code-423n4 / 2021-06-tracer-findings

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Missing timelock for critical parameter changing operations by owner

Closed code423n4 closed 3 years ago

code423n4 commented 3 years ago



Vulnerability details


The owner of TracerPerpetualSwaps contract, who is potentially untrusted as per specification, can change the market critical parameters such as the addresses of the Liquidation/Pricing/Insurance/GasOracle/FeeReceiver and also critical values such as feeRate, maxLeverage, fundingRateSensitivity, deleveragingCliff, lowestMaxLeverage and insurancePoolSwitchStage.

None of these changes provide a window of opportunity for the market participants to react and adjust their participation accordingly i.e. continue to engage or withdraw if changes are deemed risky or unprofitable.

Impact: Malicious owner changes the critical addresses or values that significantly change the security posture/perception and/or profitability of the protocol. Users cannot disengage in time and lose profits/funds/confidence. The protocol takes a reputation hit.

Proof of Concept

See similar Medium-severity finding in ConsenSys's Audit of 1inch Liquidity Protocol (

Tools Used

Manual Analysis

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Consensys’s Recommendation for the above referenced similar finding: “ We recommend giving the user advance notice of changes with a time lock. For example, make all system-parameter and upgrades require two steps with a mandatory time window between them. The first step merely broadcasts to users that a particular change is coming, and the second step commits that change after a suitable waiting period. This allows users that do not accept the change to withdraw immediately.”

raymogg commented 3 years ago

Duplicate of #66