code-423n4 / 2021-06-gro-findings

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redundant check of array length #12

Open code423n4 opened 3 years ago

code423n4 commented 3 years ago



Vulnerability details


The function _stableToUsd and _stableToLp check that the size of the input array is right. However because that parameter definition also contains the length (e.g. [N_COINS] ), it is already checked by solidity.

So checking it again is not necessary. Note: if this would be necessary than it should also be done at the other functions that have an input parameter with [N_COINS], see at Proof of concept.

Proof of Concept

// function _stableToUsd(uint256[N_COINS] memory tokenAmounts, bool deposit) internal view returns (uint256) { require(tokenAmounts.length == N_COINS, "deposit: !length"); ...

function _stableToLp(uint256[N_COINS] memory tokenAmounts, bool deposit) internal view returns (uint256) {
    require(tokenAmounts.length == N_COINS, "deposit: !length");

Other functions with a [N_COINS] parameter: .\Controller.sol: function distributeCurveAssets(uint256 amount, uint256[N_COINS] memory delta) external onlyWhitelist { .\DepositHandler.sol: function _invest(uint256[N_COINS] memory _inAmounts, uint256 roughUsd) internal returns (uint256 dollarAmount) { .\DepositHandler.sol: function roughUsd(uint256[N_COINS] memory inAmounts) private view returns (uint256 usdAmount) { .\WithdrawHandler.sol: function withdrawAllBalanced(bool pwrd, uint256[N_COINS] calldata minAmounts) external override { .\insurance\Exposure.sol: function getUnifiedAssets(address[N_COINS] calldata vaults) .\insurance\Exposure.sol: function calculateStableCoinExposure(uint256[N_COINS] memory directlyExposure, uint256 curveExposure) .\insurance\Insurance.sol: function calculateWithdrawalAmountsOnPartVaults(uint256 amount, address[N_COINS] memory vaults) .\insurance\Insurance.sol: function calculateWithdrawalAmountsOnAllVaults(uint256 amount, address[N_COINS] memory vaults) .\pools\LifeGuard3Pool.sol: function distributeCurveVault(uint256 amount, uint256[N_COINS] memory delta) .\pools\LifeGuard3Pool.sol: function invest(uint256 depositAmount, uint256[N_COINS] calldata delta) .\pools\LifeGuard3Pool.sol: function _withdrawUnbalanced(uint256 inAmount, uint256[N_COINS] memory delta) private { .\pools\oracle\Buoy3Pool.sol: function stableToUsd(uint256[N_COINS] calldata inAmounts, bool deposit) external view override returns (uint256) { .\pools\oracle\Buoy3Pool.sol: function stableToLp(uint256[N_COINS] calldata tokenAmounts, bool deposit) external view override returns (uint256) {

Tools Used

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Remove : require(tokenAmounts.length == N_COINS, "deposit: !length");