code-423n4 / 2021-07-spartan-findings

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Improper access control of `claimAllForMember` allows anyone to reduce the weight of a member #235

Open code423n4 opened 3 years ago

code423n4 commented 3 years ago



Vulnerability details


The claimAllForMember function of Dao is permissionless, allowing anyone to claim the unlocked bonded LP tokens for any member. However, claiming a member's LP tokens could decrease the member's weight in the BondVault, thus affecting the member's votes and rewards in the Dao contract.

Proof of Concept

For example, an attacker can intentionally front-run a victim's voteProposal call to decrease the victim's vote weight to prevent the proposal from being finalized:

  1. Supposing the victim's member weight in the BondVault is 201, the total weight is 300. The victim has some LP tokens claimable from the vault, and if claimed, the victim's weight will be decreased to 101. To simplify the situation, assuming that the victim's weight in the DaoVault and the total weight of the DaoVault are both 0.
  2. The victim wants to vote on the current proposal, which requires the majority consensus. If the victim calls voteProposal, the proposal will be finalized since the victim has the majority weight (201/300 > 66.6%).
  3. An attacker does not want the proposal to be finalized, so he calls claimAllForMember with the victim as the parameter to intentionally decrease the victim's weight.
  4. As a result, the victim's weight is decreased to 101, and the total weight is decreased to 200. The victim cannot finalize the proposal since he has no majority anymore (101/200 < 66.6%).

Similarly, an attacker can front-run a victim's harvest call to intentionally decrease the victim's reward since the amount of reward is calculated based on the victim's current weight.

Referenced code: Dao.sol#L179-L206 Dao.sol#L276-L285 Dao.sol#L369-L383 Dao.sol#L568-L574 Dao.sol#L577-L586 BondVault.sol#L104-L117 BondVault.sol#L120-L129 BondVault.sol#L155-L162

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Consider removing the member parameter in the claimAllForMember function and replace all member to msg.sender to allow only the user himself to claim unlocked bonded LP tokens.

verifyfirst commented 3 years ago

Although a low risk issue, it is valid and the suggested mitigation is correctly proposed.

ghoul-sol commented 3 years ago

Making this medium risk as no funds are lost.