In function transferERC721(), the array value stored in a mapping timelockERC721Keys[nftContract][i] is read three times in three different places within the loop iteration. This consumes a lot of unnecessary gas because SLOADs are expensive. This can be prevented by saving the value timelockERC721Keys[nftContract][i] in a temporary bytes32 variable at the beginning of the iteration and using that instead.
Vulnerability details
In function transferERC721(), the array value stored in a mapping timelockERC721Keys[nftContract][i] is read three times in three different places within the loop iteration. This consumes a lot of unnecessary gas because SLOADs are expensive. This can be prevented by saving the value timelockERC721Keys[nftContract][i] in a temporary bytes32 variable at the beginning of the iteration and using that instead.
Proof of Concept
Use 1:
Use 2:
Use 3:
Tools Used
Manual Analysis
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Save the value timelockERC721Keys[nftContract][i] in a temporary bytes32 variable at the beginning of the iteration and using that instead