code-423n4 / 2021-06-tracer-findings

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Wrong trading pricing calculations #119

Open code423n4 opened 3 years ago

code423n4 commented 3 years ago



Vulnerability details


In the Pricing contract, an agent can manipulate the trading prices by spamming an high amount of trades.

Indeed an agent can create an high amount of orders at an arbitrary price and with a near-zero amount (so the agent doesn't even need large funds); next he/she pairs the orders with another account and calls Trader.executeTrade; now every order calls a Pricing.recordTrade using the arbitrary price set by the agent.

Since the trades are all made in the same hour, by the way hourlyTracerPrices[currentHour] is calculated, it skews the average price towards the price set by the agent. This arbitrary value is used to calculate the fundingRates and the fairPrice, letting a malicious agent get the ability to manipulate the market.

Proof of Concept

Tools Used

Manual analysis

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Pass the fillAmount parameter to recordTrade(...), and calculate hourlyTracerPrices[currentHour].trades summing fillAmount instead of 1 every trade.

raymogg commented 3 years ago

Issue is valid, and there appear to be a few other issues that reference similar problems.

The Trader contract will have a whitelist allowing only select relayers to push orders on chain. As long as off chain order books have sufficient liquidity, this issue is then mitigated as users can't just arbitrarily match orders and send them in, they must be matched on a book with liquidity. To alter the price you would then need to eat through significant liquidity (increasing the cost of this attack).