code-423n4 / 2021-07-sherlock-findings

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Saving gas by checking the last-recorded block number #150

Open code423n4 opened 3 years ago

code423n4 commented 3 years ago



Vulnerability details


The _accrueSherX function of LibSherX and the payOffDebtAll function of LibPool can be called multiple times in the same block (from different users and transactions). If the current block number is the same as the last-recorded one, it is possible to save gas by early returning at the beginning of the functions.

Proof of Concept

Referenced code: LibSherX.sol#L123-L141 LibPool.sol#L84-L95

Recommended Mitigation Steps

For example, consider re-writing _accrueSherX as follows:

function _accrueSherX(IERC20 _token, uint256 sherXPerBlock) private returns (uint256 sherX) {
  PoolStorage.Base storage ps =;
  if (block.number == ps.sherXLastAccrued) {
    return 0;
  sherX = block.number.sub(ps.sherXLastAccrued).mul(sherXPerBlock).mul(ps.sherXWeight).div(
  // need to settle before return, as updating the sherxperlblock/weight
  // after it was 0 will result in a too big amount (accured will be < block.number)
  ps.sherXLastAccrued = uint40(block.number);
  if (address(_token) == address(this)) {
    ps.stakeBalance = ps.stakeBalance.add(sherX);
  } else {
    ps.unallocatedSherX = ps.unallocatedSherX.add(sherX);
    ps.sWeight = ps.sWeight.add(sherX);
Evert0x commented 3 years ago