code-423n4 / 2021-09-bvecvx-findings

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Arithmetic Error - `manualRebalance` function has multiple arithmetic bugs #40

Closed code423n4 closed 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 3 years ago



Vulnerability details

1> Expanding on the first one - checking newLockRatio < = currentLockRatio is incorrect as newLockRatio is the new total amount of CVX to lock in the locker and we are comparing it with a the ratio of (cvx in (locker * 10 **18)/totalCVXBalance).

Solution: Instead the if should be like if (newLockRatio <= balanceInLock) {

2> Expanding on the second one - Calculation mistake in calculating cvxToLock in manualRebalance function.

so lets say the total balanceInLock = 100 * 1018 wei totalCVXBalance = 200 * 10*18 wei toLock = 7_000 then currentLockRatio = 5 1017 and newLockRatio = 140 * 10**18 wei

to calculate the cvxToLock in the function on line #488 we do this uint256 cvxToLock = newLockRatio.sub(currentLockRatio); which gives an incorrect answer as newLockRatio is the total funds to lock into the CVX Locker according to the new ratio.

Solution: Therefore cvxToLock should be calculated as uint256 cvxToLock = newLockRatio.sub(balanceInLock);

Also the variable newLockRatio should be named newLockAmount and currentLockRatio definition and references should be removed from the manualRebalance function

GalloDaSballo commented 3 years ago

Agree with the finding, the math is wrong

We will mitigate by deleting the function and usingmanualSendbCVXToVault as way to manually rebalance

GalloDaSballo commented 3 years ago

We mitigated by rewriting manualRebalance following the advice of the warden

ghoul-sol commented 2 years ago

duplicat of #47