code-423n4 / 2021-04-marginswap-findings

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Multisig wallets can't be used for liquidate #13

Open code423n4 opened 3 years ago

code423n4 commented 3 years ago

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Vulnerability details

The function liquidate, which is defined in both CrossMarginLiquidation.sol and IsolatedMarginLiquidation.sol, includes the modifier noIntermediary. This modifier prevents the use of Multisig wallets.


If the maintainer happens to use a multisig wallet he might not experience any issues until he tries to call the function liquidate. At that moment he can't successfully call the function.

Recommended mitigation steps

Verify if the prevention to use multisig wallets is intentional. In that case add a comment to the liquidate functions. If it is not intentional update the code so multisigs wallets can be supported.