code-423n4 / 2021-08-gravitybridge-findings

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The function `updateValset` does not have enough sanity checks #51

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago



Vulnerability details

updateValset does not have enough sanity checks

In updateValset function, the current set of validators adds a new set.

It is missing the check that the combined power of all new validators is above the state_powerThreshold. If this is false, then the contract is effectively stuck. Consider adding an on-chain check for this.

It is also worth adding a that the size of the new validator check is less than a certain number.

Here is a rough calculation explaining how 10000 validators (an extreme example) is too much:

  1. Let us say that the new set of validators have the property that at least, say, N validators are needed to get the total threshold above state_powerThreshold.
  2. Since each validating signature requires a call to ecrecover, costing at least 3000 gas, the minimum gas needed for getting a proposal over state_powerThreshold would be N * 3000
  3. N * 3000 cannot be more than the block.gaslimit Currently, this puts N to be less than 10000

Another approach to solve the above potential problems is to do the updating as a two step process:

  1. The current set of validators proposes a pending set of validators.
  2. And the pending set of validators need to do the transition to become the new set of validators. Going through the same threshold checks.

This guarantees that the new set of validators has enough power to pass threshold and doesn't have gas limit issues in doing so.

jkilpatr commented 2 years ago

Semi duplicate of #63, #37 which describes the power sum issue

Also a semi duplicate of #9 which describes the block size issue

these are both valid and should be assigned congruent severity with the duplicates.

loudoguno commented 2 years ago

reopening as per judges assessment as "primary issue" on findings sheet