-the-sync-configuration-flow)
23:13:03.672 | -> linking to /customizing-the-sync-configuration-flow#payments-title-and-description (resolved as: /customizing-the-sync-configuration-flow)
23:13:03.673 | -> linking to /customizing-the-sync-configuration-flow#sales-feature-categories (resolved as: /customizing-the-sync-configuration-flow)
23:13:03.673 | -> linking to /customizing-the-sync-configuration-flow#fees-feature-categories (resolved as: /customizing-the-sync-configuration-flow)
23:13:03.674 | -> linking to /customizing-the-sync-configuration-flow#payments-feature-categories (resolved as: /customizing-the-sync-configuration-flow)
23:13:03.674 | -> linking to /sync-platform-selection
23:13:03.674 |  
23:13:03.674 | - On source page path = /sfc/build-with-sync-for-commerce/functional-examples-of-data:
23:13:03.674 | -> linking to /xero-mapping-specification
23:13:03.674 | -> linking to /qbo-mapping-specification
23:13:03.674 | -> linking to /sync-data-pushing
23:13:03.674 | -> linking to /data-model/commerce/-orders
23:13:03.674 | -> linking to /functional-examples-of-data#example-1-an-order-representing-a-sale (resolved as: /functional-examples-of-data)
23:13:03.674 | -> linking to /data-model/commerce/-payments
23:13:03.674 | -> linking to /functional-examples-of-data#example-2-a-payment-associated-with-the-order-from-example-1 (resolved as: /functional-examples-of-data)
23:13:03.674 | -> linking to /data-model/commerce/-transactions
23:13:03.674 | -> linking to /functional-examples-of-data#example-3-a-transaction-that-reconciles-the-order-from-example-1-and-the-payment-from-example-2 (resolved as: /functional-examples-of-data)
23:13:03.674 | -> linking to /xero-mapping-specification#payment-fees (resolved as: /xero-mapping-specification)
23:13:03.674 | -> linking to /functional-examples-of-data#example-4-a-transaction-that-reconciles-the-order-from-example-1-and-the-payment-of-commerce-provider-fees-associated-with-this-order (resolved as: /functional-examples-of-data)
23:13:03.674 |  
23:13:03.674 | - On source page path = /sfc/build-with-sync-for-commerce/implementing-codats-no-code-merchant-configuration:
23:13:03.674 | -> linking to /customizing-the-sync-configuration-flow
23:13:03.674 | -> linking to /synchronization-schedule
23:13:03.675 | -> linking to /mapping-specifications
23:13:03.675 | -> linking to /core-rules-create
23:13:03.675 | -> linking to /core-rules-types#sync-connection-deleted (resolved as: /core-rules-types)
23:13:03.675 | -> linking to /sync-data-pushing
23:13:03.675 |  
23:13:03.675 | - On source page path = /sfc/build-with-sync-for-commerce/sync-data-pushing:
23:13:03.675 | -> linking to /data-model/commerce/-orders
23:13:03.675 | -> linking to /data-model/commerce/-payments
23:13:03.675 | -> linking to /data-model/commerce/-transactions
23:13:03.675 | -> linking to /functional-examples-of-data
23:13:03.675 | -> linking to /data-status#dataset-statuses (resolved as: /data-status)
23:13:03.675 | -> linking to /core-rules-types
23:13:03.675 | -> linking to /sync-your-own-merchant-journey#how-to-trigger-manual-syncs-for-testing (resolved as: /sync-your-own-merchant-journey)
23:13:03.675 |  
23:13:03.675 | - On source page path = /sfc/build-with-sync-for-commerce/sync-for-commerce-prerequisites:
23:13:03.675 | -> linking to /accounting-xero
23:13:03.675 | -> linking to /accounting-quickbooksonline
23:13:03.675 | -> linking to /accounting-freeagent
23:13:03.675 | -> linking to /data-model/accounting/-company
23:13:03.675 | -> linking to /data-model/accounting/-chartofaccounts
23:13:03.676 | -> linking to /data-model/accounting/-taxrates
23:13:03.676 | -> linking to /data-model/accounting/-customers
23:13:03.676 | -> linking to /data-model/accounting/-suppliers
23:13:03.676 | -> linking to /data-model/commerce/-orders
23:13:03.676 | -> linking to /data-model/commerce/-transactions
23:13:03.676 | -> linking to /data-model/commerce/-payments
23:13:03.676 |  
23:13:03.676 | - On source page path = /sfc/build-with-sync-for-commerce/sync-platform-selection:
23:13:03.676 | -> linking to /implementing-codats-no-code-merchant-configuration
23:13:03.677 | -> linking to /accounting-xero
23:13:03.677 | -> linking to /accounting-quickbooksonline
23:13:03.677 | -> linking to /accounting-freeagent
23:13:03.677 | -> linking to /authorize-embedded-link
23:13:03.677 | -> linking to /authorize-hosted-link
23:13:03.677 |  
23:13:03.677 | - On source page path = /sfc/error-documentation:
23:13:03.678 | -> linking to /sync-data-pushing
23:13:03.678 |  
23:13:03.678 | - On source page path = /sfc/mapping-specifications/qbo-mapping-specification:
23:13:03.678 | -> linking to /qbo-mapping-specification#sales (resolved as: /qbo-mapping-specification)
23:13:03.678 | -> linking to /qbo-mapping-specification#fees (resolved as: /qbo-mapping-specification)
23:13:03.678 | -> linking to /qbo-mapping-specification#payments (resolved as: /qbo-mapping-specification)
23:13:03.678 | -> linking to /qbo-mapping-specification#payment-fees (resolved as: /qbo-mapping-specification)
23:13:03.678 | -> linking to /qbo-mapping-specification#payment-fee-refunds (resolved as: /qbo-mapping-specification)
23:13:03.678 |  
23:13:03.678 | - On source page path = /sfc/mapping-specifications/xero-mapping-specification:
23:13:03.679 | -> linking to /xero-mapping-specification#sales (resolved as: /xero-mapping-specification)
23:13:03.679 | -> linking to /xero-mapping-specification#fees (resolved as: /xero-mapping-specification)
23:13:03.679 | -> linking to /xero-mapping-specification#payments (resolved as: /xero-mapping-specification)
23:13:03.679 | -> linking to /xero-mapping-specification#sales-1 (resolved as: /xero-mapping-specification)
23:13:03.679 | -> linking to /xero-mapping-specification#refunds (resolved as: /xero-mapping-specification)
23:13:03.679 | -> linking to /xero-mapping-specification#gratuity (resolved as: /xero-mapping-specification)
23:13:03.679 | -> linking to /xero-mapping-specification#prepaid (resolved as: /xero-mapping-specification)
23:13:03.679 | -> linking to /xero-mapping-specification#payment-fees (resolved as: /xero-mapping-specification)
23:13:03.680 | -> linking to /xero-mapping-specification#payment-fee-refunds (resolved as: /xero-mapping-specification)
23:13:03.680 |  
23:13:03.680 | - On source page path = /sfc/overview:
23:13:03.680 | -> linking to /sync-platform-selection
23:13:03.680 | -> linking to /implementing-codats-no-code-merchant-configuration
23:13:03.680 | -> linking to /sync-for-commerce-prerequisites#required-data-types (resolved as: /sync-for-commerce-prerequisites)
23:13:03.680 | -> linking to /sync-your-own-merchant-journey#data-mapping-configuration (resolved as: /sync-your-own-merchant-journey)
23:13:03.680 | -> linking to /sync-data-pushing
23:13:03.680 | -> linking to /mapping-specifications
23:13:03.680 |  
23:13:03.680 | - On source page path = /sfc/sync-for-commerce-faqs:
23:13:03.680 | -> linking to /initiating-a-sync
23:13:03.680 | -> linking to /synchronization-schedule
23:13:03.680 |  
23:13:03.681 | - On source page path = /sfc/sync-for-commerce-knowledge-base/initiating-a-sync:
23:13:03.681 | -> linking to /synchronization-schedule
23:13:03.681 |  
23:13:03.681 | - On source page path = /sfc/sync-for-commerce-knowledge-base/monitoring-a-sync:
23:13:03.681 | -> linking to /error-documentation#status-codes (resolved as: /error-documentation)
23:13:03.681 | -> linking to /error-documentation#error-messages (resolved as: /error-documentation)
23:13:03.681 |  
23:13:03.681 | - On source page path = /sfc/sync-for-commerce-knowledge-base/sfc-sales-product-categories:
23:13:03.681 | -> linking to /sfc-sales-categories-mapping#congifure-sales-categories (resolved as: /sfc-sales-categories-mapping)
23:13:03.681 | -> linking to /customizing-the-sync-configuration-flow#how-to-change-the-visibility-of-feature-categories-accounts (resolved as: /customizing-the-sync-configuration-flow)
23:13:03.681 | -> linking to /customizing-the-sync-configuration-flow#sales-feature-categories (resolved as: /customizing-the-sync-configuration-flow)
23:13:03.681 |  
23:13:03.681 | - On source page path = /sfc/sync-for-commerce-knowledge-base/sync-data-model:
23:13:03.681 | -> linking to /mapping-and-grouping-1
23:13:03.681 |  
23:13:03.681 | - On source page path = /sfc/sync-for-commerce-knowledge-base/synchronization-schedule:
23:13:03.681 | -> linking to /implementing-codats-no-code-merchant-configuration
23:13:03.681 |  
23:13:03.681 | - On source page path = /sfc/sync-merchant-configuration/overview:
23:13:03.681 | -> linking to /sync-your-own-merchant-journey
23:13:03.681 | -> linking to /implementing-codats-no-code-merchant-configuration
23:13:03.681 |  
23:13:03.681 | - On source page path = /sfc/sync-merchant-configuration/sync-your-own-merchant-journey:
23:13:03.681 | -> linking to /sync-your-own-merchant-journey#creating-a-company-and-establishing-a-data-connection (resolved as: /sync-your-own-merchant-journey)
23:13:03.681 | -> linking to /sync-your-own-merchant-journey#data-mapping-configuration (resolved as: /sync-your-own-merchant-journey)
23:13:03.681 | -> linking to /sync-your-own-merchant-journey#ongoing-configuration (resolved as: /sync-your-own-merchant-journey)
23:13:03.682 | -> linking to /sync-your-own-merchant-journey#disabling-a-data-connection (resolved as: /sync-your-own-merchant-journey)
23:13:03.682 | -> linking to /sync-platform-selection
23:13:03.682 | -> linking to /step-1-authenticate
23:13:03.682 | -> linking to /redirect-urls
23:13:03.682 | -> linking to /synchronization-schedule
23:13:03.682 | -> linking to /implementing-codats-no-code-merchant-configuration
23:13:03.682 | -> linking to /sync-data-model
23:13:03.682 |  
23:13:03.682 | - On source page path = /sync-for-expenses/gettingstarted:
23:13:03.682 | -> linking to /authorize-embedded-link
23:13:03.682 | -> linking to /use-link-for-the-authentication-flow
23:13:03.682 | -> linking to /build-your-own-authentication-journey
23:13:03.682 |  
23:13:03.685 | - On source page path = /sync-for-expenses/sync-process/uploading-receipts:
23:13:03.685 | -> linking to /data-model/accounting/-attachments#options-for-pushing-attachments-to-the-accounting-platform (resolved as: /data-model/accounting/-attachments)
23:13:03.685 | -> linking to /using-postman-to-call-the-api
23:13:03.685 |  
23:13:03.685 | - On source page path = /using-the-api/errors:
23:13:03.685 | -> linking to /status-codes#example-account-limit-errors (resolved as: /status-codes)
23:13:03.685 |  
23:13:03.685 | - On source page path = /using-the-api/managing-companies-1:
23:13:03.685 | -> linking to /your-first-call-to-the-api-using-api-explorer#retrieve-platform-keys (resolved as: /your-first-call-to-the-api-using-api-explorer)
23:13:03.685 | -> linking to /accounting-platform-keys
23:13:03.685 | -> linking to /commerce-platform-keys
23:13:03.685 | -> linking to /authorize-hosted-link
23:13:03.685 | -> linking to /redirect-urls
23:13:03.685 | -> linking to /data-status
23:13:03.685 | -> linking to /queueing-data-syncs
23:13:03.685 |  
23:13:03.685 | - On source page path = /using-the-api/ordering-results:
23:13:03.685 | -> linking to /querying-1
23:13:03.685 |  
23:13:03.685 | - On source page path = /using-the-api/querying:
23:13:03.686 | -> linking to /querying-1#invoices-to-a-particular-customer (resolved as: /querying-1)
23:13:03.686 |  
23:13:03.686 | - On source page path = /using-the-api/queueing-data-syncs-1:
23:13:03.686 | -> linking to /data-sync-settings