coddingtonbear / obsidian-local-rest-api

Unlock your automation needs by interacting with your notes in Obsidian over a secure REST API.
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The OpenAPI Spec Leads to Errors using openapi-generator-cli #57

Closed juangamnik closed 1 year ago

juangamnik commented 1 year ago

When using e.g. typescript-axios OpenAPI generator, the spec validator spills out an error:

Exception in thread "main" org.openapitools.codegen.SpecValidationException: There were issues with the specification. The option can be disabled via validateSpec (Maven/Gradle) or --skip-validate-spec (CLI).
 | Error count: 1, Warning count: 0
    -attribute paths.'/search/'(post).responses.200.content.'application/json'.schema.items is missing

    at org.openapitools.codegen.config.CodegenConfigurator.toContext(
    at org.openapitools.codegen.config.CodegenConfigurator.toClientOptInput(
    at org.openapitools.codegen.cmd.Generate.execute(
    at org.openapitools.codegen.OpenAPIGenerator.main(

If you ignore it with --skip-validate-spec option, the generated code cannot be compiled because an Array type (for the search api) is generated without type parameter.

I have a "corrected" version of the search api (in the openapi.yaml), which generates and compiles, but I am unsure, whether this is a valid solution (instead of using the "oneOf"-variant I copied the definition of the 200-result of /search/simple/:

<                   required:
<                   - "filename"
<                   - "result"
<                     result:
<                       oneOf:
<                         - type: string
<                         - type: number
<                         - type: array
<                         - type: object
<                         - type: boolean
>                     score:
>                       type: number
>                     matches:
>                       type: array
>                       items:
>                         type: object
>                         required:
>                         - "match"
>                         - "context"
>                         properties:
>                           match:
>                             type: object
>                             required:
>                             - "start"
>                             - "end"
>                             properties:
>                               start:
>                                 type: number
>                               end:
>                                 type: number
>                           context:
>                             type: string
coddingtonbear commented 1 year ago

I'm somewhat surprised that validation would fail given that we build from our OpenAPI spec using OpenAPI tools, but, maybe? I'm not sure offhand if the spec you've presented here matches, and it might be some time before I will be able to find the time to double-check things. Maybe try running a few of the searches to see if it matches in all cases?

juangamnik commented 1 year ago

As soon as I have some searches to make I will test them and give feedback. In the meantime here you may find a test project with both variants (i.e., original OpenAPI yaml and my adapted version). Just call npm run generate-obsidian-client. It will fail. If you change in the package.json the generate command to use obsidian-rest-api-openapi.yaml instead, it does not complain anymore.

coddingtonbear commented 1 year ago

I've taken a moment to validate our OpenAPI schema across a few different validators online and I'm afraid all confirm that our schema is valid as-is. I understand that that's not the answer you're looking for and I apologize for that, but right now I'm currently of the belief that maybe this is a limitation of the particular tool you're using.

This isn't the end of the conversation, though -- absolutely do feel free to start a discussion about this in the discussions tab or find somebody to work with you on putting together a PR correcting the problem if you can find one.

Cheers & good luck!

juangamnik commented 1 year ago

Did you download my example and try it out? That takes 2mins. The „particular tool“ is openapitools/openapi-generator-cli, which is an official openapi tool IIRC.

Can you please name/link me the validators? With this information I can file an issue at OpenAI.

coddingtonbear commented 1 year ago

I'm sorry to say that, no, I didn't take the time to try out what you've posted. I am sure you can understand that I've got a lot of competing priorities, and I have to be extremely judicious regarding what I agree to spend my time on open-source wise.
Although I understand that your use case is important to you, it's not currently in the scope of this project to accommodate every third-party tool; so just confirming that the provided spec is valid is as much time as I'm personally able to commit to this.

I know that that's not what you want to hear, and I'm sorry about that! You can definitely feel free to start a discussion via the Discussions tab to see if you can find folks to help you land on a solution to your problem if you're so inclined to do that; you might even find folks wiling to download your example above so they can help you narrow-in on a solution that works. If you do find a solution to your problem that does not negatively impact this project's use case for that file (generating accurate online documentation), absolutely do feel free to post a pull request, but please understand that the docs that that file generates are the important part.

In case you are still curious about what validations I tried; I tried the below, roughly in this order:

  1. Opening the file in VSCode (which is really just essentially the same thing as...)
  2. Validating it against this schema:
  3. Opening it in
  4. And validating it via

No validations failed in any case. It seems extremely likely that your particular tool requires that the YAML be somewhat more strict than the standard.

Cheers & good luck! I hope some other folks with a little more time are able to help you find a solution!